Endocrine Diseases

Diet for hypothyroidism thyroid obese women. Menu for the week for weight loss, diet 8, Zubarev

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Symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, depression, accompanied by more than one disease. hypothyroidism thyroid It is detected by a blood test for certain hormones. It requires not only medication, but also compliance with a special diet, because women there is a significant increase in weight.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the disease
  • 2 The rules of construction in hypothyroidism diet
  • 3 Authorized products
  • 4 Fully or partially restricted products
  • 5 prohibited products
  • 6 diets options
  • 7 Menu for weight loss in obesity
  • 8 recommendations Zubareva
  • 9 Video of hypothyroidism thyroid

What is the disease

Hypothyroidism - a disease that occurs when reducing production of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. According to statistics, this diagnosis diagnosed in women over 40, men - are extremely rare. Initially, the symptoms of hypothyroidism symptoms are: lethargy, attention, swelling of the face, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, intolerance to cold.Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss

Then there are the symptoms of the cardiovascular, nervous, hematopoietic systems: pressure surges, bradycardia (a rare pulse), a violation of a woman's cycle, forgetfulness, sometimes - anemia (low hemoglobin in the blood), depression, speed dial weight.

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In the presence of at least some of these symptoms, you must come to the reception to the endocrinologist.

The causes of the disease may include: thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland), surgery on the thyroid gland, certain medications, severe iodine deficiency. To exclude or confirm the diagnosis of "hypothyroidism" allow blood test triiodothyronine (referred to as T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

All three substances are interconnected: by reducing the amount of thyroid (T3 and T4) hormone, pituitary gland increases production of TSH (this is one of the brain). At high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone in the presence of the above symptoms, the physician has all bases disease state.

The rules of construction in hypothyroidism diet

Thyroid hormones are essential for proper metabolism, maintain optimum body temperature, water and salt balance. Without thyroid hormone is not possible the growth and development of cells and tissues; the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system.Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss

With insufficient amount T3 and T4 slowing biochemical processes in the body. As a result - weight gain, swelling and digestive problems. To cope with the unpleasant manifestations of the disease will enable tailor-made medications and a special diet.

Diet for hypothyroidism thyroid in women can help: increase metabolism, lose weight, remove edemas, to stop the development of atherosclerosis.

The basic rules of nutritional therapy are as follows:

  • meals and frequent small meals 5-6 times a day;
  • the basis of the diet - protein foods while limiting the amount of fat and carbohydrates;
  • Optimal caloric intake from 2200 to 2400 kcal (normal weight);
  • preferred boiling, stewing, baking and cooking in a pair;
  • Meats should be replaced with fish, seafood;
  • obligatory Menu: iodine-containing products; fruits and vegetables (preferably fresh);
  • the maximum amount of liquid drunk per day - 1.5 l;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • food should be diverse, rich in fiber and vitamins.

Iodine - is the most important trace mineral, building material for the formation of thyroid hormones. Its deficiency can be partly make up for the food. Most rich iodine Products: seaweed, fish and seafood, cheese, egg yolk. Iodized salt useful to add unheated dish ready to ½ iodine not evaporated during heating.

It is proved that iodine effect is enhanced by the presence of selenium.

Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss
Diet for hypothyroidism thyroid cancer in women

This trace element involved in the formation of cancer protection from the damaging effects of free radicals. With a lack of selenium reduced control over the generation of optimal amounts of hormones. High selenium content observed in wheat and oat bran, sunflower seeds, salmon, cottage cheese, egg, chick-pea, bean, rice, lentils, pistachios, garlic.

Iron, copper and zinc - these minerals also inextricably linked with the exchange of iodine and thyroid function. When iron shortage amount T3 is reduced by more than 40%, and T4 - more than 60%. Copper controls the T4 level, is involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.

Zinc is a structure of the receptors to the hormone T3; in turn, do hormones affect the content of trace elements in the body. All 3 of the substance can be obtained from conventional products such as bran, buckwheat, lentils, peas, eggs, nuts, oatmeal.

In some cases, in conjunction with drug therapy and diet doctor may prescribe drugs and iodine complexes of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins help to normalize the metabolism and are needed to complete the work of the thyroid gland. Vitamin C - antioxidant, it combats atherosclerosis and reinforces the vessel wall, thereby counteracting edema. Vitamin A is essential for synthesis of T3, T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss

Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, it contributes to a better absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and others of the group, affect many metabolic processes, in particular, indispensable in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Authorized products

Diet food can be both tasty and varied. The main thing - to choose the right ingredients.

