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Hard to breathe there is no air. The reasons for a child, teen, women during pregnancy, the elderly. Treatment

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Breath - a natural process that a person does not notice. But when the air is not enough, the patient's condition can quickly become serious, even suffocation. It is better to know in advance the possible reasons for this, and to be able to help yourself and your family.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Physiology of the respiratory process
  • 2 Causes and respiratory disorders varieties in children, men, women, pregnancy, elderly
  • 3 cardiac causes
  • 4 pulmonary causes
  • 5 cerebral causes
  • 6 hematogenous reasons
  • 7 Other causes breathing difficulties
  • 8 Varieties of shortness of breath
  • 9 when breathing
  • 10 inspiratory
  • 11 Yawning and shortness of breath
  • 12 It's hard to breathe when palpitations
  • 13 while falling asleep
  • 14 Diagnostics. To which the doctor ask
  • 15 Treatment of respiratory difficulties
  • 16 First aid for choking
  • 17 Treatment of cardiac aetiology of dyspnoea
  • 18 Treatment of pulmonary etiology of shortness of breath
  • 19 drug therapy
  • 20 Sedations
  • 21 Traditional methods
  • 22 Videos about the causes suffocation

Physiology of the respiratory process

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Oxygen enters the body through a complex organ system, then output from an organism carbon dioxide. Wrong to think that breathing occurs only in the lungs, as it involves also the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, abdominal muscles, the intercostal muscles, the cardiovascular system.

breathing stages:

  1. Breath. Exchange of gas between the bubbles that make up the lung (alveoli) and small vessels.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  2. the transport of oxygen in the blood to organs and tissues.
  3. Cells release carbon dioxide during the oxidation and it is transferred back in the same order, and then removed from the body during exhalation.

Causes and respiratory disorders varieties in children, men, women, pregnancy, elderly

Hard to breathe, the air is not enough - the causes of this often hidden in the diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system. Less commonly, this symptom occurs with disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, problems with the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune diseases.

It is important to remember that any violations - is the risk of oxygen starvation of the body, and death due to suffocation, so symptoms can not be ignored.

cardiac causes

In these diseases the patient to breathe harder than exhalation. Cardiac dyspnea is of particular posture of the patient, because it is easier to breathe while sitting than lying down. Sometimes the patient feels good sitting, and began to choke as soon as falls. This leads to the fact that a person can not sleep.

Common diseases of the cardiovascular system, in which this symptom occurs:

  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Heart attack.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  • Heart disease.
  • Endocarditis.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Hypertension.

If chronic disease is not treated, they lead to severe complications - heart failure. One of the symptoms of respiratory failure on cardiac reasons is also a chronic cough, which is amplified in the supine position, and will not be treatable expectorants.

pulmonary causes

Lack of air and pant because lung disease characterized by characteristic whistling in the chest area. Difficulties may occur on inspiration, exhalation or in the mixed form.

List of lung disease in which patients breathe heavily:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Pneumothorax.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Emphysema.
    Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
    Common cause of emphysema is smoking. During pathology difficult to breathe there is no air.
  • Tumor.

Some of them, such as pneumothorax and pulmonary edema is an emergency condition in which asthma develops quickly. Qualified help, and to distinguish from pulmonary heart disease can doctors ambulance.

cerebral causes

Hard to breathe, the air is not enough - because of the illness that can be caused by disorders of the brain. This organ controls every process in the body, which has special centers - the respiratory, cardiovascular and other.

For various reasons, the work of the brain can be disrupted, for example:

  • due to traumatic brain injury;
  • stroke;
  • due to encephalitis;
  • due to tetanus;
  • due to cerebral edema, as a consequence of diseases;
  • due to congenital disorders and abnormalities;

Such conditions are dangerous for the health of the whole organism and the patient's life. In severe cases, patients breathing artificially maintained by the apparatus. The brain is associated with the central nervous system, and variations in its work may cause psychosomatic disorders breathing. In some psychological problems and psychiatric disorders neurotic appears dyspnea.

Its cause may be:

  • neurosis;Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  • hysteria;
  • panic attack;
  • vascular dystonia and other diseases;

During the attacks the patient experiences a shortage of air and demonstrates symptoms, however, the work of internal organs is not disturbed. Chronic patients with hysteria may hyperventilate, scream and cry, but not even the doctor will notice that the person does not choke.

hematogenous reasons

Sometimes the cause of breathing problems is to change the composition of blood. The blood transports the gases and minerals, therefore aberration of their content may be perceived as a lack of air. In this case, the work of the respiratory system is not broken, inhaling and exhaling is not hampered.

Some of the diseases in which this symptom occurs:

  • various types of anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • various tumors;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • poisoning of different substances.

Other causes breathing difficulties

Hard to breathe, the air is not enough - the reasons for such a condition is sometimes difficult to establish because of the large number of possible precipitating factors. Some conditions are absolutely normal, why shortness of breath goes away, while others point to the disease and require professional assistance.

