
Pink Ringworm in humans the symptoms, treatment, pictures, causes of children, adults. Contagious or not, as reported. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

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Pityriasis rosea Gibert or - Disease dermatoses from the group having the infectious-allergic etiology. Called predisposing factors to the occurrence of disease in humans it is impossible, but it is known that the agent acts as the herpes virus. Symptom precursor acts single spot of large size, which may occur in any part of the body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Determination of disease
  • 2 external signs
  • 3 symptomatology
    • 3.1 In childhood,
  • 4 cause factor
  • 5 Whether contagious disease
  • 6 Stages of development
  • 7 Possible complications of the disease
  • 8 therapeutic methods
    • 8.1 Drugs pills
    • 8.2 Topical preparations
    • 8.3 Nontraditional methods of treatment
  • 9 power Features
  • 10 Prediction and prevention
  • 11 Video of the pink lichen, its symptoms and treatments

Determination of disease

The disease is diagnosed equally in both women and men. Disease is more common in people between the ages of 20-40 years. Children and the elderly rarely suffer deprive Gibert. According to the medical classification, pathology refers to acute dermatoses having peculiar for the character, the location of inflammatory cells.

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In most cases, shingles occurs due to colds, which recently had a person after a strong emotional shock, grafting, gastrointestinal diseases.

pathological feature of acts that, regardless of the time of initiating therapy, the clinical manifestations of self-care after 6-8 weeks. If concomitant condition is an allergic reaction, duration of the disease increases.

external signs

Though the disease and pass on their own after a certain time, it does not mean that we should lose sight of the first symptoms and implement appropriate therapy.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

The features of the onset of the inflammatory process are:

  • the occurrence of dark or bright spots on different portions of the trunk;
  • General condition Normal (whereas in many other infectious diseases, it worsens: fever, malaise and weakness occurs);
  • appearance pruritic elements flaking on the skin.

Characteristic symptoms depriving depend on what kind of pathogen has contributed to their appearance, and what form of pathology.

In most cases, the inflammatory elements extend to the whole body:

localization region Appearance
Back They appear in the form of pink spots, prone to sprawl
Chest They appear in the form of white and pink spots
Legs Have symptoms inherent in other types of lichen
Hands They appear in the form of light or dark spots of different diameters

If you have found such a rash on the skin, it is not necessary to self-medicate, and the need to refer to a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate diagnostic measures and their results - effective treatment.


Pink Ringworm in humans, the symptoms of which are listed below, in different patients proceeds differently.

Clinical manifestations that characterize the initial stage, the following:

  • general malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • fever;
  • lymphadenopathy (rare).

In adults, the disease is the emergence of symmetrical sections with tumors that have a pink or pinkish-yellowish tint. Swelling slightly raised above the level of the epidermis and can be localized to the back, chest, upper and lower extremities.

Before pruritic elements are formed, there is a "parent spot" having a diameter of 3-4 cm on the skin, bright pink color and scaly surface. Further neoplasms - smaller (1-2 cm in diameter) have exfoliating rim bright pink hue circle.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments
The figure shows the appearance of the symptoms of pink depriving a person.

Generalization of tumors on the body takes place over several weeks, after which their number is decreasing. On-site spots appear whitish or pinkish areas which over time disappear, leaving no trace. Pink Ringworm in humans, the symptoms of which 1 stage appear on the face, it is rare.

In most cases originally involved in the defeat thoracic, after the eruption spreads in the steel area of ​​the body. There is an atypical form of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of petechial rash resembling bubbles in appearance. They tend to merge with each other, forming large conglomerates. Have a large diameter - 8 cm.

In childhood,

Pink zoster, the symptoms of which occur in children, occur in the following sequence:

  1. Thinning the stratum corneum of the skin, transillumination of blood vessels in a particular location of the body. The formation of "plaques parent."
  2. Fouling stains pink rim after a few days, limiting the affected area.
  3. The appearance of scaly surface on the spot, a color change to pale pink. Thinning of the skin, and laxity in the field with new growth.
  4. After 5-6 days, "mother spot" disappears. The next stage in the development of the disease acts spread the rash to other parts of the body. New spots are smaller in diameter than the "parent plaque."