The table provides a detailed overview of the products that are useful for the thyroid gland:

products The composition and value
Fish Cod, sea bass, salmon, flounder, salmon, chum salmon, tuna, mackerel, horse mackerel, - contain large amounts of iodine (a list is given of the maximum value). This protein products are composed of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron.
Seafood Squid, shrimp, mussels, scallops, - include iodine, vitamins, vitamins A, E, zinc, copper, phosphorus, calcium.
Meat "White" chicken, turkey - a source of protein. It contains the amino acid tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. As part of the B vitamins, trace elements: zinc, iron, potassium, iodine.
Vegetables, herbs Furthermore Cruciferae (cabbage, radish, turnip, radish), all useful in vegetables, particularly fresh. But there are those that have the most curative in hypothyroidism.

Beet, garden lettuce contain iodine.

Carrots, spinach, celery (green), pumpkin, parsley, onions, bell peppers, - rich in vitamin A.

Vitamin C is found in bell peppers, dill, parsley, spinach, sorrel.

Cilantro, spinach, parsley, green onions are composed of antioxidant vitamin E.

B vitamins comprise: leek, paprika, garlic, spinach (vitamin B1); green onion, celery (B2); garlic, pepper, dill (B6).

Seaweed Laminaria (kelp): record content of iodine (50 g daily rate); selenium, iron; vitamins A, C, D, E.

Bladder (kelp): iodine, zinc, iron, selenium, calcium, vitamins C, E, W. It has as part of fucoidan, which lowers cholesterol, boosts the immune system and is an antioxidant.

Fruits and berries Fruits and berries are composed of vitamins, minerals, fiber, structured water. Therefore, you should complement the menu every day. Particular attention should be paid to the persimmon, kiwi and pineapple guava, - in view of the available iodine in their composition. The greatest amount of vitamin C include: rose, blackcurrant, buckthorn, kiwi fruit, orange, grapefruit, lemon, mandarin. Avocado presence useful in the composition of vitamins, copper, vitamin C.
Milk products Low-fat milk, cottage cheese, dairy products, cheese - all of these foods are rich in vitamins A, B2, B6, contain iodine.
Cereals, porridge The most valuable for thyroid buckwheat, millet, barley, oats (vitamin B complex, vitamin E, iodine, selenium).
Dried fruits, nuts, seeds Dried apricots, prunes, figs, brazil nuts, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds (iodine, selenium, zinc, potassium, tyrosine, vitamin A, B vitamins).
pulse Peas, beans, lentils - are composed of valuable vegetable protein, zinc, tyrosine, vitamin B, vitamin E.
Beverages Recommended: purified water to 1.5 l; juice (preferably freshly prepared, dilute, no sugar), poor welding tea, fruit drinks, broth hips.
Bread Eat a small amount of rye bread, whole wheat bread or flour of 2 grades, with bran.

Fully or partially restricted products

As a rule, the restrictions relating to high-calorie foods that contain cholesterol, and "fast" carbohydrates:

products require restrictions
Fish Fish with high fat content: eel, sturgeon, saury, herring, salmon, trout. Fish broth. Fish roe.
Meat Meats: pork, beef. Meat broth.
Milk products Cream 15% fat cream 10%.
eggs The yolk is composed of cholesterol, vysokokalorien. It is recommended to use no more than three eggs a week, cook an omelet protein.
fats Butter should be consumed is limited. Better use of linseed oil and olive oil (rich in omega-3), sunflower oil (containing vitamins A, E, D).
Sugar Including jam. It is better to use a natural sweetener based on the stevia syrup Jerusalem artichoke.
flour products Baking of flour, pasta from soft wheat. Contain a "fast" carbohydrates, which in contrast to the "slow" absorbed in the short term, but provide little energy and is easily converted to fat.

If hypothyroidism is accompanied by significant weight gain (obesity), problems with the cardiovascular system, many of the products from this list go to the category prohibited.

prohibited products

Diet for hypothyroidism thyroid in women will be effective if you stick to the rules of daily nutritional care and long-term. And completely abandon the products that are prohibited during hypothyroidism.

prohibited products

Fatty meats Pork fat, lamb, goose, duck. Fat. Offal (liver, kidneys).
Milk products Condensed milk, sour cream 20% or higher, double cream.
Cheese and curd fat Cheese 30% 18% curd.
Cruciferous vegetables Cabbage, radish, turnip, radish, turnip. It is composed of substances which impede the absorption of iodine.
Fruit, dried fruit Bananas, grapes. Raisins.
soybean It contains isoflavones that inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
mushrooms All kinds of fungi.
Alcohol a large number of thyroid hormone is required for the processing of alcohol, which is already insufficient.
Bakery products Baking and other sweet pastries: high calorie.
Sweets Ice cream, chocolate, sweets, cakes.
Sausage, canned, smoked, salted All sausages (except doctoral), sausages, sausages. Canned meat and fish. Salted and smoked meat, fish, lard. These are products with a high fat, salt, food additives (colorants, preservatives).
Oils and fats Margarine, pork fat, beef fat, cooking fat.
Fast food As part of harmful additives: soy, GMO, preservatives.
Sauces, seasonings Mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar.
Beverages Cola and similar drinks, including energy. Strong coffee and cocoa.