Some of the factors due to which there may be shortness of breath and difficulty breathing:

  • Intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, herniated disc often leads to the inability to take a deep breath, pain in the chest or back. It is important to time to see a doctor to determine the diagnosis to rule out heart disease.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  • During pregnancy, The last of its terms to women it is difficult to breathe. Increased uterine and its pressure on organs, hormonal changes, increased tissue oxygen demand sometimes lead to air shortage. But cases of serious choking hazards for both mother and fetus, so if you suspect an emergency condition requires urgent care physician.
  • Overweight, obesity. A large amount of fatty tissue complicates work of the heart and the muscles involved in breathing.
  • Smoking.
  • Overlapping foreign object airwayIt occurs in children and adults, who suppressed a toy or food. This is an emergency condition in which it is necessary to provide first aid immediately.
  • Allergic edema. A severe form of allergy require immediate assistance and administering drugs.
  • Intense physical activity It leads to shortness of breath at all healthy people.
  • Ascent into the mountains. At considerable altitude oxygen in the air less, so more and more difficult to breathe.
  • Diabetes It leads to vascular damage, which can not effectively carry oxygen.
  • thyrotoxicosis - an excess of thyroid hormone, resulting in tissue oxygen demand increases, becomes more frequent palpitations.
  • With increasing temperature any origin may feel shortness of breath along with chills, headache, heart palpitations and other symptoms.
  • After eating filled stomach It puts pressure on the muscles of respiration and a momentary shortness of breath.
  • Stuffy nose with a cold, deformation after injury or surgery also impede the free breathing.

Varieties of shortness of breath

The specific type of breathing disorders defined by the doctor after survey and data collection. At the same time, the type of specialist can often understand the reason. The main indicators, it targets - rate, rhythm, presence or absence of consciousness of the patient.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment

In a healthy human breathing rhythmically, with equal lengths of time from inhalation, exhalation, and between them. The deviation from the rate and shortness of breath occurs to him after physical exertion, such as lifting the long stairs, and rough, and recovers quickly alone.

Shortness of breath when starting due to the low voltage, or in a quiet state, which means the violation and the symptom of the disease.

when breathing

According to the type of pathology difficulties can be divided into 3 types:

  • labored breath;
  • labored breath;
  • mixed form.

Deviations from the normal respiratory rate are the following:

  • Frequent and shallow breathing (tachypnea).
  • Rare breathing (bradypnea).
  • Rare and shallow breathing (hypopnea).
  • Deep rapid breathing (hyperpnea).
  • The temporary cessation of breathing (apnea).Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment

These types of disorders can be combined and interleaved together.

Noisy breathing - it is also one of the types of disorders in which the clearly audible breaths. It indicates the presence of mucus in the bronchi and lungs.


When the patient is difficult to breathe - it is called inspiratory dyspnea and is more common than difficulties when exhaling or mixed types. Her reason - the narrowing of the airways or pain when breathing. It occurs in diseases of the bronchi, heart diseases, ingress of foreign bodies, tumors, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Yawning and shortness of breath

Yawning - it forced a deep breath at the lack of oxygen in the body. In a healthy person it is associated with lack of sleep and fatigue.

But too frequent and prolonged yawning may be a sign of many hazardous conditions such as:

  • heart failure;
  • the presence of thrombi in blood vessels;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation and tumors in the lung.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment

Often, frequent yawning is psychosomatic symptoms in neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as a consequence of obesity and sedentary lifestyles. To yawn less, a sufficient number of hours in a cool room to sleep you need, and remove the causes of insomnia, if present. Chronic lack of sleep in itself leads to stress and contributes to the development of diseases.

It's hard to breathe when palpitations

Rapid pulse and shortness of breath will likely mean cardiovascular problems, but not only. There are other causes: stress, neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, obesity, caffeine in excess. Deviation from the norm is prolonged symptoms after weak loads alone.

The patient with heart palpitations and shortness of breath should stop moving and try to calm down and breathe deeply. If the symptom does not go a long time and is accompanied by pain in the heart, fear, malaise, it is necessary to call an ambulance, because there is a risk of heart attack.

while falling asleep

These respiratory disorders are accompanied by panic and fear to fall asleep again. During the attack the man half-asleep, and not always able to quickly wake up, this is the danger of such a state.

In addition to a sharp choking, the patient may experience:

  • chills or fever;
  • dizziness;Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  • nausea;
  • numbness;
  • the presence of a lump in the throat;
  • fast or slow heartbeat and other symptoms.

The reasons for such a state can be apnea and hyperventilation. Apnea - a sudden stop breathing during sleepBut it occurs during sleep. When hyperventilation patient feels an acute shortage of air, breathes deeply and often. Both diseases have a psychosomatic nature and are often caused by stress, neurosis, panic attacks and mental disorders.

Diagnostics. To which the doctor ask

Because the causes of shortness of breath is usually associated with diseases of the heart or lungs, patients are often treated with the cardiologist and pulmonologist. Initial inspection and data collection can also spend a therapist. Depending on the causes, treatment of respiratory disorders may engage neurologist, endocrinologist, hematologist, oncologist, the therapist.

