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Vitamin D3: what is it for women like to take during menopause, pregnancy planning, after 30, 40 years. Preparations names, prices, reviews

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Vitamin D3 refers to biologically active compounds, which can be obtained from food. Joining the calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, it provides its full operation, prevents the development of serious diseases.

Preservation of bone density, the adequacy of the cardiovascular system - that's what it's for women, especially in menopause.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The role of vitamin D3 and the effect on the various systems of the body women
  • 2 Signs of a lack of D3 and possible complications
  • 3 The daily requirement for women
  • 4 Sources of revenue outside of Vitamin D3
  • 5 Factors that increase the body's need
  • 6 The consequence of low level in pregnant cholecalciferol
  • 7 Rules of vitamin D3
  • 8 Contraindications
  • 9 Interaction with other drugs
  • 10 Monopreparations drops, tablets, capsules
  • 11 Top 5 vitamins for women
  • 12 Videos on the topic: Vitamin D3

The role of vitamin D3 and the effect on the various systems of the body women

For a person 2 important form of fat soluble vitamins D - ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol. The latter material is also called vitamin D3, together with ergocalciferol and is responsible for the assimilation of calcium.

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Unlike vitamin D2, a person can only get with food, cholecalciferol is synthesized in the skin alone under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Reaching via transport proteins liver, intestine, kidney and subsequently, Vitamin undergoes a series of transformations that result becomes "working" shape - kaltsetriol.Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices

For female body this vitamin is especially important. On it depends the beauty of nails, hair, skin, unborn child's health and strength of bones of the woman. Monthly blood loss, pregnancy, menopause - all these factors lead to calcium loss, which affects the appearance and state of health.

menopause period is characterized by hormonal changes, calcium is "washed out" of bone activity, and its absorption in the gut slowing down. Own synthesis of vitamins, regulating its metabolism, is not enough, develops osteoporosis.

During pregnancy, there is something similar. The main reserves of calcium and phosphorus fed to the baby, and the woman again suffered their deficit. It kaltsetriol performs a function similar to steroid hormones, and is responsible for the absorption and distribution in the body Ca2+ and phosphate calcification of bone.

Key features of the prohormone:

  • genesis of calcium-binding proteins (calbindin);
  • genesis of enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, Ca-Mg-ATPase et al.);
  • speed regulation of calcium and phosphorus reabsorption in the renal tubules;
  • transit activation of calcium ions through the cell membrane;
  • regulation of growth and differentiation of bone marrow cells;
  • antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effects;
  • regulation of immune processes - stimulates B-lymphocytes, antibody synthesis.

The disadvantage of this material leads to severe deformity of musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis and impaired human motor activity, immune deficiency.

Cholecalciferol female body helps improve metabolism, to achieve optimal body weight, strengthen the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Signs of a lack of D3 and possible complications

The importance of vitamin D3, what is it for women can be understood by knowing the consequences of its deficiency.Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices

Deficiency of cholecalciferol occurs usually in childhood. In adults, most often it develops during pregnancy and lactation, with a shortage of solar insolation at cases involving violation of the processes of digestion and absorption in the small intestine, in the period menopause.

Violations that occur during hypovitaminosis D are observed by:

  • bones and joints;
  • bone marrow;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • the lymphatic system;
  • muscular system.

When D3 deficient children suffer from rickets. Adults also develop osteoporosis (bone loss) and osteomalacia (softening of her).

Major violations occur at the same time with the spine, hip bones and to a lesser degree of influence exerted on the bones of the lower extremities. May reduce the calcium content in the blood before the so-called rachitic tetany, t. E. convulsions.

In particular, the following phenomena may occur:

  • myelofibrosis;
  • mielodnaya dysplasia;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • anemia;
  • dysmotility intestine and stomach;
  • decrease the synthesis of immunoglobulins, interferon, inhibition of phagocytosis;
  • muscular hypotonia, spazmofiliya.

The first signs of a lack of vitamin D may be a depression, memory impairment, weight loss, frequent fractures, infectious diseases, bone deformation, destruction of teeth, arthralgia, muscle pain. In this case you should immediately consult your doctor to check your levels of the vitamin in the blood.

The daily requirement for women

The daily requirement for vitamin D3 varies depending on the sex, age and physiological state of man. The average dose for a child is 10-15 mg / day, for an adult somewhat lower - 2.5 to 10 g.

The amount of vitamin D3 - what it is for women in different doses - is related to the physiological development of women. Children's age, puberty, the reproductive period, menopause and postmenapauzalny periods - for each of them the need for vitamin is different, which is evident from of the table below.

A woman's age The need for vitamin D, IU
From 0 to 1 year 400
From 1 year to 13 years 100
From 14 to 16 years 100
From 17 to 45 years (reproductive age) 200-400
From 45 to 70 years 400-600
From 70 years and older 800
Pregnancy and lactation 400-600

Good nutrition provides the necessary dose of vitamin. And in periods when the demand for it increases, doctors recommend to revise the diet, add it foods rich in cholecalciferol. More about them will be discussed below.