Immediately after entry into the body of the child the causative agent, the immune system begins to actively combat the pathogen.

This process is shown in the form of rashes on the skin. As in adults, in children pathology disappears on its own after about 6-8 weeks. Sensible burning and itching syndrome are rare, there is no other discomfort. If the therapy is not depriving a child, flowing against the backdrop of a chronic disease or a weakened immune system, symptoms may return.

cause factor

Pink Ringworm in humans, the symptoms of which are confirmed by a doctor, appears due to herpes virus exposure and in some cases - microscopic fungi:

  • zooantropofilov: live on the skin and hair of pets;
  • anthropophilia: vital functions are only human epidermis;
  • geophiles: They live in the soil.
Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

Viral organisms can be localized in the human or animal body for many years and does not manifest itself until exposure to a provoking factor. This also applies to the herpes virus, which is activated by the weakening of the protective function. According to scientific data, Gibert shingles occurs on the background of the impact of herpes infection of type 6 and 7.

This can be explained by the fact that before the appearance of the characteristic rash disease, in humans there are flu-like symptoms. Researchers also found seasonal relationship depriving Gibert with this pathology. Factors provoking pathology include general hypothermia, reduced the protective functions of the body, the stressful situation in history, a strong emotional shock.

Whether contagious disease

Until today, there is no definitive information on the transmission method, which causes the development of the pink lichen. According to one theory, a disease spread by airborne droplets ways. At the moment, experts have not reached a consensus on this fact and whether or not the pathology is contagious.

Stages of development

The disease occurs in 3 stages. At the initial stage of development of the pink lichen appears in the form of "maternal spots" having a large size when compared with subsidiaries tumors. In most cases, the initial symptoms are localized on the tender area of ​​the epidermis - the elbow, on the sides of the joint. Neoplasm looks shelled spots.

After a certain time after the transition to the second stage of the disease, there are first clinical manifestations, which are present for 5-7 days. At this stage, the rash spreads. It is believed that the source of generalized infection - water.

Therefore, the period of treatment of the disease are prohibited to take a shower and to carry out other water treatments. Pink Ringworm in humans, which is characterized by symptoms of the last stage of development, has similarities with plaque psoriasis. Epidermal outgrowths arise elongated bubbles and intercellular edema.

Possible complications of the disease

Zoster Gibert - not a dangerous disease. In exceptional cases, it is accompanied by the development of negative consequences. Even tumors unexpressed colors that remain after the disappearance of the main elements, self-care through 1-11 weeks.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

Among the complications are the following:

  • pyoderma;
  • hidradenitis;
  • folliculitis, ostiofollikulit;
  • eczema;
  • strep impetigo.

Negative consequences arise against the background of intense friction inflammatory elements of clothing, excessive washing, improper treatment.

therapeutic methods

If therapy is initiated promptly and correctly carried out, to achieve a full recovery is possible after 2 weeks. If there are complications, infection joining duration of the disease increases to 3 weeks.

The period of presence of characteristic symptoms of disease is influenced by:

  • how long ago appeared the first symptoms;
  • at what stage of development of deprived people to see a doctor;
  • whether there are complications;
  • What is the effectiveness of the treatment.

In the presence of at least one of such factors, the duration of the disease increases and slows down the healing process. The entire period of treatment, the patient must comply with the recommendations and the prescribing physician.

