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Platelets. The norm in women over the age of, the table. Decoding: the average volume during pregnancy, fasting, designation as a percentage. Treatment, diet

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Over the life of the platelet count should be between 180-320 thousand. 1 l. The study of these elements makes it possible to assess blood clotting. Platelets were counted according to a special procedure, their rate for women according to age (the results are presented in tabular form).

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is it and what they mean in the body
  • 2 platelet norm for women - table
  • 3 Indications for depositing analysis
  • 4 How to prepare for the delivery of blood to determine the platelet count
  • 5 What tests to determine the platelet rent
  • 6 Methods for determining blood platelets
  • 7 Studies Platelet characteristics using hematology analyzer
  • 8 Decoding results
  • 9 Reasons for increased performance
  • 10 The causes of low performance
  • 11 Medications
  • 12 Mode
  • 13 Diet
  • 14 Folk remedies
  • 15 Videos about platelets and rate their performance in women

What is it and what they mean in the body

Platelets - are small (up to 4mkm) nuclear-free round colorless blood corpuscles. They 3 times less erythrocytes are formed mainly in the bone marrow of megakaryocytes. Instead, the kernel they have a different structure to 200 pellets.

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In contact with the surface of a non-endothelial, platelet appears at about 10 processes, exceeding several times their size.

These branches are important to stop the bleeding. The duration of life of platelets - about 4-7 days. Their destruction occurs primarily in the spleen and partially - in the liver. The normal platelet count - 180-320 thousand. in 1 ul. With an increase in their number occurs thrombocytosis, with decreasing - thrombocytopenia.

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Platelet count may fluctuate. Their number increases with a strong physical exertion, during times of stress, when pain. Thrombocytopenia is a sign of any pathology. The main purpose of platelets - involved in the process of hemostasis.

When breakage of the vessel wall, to stop bleeding, necessary to form a kind of "plug" that covers this damage. The primary blood components participating in this process include platelets and fibrinogen.

With their interaction formed platelet "plug", and the bleeding stopped. Damage is also a spasm of blood vessels, which reduces blood flow. Platelets first adhere to subendothelium at the site of injury, and then their aggregation occurs.

The formation of a fibrin network that stabilizes the "plug" and stops bleeding occurs during blood clotting reaction. It involves various plasma components, including platelets. The clot is dissolved at the last stage of hemostasis when there is a final healing of wounds.

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Platelets also protect the body from foreign agents. They have phagocytic properties and be capable of destroying membranes of various bacteria. Peptide elements present in the composition platelet secreted into the bloodstream by trauma and protect the body from microbes.

platelet norm for women - table

Normal component platelet (PLT) - 180-320 thousand. in 1 ul. Depending on the age and characteristics of the female organism, this level may vary. In newborns figure is 100-420 thousand. in 1 ul. For children from one year - from 180 to 320 thousand. in 1 ul. Most platelets in adolescence, girls of which there are up to 340/350 thousand in 15 years. to 1 micron.

Platelets - the rate of women by age (Table):

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet
Table platelet indicators norm in women by age.

Catamenial index might fall to 150 thousand. 1 l. During this period, blood clotting is reduced to provide a complete rejection of the endometrium in the uterus. Pregnant platelet count falls to 150 thousand. in 1 ul.

During this period, there is increased blood flow to the fetus and the woman's body does not have time to produce new cells in sufficient quantities. After birth, platelet levels recovered yourself. If the platelet count is less than 140 thousand. 1 l, then pregnant bleeding may occur during childbirth.

Table averaged indices of platelets in women in the norm defined by age:

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Platelet count may change during the day. Night rate is slightly lower than during the day. Level changes and, depending on the time of year. Platelets less likely in the spring.

Indications for depositing analysis

Platelets (the rate in women over the age of - the table attached) is detected by the analysis - this is a standard procedure that is assigned to all patients. The study can detect deviations from the permissible values ​​and detect abnormalities.

Appointed by the general or blood chemistry. Based on these data it manages to understand how the body functions and what are the violation. With a total analysis of the blood is measured by hemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells, ESR. Also evaluated the level of platelets.

General study on platelets is appointed:

  • to detect inflammatory processes in the body;
  • blood diseases;
  • allergies;
  • on failure of the immune system;
  • during pregnancy;
  • varicose veins;
  • in case of problems with blood clotting.
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

platelet indicators should be checked in the following cases:

  • liver function disorders;
  • Transferred infarction or stroke;
  • before treatment with anticoagulants;
  • at menopause.

The study was conducted to detect violations in the work:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • gastrointestinal;
  • Respiratory;
  • urinary system.

Blood analysis conducted on platelets with suspected presence of a malignant tumor, malfunctions of the endocrine system, in immunological disorders. The analysis can be done to prevent, to detect pathological processes in the body.

