Female Diseases

No monthly there is no pregnancy. Reasons for what to do when the pain in the heart, the stomach twists why gaining weight. What could it be

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Contrary to popular belief, lack of menstruation does not always indicate a pregnancy, although it is a striking symptom. There are many other reasons, when there is no menstruation, you must know that every woman.

The content of the article:

  • 1 monthly cycle rate
  • 2 When the absence of menstruation is the norm
  • 3 There are no monthly, no pregnancy - how many days can last?
  • 4 When a delay to worry?
  • 5 Irregular cycle disorders
  • 6 Pathological causes of lack of menstruation
    • 6.1 Inflammation of the reproductive organs
    • 6.2 gynecological diseases
    • 6.3 Giperprolaktemiya
    • 6.4 hypothyroidism
    • 6.5 Problems with excess weight
    • 6.6 Oncological diseases
  • 7 Why there is no post-abortion menses
  • 8 The reasons for the delay menstruation after 40 years
  • 9 That it can be: stomach twists, chest pain, and no monthly?
  • 10 What if there is no menstrual pain in the heart
  • 11 Why gain weight in the absence of menstruation
  • 12 When to see a doctor
  • 13 Examination at delay
  • 14 Preparations for the recovery cycle
  • 15 How to call the monthly self. Traditional recipes
  • 16 Video of the reasons for the delay menstruation, in the absence of pregnancy
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monthly cycle rate

Cyclic processes occurring in women of reproductive age are regulated by hormones of several species. Month under their influence uterine endometrium (the inner mucosa) thickens and fills with blood, ready to receive the embryo. In parallel, the ovaries begin to develop the egg that falls into the fallopian tube at ovulation.

If a certain period of time has not occurred fertilization, stops production of hormones, earlier save and stimulated the growth of the endometrium: it peels off and removed. In other words, start month, and after the completion of the cycle repeats.

Considered normal following its performance:

  • cycle time (time from the first day of menses until the day before the next menstruation inclusive) - 21 to 35 days, ideally - 28 days;
  • menstruation duration - from 3 to 7 days;
  • intensity: moderate, precipitates peak on day 2-3, total blood loss is from 50 to 150 ml.
  • age at menarche (first menstruation) - 11-15 years;
  • premenopausal (period ovarian failure) - 46-53 years.

When the absence of menstruation is the norm

Deviations from the parameters described above is not always indicative of some kind of pathological changes in the body.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

Cycle disorders in the direction of increasing or decreasing its length or the complete absence of menstruation within a few months it is quite natural:

  • When pregnancy. About her usual show and secondary signs: changes in tastes, morning sickness, lungs breast tenderness, fatigue.
  • During lactation. Breastfeeding moms monthly, usually absent, which is explained by a high level in their body prolactin hormone responsible for milk production. After weaning cycle is restored within 2 months.
  • In adolescence: during puberty. After menarche may take up to 3 months before again come monthly, due to the instability of hormonal background. Typically, the cycle is set to 14-15 years.
  • When premenopausal women. During this time, a woman's body undergoes changes opposite to those that took place in his youth: the function ovaries gradually fading, which is accompanied by hormonal surges and, as a consequence, the menstrual cycle.

There are no monthly, no pregnancy - how many days can last?

Delay is possible when all of the above reasons are absent: a small percentage of women of reproductive age can boast that their body works with the precision of a Swiss timepiece and monthly starts exactly at the agreed day and time.

Most often there is a small variation in a few days (up to 5 days), which is considered to be normal. In most cases it is due to any inaccuracy in calculation, or influenced by some external factors.

When a delay to worry?

No monthly for more than 5 days in a young woman, and there is no pregnancy - is a cause for concern, especially if before the monthly proceeds normally. The same is true if they are accompanied by the absence of any symptoms of trouble: abdominal pain, weakness.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

If we are talking about a teenage girl, then such a delay - is normal with the following exceptions:

  • month started before 11 years of age;
  • not started (or their irregular cycle) when reaching the age of 17 years;
  • in the absence of menstruation observed excessive hair growth, deep voice, excessive muscle development;
  • aged 11-15 years, there is no menstruation in the presence of all the traits characteristic of PMS (increased breast tenderness, mild nagging abdominal pain, mood swings, weakness).

Irregular cycle disorders

Ideally, a healthy woman, pubescent, monthly should be held regularly, not creating any problems and without being accompanied by any unpleasant sensations. However, the modern way of life contributes to the process of their own adjustments, sometimes causing a weak pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, and sometimes - cycle disorders, in particular its delay.