Drugs pills

Ringworm Gibert requires supplementation in the form of tablets, providing antiviral, antimycotic, antimicrobial effect. To assign the most effective remedy, the physician identifies the pathogen type.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

In most cases, using these drugs:

  • Acyclovir. It exerts antiviral effects by promoting proliferation and tumors stop blocking the infectious agent. Daily pills helps reduce blemishes, reduce the intensity of other clinical manifestations. Assign 1 tablet up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment determined by the physician on an individual basis.
  • Psorilom. Fired means in the form of dispersible tablets. By its action the drug is similar to the salicylic ointment. It promotes fast regeneration of inflammatory tissue. Features of the application and the number of applications during the day determined by the attending physician.
  • Griseofulvin. It has antimycotic effect. It is recommended to take the drug during meals. To improve comprehensibility, the tablet can drink vegetable oil (1 hr. l.).
  • Erythromycin. It relates to antibacterial agents with a broad spectrum of action. Used in the initial stage of disease development. Helps eliminate clinical manifestations of lichen, the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms that cause disease, reduces the risk of recurrent disease. It does not cause a negative impact on the immune system. Taking tablets every 6 hours for a week.
  • Tavegil. It is believed antihistamines. Used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Tablets are effective even when running dermatosis. Is the inside of 1 tablet per day.
  • Zodak. Included in the third generation antihistamines group. Assign an extended period of therapy for the relief of allergic reaction. Is the inside of 1 tablet 1 time a day.
  • Suprastin. Antiallergic agent has antipruritic activity and suppresses the clinical manifestations of zoster. In addition, the prophylactic effect on the recurrence of the disease. Features of the application determined by the physician.
  • Tsetrin. It has anti-allergic effect. Do not use in the treatment of zoster in children, pregnant and lactating women. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many tools to help cure pink deprive, but to choose the most effective drug can only be a doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease.

Topical preparations

Pityriasis Rosea infecting human skin tissue, treated with topical preparations.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

To accelerate tissue healing and reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations of salves are used:

  • salicylic ointment antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, dries, antimicrobial effect. Agent is applied to the problem area twice a day. After the second application of ointment can be seen that the tumors became lighter shade. Among the contraindications - age up to 1 year, the development of renal failure.
  • ointment flutsinar - synthetic glucocorticosteroid. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, well relieves itching and irritation syndrome. Means should be applied to the problem areas of a thin layer, gently rubbing. Ointment helps cleanse the surface of the flake layer neoplasms and align color. Use ointment without prior consultation with the doctor is contraindicated, since it has a lot of contraindications.
  • ointment Lorinden anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal action. Applied to inflammatory elements in the first three days, after reducing the number of applications of up to 1 time per day. Tool helps reduce the intensity of the clinical manifestations. Do not appoint a drug to children under 10 years, persons suffering from acne.
  • ointment Sinalar It refers to a combination thereof, as a part of which - the glucocorticoid and antibacterial components. Apply medication twice a day, gently rubbing in inflammatory elements. It helps eliminate itching syndrome, lighten plaques eliminate flake layer. Among the contraindications - the presence of acne, acne, prickly heat in places required application.

Actively used in pink shingles mash - means that you can prepare at home. For example, on the basis of birch tar preparations have bactericidal, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Are prepared and used as a medicine:

  • take any fat cream, for example, sulfuric acid;
  • mix 25 ml tar from the pharmacy in a volume of 5 ml;

Apply mash on the problem areas twice a day.

Nontraditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies have long been used to treat many skin diseases, including pink shingles. Using herbs, plants, roots, flowers and leaves. Such components will be effective with herpes Gibert.

Golden mustache:

  • The juice and pulp plants - means restoring the skin.
  • To prepare the slurry taking fresh leaf of a plant length of about 20 cm, crushed to mushy state.
  • For pulp juice squeezed through cheesecloth.
  • The resulting tool is used for imposing compresses twice daily, maintaining for 20 minutes.
Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

Garlic, stevia (powder):

  • 2-3 garlic cloves are crushed, mixed with the powder in a volume of 1 h. l., boiled water, allowed to infuse for 10 hours.
  • Ready means of strain, used for applying lotion 2 times a day.

Blackberry leaves, stevia (powder):

  • raw blackberries in the amount of 5 items. l. mixed with 1 hour. l. powder, pour hot water glass, infused over 1 hour.
  • Ready infusion filter, used for applying lotions.