Sources of revenue outside of Vitamin D3

Despite the fact that vitamin D3 is able to be synthesized in the body alone, the arrival of his food is also necessary, especially when the need for it is increasing. Vitamin D3 is found only in animal products.Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices

You find it possible to:

  • Cheese - 12 IU per 30 g .;
  • beef liver - from 15 to 50 IU per 100 g .;
  • egg yolk - 20 IU;
  • pork - 20-35 IU per 100 g .;
  • sardines - on '30 250 IU;
  • salmon - 360 IU per 90 g .;
  • cod liver fat - 1360 IU per 1 hour. l.

Do not forget that a certain percentage of the vitamin is synthesized in the skin by the action of sunlight.

This means that the daily walks in the fresh air, even on a cloudy day, will increase be ingested dose cholecalciferol.

Factors that increase the body's need

According to recent statistics, the majority of the world's population suffers from a lack of vitamin D. Lack of sunlight, urban smog, indoor clothes - the main factors contributing to the infringement of its synthesis.

Vitamin D3, as mentioned earlier, affects the condition of osteoarticular apparatus. He also needed to maintain immunity. In 50% of postmenopausal women lowered its serum concentration, which is why the need for vitamin increases dramatically.

For other periods, and states that the need for vitamin D3 increases, are:

  • presence of dark color - higher levels of melanin prevents the penetration of sunlight into the surface layers of the skin, preventing synthesized vitamin;
  • winter season - reduced daylight hours, in everyday life enters a dense, closed wear, increases the risk of infectious diseases;
  • accommodation in areas with low solar insolation;
  • professional factor (work in confined areas, basements, underground);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • teenage years;
  • condition after fractures and injuries;
  • Eating disorders (lack of vitamins from food);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases in which processes suction violated;
  • rickets;
  • kidney disease, liver;
  • alcoholism;
  • hypoparathyroidism.

Due to the ability of vitamin D3 to the accumulation in adipose tissue, and its reserves are not spent immediately, but gradually. This allows the body time to neutralize the lack of it in certain circumstances. But, nevertheless, the stocks must be replenished. This can be done by changing the diet or by adding to it more foods rich in cholecalciferol. Or using medicated drugs.

The consequence of low level in pregnant cholecalciferol

Vitamin D3 (what is it for women during pregnancy) contributes to the harmonious development of the fetus. Lack of it affects both the mother's body (leading to the development of osteoporosis and osteomalacia), and in the growing embryo.

Severe consequences for the child calciferol deficiency is rickets.

Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices
Due to lack of vitamin D3 in children developing rickets

The first signs of the disease in infants is associated with disorders of calcium metabolism. He participates in the work of the nervous system, causing its deficiency leads to the development of drowsiness, insomnia in children.

Such children often cry for no reason, capricious, covered with sweat. Later joined by signs of lesions of the musculoskeletal system - shifting the terms of teething, overgrown fontanelle. Such children appear typical rachitic appearance - "frog belly", deformed limbs, edema, alopecia neck.

Osteoporosis and osteomalacia in pregnant women are prone to fractures, fractures of bones, the development of caries. Injury musculoskeletal apparatus longer regenerate, possible bone and joint deformity.

Rules of vitamin D3

That vitamin D is absorbed better, doctors recommend taking it along with vegetable fats. Provided that the human body in sufficient quantities synthesizes fats and bile, vitamin D is metabolized by 90%. Otherwise digestibility decreases to 60%.

In those cases, when coming from food vitamin is poorly absorbed or the amount of food is insufficient in the diet is necessary to add additional sources of D3 in the form of medicines.

There are 2 ways of administration of vitamin - per os (m. e. by mouth, orally) and intramuscular injection (injection). Inside you can take the medication in drops or tablets. It is recommended to drink with the medicine with milk. Dose, timing of reception and method of administration chosen exclusively with doctor's advice. Self fraught overdose.

As a fat-soluble substance, vitamin D3 is prone to accumulation (accumulation) in the body that causes toxicity. Overdose of the drug may lead to the head, muscle and joint pain, depression, mental disorders, polyuria, hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, calcium nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), calcinosis, nausea, vomiting, constipation.

Especially important is the selection of the dosage of vitamin in pregnancy. With teratogenic, D3 may promote the occurrence of hypercalcemia in the mother. This will lead to mental retardation in children, the appearance of his atherosclerosis at an early age, suppress thyroid function, elfopodobnoy appearance.

The maximum allowable daily dose calciferol - 5000 IU. Before you begin using the vitamin in the form of drugs, should be investigated in the blood level.


Another argument in favor of the appointment of the drug and the selection of its dosage should be engaged in the physician, is the presence of contraindications to the cholecalciferol.

Take vitamin D3 stands with caution in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • prolonged immobilization, t. e. immobilization;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • atherosclerosis;Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices
  • gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

If excessive use of vitamin develops gipervitaminoznoe state. It manifests itself in violation of general condition, the development of symptoms of poisoning. The first such symptoms are an absolute indication to stop taking the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

All preparations in relation to vitamin D3 can be divided into four groups:

  • substances that do not affect its absorption.
  • means that accelerate the metabolism of vitamin.
  • medications that slow down the process of absorption in the intestine.
  • substances, which affect the pharmacodynamics himself calciferol.