How to prepare for the delivery of blood to determine the platelet count

Analysis of blood platelets pass in the morning on an empty stomach. Pre during the day before the study is necessary to renounce the use of fatty and fried foods, alcohol, smoking. Change platelet value may sweetness, taking certain medications (aspirin), carbonated water, coffee or tea with sugar.

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Before the study should avoid excessive physical and emotional stress. In urgent cases, blood sampling for analysis is conducted after 1-2 hours after eating.

The test results may affect such factors as:

  • the patient's condition (physical fatigue, alcohol intoxication, a strong stress);
  • quality reagents;
  • menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Blood sampling is usually done from the fingertip. Some laboratories are taking material for analysis from a vein. More qualitative analysis is obtained from venous biomaterial.

What tests to determine the platelet rent

To determine the total number of platelets is assigned study. Blood is drawn from a finger. Upon detection of abnormalities woman should undergo further study - on coagulation analysis. In this case, blood is taken from a vein. The minimum required amount of biomaterial - 1 ml.

Assay for coagulation is carried out:

  • before surgery;
  • Pregnancy (if there is a risk of premature detachment of the placenta);
  • the tendency to form blood clots;
  • to monitor clotting levels when treatment with anticoagulants;
  • at infringement of the liver, problems with the vessels, after a stroke attack or infarction;
  • when chronic administration of drugs and hormonal contraceptives;
  • If you start to bleed profusely.
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

The main indicator of coagulation - a period of clotting, that is, the interval of time during which a dense clot that stops bleeding. For the material of the capillary, this value should be from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, and for venous - up to 10 minutes.

In the study determine the prothrombin index. This time the patient's blood clotting deviation from the normal value. Normally, the error is about 7%. Too high figure indicates liver disease. In pregnancy it rises for physiological reasons that had nothing to do with any violation.

Methods for determining blood platelets

Platelets (the rate in women over the age of - the table above) are determined on the basis of blood tests. General analysis performed, its result is compared with the norm, thus obtaining the desired figure. Taken as a basis for the method of Fonio.

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Blood is drawn from a finger, is mixed with the reagent and view it under a microscope. Research can be conducted over the next 2 hours, but the result is usually the patient receives the next day.

Table indicators Fonio analysis comprises the following values:

  • PLT - the quantitative composition of platelets in the body (depending on age and sex);
  • MPV - the average amount of blood cells;
  • PDW - common areas;
  • PCT - the percentage of blood cells relative to the total blood volume.

Calculated rate of platelets in the 1000 erythrocytes. This ratio reduces the risk of detection psevdotrombotsitoza. First count the number of red blood cells in a smear, and then multiplied by the index l of blood. The resulting value is compared with the quantitative platelet composition.

For analysis by the method is needed Fonio 14% magnesium sulfate solution and 2.6% solution of sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. Taken Panchenkova reagents via capillary. Blood test conducted by this method has a high level of accuracy.

Advantages research on Fonio:

  • analysis can be performed at any time after blood sampling;
  • laboratory technician sees cells in the smear;
  • a simple formula for calculating.

For the study of platelets in the counting chamber Goryaeva take venous blood. As reagents are used isotonic sodium chloride solution. A drop of blood is placed on a polished glass chamber. Count the number of platelets under the microscope using phase contrast devices.

Studies Platelet characteristics using hematology analyzer

Laboratory studies carried platelets not only old methods (coloring and counting their number on glass), but using hematology analyzer. With this modern device is carried out quantitative and qualitative analysis of blood.

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

With hematology analyzer determines the average platelet volume (MPV). The instrument can show the results in a bar chart, displaying the old and new cells.

Increase in MPV occurs:

  • anemia after bleeding;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • macrocytic trombodistrofii.

Reducing MPV observed:

  • with inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • swelling;
  • with bleeding disorders;
  • liver disease and kidney;
  • heart attack;
  • hypercholesterolemia.

Using the analyzer calculates heterogeneity of cells - the degree of change in the size of platelets (PDW). His deviation from the norm indicates the development of the inflammatory process, worm infestation, anemia and cancer.

Decoding results

plateletsrate in women of age (table comprises the minimum and maximum values) - should be in the range 180-320 × 109 units. A separate study on the blood platelets do not exist. His figure is estimated in the capture of a biomaterial on a general analysis.

Besides the platelet count (PLT) measured Thrombocrit (PCT). It shows the proportion of the whole blood volume occupied by platelets. Norma trombokrita measured as a percentage. Permissible - 0.1-0.4%.

What evidence analysis values:

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Analysis of blood platelets is a diagnostic assay. His goal - to detect abnormalities. If the platelet count is above or below normal, the body develops some disease.

If there is imbalance between the formation of new platelets and disposal of old, then the woman has pathologies which manifest themselves in increased bleeding or, conversely, the appearance tendency to form blood clots. Reducing the number of platelets is observed when thrombocytopenia. Increasing the number of platelets is shown at thrombocytosis.

