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Smecta. Instructions for use for children under one year, two years and older. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis. Reviews

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Diarrhea, as the functioning of the digestive system disorder symptom, one of the most frequent manifestations of allergies, intestinal infections or poisoning. The use of Smecta (instruction for children of different ages included) is justified when you need a natural and safe remedy. This formulation, which includes diosmektin.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Description and Composition
  • 2 dosage form
  • 3 When you need to take the drug
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 By-effect
  • 6 Overdose
  • 7 How to dilute the powder for infant
  • 8 Treatment of children under one year
  • 9 At the age of one year older
  • 10 12 years
  • 11 Dosing vomiting
  • 12 diarrhea
  • 13 If poisoning
  • 14 Treatment of colic in infants
  • 15 Rules for applying for babies
  • 16 Before or after a meal
  • 17 How often and for a long time can be used
  • 18 How many drug acts
  • 19 The effectiveness of the drug
  • 20 Video of the smectite, its efficiency and application of rules for kids

Description and Composition

Main characteristics of the drug:

  • Falls into the category of pharmacy antidiarrheal agents, is considered a good adsorbent.
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  • The active ingredient - diosmektin.
  • Auxiliary components - sodium saccharinate, dextrose monohydrate. The preparation includes aromatic additive - orange, vanilla.
  • Has a stabilizing effect on the barrier properties of the mucus in the lumen of the stomach and intestines, stimulates increased production mucus enhances its protective effect against hydrochloric acid, bile, bacterial pathogens, toxic substances nature.
  • Actively adsorbs pathogenic bacteria and viruses that enter into the lumen.
Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis
  • The tool does not alter the motility of the small intestine and colon.
  • It does not change the coloration of the chair.
  • Not prevent the X-ray studies.
  • Does not occur absorption of the active agent into the systemic circulation, i.e. the drug is excreted unchanged form.
  • It is safe from the natural medicine component.
  • Suitability: Recommended for use with children from an early age, and adult patients.

dosage form

Powder is used to prepare a suspension. The color of the substance varies from gray to yellow-gray. Odor may be implicit from bright to express vanilla or orange flavor. The drug is packaged in portioned sachets of 3g. The drugstore chain sold the package 10 and 30 pieces.

When you need to take the drug

Smecta (instructions for use for children) defines the following reasons when prescribers:

  1. poisoning caused by poor quality or badly processed foods to supply products with expired shelf life;
  2. acute onset of the disorder or chronically flowing chair having allergic nature or effected by the action of drugs;
  3. violation of the chair, which resulted in long-term use of antibacterial agents due death bifidobacteria and lactoflora and rapid propagation of the microflora having opportunistic character;
  4. variety of intestinal infections, for example caused by Salmonella, esherihiey coli, clostridia;Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis
  5. an integrated approach to the treatment of other pathologies of the digestive system, for example, in the treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder, inflammation gastric mucosa, colitis, peptic ulcer disease for the relief of symptoms such as flatulence, heartburn, epigastric pain.


Determine the following situations when it is impossible to prescribe a drug:

  1. excessive sensitivity to an agent, but it is not common and is manifested allergy flavors;
  2. fructose intolerance;
  3. sucrose-izomaltoznaya failure;
  4. glucose-galactose malabsobtsiya;
  5. bowel obstruction;
  6. chronic constipation, since drug substance reduces peristaltic activity of the colon.


Adverse drug reactions are rare.

Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis
Smectite contains detailed instructions for use for children and adults for the treatment of diseases indicated in the figure.

These include:

  • may develop an allergic reaction to flavors or active substance on;
  • prolonged use of medication can cause constipation development.


For all time Smecta application has not been registered cases of drug overdose.

How to dilute the powder for infant

The use of drugs in infants has some special features:

  • Baby powder to be diluted to 60 ml lukewarm water or mixtures thereof. Introduce small portions, stirring constantly, until homogenous.
  • In those situations, when the baby is not able to overpower such a volume of fluid, the drug may be to dissolve smaller amounts of liquid (water or infant formula) or try to using several receptions.
  • A formulation prepared just before its use.
  • Do not keep a long time in a diluted state.
  • The duration of administration depends on the severity of the condition, and usually ranges from 2 to 6 days.
  • Smecta consumed between meals.
  • Infants appoint 1-2 sachet per day.

Treatment of children under one year

Smecta (instructions for use for children separates the medication by age) is used as follows, if the child is younger than 1 year old:

  • Powder (3g) was diluted in 60 ml of unheated water and divided into several times throughout the day.
  • Drug may be added to foods such as cereals, fruit compotes, vegetable puree or baby food ready.
Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis
  • The maximum amount of drug in acute situations, it may be 6 g per day for 3 days, then dose was reduced to 3 g of smectite and drinking until complete relief of symptoms, but no more than 7 days.
  • In other situations, the drug dose is 3 g per day and the duration of reception determined by the primary pathology.

