Female Diseases

Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment in gynecology

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Menstruatsionnym cycle is a period of hormonal and physiological changes that result in the preparation of the woman's body to conceive. His countdown begins with the first day of menstruation and ends on the last day preceding the next menstruation.

The average cycle time is 3-4 weeks, but it is regularly set every girl individually only to 19-20 years. Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle can be a first fault signal in the hormonal system, the presence of disease of the reproductive organs or possible pregnancy.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 Types of diseases in which there are violations
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 prevention
  • 6 therapies
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Video of menstrual disorders

Causes of

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle (NMC) - a deviation with which modern women often turn to a gynecologist. Disposable failures caused by stress, congestion and climate change pose no threat to health. Another thing - the complete absence of menstrual regularity.

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Constant delays, which can be up to 6 months, or too frequent periods - are not the only cause for concern. Changing the duration of an established cycle, and the duration and intensity selections - sufficient basis for the treatment of a doctor.

The main causes of failure menstruatsionnogo cycle:

  1. Excessive or insufficient body weight. Body fat is the main drive of female sex hormones - estrogen. Its lack or excess can cause disturbances menstruatsionnogo cycle. Young girls fixated on unhealthy thinness or addicted to "drying" usually do not pay attention to the delay menstruation. Women suffering from excess weight, in addition to irregular or complete absence of menstrual periods may be faced with uterine bleeding caused by an excess of estrogen.Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment
  2. Lack of vitamins. Even with the balanced nutrition the body does not always get the full scope of essential trace elements. Strict limitations diet and lead to metabolic and hormonal disorders. Vitamin deficiency may cause the cancellation of regular processes (including menstruation), which are not a priority for the sustenance.
  3. Psychosomatic factors. In our time, the average life of a working woman - one big stress. Lack of sleep, inability to eat, psychological strain caused by many problems, which need to be solved: all it signals the body that now is not the time to play appropriately offspring. There comes a cycle crash. For irregular menstruation can also cause climate change, and time zone.
  4. Inadequate uterine tone. Weak contractile function of smooth muscle of the uterus does not allow you to effectively push out the blood clots, so the body is reconstructed, reducing the regularity and heavy menstruation. The reason for reducing the tone may be insufficient physical activity or low content of substances stimulating contraction.
  5. Hormonal imbalance. In this case, failure is fasting cycle effect of hormonal drugs affecting the functioning of the endocrine system, e.g., oral contraceptives. After the abolition of the medication the body needs some time to restore regular menstruation. However, properly selected drugs can cause a recurrence of the failure. In this case, you must consult your doctor.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation. Hormonal changes associated with childbearing and breastfeeding set out to eliminate the re-birth. During lactation actively produces prolactin - a hormone responsible for milk coming. It blocks the generation of ovarian hormones, which leads to the absence of menstruation. Typically, the cycle is stabilized immediately after weaning.Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment
  7. Problems with the hematopoietic system. During the "critical days" a woman loses an average of 100ml of blood. Anemia or low blood clotting can cause increase menstruatsionnogo cycle or complete cessation of menses.
  8. Infectious diseases of the reproductive organs. Most venereal diseases in the early stages asymptomatic. However, if you notice uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor, or pain in the appendages, you must immediately consult a doctor. Infection and their associated inflammatory processes affect cycle regularity, and can give rise to adhesions.
  9. Ovarian dysfunction. stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, malfunction of the endocrine system, as well as sexually transmitted diseases can lead to the appearance of tumors in the genital area and, as a result, the NMC. Polycystic ovary - one of the most common diseases that require prompt treatment.
  10. Diseases not related to gynecology. Any change in the reproductive system can be a symptom of a more serious condition, for example, the formation of malignant or benign tumors, CNS injury, the development of diabetes diabetes. Regularity of menstruation - one of the main indicators of the body's normal functioning, so it is important to follow the cycle, even if the pregnancy is not planned.
  11. Genetic abnormalities. Approximately 5% of women lack of regularity menstruatsionnogo cycle is the norm. It is difficult to plan the pregnancy, because it is difficult to track the time of ovulation, but health problems at the same time is not observed.

Track menstrual cycles is one of the main conditions for the prevention of problems of the reproductive system works. In our time, in order to distinguish a single failure of a serious disorder menstruatsionnogo cycle, sufficient to establish the appropriate application on your mobile phone.