The causes of such disorders are a group of physiological probation, and the delay menstruation their fault is temporary and is a normal reaction to otpryadennye factors.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

There are no monthly, no pregnancy (if intermittent cycle) - it is possible in the following cases:

Factor Description
Stress and depression When stress hormones change, causing menstrual disorders.

To stressful situations may include:

  • strong emotional or physical stress;
  • abrupt change in lifestyle;
  • diet change, prolonged fasting;
  • serious illness
intoxication When smoking, excessive drinking, drug taking substances contained may violate operation body, in particular, the production of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, causing delay.

Intoxication and, consequently, delay periods, can also cause the work in hazardous occupations or residence in an environmentally unfavorable regions

Changing climatic conditions Disruption of the menstrual cycle and delay menstruation for a few days can cause a sudden climate change, which is possible, for example, on the way to hot countries in winter. The sudden change of weather conditions is a strong stress for the body, and it can respond to hormonal malfunction and delay menstruation for several days.

The mite introduced and the factors usually associated journey: the forced transition to a new rhythm of sleep and rest, change of diet and meal schedule, the fatigue of a long journey. As a rule, the body to acclimatize and adapt to new conditions takes 3 to 7 days

Medication Contained in some medications substances affect the hormones in a woman's body, disrupting the natural cycle of monthly and leading to their delay.

These medications include:

  • mikrodozirovannye combined oral contraceptives (COCs). Their long-term use may lead to insufficient development of the endometrium, which will manifest itself as a lack of menstruation. Prolonged use of certain types of COC-containing medium or high amount of sex hormones that can cause gipertormozheniya ovarian syndrome in which they cease to mature egg, and lead to a complete cessation of menstruation;
  • drugs, characterized by a high content of hormones may move the date monthly for a few days;
  • preparations containing progestogens (pregnancy hormones) used for the treatment of various gynecological diseases, in particular endometriosis (abnormal endometrial growths);
  • the rejection of birth control pills. This is because the body needs time to go with the artificial cycle, which previously formed contraceptives, on a natural cycle, which will require several weeks
hereditary predisposition In this case we are talking about the late onset of first menstruation in teenage girls. If all relatives in the female line had the same problem, especially do not worry when provided that no other alarming symptoms, mentioned above, and the girl is not yet fulfilled 15 years

Pathological causes of lack of menstruation

In contrast, the delay of menstruation for physiological reasons, conventionally, this kind of malfunction cycle is a symptom and a natural consequence of any pathological processes occurring in the body. Normalization menses can be achieved only when an adequate treatment of the underlying disease. Delay or complete cessation of menstruation can cause a variety of factors.

Inflammation of the reproductive organs

Various inflammatory processes affecting the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, in the absence of effective treatment become chronic shape, leading eventually to pathological changes in the reproductive organs and disorders of the menstrual cycle until the complete cessation menses.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do
The reason why there is no pregnancy, and menstruation can become inflammatory.

Symptoms of these diseases include:

  • redness and itching of the vulva;
  • bleeding or purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • fever;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • a feeling of pressure and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

gynecological diseases

Diseases of the reproductive organs caused by hormonal imbalance - the reason for the delay menstruation, after which, as a rule, there is a heavy uterine bleeding.

Such diseases include:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis, and ovarian cancer;
  • polycystic.
Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

Hormonal imbalances can be congenital or be the result of different infections: angina and ARD. Another reason - the frequent stress and chronic fatigue.


Condition for which is characterized by high blood levels of the hormone prolactin. The main risk group - women aged 25-40.

In addition to amenorrhea - (absence of menstruation for six months), the disease characterized by:

  • laktoreya - abnormal discharge from the nipple;
  • frigidity;
  • excessive hair growth;
  • acne;
  • obesity;
  • instability of the psyche, mood swings.


Thyroid disease, in which it reduces the production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, are responsible for normal metabolism. Hypothyroidism can develop both in damage resulting from trauma or infections of the gland itself transferred (primary) and with a deficiency of iodine required for the synthesis of these hormones (secondary).

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

Among the delayed symptoms or complete absence of menstrual periods, and in addition:

  • decreased performance;
  • muscle weakness;
  • swelling;
  • lethargy;
  • weight gain;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • dry skin and brittle nails;
  • chilliness;
  • presence of heart murmurs, slow heart rate;
  • high cholesterol.