At the age of one year older

Appointment of Smecta children belonging to the age group of 1 to 3 years:

  • The preparation was diluted 60 ml of boiling water or unheated spiked into the food.
  • The maximum dose of agent in an acute situation is 12 grams per day, the reception is carried out 4-5 days, and then transferred to a dose of 6 g
  • In other cases, take 3-6 grams per day.
  • The duration in which the drug substance is used, pathology is determined, at which he was appointed: acute diarrhea, poisoning, gastritis, cholecystitis.

12 years

Smecta (instructions for use for children in the age group of 3 to 12 years) is adopted for 2 - 3 days, but duration of treatment with this drug can reach, if necessary 7 - 8 days:

  • The powder was diluted in 0.5 glass unheated and boiled water taken simultaneously.
  • The maximum dose of the drug for acute process is 12 grams per day.
  • In milder cases means the amount can range from 6 to 9 g per day.

Dosing vomiting

Vomiting - quite an unpleasant condition, especially in young children. Effective means to combat acts of Smecta.

Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis

The medication as follows:

  1. The drug can be used for vomiting caused by completely different reasons: poor quality food poisoning, intestinal infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Permissible use of Smecta a very early age, that is, from the first days of a child's life, as women during childbearing and breastfeeding.
  3. The first positive changes in the patient's condition will be after a couple of hours after taking the medicine.
  4. The duration of treatment ranged from 2 to 7-8 days.
  5. The dose depends on the age of the child, and can vary from 3 grams (one packet) 1-3 times a day, not to exceed 12 grams per day. Smektu a maximum dosage not take more than 3 days and then the dose is reduced to 2 times.
  6. The powder is diluted directly before use in children under 3 years of a separation of a single dose of the drug for a few tricks.
  7. As the medium for preparing the slurry can be used breast milk, the mixture boiled water or semi-liquid food products.
  8. In severe and repeated vomiting before taking Smecta recommend to perform gastric lavage.


Diarrhea often accompanies states of poisoning or intestinal infections.

In this case, the revenue will also come Smecta:

  1. Diarrhea - a condition in which the stool frequency more than 3 times a day.
  2. Acute diarrhea can be accompanied by the appearance of blood in the veins of the stool, fever and other symptoms of fever.Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis
  3. In acute process organism loses a large amount of fluid and electrolytes, resulting in improper functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidney.
  4. For chronic process characterized by a pathological change of the protein balance of fat metabolism that leads to the development of conditions such as chronic anemia and various vitamin deficiencies.
  5. Given the fact that Smecta includes preparations of symptomatic, the reception can be quite long, but at least 2 days.
  6. Dosage is selected according to the patient's age. Newborns and infants appoint 3 grams per day, the age of the year - 3-6 grams per day, from 3 to 12 years of age take 6-9 grams per day.

If poisoning

The use of low-quality or expired shelf life of food products, as well as those who have violated the conditions of storage, a variety of finished food products - salads, cakes can lead to poisoning.

Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis

In this case, an indispensable tool in the home medicine cabinet will Smecta:

  1. For clinical in poisoning characterized by symptoms such as vomiting, loose stools, flatulence, high fever, chills.
  2. The first step is to carry out gastric lavage to cleanse the body of toxins caught. In young children, it is quite difficult to do at home, so the best solution would be hospitalization. For the gastric lavage in children between 3 and 12 years of excessive drinking can use lukewarm water, it is possible to tint to pale pink in color with a few crystals of potassium permanganate. And then to proceed to further therapy with Smecta to excrete those toxins that are already there in the bloodstream.
  3. We should not forget that in the poisoning organism loses a large amount of liquid together with useful substances, so they must be replenished. Plain water is not suitable for this purpose. At the pharmacy you can buy special tools, eg Regidron. And you can prepare at home. This will require only ordinary water, salt, baking soda and sugar. Well it helps to replenish the stock of nutrients decoction of dried fruits that are rich in micronutrients.
  4. Dose depends on the age of the patient. Children first year of life is prescribed to 3 grams per day, children up to 3 years - 3-6 grams per day, children over 3 years old to take 6-9 grams per day.
  5. Duration of drug can be from 2 to 5 days.

Treatment of colic in infants

Smecta (instructions for use for children is contained in each package) helps in case of colic in infants. This symptom occurs, as a rule, the first-born, boys, if the mother is disturbing and hypochondriac.

The preparation can be used as a symptomatic therapy as follows:

  1. Infant colic occur at the age of 2-3 weeks and tested for 3-4 months, to a maximum of six months.
  2. They are characterized by cramping abdominal pain, bloating, due to increased gas production, and the children crying heavily, tighten the legs to the abdomen, and can not rest.
  3. Attacks occur at least 3 times a week and last for a maximum of 3 hours.
  4. It explained this pathology immature digestive and nervous systems in infants, as well as the presence of a transient, rarely congenital lactase deficiency.
  5. One packet of powder diluted in 80-100 ml of fluid. This may be lukewarm water, breast milk or mixture thereof. The suspension was allowed during the day by dividing it into equal aliquots of 20-25 ml. It turns out about 3-4 times a day.
  6. The minimum duration of use of the drug is 2-3 days, and the maximum should not exceed 6 days.
  7. Dissolved powder is recommended to give the baby bottle, a tea or a plastic spoon, and can be used without a needle syringe.