Types of diseases in which there are violations

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle can be caused by a variety of diseases:

Pathology, causing malfunction of the reproductive system:Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment

Type of disease Description
Pelvic infection The most common type of violation. When the first symptoms need to be tested for the presence of pathogens: Chlamydia, uroplazmy, mycoplasma. When a positive response is assigned antibiotics, antifungal and immunomodulatory agents. If other reasons for failure have been identified, cycle regularity is restored upon completion of a course of therapy
hormonal disorders The main reasons are: hyperactivity or decreased activity of the thyroid gland, as well as abnormal functioning of the adrenal glands. It may be a side effect of incorrectly matched hormonal preparations
ovarian dysfunction Provoked by inflammatory processes and increased infectious index (frequent colds and infections in girls under the age of 12 years)
The consequences of epidemic diseases Rubella or chickenpox, transferred in childhood, affects the formation of ovarian follicles. The lack of regularity of menses is traced from the first bleeding. This problem is difficult to be diagnosed because of the unstable hormonal body needs up to 12 months to fix menstruatsionny cycle.
polycystic ovaries Hormonal disorder in which are formed cysts of immature oocytes. Lack of timely treatment is fraught with the growth and rupture of abnormal growths. This can cause inflammation, and in severe cases - ovarian rupture.

To prescribe treatment, a correct diagnosis, and to install it is necessary to pass inspection.


NMC Therapy begins with determining the root causes which may after accurate diagnosis. The first doctor who must refer a woman with symptoms of cycle disorders - gynecologist.

Diagnostics - a set of activities, including:

  • The survey and inspection. The doctor records complaints, inspects, taking swabs for analysis. If you detect any abnormality the patient is sent for an ultrasound of the reproductive system.Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment
  • US. It is considered the safest method of examination of the pelvic organs. Ultrasound examination allows us to determine the presence of malignant or benign tumors, erosion or dysplasia, abnormalities in size, position and shape uterus and ovaries.
  • Analyzes. NMC disorder may be caused by operation of the endocrine organs. To confirm the diagnosis of the need to analyze:
  1. hormone levels;
  2. ESR concentration;
  3. blood chemistry;
  4. a test for blood clotting.
  • neurologist consultation. Necessary in case of suspected pathology in the pituitary, as well as cycle disorders associated with menopause.
  • Hysteroscopy. Research is conducted using an endoscope, which allows you to inspect the uterine cavity on all sides. It helps to identify such diseases as mucosal atrophy, polyps and other tumors.
  • Histology. Inspection is carried out if the NMC associated inflammation or malignant tumors in the body.

After careful analysis of the data obtained the physician makes a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

When to see a doctor

Upset menstruatsionnogo cycle has a number of undesirable effects, which can only be avoided if timely treatment to the gynecologist. If a one-time failure can be classified as a psychosomatic phenomenon, a relapse - the first symptom of pathological changes.

Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment
Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle may be the norm in some women

In some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • the absence of menstruation in girls under 16 years of age;
  • instability cycle even after 1.5 years after the first menstrual period;
  • too long periods, accompanied by profuse bleeding;
  • discoloration, odor and the nature of menses;
  • pain at ovulation;
  • interval between periods greater than 5 weeks scarce or spotting;
  • uterine bleeding between menstrual periods.

In the event of one or more of the above symptoms, should immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist. According to the survey and initial examination, the doctor can provide a referral to an endocrinologist, neurologist and even a physical therapist.


Violation can be prevented menstruatsionnogo cycle, if you follow certain rules:

  1. Avoid heavy physical exertion and hard and monotonous diets, leading to a sharp weight loss. Nor should we move to high-calorie foods for quick weight gain. The power supply system is necessary to develop a dietitian and exercise program with a certified instructor.
  2. If it is impossible to organize a balanced diet, you should take vitamin complexes, normalizing menstruatsionny cycle.
  3. To avoid reducing the tone of the uterus recommend moderate exercise. The ideal solution - belly dancing. They help to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which guarantees the absence of problems with the regularity of the cycle and reduces the risk of adhesions.Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment

Detect the problem and promptly proceed to its solution will help maintain menstruation calendar and visit the gynecologist at least 2 times a year.


To restore menstruatsionnogo cycle there is a particular technique, because its course is influenced by many factors. The basic meaning of therapy is to identify and eliminate the root causes of violations of menstrual regularity.

In most cases, along with medication is required diet adjustment, optimization mode "wake-sleep" and a reduction of stress.

