Childhood Diseases

Keratosis pilaris in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment

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Among netyazholyh but irritant skin diseases present keratosis pilaris. This disorder affects 35-40% of adults and 50% children. It is found not only a teenager, but a small child.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is keratosis pilaris in a child
  • 2 Stage and grade follicular keratosis in a child
  • 3 The symptoms of keratosis pilaris in a child
  • 4 Causes of keratosis pilaris in a child
  • 5 Diagnosis of follicular keratosis in a child
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 Prevention keratosis pilaris in a child
  • 8 Treatments for keratosis pilaris in a child
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Helpful videos about the symptoms and treatments keratosis pilaris in children

What is keratosis pilaris in a child

Keratosis Pilaris - is a skin condition in which her appear small uneven structure. It is also called keratosis pilaris, lichen or "chicken skin." Little education make the skin like sandpaper. Lesions appear on the shoulders, hips, buttocks, in rare cases, on the back. Often it manifests in early infancy with remission in adult life.

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Stage and grade follicular keratosis in a child

When viewing areas affected keratosis can be seen:

  • thickened upper layer of skin;
  • increased number of granular cells;
  • ingrown hairs with compacted structures.

Depending on the color cover irregularities keratosis is divided into 3 categories:

  1. Keratosis pilaris rubra - red spots on the skin.
  2. Keratosis pilaris alba - bumps with no visible redness.
  3. Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii - red spots on the face.

The symptoms of keratosis pilaris in a child

Keratosis pilaris in a child begins in early childhood. Initially, on the scalp, soles of the feet, the palms of the dry areas appear smoother skin. Then these places are distributed round the dry follicular nodules. They are arranged symmetrically, are gray in color, firm to the touch.

Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

On horny spikes or hair debris visible surface nodes. Number of nodules can be from 10 to several hundred. This may thicken bent nail plates, they appear the longitudinal strips. On the affected areas sometimes appear creases and cracks.

Follicular papules plural act on the lateral surface of the arms, thighs, buttocks.

They are often present on the face, especially in young children. Papules often cause itching, but most of this skin condition is only cosmetic. Autumn and winter precipitation increases, whereas with the advent of heat epidermal condition is improved. In wet weather keratosis suppressed.

Causes of keratosis pilaris in a child

One of the defense mechanisms of the organism against aggressive substances and infection is a strong protein known as keratin. It is found in hair and nails. The protein consists of a combination of various amino acids and in dependence thereon keratin is solid, as is the case with nails or soft as the skin.

Under the influence of factors that are not yet fully understood by the medical community, keratin tends to accumulate and progress on the external epidermis. This process is called hyperkeratinization. Excessive accumulation of keratin blocks the mouth of the follicle, resulting in the formation of solid "plugs" surrounding hair root.

Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

The space needed for hair growth, narrower, and is pulled out of ingrown hair skin, you can see that they have a helical structure. With increasing congestion the skin becomes smooth, the deposition of the rough spots. Accompanied by the appearance of the phenomenon may be small bumps aknepodobnyh, red or white.

Advantageously knobby structure are dormant. Sometimes they itch, turn red and swollen due to excessive dryness. People who are prone to develop eczema, atopic dermatitis have dry skin, more vulnerable to keratosis. Many doctors believe that the condition is associated with genetic disorders.

Diagnosis of follicular keratosis in a child

Since keratosis symptoms are fairly typical, the diagnosis of the disease is clinical and requires no research. Pediatricians detect disease physically examining the condition of the skin. If there is a history of a similar disorder in the parents, the diagnosis is made even easier. No other invasive procedures and blood tests are not required.

For the diagnosis of the following data:

  1. Medical history and physical examination.
  2. Dermoscopy. The doctor evaluates the epidermis under the lens magnification.
  3. Inspection using a Wood's lamp. The skin is examined under ultraviolet light that helps to evaluate the changes of skin pigmentation.
Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment
location keratosis pilaris in children.

Exceptionally unusual cases where the spread cones too high and compounded for Confirmation of the diagnosis may require biopsy of the affected areas for histological research.

When to see a doctor

Pediatric dermatology is on the verge between pediatrics and dermatology, because in connection with the peculiarities of the child's body, many skin diseases characterized by clinical diversity. The child is not able to hold back the itch on the skin, scratching can lead to infection control.

If the child begins to comb the place eruptions aggregates should show it to your doctor, pediatrician first, and then, if necessary, a dermatologist. Only the correct diagnosis can be made under the joint supervision. Keratosis together with the child attendant may show dermatological problems which are not visible parents.

