
How to increase the potency of folk remedies

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  • First aid for weakening potency
  • Herbs to help
  • Popular folk recipes

According to statistics, one-third of all men have decreased libido and potency, and yet sexual opportunities have always been the most important aspect of masculinity for the stronger sex. If earlier sexual problems of this kind affected men belonging to the elderly age group, today, unfortunately, this problem is increasingly worried by relatively young males. The essence of the negative impact on the male power of a large number of factors that are present in our lives every day: stress, tobacco, alcohol, excess weight, etc. If there are problems with potency, men do not rush to the doctor with such delicate discomfort, trying to cope with the breakdown of sexualfunctions independently. Some start using generics and potentia stimulants, others use folk remedies to increase potency, which often prove to be very effective, and costs do not require practically any.

Folk remedies for increasing potency

First aid in weakening the potency of

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Before starting to strengthen the potency with the help of traditional medicine, you need to correct some areas of your life so that folk recipes give the maximum effectiveness. To begin with, a strong sex must learn to be weak, such is the tautology. Men need to relax their nervous system, unload it from everyday stress-depressive influences. Sport and rational healthy eating should also become the constant companions of men. But with cigarettes and alcohol it is recommended to say goodbye, if you, of course, want to increase the potency.

Testosterone, the basis of the masculine principle, begins to be actively developed when a man gets enough animal fats. That's why any representative of the genus of men is extremely important to eat meat products daily: poultry meat, lean beef, liver.

Known aphrodisiacs have long been considered any seafood and fish meat, it is also recommended to eat more parsley and celery, which contain many B-group vitamins and zinc, which contributes to the secretion of testosterone. Do not forget about fruit and vegetables, which are also very useful for potency. As soon as a man begins to follow the above recommendations, his potency will improve, and if additional folk remedies are used to increase potency, the erectile function will recover much faster.

Herbs to help

Practice shows that herbal decoctions and infusions are also very useful in strengthening men's strength. Herbs have an expanding effect on blood vessels, favorably affect blood flow, promote smooth muscle relaxation. Herbal infusions usually have a broad spectrum effect, they have virtually no adverse reactions. But before using traditional medicine, it is recommended to visit a specialist after all, since the potency can worsen and against very dangerous diseases.


nettle Pretty great for potency is the use of nettle. This herb is used as a separate raw material or in a mixture with other medicines. Steady on boiled water nettle( two tablespoons on a glass) is taken before meals. The resulting glass of nettle infusion should be drunk in three divided doses. It stimulates urogenital functions and improves material exchange.

The centuries-old experience of herbalists shows that nettle is a good assistant to a man in restoring potency, it increases libido and increases erectile function.
No less effective is a mixture of nettle seeds, red wine and honey. These components are mixed in equal amounts and taken before meals. This remedy strengthens the libido and increases the potency.


Zhen The root of this plant has long been used as a powerful stimulant of sexual attraction. Usually for potency, teas with this plant or tinctures are used. Tincture is done by mixing half a tablespoon of the shredded ginseng root with honey( 350 g) and insisting a week and a half. Take this remedy three times a day. After a 1-2-month course of such treatment, the general condition will improve significantly and potency will increase. Experts argue that this period of treatment is enough to eliminate very serious violations of potency. The action of ginseng normalizes the endocrine system, enhances the brightness of male orgasm, stimulates libido and increases erectile function.


This herb is considered one of the most healthy for men. It is used for prophylactic purposes against prostate adenoma, impotence, prostatitis, etc.

Thyme is rich in zinc, so it can increase spermatozoa activity, testosterone production, and hence the sexual capabilities of men.

For the treatment of sexual disorders use the infusion of thyme, for which the dried inflorescences of the plant( a tablespoon) are poured with boiling water( glass) and drunk during the day. Treatment lasts up to six months.


bolotnyj air To increase male strength, rhizomes of marsh aura are often used. You can simply chew small pieces of peeled roots like chewing gum no more than three times a day. From the roots make and alcohol tincture( 1: 5) and, after insisting on it for two weeks, take a few drops( 20-30) three times a day. Therapeutic course lasts for a month. Air is an effective remedy for exhaustion and neurasthenia, it can enhance sexual possibilities and sexual desire.

Popular popular recipes

Recipes that help in restoring male strength are not limited to herbal infusions. In folk medicine there are many more proven means.


Med Honey has long been regarded as a powerful stimulant for male sexual capabilities. It is mixed with carrot juice, with red wine, ginger, with nuts. Half-nuts are mixed with aloe juice( 100 ml) and honey( 300 g) and take a mixture of 35-40 g. Similarly, honey, aloe juice and red wine( 2: 1: 3) are mixed, insisted for a couple of weeks and drink before eating.

White wine

Based on white wine, a specific sexual stimulant is made, which acts immediately after administration. To make a drink take a liter of white wine, pour into it a glass of orange juice and half a glass of lemon juice. Then add 2 tablespoons of honey( table), spoon of liquor Beloe vino( table), fresh mint leaves and cardamom with cloves or cinnamon( a quarter teaspoonful).All mix and heat, not leading up to boiling. The drink should be infused in the refrigerator for three days, then it is filtered and drunk shortly before sex. According to the claims of the men who tried this drink, the effect is terrific.

Traditional medicine offers a lot of effective recipes for increasing libido and potency, but not for everyone they are suitable. Therefore, if one method is ineffective, it is worth trying another, perhaps it will prove to be more effective. Although before self-treatment it is recommended that you still get medical advice in order to avoid dangerous consequences.

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