Rules for applying for babies

Newborn children, pediatricians are allowed to use a small amount of drugs.

Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis

One of these is a Smecta:

  • Moms of newborns are often faced with eating disorders in their children. These include: diarrhea, regurgitation propensity to allergic manifestations.
  • If the mother is not breastfeeding are dieting or have an intolerance protein cow's milk formula feeding mixture, infant colic, disbiotic violations due to the lack of normal microflora in the gut, poisoning will bother baby.
  • As part of the drug is determined by a special way purified clay. It has adsorption properties, thereby clearing the body got there from toxic substances and harmful bacteria.
  • The drug exhibits barrier properties with respect to the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves pain, removes intestinal smooth muscle spasm, relieves symptoms of diarrhea.
  • Not recommended simultaneous reception Smecta with other drugs, as can reduce their effectiveness.
  • Considering that in the preparation consists of glucose and flavors without giving newborn who fructose intolerance is diagnosed and there are signs of allergic dermatitis.
  • Contraindicated prescribing when there is a tendency to constipation, diagnosed with intestinal obstruction.
  • The medicine contains only natural ingredients. It is characterized by a high safety profile.
  • In the practice of Smecta facts of drug overdose in novorozhnennyh been identified.
  • The drug does not get into the bloodstream, it acts only in the lumen of the intestine, and then simply removed from the body.
  • No effect on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli may be used as prophylaxis dysbiotic disorders.
  • Newborns administered 1 sachet (3 g) Smecta per day. In acute and severe cases may increase the dose to 2 sachets per day.
  • Duration of the course depends on the reasons for which the assigned medication. The minimum rate is 2-3 days, and the maximum should not exceed 6 days.
  • The powder is diluted to obtain a homogeneous slurry in 50-60 ml of lukewarm water, breast milk, or mixtures thereof.
  • The solution should be prepared immediately before use, if necessary, may be divided into 2-3 doses.
  • To obtain a uniform suspension should fill the powder in small portions to warm the liquid, stirring constantly to complete dissolution of all lumps.
Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis
  • Single powder is given of the bottle, with a spoon or may be used for this purpose a syringe without a needle.
  • Do not exceed the maximum allowable amount of the drug, as it can cause constipation in a newborn.
  • When used in the treatment of the child's Smecta, to maintain the water balance must be necessarily dopaivat using conventional or boiled water or bottled special nursery.

Before or after a meal

Instructions on the use of Smecta do not recommend giving her children along with food consumption. Given that the drug is enterosorbent, the maximum positive effect can be achieved by drinking the powder between the consumption of food.

But there is one exception - esophagitis symptoms, namely heartburn. In this condition, it is best to drink Smecta immediately after a meal.

How often and for a long time can be used

The number and duration of the drug therapy does not affect the body weight and age of the patient, but only the expression of intoxication, severity of gastrointestinal disease, severity of the symptoms of poisoning or allergic reaction.

Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis

The minimum duration of treatment is 1-2 days, and the maximum should not exceed 7-8 days. The drug may be administered from 1 to 6 packs per day. It is important to remember that the excess of the maximum allowable dosage of the drug can cause constipation.

How many drug acts

Time after which the well-being comes improvement depends on the reason why the reception Smecta was launched:

  • If the preparation is assigned in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic gastritis or process, it will take up to half an hour to feel the positive effects of the drug.
  • If the preparation is assigned for relief of the symptoms of food poisoning, it can take up to 2-3 hours to Smecta acted.
  • If the preparation is assigned for relief of symptoms caused by acute diarrhea, in which case it may take 6 to 12 hours before you manifest a positive effect of the drug.

To speed up the therapeutic effect of taking Smecta, you can increase the dose of medication and dosing frequency.

The effectiveness of the drug

Timely receiving Smecta, shortens the duration of the disease. A medicament in dosage 6.3 g at a multiplicity of receiving 3 times a day significantly accelerates the healing process. At the same time it has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and does not slow down peristaltic activity of the intestine.

Smecta. Instructions for use for children. How to plant, take in vomiting, diarrhea, dysbiosis

In the state of therapy, caused by poisoning, acute diarrhea, complex treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases in children of all ages, starting with the newborn period, it is recommended the use of modern enterosorbents that have a proven clinical efficacy and which have a high safety profile.

Thus the drug is Smekta. For children the instruction on the use of Smecta defines all aspects of the appointment of the drug - it is safe and effective.

Video of the smectite, its efficiency and application of rules for kids

Instructions for use of Smecta:

As drug acts:

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