  • Use of anti-syrup-based plants leads to tissue regeneration leads to an improvement in the lesion blood flow.
  • The leaves are ground, filled in 1 liter jar cm after applying a layer of sugar and so on, alternating until the container is full to the brim.
  • Leave to infuse for 2 days.
  • Ready means ingest 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.

Aloe juice, celandine, vinegar, sweet flag root, flax oil:

  • The ingredients were mixed in equal proportions, pour hot water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. collecting 500-mL liquid left for infusion for 2 hours.
  • Ready infusion is used for applying compresses twice a day, soaking for 15 minutes.

Cranberry juice:

  • The berries are juice, squeezing through cheesecloth.
  • In a ready means of moistened gauze cut and applied to inflammatory elements for the night.
  • Perform the procedure before going to bed.

Fish oil, an alcohol tincture of propolis, rosehip branches:

  • The fat in the amount 40 mg, extract - 80 g ash briar branch - 20 g were mixed, allowed to infuse for 3 days.
  • In a ready means, a further 40 g of aloe juice, infused for 5 days.
  • After this time, birch tar made up of 120 g is removed, and another 3 weeks.
  • The resulting texture is applied to inflammatory elements twice a day.

Any of the ingredients used may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before the national treatment is best to consult a doctor.

power Features

To prevent a recurrence and exacerbation, acceleration of recovery prescribed a special diet, which the patient must adhere to the entire period of treatment.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

Permitted products include:

  • bran bread baked from whole wheat flour;
  • semolina, barley, rice, oatmeal;
  • kidney, heart, liver and other offal;
  • vegetables and fruits green: zucchini, cabbage, greens, cooked with vegetable oil;
  • prunes, figs, raisins, light color;
  • vegetable oils: olive, sunflower;
  • Black and green weak tea;
  • vegetable soup with barley;
  • veal, beef, chicken, turkeys, and rabbit in the baked or boiled form;
  • trout, salmon, mackerel stewed, boiled, baked form;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products with bifidobacteria.

On the contrary, harmful to the treatment period of the disease are the following products:

  • nourishing broth;
  • smoked;
  • fat and red fish;
  • blue cheese;
  • conservation;
  • potatoes.

For adult patients assigned diet for 3-4 weeks for children - 2 weeks.

If diagnosed pink deprive, one should stick to hypoallergenic diet with the inclusion in the diet of food that does not cause an allergic reaction: lean meat and fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, as part of which - the vitamin C, uzvar and compotes, weak tea and mineral water without gas addition.

Sample menu for the day:

  • on breakfast: boiled rice, boiled in water with the addition of butter, yogurt or yogurt, stewed fruit;
  • at lunch: vegetable salad with the addition of olive oil, 2 boiled eggs, fresh juice;
  • for lunch: vegetable soup, chicken, tea;
  • in the afternoon: bran, fruit;
  • for dinner: wheat porridge, baked mackerel, tea;
  • at night nonfat yogurt drink (glass).

Patients who are prone to develop this form of pathology, required to comply with diet throughout life.

Prediction and prevention

Pink zoster has a favorable prognosis. Man fully recover in 2-3 weeks, but only if there was no connection of a bacterial or fungal infection. After recovery from the human immunity is produced, but it does not mean that he is no longer ill. Increased risk of depriving a lifetime.

Pink Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, treatment, causes of children, adults. Folk remedies, medications, ointments

For preventative measures include adherence to proper diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the systematic strengthening of the protective functions of the body. If there is an allergic predisposition is recommended to exclude the impact of allergens. It is important to personal hygiene, with the exception of use other people's money (a washcloth, soap, towel).

Upon detection of the skin symptoms of pink lichen is not necessary to self-medicate. Any disease in humans requires skilled care. Otherwise, you can not only slow the healing, but also cause additional injury.

Video of the pink lichen, its symptoms and treatments

Contagious Is Pink zoster:

How to treat pink deprive at home:

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