diets options

Typically, clinical nutrition plan is so that with the help of a diet low-calorie, you can activate the metabolism. There are several kinds of diets are effective in low thyroid function. Diet Mary Chaumont - a power system developed by the American writer, found on his experience what hypothyroidism.

After analyzing the materials for disease research, Chaumont came to the conclusion that a compilation of clinical nutrition plan should be individualized.

Each patient is invited to identify their calorie diet menu. The calculation is as follows: first the weight in kilograms multiplied by 25, then the received number is subtracted from 200. For example, a weight of 70 kg is to receive in the diet in 1550 kcals (70 x 25 = 1750 - 200 = 1550).Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss

This is the required amount of calories, which will be sufficient for the normalization of metabolic processes. If we stick to a rigid diet, you can get the opposite effect: the metabolism will slow down, and weight, as a result, to grow.

The basic rules of diet Mary Chaumont:

  • eat often, at least 5-6 times a day;
  • menu, you can make from the products mentioned in the list of permitted;
  • more likely to use products containing tyrosine: "white" chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit, lean fish, low-fat dairy products, avocados, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, lentils, oregano (Origanum), parsley, fennel, spinach, basil;
  • be sure to include in the menu iodine-containing products, seasoning food iodized salt, but not more than 2 times per week;
  • include in the diet of porridge: buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • eat vegetables and fruit - vegetable meal supplies vitamins, minerals and fiber (improves intestinal motility);
  • to abandon the sweet (instead of sugar, stevia is recommended);
  • not to consume animal fats.

Calculation of their "nutritional" maximum careful selection of useful products and accurate execution Recommendations - This set of measures will allow to obtain from diet Mary Chaumont expected, good result.

Diet №8 - a "classic" of the Soviet dietetics. Developed by Professor M.I.Pevznerom, founder of the nutrition in the USSR. "Table №8» - one of 15 therapeutic diets for disease groups created by scientists. Diet focuses on weight loss and has been successfully used in hypothyroidism.

The power supply system is based on a low-calorie, but diverse menu includes the following recommendations:

  • daily caloric should not exceed 1700-1800 kcal;
  • receiving a rate of 90-110 g of protein, 70 g fat, carbohydrates 170-200 g;
  • allowable amount of salt 5-6 g per day; salt food should be already on the plate, not during cooking;
  • liquid not exceeding 1-1.5 liters; preference is given to herbal teas, unsweetened fruit juices, mineral water, vegetable juices;
  • as protein source is permitted: Lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken), lean fish, seafood;
  • more than half of the fat standards should provide vegetable oil, a smaller part - low-fat dairy products;
  • completely eliminated and sugar sweets (candies, jam, honey), as recommended natural Stevia sweetener;
  • limited consumption of bread to 100 g;
  • be sure to include a menu of fresh fruit and vegetables, bran; they contain dietary fiber, giving a feeling of fullness and helps cleanse the intestines;
  • recommended iodine products (detailed list given above); trace minerals selenium, zinc, copper and the like;
  • shows fasting days (1-2 times per week), fasting is prohibited;
  • for cooking is best to use cooking, stewing, roasting; frying excluded.

Diet for hypothyroidism thyroid obese women differs from the basic diet №8 more stringent requirements: the daily diet of no more than 1200-1300 calories; rejection of animal fat; restriction "slow" carbohydrates; permitted number of liquid from 0.8 to 1.2 liters. It should be noted that this version of the diet can only be prescribed by a doctor and take place under medical supervision.Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss

Each therapeutic feeding systems considered effective and has its own characteristics. But the basic requirements are similar: there is a little several times a day, making up a menu of authorized products that are rich in iodine and vitamins; and watch out for calories.

Menu for weight loss in obesity

Diet - it is always stressful for the body. Especially when you stick to a therapeutic diet takes a long time, as in the thyroid hypothyroidism in women with obesity. Nutritionists advise to think about the menu for the whole week at once. Planning is necessary also because it is required to calculate the energy value of foods in dishes, not to exceed the maximum allowable calories.

