Omega 3 and Collagen: benefit from coadministration
Useful For Preparations

Omega 3 and Collagen: benefit from coadministration

BAA, which has a part of Omega 3 and Collagen, called the source of beauty and health. The drug is available in capsules and can not only rejuvenat...

Diclofenac menstruation pains
Useful For Preparations

Diclofenac menstruation pains

Severe pain during the course of menstruation familiar to almost any woman. But choose the most appropriate medication is not so simple. Not everyo...

Meksidol how much to drink, and how long can you take
Useful For PreparationsDuration Of Treatment Meksidolom

Meksidol how much to drink, and how long can you take

Meksidol is a drug with a large spectrum of activity. It is most commonly prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Depend...

3 years baby paracetamol
Useful For Preparations

3 years baby paracetamol

The most effective means to reduce high body temperature is Paracetamol. In addition, it is safe, if all the recommendations set out in the instruc...

Paracetamol is a child of 1 year
Useful For Preparations

Paracetamol is a child of 1 year

Fever in a child is the most common symptom of any disease. In children up to 1.5 years, the phenomenon is due to teething or SARS. You should know...

At what age can a child give Paracetamol
Useful For Preparations

At what age can a child give Paracetamol

Among the young mothers the question of what age you can give your child paracetamol, is considered the most popular and frequent. The first six mo...

Overview tablets from herpes on the lips
Useful For Preparations

Overview tablets from herpes on the lips

Tablets from herpes on the lips - a group of pharmacologic agents antiherpetic. Apply them in the treatment of infections, which are caused by herp...

Ointment against herpes on the lips, review effective gels and creams
Useful For Preparations

Ointment against herpes on the lips, review effective gels and creams

LOCAL TREATMENT OF HERPESThe frequency of exacerbations of herpes on the lips of some people can be several times a year, so pressing issue is to f...

Dosing Mexidol tablets
Useful For PreparationsDosing Mexidol Tablets

Dosing Mexidol tablets

Description of the drugWhat action has Meksidol?First of all, you need to know in which cases prescribe this medication. According to instructions,...

How often can chop Meksidol
Useful For Preparations

How often can chop Meksidol

When applied MeksidolMeksidol antioxidant is a new generation of drug that is indicated for the treatment of failures in the functioning of the bra...

Do Mexidol painful prick?
Useful For PreparationsDo Mexidol Painful Prick?

Do Mexidol painful prick?

Treatment of cardiovascular disease sometimes requires serious treatment, which includes not only tablets, but also shots. The injection Meksidol a...

When prick Meksidol - morning or evening, recommendations
Useful For Preparations

When prick Meksidol - morning or evening, recommendations

Cardiovascular system often fails, especially in view of the age-related changes in the body. There is a weakness, drowsiness, autonomic disorders,...