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How long can I take Duphalac children?

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Each parent interested in the question of how many days to take Duphalac children. Toddlers intestine during the first months of life develops, so bowel movements become less frequent. Sometimes emptying observed very rarely, and there is a need to resort to laxatives medicines. Duphalac acts harmless drug that can be administered to children. Harmless laxative solution and newborns.

When giving Duphalac

From a certain age, the child's bowel movements occur less frequently. Infants who are fed breast milk, this situation is not peculiar. If a couple of days a child does not defecate, it is not a cause for concern. For these children, it can not be called constipation. If crumb too groaning, restless, straining his stomach, then in that case you can take Duphalac children.

With children on artificial feeding situation is different. The stools should be permanent. There are situations when the baby food does not pass, and it is expressed in the form of such pathology. As a result of incorrectly selected infant food or change the natural flora of the intestine may occur constipation. In this case, the use Duphalac required.

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How to apply to children

Duphalac - a thick pale yellow syrup, which has a sickly sweet taste. Duphalac can be given to the child and undiluted. Or drug slightly diluted with water.

Children medication dosage according to the instructions prescribed depending on the age category of the small patient:

  • from 7 to 14 years 10-15 ml per day;
  • from one year to 6 years 5-10 ml;
  • a child under one year of 5 ml per day.

Baby Dufalac used for the treatment of constipation and dysbacteriosis. Doctors recommend to start taking the drug with 1 ml. Gradually increase the volume to 5.4 ml. This will help avoid the increased gas production.

In the case of curing hepatic encephalopathy dosage selected purely individual. Typically, the initial dose is 30-45 ml.

Giving crumbs syrup it is recommended in one and the same time, once a day, for example, in the morning. It begins to act very quickly the drug. Just a few hours after taking the drug effect appears. Usually, this effect is observed a couple of days.

Despite its sweet taste, Duphalac not always perceived by the child. The thick mixture should provide a syringe. Recommended dosage increase is not necessary, because it can be caused by diarrhea or abdominal cramps.

Duphalac children can take 21 days. Therapy can last 2 weeks. The initial dose of the medicament is used for 3-4 days.

Why long-term use of the drug is recommended

you must take the means to eliminate constipation. But such a problem, as constipation, you need to be approached from a medical point of view. That is, the need to restore the normal intestinal microflora. Duphalac not only eliminates the symptoms of constipation, but also establishes the natural rhythm of intestinal bowel movements. The drug promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. From this it depends on the normal functioning of the intestine. Duration of therapy is based on the terms, which are necessary to restore the flora.

Yet it is recommended to treat the child only under medical supervision. All adults need time to monitor your baby. If they are seen side of reaction, the dosage of the drug will need to be reduced.

That is, Duphalac - is an effective tool that is safe for infants. However, the dosage should always be selected only by the doctor individually. Otherwise, you can harm health.


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