To the doctor should contact if symptoms occur:

  • at traumatizing, inflammation keratotic lesions;
  • when it detects changes in the skin that bleed and do not heal for a long time;
  • when a severe itching, soreness, rash changes color.

Prevention keratosis pilaris in a child

There are no known ways to prevent the onset of keratosis. The only option - is to keep the skin moist, especially for those who live in cold or dry climates.

Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

What you can and can not do with follicular keratosis:

Can must not
Use moisturizers that are useful for the skin, such as petroleum jelly and setafil Use when bathing soaps and harsh cleansers
Use at home humidifiers Wearing tight clothes, so as not to increase the friction
When bathing use only warm or cool water. Can not swim under hot water
When you use the body wash sponge made of natural material Contact allergens (animal dander, dyes)
In the cold season, lubricate the skin with fat cream Manually delete the plug, which may cause further deterioration of the skin

In the period of acute children should wear clothes made of natural materials. Daily should eat foods rich in vitamins C and E, to stick to a diet rich in vitamins and saturated fats. Useful beta-carotene, which prevents hyperkeratinization process. A lot of beta-carotene found in carrots, so it is useful as a raw or in juice form.

Keratosis pilaris is often associated with prolonged sun exposure. Control of the residence time of a child under ultraviolet light, will significantly reduce the risk of skin rash. Older children should be explained that the combing, scratching the skin, squeezing "bumps" can not, it can cause inflammation.

Treatments for keratosis pilaris in a child

Keratosis does not cause any health complications, except for cosmetic nuisance. Known methods of its treatment no surgical intervention is required, apply only palliative (temporarily improves the condition) of the measure. The aim of the therapist - to reduce keratosis lesions before applying destructive treatment.


For the treatment is carried out by external therapy creams and ointments:

  1. Moisturizing creams. They are useful in mild to moderate cases.
  2. Lactic acid creams and topical retinoids. recommended for moderate to severe cases.
  3. Soft exfoliating agents such as alpha-hydroxyacids. They work by removing excess skin epithelium in the clogged hair follicles.

In some cases, the advice of a doctor treatment is carried out ointments containing isotretinoin.

  1. Uroderm. Protein cleaves bonds that hold together the particles keratinized skin, promotes peeling at keratosis. Urea contained in the cream exerts a keratolytic action. Price: 127 rub.
  2. Retinoic ointment. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 1 time per day. Price: 250 rub.
Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

Ointments prescribed for severe cases of hyperkeratosis:

  1. Psorkutan. A synthetic analogue of vitamin D. Children are not recommended for use in young children. The price of 1 thousand. 500 rubles.
  2. Dayvoneks. An analogue of an active vitamin D3. Ointment is contraindicated in children younger than 6 years. The solution in childhood used with caution. From 6 to 12 years the maximum dose of ointment per week is 50 g, over 12 years - '75 The price of 1 thousand. rub.
  3. Retinoid tazarotene. Retinol, or vitamin A, one of the most active oil-soluble ingredients for skin care. Do not use in children under 12 years of age.

For many children, not enough use of irritating lotion and cream. Moisturizing creams used 2 times a day, it is possible after bathing.

Apply creams and oils that do not have side effects:

  1. Bepanten. Preventive agent for skin care. Good regenerates the skin, promotes healing of the epidermis, reduce redness. Price: 150 rub.
  2. Pantoderm. The active substance dexpanthenol is involved in the metabolism of fats and acids. In children, use of recommended doses doctor. Price: 200 rub.
  3. Panthenol. It stimulates epithelial cover, normalizes cellular metabolism, fills a deficiency of pantothenic acid. The duration of treatment depends on the extent of skin lesions. The price of 30 rubles.
  4. Kuriozin. The preparation contains hyaluronic acid and zinc. These agents ensure the integrity of the skin structure, accelerate healing. The gel is applied in a thin layer 1 once a day. Children used with caution, because in rare cases, after applying felt a slight burning sensation. Price: 400 rub.
  5. Castor oil.
  6. Glycerol.
  7. Baby cream.
  8. Fish fat.
Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

In the treatment of some types of dermatoses, accompanied by dryness, peeling, use emollients - fat-containing agents designed to moisturizing, obesity and softening the skin.

They are available as creams, emulsions, balms, bath preparations and shampoos. The substances contained in them, reduces itching, prolong the period of remission, reduce the need for active treatment.