Here is one diet menu for weight loss:


  • Breakfast: Protein steam omelet, yogurt, tea with stevia.
  • Snack: an apple.
  • Lunch: ear from lean white fish, salad carrot with a vegetable oil, green tea with stevia.
  • Snack: Nuts (5-10 pcs.) Or fruit (1 pcs.) Of the allowed.
  • Dinner: baked chicken with vegetables, kiwi.


  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, whole wheat bread with cheese, freshly made juice.
  • Snack: orange.
  • Lunch: braised turkey with a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, baked apple.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, pumpkin seeds or sunflower.
  • Dinner: baked fish with a salad of seaweed with cucumber and sesame seeds, vegetable juice or fruit and vegetable.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water with seeds and berries, natural yogurt.
  • Snack: kiwi, nuts.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with beef, lettuce (spinach, lettuce different, tomatoes, sesame seeds, fill with oil with lemon juice), tea with stevia.
  • Snack: sandwich with whole grain bread and cheese or yogurt.
  • Dinner: Steam chicken cutlets with boiled wild rice, carrot salad, juice.


  • Breakfast: egg and salad of seaweed, whole wheat bread with butter, green tea with stevia.
  • Snack: low fat milk with cereal bread roll.
  • Lunch: steamed mussels (with onions, tomatoes and peppers), salad (lettuce different, cucumber, garlic, herbs, sesame seeds, fill with oil with lemon juice), a baked apple.
  • Snack: low fat curd with berries (100 g).
  • Dinner: stewed zucchini (onion, tomato, garlic, herbs), salad tomato and cucumber avocado, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with grated apple, sunflower seeds, whole grain bread with a slice of Adygei cheese and tea.
  • Snack: fruit and vegetable juice.
  • Lunch: low-fat chicken broth with egg, steamed vegetables, green tea with stevia.
  • Snack: Nuts, seeds or fruits (berries).
  • Dinner: fish steamed with boiled wild rice, vegetable juice.


  • Breakfast: cheese pancakes with a decoction of rose hips.
  • Snack: a salad of grated carrots with apple.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, salad of squid (with sea kale, cucumber), kiwi.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit compote with rye loaves.
  • Dinner: Steam veal with stewed vegetables, juice.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a slice of cheese, yogurt.
  • Snack: persimmon, or nuts, seeds.
  • Lunch: soup of lentils, salad (spinach, lettuce different, cucumbers, tomatoes, season with butter with lemon juice), juice.
  • Snack: low fat cottage cheese with apple slices or berries.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken with steamed vegetables, yogurt.

Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight lossIn addition to the transition to a new diet, it is useful to increase physical activity. Welcome any feasible load: morning exercise, bike or exercise bike, swimming or just walking. Studies show women who commit hour walking 3 times a week, 2 times suffer less cancer diseases.

recommendations Zubareva

Natalia Zubarev - endocrinologist, nutritionist, on integrative medicine specialist. Integrative medicine - is the latest trend, combining the achievements of traditional (European) medicine with Eastern experience. Prevention of disease and, in the case of an existing disease, the elimination of its causes - the basic principles of this field of medicine.Diet for hypothyroidism the thyroid gland in women with obesity. Menu for the week for weight loss

According to N. Zubareva, low thyroid function - one of the most common women's health problems. To intensify efforts gland needs a special set of "hormonally active" products. Diet for hypothyroidism thyroid in women who are overweight, at N. Zubareva is somewhat different from the above.

Here are the recommendations of the expert:

  • exclude products with phytoestrogens (wheat, rice, oats, lentils, barley, flax seed, carrots, garlic, apples, pomegranates, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, dried apricots, prunes, peaches, strawberries);
  • limit the consumption of foods with gluten (wheat, rye, oats, barley starch);
  • exclude products with omega-3 (sea fish fat, linseed oil, flax seed, olive oil);
  • limit vegetables from the cabbage family (all kinds of cabbage, turnips, radishes, radish);
  • in the diet increase the amount of protein (curd, cheese, seafood);
  • products rich in fiber, must be from 400 g or more;
  • fluid is allowed no more than 1.5 liters per day;
  • completely eliminate fast (simple) carbohydrates, restrict complex (slow);
  • monitor cholesterol levels;
  • eat 3 times a day, excluding snacks.

All 3 therapeutic feeding techniques aimed at maintaining the ability to produce thyroid hormones on metabolism acceleration. Biochemical processes in the body are very complex and to understand their nuances can only specialist. According to a survey endocrinologist will determine which diet in overweight women with hypothyroidism thyroid give the best results.

Video of hypothyroidism thyroid

Hypothyroidism thyroid cancer - symptoms, treatment:

Author: Prokhorov Sofia

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