Problems with excess weight

To change the menstrual cycle can lead dramatic weight loss and rapid weight gain (obesity). In the latter case, this is due to the accumulation of estrogen in fat tissueLeading to a lack of ovulation (follicle persistence) and delayed menstruation.

Menstruation can be delayed for a period of between a week and a half months.

In addition, obesity is one of the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Women suffering from this disease, impaired ovarian function, leading to a lack of ovulation and menstruation delays during the period from 4 to 8 months.

Oncological diseases

Neoplasms affecting the sexual sphere: uterine fibroids, cysts and different cystoma, trophoblastic tumors can cause disorders menstrual cycle, because they make it difficult to hormone responsible for its regulation, and slow down the update cells.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

The presence of tumors indicates a number of other symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • irregular bleeding;
  • pervasive fever;
  • fast and wanton loss of weight;

Why there is no post-abortion menses

There are no monthly, no pregnancy at its artificial interruption. In this case, completely disrupted the operation of all systems of the body, and he needs time to recover. There is a relationship: the less traumatic was the method of the procedure, the faster the cycle returns to normal.

In most cases, regular monthly starting with:

  • 1-2 months - when the vacuum abortion;
  • about six months - under medical abortion (curettage).

This is not to be confused spotting taking place immediately after the abortion, and in no way connected with ovulation and menses.

If menstruation continue to go with the delay or non-existent at the end of this period, then the reason for it may be:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • excessive trauma to the endometrium.

In any case, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause and the purpose of treatment.

The reasons for the delay menstruation after 40 years

Delay of menstruation for up to 5 days in a woman after 40 years should not cause concern.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

If the monthly no longer, the probability is 2 reasons:

  1. Premenopausal. Usually it occurs in 45-50 years, but may begin earlier if a woman did not give birth or due to hereditary factors.
  2. Pregnancy. In 40 years, it is not as likely as a young woman, but it is possible.

Not excluded, and other reasons described above, after going to the 40-year milestone, the woman becomes more vulnerable, and the probability of abnormalities, including and leading to delays in the monthly increases.

That it can be: stomach twists, chest pain, and no monthly?

There are no monthly, no pregnancy, there are pain in the abdomen - all of which can point to:

  • ectopic pregnancy. In addition to the lack of menstruation and severe abdominal pain are other symptoms: general weakness, dizziness, pallor.
  • inflammatory process affecting sexual sphere. Usually, the inflammation can be diagnosed by the presence of purulent discharge,
  • discomfort in the vagina, painful urination;

What if there is no menstrual pain in the heart

With pain in my heart as one of the symptoms of PMS, many women face, which is associated with the inherent these days nervous system excitation and increased level of adrenaline in the blood.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

If, despite the pain, monthly and do not occur, it may be due to:

  • stress, strong emotions;
  • depression;
  • excessive physical exertion, fatigue;
  • the lack of a full night's rest;
  • abuse of strong coffee and a variety of energy drinks;
  • extreme exhaustion (at diets).

In either case, a consultation with a specialist to determine the causes as the pain in his heart, and the lack of menstruation, and finding the relationship between them.

Why gain weight in the absence of menstruation

Delayed menstruation is always explained by hormonal malfunction in the body, as well as regulating hormones and other processes occurring in it, including, and the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, weight gain often accompanied by disturbances of the menstrual cycle, although it is not its direct investigation.

There is also a feedback: with a strong excess of weight gain and the development of obesity increases by several times the amount of subcutaneous fat. It is known that the fat layer has an ability to accumulate female hormone - estrogen, which interferes with the process of regulation of the menstrual cycle, breaking it and causing delays.

When to see a doctor

If you delay menstruation for more than a week, it is advisable to get professional advice.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

Especially important to observe that rule in the case of:

  • suspicion of pregnancy: early antenatal care will allow, according to the plans of the woman, or more accurately set the delivery time, or perform an abortion sparing methods;
  • age over 40 years: pregnancy at this age is not excluded, but it is hardly desirable;
  • presence of other symptoms indicating trouble;
  • regular delays for a long period.

Examination at delay

When delays menstruation doctor after discussions with the patient and the external examination, usually appoints a survey that allows to narrow a search and find the cause of a violation of the menstrual cycle.