D3 processes increase absorption and consequently lead to a risk of hypercalcemia thiazide diuretics.

Reduces reabsorption, respectively, increases the need for vitamin, taking barbiturates, phenytoin and other antiepileptic drugs, as well as rifampicin, cholestyramine. Also, the effectiveness of vitaminopreparata in a negative way affect the SCS, bisphosphonates, calcitonin.

Directly vitamin D3 potentiates the effect of digitalis drugs (cardiac glycosides). When one-time use with aluminum and magnesium in the body increases the concentration of the latter, which can lead to intoxication. Increases the digestibility of phosphorus-containing drugs - the risk of developing hyperphosphatemia.

With food preparations of vitamin D does not interact. This explains why taking this drug is not regulated by the regime of the day. But it is necessary to bear in mind the quality of the products, ie. E. the presence in them calciferol and its quantity. This will depend on the dose.

Monopreparations drops, tablets, capsules

Monotherapies are called drugs, which in its composition contain one active, ie. E. active substance. These drugs include vitamin D3 Akvadetrim, Vigantol, AlfaD3-Teva.

Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and pricesVitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices

Formulations with vitamin D3 and their functions for the weaker sex body further described in the following table:


properties Appearance Features reception


(in Moscow)

AlfaD3-Teva A preparation in capsules of 0.5 g of the active substance - alfacalcidol. Pale pink gelatin capsules, soft to the touch. "0.5" labeled black lettering. Inside - oil solution. It is used inside. The dose is divided into a single dose or twice-daily. Features no use - regardless of the meal, washed down with liquid. For the period of therapy is important to control calcium phosphate and blood. From 312 rubles.
Vigantol The oil solution. At 30 drops (1 ml) for approximately 500 g of active substance, corresponding to 20,000 IU. Dropper bottle 10 ml. One pack of 1 vial. Ingestion - required number of drops dissolve a few ml of milk (1 tbsp. a spoon). From 176.5 rubles.
Akvadetrim Drops for oral per os. In 1 ml - 15,000 IU. Brown glass vials at 10 and 15 mL in cardboard packs. 1-2 drops of liquid dish (if there is no other doctor's recommendations) with prophylactic use of full-term children from 4 weeks pregnant. For treatment of rickets dosage increases. The dose is set based on the number of vitamin supplied to the patient with food. From 195 rubles.

Top 5 vitamins for women

Very popular today are vitamin complexes. Due to the fact that they combine different groups of biologically active substances, these drugs means a holistic effect on the entire body and normalize its full operation, rather than a separate function.

For complex formulations containing vitamin D3 include:

  • Complivit Calcium D3;
  • Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3;
  • calcium D3Nycomed Forte;
  • Vitrum Osteomag;
  • Calcemin Advanced.
Vitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and pricesVitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and pricesVitamin D3: what is it for women of different ages, in the planning of pregnancy and menopause. Drugs and prices
Title properties Appearance Features reception Price
Complivit Calcium D3 Chewable tablets with mint or orange flavor. Content is calcium carbonate (1.25 g) and vitamin D3 (5mkg). Round white and cream-colored porous rough to the touch tablet, having a lenticular shape. The drug should be taken with food, chewing and drinking water. Doses for receiving one tablet 1 to 3 times a day depending on the disease. The period of use should be accompanied by a vitamin complex control renal clearance Ca. 328 rubles.
Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3 Tablets containing 500 mg calcium and 200 IU cholecalciferol. Oval light green film coated tablets. Administered orally with meals 1-2 tablets a day. 129 rubles.
calcium D3 Nycomed Forte Chewable tablets with lemon flavor. It contains 1,250 mg calcium carbonate and 10 mg vitamin D3. Tablets of white color, have a round or biconvex shape. Recommended sucked or chewed tablet during meals. In prophylactic applications take 2 pills, the dosage dispensing one or two doses. Long-term use of vitamin complex provides control of creatinine and calcium in the blood. 340 rubles.
Vitrum Osteomag Tablets containing 5 mg of cholecalciferol, 600 mg calcium, 40 mg magnesium oxide, 1 mg of cuprous oxide, zinc 7.5 mg, manganese sulphate 1.8 and 250 mcg boron. Oval, film-coated tablets pale pink. Assigned 1-2 tablets a day regardless of the meal. Necessary to monitor kidney function. 459 rubles.
Advanced Calcemin Composition of tablet: calcium (500mg), cholecalciferol (200ME), magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese up to 7 mg, 250 mcg boron. Lenticular or oval tablets. Film coating. Pink color. On one side of the risk. Accepted drug inside while eating at a dose not exceeding specified in the instruction (to 2 tablets per day). 528 rubles.

Medicines contain the right balance in the composition of food items and vitamin D3. This is to happen each maximum absorption.

Woman in critical periods of their physiological development is especially needed in the optimal entry of trace elements, which are necessary and complex preparations. They help to maintain health at the proper level, preventing the development of serious diseases.

Author: Anit

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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Vitamin D3. To take and how much:

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