Therapy menstruatsionnogo cycle disorders in adolescents and women of childbearing about the same age, and it includes the following activities:

  1. Hormone therapy: correction performed for menstrual disorders and reproductive system stabilization. For teenagers pick sparing drugs with a low dosage.
  2. Intravenous infusion of special solutions and administration of drugs containing iron: to replenish blood loss anemia. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding associated with decreased hemoglobin, dizziness and general weakness may be appointed scraping.
  3. Adjustment of diet and physical activity: with extragenital pathology.

In uncomplicated cases, prescribe cyclic vitamin therapy, which is sometimes complement sedatives.


When traditional therapy menstruatsionnogo cycle disorders can assign the following drugs:Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment

A drug appointment Dosage Minimum price, rbl.
  • NMC;
  • PMS;
  • Mammalgia
1 tablet per day (in the morning). Wash down with sufficient water. The course of 3 months without a break at the time of menstruation 530
  • Functional NMC;
  • Pain during menstruation.

Homeopathic remedy that is used in combination with other drugs

Table 1-2. 3 times a day 30 minutes before or after eating. The drug must dissolve slowly. The course is at least 3 months. 540
  • NMC;
  • PMS;
  • psychological disorders associated with the NMC.

Vitamin complex, is not a drug

Dozirovka- 2 tab. a day (morning and evening) with food. Wash down with plenty of water. 391
  • endometriosis;
  • infertility;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • PMS;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • NMC
The dose and duration of administration are individual in each case. They are determined by the attending physician 550
utrozhestan Menstrual disorders caused by progesterone deficiency. hormonal drug The daily dose is 200-300 mg of active substance. Application can be carried out in 2 stages: 200 mg in the evening and in the morning 100 (if necessary) Dosage and duration of administration can vary depending on the disease. 420
Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment

Drug treatment prescribed by the physician after diagnosis. Independent selection of drugs, based on the advice the pharmacist at the pharmacy is not allowed.

Traditional methods

When painful feelings that often accompany periods in adolescents successfully help herbal.

There are some simple but effective broths recommended for dysmenorrhea:

  1. Infusion of sweet clover. Effectively eliminates the spasms that cause pain. For the preparation you need to pour 15 grams. Collection 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse thermos 2 hours then filter. Take half a cup 2-3 times a day.
  2. Infusion of lemon balm. This herb has not only analgesic, but also a sedative effect. 15 gr. Collecting pour 200 ml hot water and infused for 30 minutes. After straining infusion is ready for use. Take 1-2 tbsp. Tablespoons every 2 h.

When a long delay menses following media:

  1. Infusion of parsley. Bundle of fresh herbs should be carefully grind and pour a glass of boiling water. Stand in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Take 0.5 cups during lunch and the last meal.Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment
  2. A decoction of onion peel. 1 kg of husk onion pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and simmer until until the liquid darken. Broth strain. Take 100 mL for 30 minutes before a meal, 2 times a day.

When the delays associated with nerve strain well help infusions calming herbs: mint, hawthorn, valerian.

Other methods

If the examination was found a tumor that caused the NMC, the problem is solved surgically.

How serious intervention is required depends on the size and location of tumors:

  • resection and enucleation - when removing small polyps and submucosal fibroids;
  • hysterectomies - in case of detection of neoplasms imposing size;
  • hysterectomy with appendages and the nearest lymph nodes - in oncology.

When complications after severe bleeding apply scraping with a further departure material for histological examination.

possible complications

Violation menstruatsionnogo cycle is a symptom of failure of the reproductive system. The reason may be a non-genetic diseases, inflammation and infection.

Ignoring the cycle of failure can lead to serious consequences, such as:

  1. Infertility, high chances of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage, the development of endometriosis or uterine fibroids cavity.Violations menstruatsionnogo cycle: classification, causes and treatment
  2. Too frequent and plentiful monthly observed fatigue, apathy, reluctance to do anything, up to the total disability. It is possible the development of anemia.
  3. NMC caused by sexually transmitted diseases, tumors, inflammatory processes whether abnormalities of the reproductive system, potentially life-threatening. Launched polycystic ovaries can lead to the development of malignant tumors, blood vessel disease, diabetes, obesity and certainly infertility.
  4. Failure, which is a consequence of hormonal disorders, is fraught with the development problems of functioning of the endocrine system.

Difficulties in conception and gestation, of course, are the most terrible consequences of breach menstruatsionnogo cycle. To avoid complications, you need to be attentive to their health. You can not ignore the signals sent by the body, and any deviation from the norm to see a doctor.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of menstrual disorders

What inspections take place if disrupted menstrual cycle:

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