Keratosis pilaris in a child treated as emollients, koitorye issued in the form of series:

  1. Topikrem. Moisturizes, regenerates and restores the skin. It can be used for permanent use. Price from 300 rubles.
  2. Dardia. It provides long-lasting hydration. Contains urea applied to children with caution. The price of 500 rubles.
  3. Lokobeyz Reap. Can be used with children from 6 months. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas from 1 to 3 times a day. Price from 300 rubles.
  4. Emolium. It is used for softening and moisturizing baby skin, reducing itching and irritation. The price of 500 rubles.

These drugs are good for the skin condition when keratosis and various types of dermatoses.

Traditional methods

Keratosis pilaris, and the child is treated with home remedies. Cosmetic products with the addition of acid is not administered to children or used with caution. For them it will be enough use of lotions and wet-drying dressings with herbal infusions. Thus there is vasoconstriction, decreased release of histamine, cytokines.

  1. Aloe. Leaves were washed, frozen for several days and then cut into thin plates. The plant is applied to the affected area, fix the bandage and leave overnight. (It is possible to apply and leaves no freeze).
  2. Propolis. The skin is smeared with a thin layer of cream from propolis, the film is then superimposed on top of it and such a bandage compress leave for the day.
  3. Raw potatoes. Rinse well with potatoes, dry, rub with the skin. The resulting mixture was wrapped in gauze and applied to the sites of inflammation. Compress can hold 1-2 hours.
  4. Beet. Chopped in a blender beets wrapped in gauze and compresses or lotions, applying to the inflamed skin.
  5. Natural yoghurt. A few teaspoons of the product is applied to the affected skin and gently rubbed flick. After drying yogurt rinse with warm water and mild soap.
  6. Bath with Calendula. The prepared solution on the basis of calendula flowers is added into the warm bath. After the adoption of the body smeared with softening cream.
  7. A solution succession. The solution is infused herb is added to a warm bath. Infusion is done at the rate of 15 g dry succession to 2 cups of water. Strained broth is poured into a warm bath.
  8. Starch. The swimming bath is added 400 g of starch can be additionally pour herbal infusions. After bathing the skin is treated with olive oil or made application with propolis.
Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

Before placing the child compresses, lotions, make sure that the skin is not bleeding wounds, inflammations.

The procedure for laying lotions and compresses:

  1. To chilled solution wetted herbal 15-20˚S 5-6 layers of gauze or a bandage, then drained and impose on the lesions. As the heating gadgets it remove and re-moistened. At night you can do 1-3 treatments.
  2. Damp-drying packs made in the same way, only imposed the wet bandage stays on for a long time.

Other methods

Well help warm bath, gentle exfoliation of dead skin particles, moisturizing cream, milk.

For children in their teens can use the following procedure:

  1. Laser therapy. Appointed senior teenagers.
  2. Phototherapy. Ultraviolet irradiation leads to normal epidermal cell division process.

Treatment of cosmetic products reduces itching symptoms easier for keratosis.

Moisturizing creams and lotions for children over 14 years:

  1. Cetaphil, containing vitamin E and soybean oil, hypoallergenic, the price of 800 rubles.
  2. Vanicream. Regenerating Lotion, relieves peeling, redness.

For children older than 13-14 years creams help to prevent the formation of blockages in the skin;

  1. Lotions and creams with lactic acid: AmLactin 12% Moisturizing Lotion, contains lactic acid, promotes peeling, dissolving keratin bonds in the epidermis.
  2. Lotions and creams with salicylic acid: CeraVe, brand, which belongs to a series of tools to deal with keratosis pilaris. It lotions, body creams, they contain salicylic acid, lactic acid and ceramides to restore the protective barrier.
Keratosis pilaris in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

To reduce the level of disease should take vitamin complexes:

  1. Vitrum.
  2. Multitabs Kid
  3. Centrum.
  4. Peaks.
  5. Kimplivit assets.
  6. Alphabet.

Vitamins taken 1-2 times a year for 4-5 weeks, and a major source of vitamins and nutrients should remain powered.

possible complications

Keratosis pilaris in a child often passes spontaneously as he matures. But in the early years may be periods of exacerbation and remission. Complications are rare cases, which are expressed in the appearance of age spots and scars.

Keratosis pilaris is not a complex disease in the child. But pay attention to it and see a doctor is necessary, if only to rule out other serious skin lesions.

Author: Anna Belyaeva

Helpful videos about the symptoms and treatments keratosis pilaris in children

Release transmission "Children's Doctor" of keratosis pilaris:

Tips for parents of Union of pediatricians of Russia:

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