Blood Type

4 blood: positive, negative, fourth (AB), rhesus characteristic (features), rare or not men and women

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The coupling liquid in the human body can be distinguished by the presence of antigens in erythrocytes. Compared to other phenotypes 4 blood group was discovered by scientists last how to combine antigens 2 and 3 groups.

Human biological fluid in vitro


Blood group AB was opened American physician Karl Landsteiner in the early twentieth century. System for determining AV0 groups. Around the same time a Czech professor Jan Jansky classified immunogeneticheskie quality of connective tissue into 4 main divisions.

Determination of blood groups is performed using special Colyclons sera or anti-A and anti-B. A person with type 4 no antibodies in the blood that prevents the ingress of foreign antigens.

Blood cells are also classified by the Rh factor, ie antigens for compatibility.

To refer to the Rh factor Rh immune serum used. 4, positive and negative are rare blood type, not more than 6% of people around the world have such a combination of genes. Embodiments appearance IV groups include:

  • racial combination;
  • predominance meat or vegetable products in the diet;
  • effect viral cells in the body.
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None of these versions is not absolute proof. Research scientists Hematology demonstrate that phenotypes combinations far more than 4. Discover new immune combination of blood, which occur less frequently.

Advantages and disadvantages

The immune system of people with type 4 hematopoiesis both Rh factor more resilient to certain infectious and viral diseases. The main advantages of the holders of this subspecies:

  • combination of antigens of type A and B;
  • the relative flexibility of the immunity;
  • the possibility of infusion fluid coupling of any other group.

Scientists have revealed the fact that the 4 positive blood is more common than the group with a negative Rh factor. The presence of such antigenic characteristics has its drawbacks:

  • the sensitivity of the digestive system;
  • possible incompatibility of mother and fetus during pregnancy;
  • propensity to diseases of the heart and blood vessels due to high cholesterol.

4 feature of the negative blood group is its rarity. Most often, this type common in Asians and Australians.

Person's character

There is some correlation between a person's character from its antigens. People with 4 categories is often credited with the qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • openness;
  • emotionality;
  • artistry.

4 negative blood type in men add their liking imbalance and resentment. The carriers of this phenotype often dreamy and tend to be creative. Some sources claim that people with this characteristic have magical powers. This characteristic of blood in women brings to them the nature of indecision and dependence on others. It is believed that this category of people are able to quickly adapt to life changes. No proven judgment about the effect of Rh Rh factor on the character of the person.


Immunogenetic signs of connective tissue can affect the susceptibility to disease. Patients with 4 blood group (Rh positive) are more prone to inflammatory diseases and cancer of the digestive tract. They are characterized by a tendency to diseases of the circulatory system and blood vessels. Carriers 4 types before developing senile dementia. Diseases which occur slightly more often in representatives of the phenotype when compared with others:

  • adenovirus infections;
  • anatsidny gastritis;
  • anemia;
  • pyoderma;
  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • rheumatism;
  • aneurysm.

Blood type AB carriers less likely to develop hypertension, myocardial infarction and thrombosis. Knowing all of the features of an organism, it is necessary to closely monitor the health of designated areas.


Basically, women with fourth blood group compatible with men - carriers of other groups. Much less common allergy of the female body to male antigens. In this case, they produced antibodies that can interfere with normal fetal development. According to the theory of inheritance, if one of the parents - the holder of the blood group AB, the child can be any group other than the first.

More dangerous is the incompatibility of the Rh factor of the future parents.

The main result of this difference does not appear in the first pregnancy. Fetal rejection female body and miscarriage may occur with repeated conception. Rhesus conflict is an important factor when planning a pregnancy. In some cases, if a man has the opposite female rhesus factor, conceiving a child is almost impossible. During pregnancy, Rh factor women can change.

Prenatal care at the doctor

If antibodies maternal organism comes in large quantities in the body of the child, it can lead to a strong agglutination hematopoiesis newborn. This pathology is dangerous and can cause death of the baby. To avoid such a reaction a child should make a blood transfusion in order to change the Rh factor.

4th blood group (Rh negative) in women planning pregnancy requires special monitoring of the attending physician. Women who have undergone miscarriage due Rh conflict recommended administration Rh globulin. First pregnancy the bearer of this phenotype is not necessary to interrupt, because it is fraught with further complications with gestation.


The weight of the human body blood fluid coupling takes approximately 1/14 share. When blood loss of more than 1 liter of blood transfusion is assigned. The procedure of blood transfusion is needed in these situations:

  • severe infectious diseases;
  • burn large areas of skin lesions;
  • violation of osmotic pressure;
  • deficiency of blood cells;
  • profuse blood loss;
  • operations with cardiopulmonary bypass.

The great advantage of patients with the fourth positive blood type is that donors of all types of media can be for them. The same can be said about the fourth type is negative, they are called universal recipients. In rare cases, blood cells 1-3 groups may be incompatible with 4 group due to agglutination.

Before transfusion necessary, a test for compatibility. The biological sample is a triple introduction of small amounts of blood cells to the patient every 3 minutes. If there are no adverse reactions, mean transfusion is permissible.

The process of blood transfusions

At the same time, the blood type AB can only be transfused to patients with the same type. This means that the introduction of the blood group of 4 people with 1, 2 or 3 group provokes mass concentration of erythrocytes.

Donation small blood volume in man (to 250 ml) promotes activation of the hematopoietic system of an organism. Donating blood, people not only helps others but also to himself.

Advice on nutrition

In the late 90-ies of XX century. Dr. Peter D'Adamo from the United States proposed a special diet for the carriers of each blood type. Lecithin contained in the food, interact with blood components. Based on the reaction patterns of supply rules were withdrawn. Based on the book by Dr. D'Adamo, people of the same type share a common origin and personal qualities.

People with blood group AB are mysterious category. Such features are not blood were found recently in comparison with the groups 0, A and B. This marks a rare type of change and adaptation to evolutionary changes, including particular types 2 and 3. negative blood type 4 classifies its speakers to "citizens" category.

Foods that should be a major part of the diet:

  • lean meat (lamb, turkey, rabbit);
  • dairy products;
  • Most fruits and vegetables;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood;
  • berries;
  • nuts.

It is recommended to exclude from the daily menu:

  • red meat;
  • smoked;
  • pickles;
  • beans;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat;
  • oils except olive;
  • citrus.

For a neutral product that can be consumed at will include:

  • skimmed milk;
  • meat products;
  • River fish;
  • eggs;
  • fat.

Diet for a genetic predisposition has no proven efficacy, but also will not bring harm. The body of each person is unique and the choice of diet should rely on personal feelings. Fundamentals of proper and balanced diet will help to build your own diet.

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