Useful For Preparations

The Glycine is useful for the organism?

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Glycine - amino acid, representing an organic compound. It is a component of most proteins and bioactive components, which are synthesized by various cells in the body. Let us consider what the benefits and harms of glycine to humans.

In the state standards body constitutes enough matter - about 3 years Also, a certain amount of amino acids is supplied with food - about 2 years The tallest of its content is in eggs, poultry meat, beef, cottage cheese, buckwheat, marmalade, pumpkin seeds, ginger, nuts, sesame. As a result, the volume of Glycine in a healthy person should be from 4 to 7 g

Glycine benefits for the body is as follows:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • slow muscle atrophy;
  • activates the formation of key enzymes;
  • It supports the activity of the thymus gland;
  • It regulates the proper operation of the brain and bone marrow, spleen;
  • involved in the production of blood cells.

The lack of these amino acids degrade the performance of the body's systems, so make up its preparations containing synthetic glycine. It is produced by performing hydrolysis and chemical synthesis. The result is a product in the form of a white powder without smell with a sweet taste.

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benefits of Glycine

Basically, an artificial glycine produced in tablet form. They are inexpensive and available without a prescription, but that does not mean that you can take them without medical supervision.

Glycine is often recommended in the presence of the following issues:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • neuroinfections;
  • severe psychological stress and stress;
  • during rehabilitation after operations and traumas;
  • performance deterioration;
  • sleep disorders;
  • asthma;
  • hyperactivity;
  • epilepsy.

Sufficient amount of glycine prevents the substantial destruction of brain cells. Also the use of this agent reduces the interest in alcohol and prevents the unpleasant feeling of a hangover. The amino acid stimulates the early exit of toxic substances and reduces the detrimental effects of alcohol on the brain cells.

Useful properties of glycine supplements due to increased muscle growth, which is very important for athletes involved in power sports. Accepted better after training - this time the muscles are actively growing and well absorb all the nutrients.

If a person is often observed depression, headaches, lethargy, this drug will correct the situation.

Studies show that glycine slows the growth of malignant tumors. This is due to the fact that the means of slowing growth of blood vessels that nourish cancer education.

Glycine benefits for the heart is to control high blood pressure. He is a good prevention of stroke. Often hypertensive amino acid used as a base by means of high pressure and fatigue. Glycine is used as a first aid for stroke: the powder is dissolved in water and allowed to drink a patient.

Amino acid will benefit only if you eat it according to the instructions and under the supervision of a physician. Report reception circuit may result in overdose and negative consequences.

harm Glycine

Patients who are prescribed this drug, the question whether health Glycine harmful. However amino acid may cause harm only in overdose additivesThat contain it. In pure form of the same organism do not accumulate glycine more than required.

Side reactions may occur with an overdose of the following symptoms:

  • palpitations;
  • allergic reactions, rash and itching;
  • sleepiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of the digestive system.

When co-administered amino acids with other drugs should be considered all the pros and cons of glycine, as well as better to consult about such a combination with a physician. Otherwise, it increases the risk of adverse reactions. In addition to these symptoms may occur oral swelling or breathing difficulties.

Negative symptoms disappear quickly if stop taking glycine.

Contraindications to the use of the drug is only his intolerance and reception with incongruous drugs. However, increased sensitivity to glycine is quite rare.

Can I take Glycine children and pregnant?

Benefits and glycine harm to the body allows you to appoint him, even for children and pregnant women. He got rid of the child's hyperactivity, make it easier to fall asleep, improve learning ability. The baby will be easier to focus, it will be more quiet and diligent.

Despite the fact that the manual does not say anything about the effects of drugs on the fetus, pregnant women should eat it only on prescription. It can be taken completely at any stage. How useful Glycine expectant mothers? It is recommended for:

  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • Fetal hypoxia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • a sense of fear.

Why is there a shortage of Glycine?

By Glycine deficiency in the body can lead to: alcohol abuse, poor diet, taking certain drugs, the effects of trauma, infections and nutrient imbalances. Lack of amino acids leads to the fact that the body draws from its own reserves, which are not infinite. As a result, the deficit Glycine has the following consequences:

  • depletion of the body;
  • slowing of intellectual development;
  • memory impairment;
  • decreased immunity;
  • deterioration of the skin, hair and nails;
  • sleep disorders;
  • violation of the digestive system.

Upon detection of the above symptoms, you should consult your doctor. He will establish the cause of this condition and if the cause is the lack of Glycine in the body, an appointment artificial amino acids.

Now, the good and the harm to the body of the adult glycine are known to you. This amino acid is essential for health, so it is important to keep it at an optimum level.


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