A woman can be assigned:

  • PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) examination, which allows to identify chronic inflammatory processes affecting reproductive organs;
  • blood test for hormone levels - confirm the absence of pregnancy, give information about the work of the adrenal, thyroid, ovaries;
  • Pelvic ultrasound the purpose of diagnosing inflammations and / or tumors;
  • Thyroid ultrasound - to confirm the blood analysis on hormones;
  • MRI, EEG, rentrenografiya - to diagnose pituitary gland;
  • separate diagnostic curettage - in cases of suspected endometrial pathology.

Depending on the examination results, the patient may further be directed to other specialists: endocrinologist, nutritionist, a therapist.

Preparations for the recovery cycle

Usually, after a thorough examination is appointed medication with hormonal agents, whose purpose - to normalize hormonal balance and stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

Depending on the identified reasons for the delay, the patient can be assigned:

A drug Short description
Duphaston The preparation belonging to the group of progestins - steroid hormones, which causes a lack of cycle disorders. The main active ingredient - dydrogesterone, easily absorbed by the body without wagging in the liver and does not violate the metabolic processes. Dyufeston prescribed for polycystic ovaries and endometriosis
MenoFix Agent based fitoestragenov has a very mild effect on the body, it contains vitamin complex. Prescribed for estrogen deficiency, hormonal imbalance and the associated cycle disorders
clomiphene The drug to stabilize the menstrual cycle and causes ovulation
Remens Homeopathic herbal remedies, that will restore the regular cycle and strengthen the nervous system. Not addictive and has no side effects

They may also be prescribed birth control pills to help to establish a cycle, impaired due to climate change, stress, fatigue, weight loss.

How to call the monthly self. Traditional recipes

Without consulting a doctor and determine the causes of violations of the cycle use of the above drugs can cause adverse changes in the body.

Any attempt to influence the monthly cycle excluded when:

  • long-term (over 30 days) delay, which can be a symptom of pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • the recent hormone therapy;
  • if you feel unwell, the presence of adverse symptoms.

There are no monthly, no pregnancy, and if the menstrual cycle is going well, you can try to take advantage of relatively safe traditional methods stimulate menstruation.

This can be done when the need for a bit (no more than 1-3 days) "move" menstruation, so it does not I spoiled the fun party or an interesting trip out of town, as well as a slight delay due to the fault stress change climate.

For example:

  • decoction of dill and parsley: finely chopped fresh herbs pour boiling water, leave to cool, strain, take half a cup of morning and evening. Similarly action has beet juice, pomegranate seeds, lemon;
  • strong decoction of onion peel is an effective and safe means: one cup is enough to have the next day started menstruating;
  • decoction of chamomile, mint and valerian root. All components are taken over 4 tbsp. l. and filled with 1 tbsp. boiling water. Take 0.5 Art. morning and evening;
  • 50 g elecampane root decoction - strong agent. However, it should be careful that if you exceed doses may severe bleeding;
  • mint, chamomile tea or ginger tea. Consume no more than 1 tablespoon. per day;
  • a hot bath for 45 minutes, improve blood circulation and thus be able to accelerate the onset of menses. To enhance the effect of the water can be added common salt, few drops of iodine, broth chamomile. Before the bathroom is desirable any physical activity: walking, playing sports, cleaning. The method is contraindicated in case of problems with the heart, blood vessels, at oncological diseases;
  • intense sex is the safest and most enjoyable way to accelerate the onset of menstruation, and at the same time forget about their problems and calm down, which also contribute to the strengthening of health and, as a consequence, the stabilization cycle.
Why is there no monthly and no pregnancy. Causes and what to do

In order not to harm their health, should refrain from taking any concoctions in too large doses, from trying to solve the problem by lifting weights, jumping from a great height and other extreme measures.

The list of prohibited methods:

  • milk with iodine: this drink can cause problems with the thyroid gland;
  • high dose aksorbinovoy acid, which is capable of provoking serious diseases of the stomach and lead to exacerbation of the presence of gastritis or ulcers;
  • attempts to solve the problem by using contraceptives without first consulting a physician: Many of these drugs can disrupt the endocrine system. The consequences of such violations are unpredictable.

Delayed menses, or when they are not present for a long time, with no pregnancy, can be considered phenomenon standards body's natural reaction to external adverse factors or symptoms pathology. A visit to the gynecologist is justified in any event, since it would be protected from needless experience, to find the cause of menstrual disorders and a method of normalization.

Video of the reasons for the delay menstruation, in the absence of pregnancy

Causes and effects of menstruation:

What if I fail the menstrual cycle:

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