Both of these phenomena reveal violations in the body and are the reason for seeking medical attention.

Reasons for increased performance

There are factors that affect the variation of a normal platelet count. At higher indices in patients with thrombocytosis evolving. In this condition increases the risk of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. This condition can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Reasons for increasing platelets:

  • splenectomy;
  • the development of the inflammatory process;
  • Different types of anemia;
  • the postoperative period;
  • malignant tumor;
  • erythremia;
  • exercise stress.

The causes of low performance

Platelets - the rate of women by age (Table prompt) varies - may decrease deviating from normal values. This condition is called thrombocytopenia. In patients with impaired blood clotting. Any injury can cause prolonged bleeding that is difficult to stop.

Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

The reasons for lowering platelet count:

  • autoimmune diseases of the blood system;
  • hemophilia;
  • acute liver damage;
  • thyroid disease;
  • bone marrow diseases;
  • drug thrombocytopenia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • aplastic anemia;
  • DIC;
  • thrombosis.

Patients with tromotsitopeniey long and heavy periods, body bruises and bruises for no reason. Wounds and cuts heal too long. Often, bleeding gums and nasal passages. Platelets can be reduced in preterm infants.


There are many medications through which regulate the level of blood platelets. If raising or lowering the index caused by some kind of pathology, it is necessary first of all to treat the disease as a result of which he has strayed from the norm.

Medicines to raise platelet levels:

  • hormonal - prednisolone, dexamethasone;
  • to stop the bleeding - Dicynone;
  • natural product - Sodekor;
  • from internal bleeding - Vikasol;
  • for the rapid increase in platelet - Thrombopoietin;
  • vitamin C.
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Medications to lower platelet count:

  • Aspirin;
  • Tromboass;
  • Livarudin;
  • Argatoban;
  • Aspekard;
  • Bivalirudin.


To prevent the development of serious pathologies affecting the change in platelet count, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle, high quality and regularly eat, exercise daily to happen on fresh air. checkup at the hospital should be held regularly and in case of detection of the pathology to be treated in a timely manner.


Raise or lower the platelet level by using the diet. To do this, you need to eat healthy foods and give up bad. Clinical nutrition can only be applied as adjuvant therapy. The main treatment is to be medicated.

A diet for increasing platelet levels:

  • red meat;
  • buckwheat;
  • river / sea fish;
  • eggs;
  • cheese;
  • beef liver;
  • soups on meat;
  • pates;
  • coleslaw, beet, carrot, bell pepper, nettle with sesame oil;
  • bananas;
  • parsley dill;
  • rowan berries;
  • green apples.
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

When thrombocytopenia should abandon olive oil, raspberry, ginger. These foods thin the blood. It is not recommended to drink wine and other alcoholic beverages. coffee consumption should be reduced.

Diet to lower levels of platelets:

  • seafood;
  • water consumption in large quantities;
  • green tea;
  • olive oil and linseed oil;
  • grapes, citrus, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, lingonberries;
  • cocoa;
  • ginger;
  • celery;
  • onion;
  • garlic.

At elevated platelet values ​​you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Should refuse to fatty and fried foods. It is advisable to eat less protein.

Folk remedies

The home can also adjust the level of platelets. Treatment of folk remedies must be under the supervision of the attending physician. Tinctures and decoctions are in addition to the basic treatment, replace drug therapy, they can not.

Recipe for increasing platelet nettle:

  • Nettle juice - 50 ml;
  • Milk - 50 ml.
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Squeeze the juice of fresh nettle, add milk to it. Composition take 3 times a day before meals. Duration of reception - 14 days. The mixture is cooked before consumption, it is impossible to procure medicine for future use, it quickly loses its properties.

blood viscosity increases well chokeberry. It is recommended to eat 50 fruits every day for 3 weeks. The course of treatment can not be extended.

The recipe to reduce the number of platelets with garlic:

  • garlic - 1 head;
  • vodka - 200 ml.

Garlic pour vodka and insist in a dark place for a month. Some time later, ground it through a sieve. Take half a teaspoon 2 times a day.

Recipe for reducing platelet Ginger:

  • ginger - 30 g;
  • honey - '30
Platelets - the rate of women by age. Table of pregnancy, fasting. Treatment, diet

Ginger ground. Mixed with honey. One of the mixture is diluted in a glass of water and taken 2 times a day. If the blood analysis showed a deviation from the norm table on the number of platelets - high or low level - should undergo treatment. People with thrombocytopenia, regardless of age, should be avoided traumatic sports.

You should also give up the alcohol, vinegar consumption, certain medications (aspirin, analgin). At elevated platelet values ​​have to stick to the diet, blood thinners, and drink as much water as possible. It is particularly important to monitor platelet count in women during pregnancy.

Videos about platelets and rate their performance in women

What it signals the change in platelet count:

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