All experts use different research methods, but they can be divided into three groups:

Diag examples
functional patient survey, examination of external signs, listening to the heart and lungs, tapping.
equipment room Ultrasound, MRI, X-ray, electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, spirometry, bronchoscopy, pressure measurement.
laboratory General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine, sputum, biopsy, pleural puncture.

If there is one of the states of emergency, you must call an ambulance.

Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatmentSymptoms:

  • dyspnea persists for 10-15 minutes at rest;
  • breathlessness accompanied by a high temperature which is not reduced by drugs, cough, wheeze chest;
  • there is a chance of an allergic reaction;
  • Airway stuck foreign body;
  • dyspnea accompanied by weakness, bluish skin, chest pain, fear of death;
  • breathlessness accompanied by a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure;

Treatment of respiratory difficulties

Hard to breathe, the air is not enough - the reasons for such a state will be directly related to the treatment of the underlying disease as shortness of breath is only a symptom.

Most often, treatment includes:

  • administration of drugs;
  • breathing exercises;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • artificial lung ventilation in case of severe condition;
  • surgical intervention;
  • other specific treatment specific pathology.

First aid for choking

To assist you must find out the reason of lack of air, depend on this event. Anyone able to make simple steps before the arrival of doctors, which can simplify the treatment and even save patient lives.

In the case of an asthma attack or other chronic diseases need to:

  1. Sit the patient in a comfortable position, offer calm.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  2. Help take the medications, inhaler use, if any.
  3. Undo oppressive clothing, ensure air flow.
  4. Ask hold his breath, to increased amounts of carbon dioxide and breathing reflex was restored.

In the case of allergic reactions:

  1. Stop contact with the allergen, if possible.
  2. Take an antihistamine (Suprastinum, diphenhydramine, Tavegilum and others).
  3. Drink plenty of fluids to speed removal of the allergen from the body.

If a person is suffocating due to a foreign body and is conscious, you must:

  1. Embrace the human back, clenching his fist.
  2. Put a fist on epigastric - just above the navel, below the ribs in the middle.
  3. Second hand and put on top of a sharp movement to bend elbows, pushing.
  4. Repeat several times, tilting the patient forward until cleared his throat.
  5. Child 1-3 years old need to turn upside down, holding the leg until it cleared his throat.

Choking psychogenic nature need to be addressed in a sedation.

Treatment of cardiac aetiology of dyspnoea

Receiving drugs for acute and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system can be directed to:

  • thinning the blood and preventing formation of blood clots;Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  • diuretic effect against edema;
  • lowering cholesterol and control;
  • vasodilation;
  • pressure control.

Also drugs in severe dyspnea apply oxygen therapy. If the treatment does not give improvements are possible surgical intervention: the elimination of heart disease, pacemaker installation, transplantation and others.

The mortality rate from heart disease is very high and the best treatment would be prevention. It is important to not smoke, eat right, avoid excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle.

Treatment of pulmonary etiology of shortness of breath

The choice of methods depends on the underlying disease. When luminal narrowing the airway used bronchodilatory drugs for removing sputum - expectorants, in the case of pneumonia - antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Oxygen therapy is effective in severe asthma.

At steady state shown physiotherapy and breathing exercises. In extreme cases - mechanical ventilation and surgical treatment. A healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of severe conditions, while chain-smoking for a long time always leads to chronic disorders, cough and shortness of breath.

drug therapy

All medicines physician selected individually based on the patient's condition and its features. Even a heart attack or stroke is dangerous to use a general-purpose tablet, or those that have helped someone else.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment

Such uncontrolled reception can complicate diagnosis or worsen the patient's condition. If you experience symptoms of breathlessness correct to consult a doctor or call an ambulance.


In times of stress, when a psychogenic dyspnea can be independently applied OTC herbal drugs: valerian extract, Leonurus, Persians and others. Supporting effect will calm exercises, breathing exercises, relaxing massage, bath with sea salt.

If neurosis are repeated often, there are bouts of hysteria, insomnia, panic attacks and other symptoms of nervous system diseases, it is necessary to turn to a therapist or psychiatrist.

This specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe antidepressants, antipsychotics and other medications. Sometimes attacks of breathlessness reason may be psychological problems. In such cases, quite correctly picked a course of psychotherapy.

Traditional methods

After assigning the primary treatment, it is possible to add folk recipes.

This should be done after consulting a doctor, as a serious condition, such funds are not able to eliminate:

  • For spitting, treat colds at night is useful to drink warm milk with a piece of butter and a spoonful of honey.Hard to breathe, not enough air. The reasons that make treatment
  • Mother coltsfoot, marshmallow, licorice, yarrow, sage suitable for preparing healthful infusions, teas with dyspnea. You can use them in mixtures.

The reasons for the lack of air when breathing heavily, it is important to establish as accurately as possible. If the time to do it and begin treatment, you can get rid of dyspnea and prevent the development of serious diseases.

Author: Victoria Sakovich

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about the causes suffocation

The reasons for the lack of air:

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