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ALT and AST increased, what it means, treatment of pregnant women, a child, an adult, if the bilirubin is normal. Decoding performance analysis of blood

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Blood test - the main study, in which a doctor assesses the patient's general condition. Some of the key indicators in the analysis - are markers of liver damage AST and ALT. Raising standards regarding these indicators often means that the body develops the disease requiring immediate treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Decoding performance in the biochemical analysis of blood
  • 2 Blood norm for men, women and children
  • 3 Reasons for the increase in ALT in adults
  • 4 Reasons for increasing AST in adults
  • 5 The reasons for high rates of childhood
  • 6 Which means a high level in pregnant women
  • 7 If you are elevated in normal bilirubin
  • 8 How serious decrease in the activity of ALT and AST
  • 9 Indications for specimen collection: Symptoms
  • 10 How to prepare for the analysis on ALT and AST
  • 11 What can be done at higher rates
  • 12 medication treatment
  • 13 Folk remedies for lowering the level of performance
  • 14 Features of power at high rates
  • 15 Videos about elevated levels of ALT and AST and normalization methods

Decoding performance in the biochemical analysis of blood

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ALT (full name "alanine") - is an enzyme predominantly located in the liver and kidney tissues, Through which the exchange of alanine amino acids, there is an increase of immunity, lymphocytes produced intensively. ALT.

Like the ALT, AST, or aspartate aminotransferase - intracellular enzyme. AST is involved in the transfer of Aspartate amino acids. It is building a protein that is responsible for the synthesis of amino acids. AST in the largest number concentrated in the tissues of the heart, kidney, muscle and nerve tissues. Transaminases accelerates vitamin B6.

In normal operation the body aminotransferase hardly enter the bloodstream. Improving the performance takes place in violation of the integrity of the cells in large numbers when the release of enzymes occurs.

The high content of the enzyme ALT in the blood biochemical analysis indicates the tissue damage to organs, most commonly the liver. If the level is higher than AST ALT, you can talk about the damage to the myocardium.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

Often liver disease develop symptoms. Biochemical analysis of blood on ALT and AST is designed to quickly identify violations in the work of the internal organs with the aim to eliminate the violations at an early stage. Donating blood ALT and AST it is recommended every 6 months as a preventive measure.

Blood norm for men, women and children

Normal ALT and AST index differs by gender and children of various ages. A slight deviation from the norm aminotransferase may be due to diet, physical stress, lifestyle, long-term use of certain medications and is not a cause for concern.

Enzyme AST ALT
men Up to 47 U / L 45 U / L
Among women 35 U / L Up to 31 U / L
Children under one year 60 U / L 54 - 56 U / L
Children up to 3 years 40 - 45 U / L 33 U / l
Children up to 6 years 29 U / L
Children up to 12 years Up to 39 U / L

Patients often worry if ALT and AST increased. What this means, it is determined how many times the result is different from the norm. At the point of pathology indicators, several times higher than normal. A slight increase occurs in species of viral hepatitis, fatty liver gepatoze. Up to 20-fold in inflammatory processes liver cirrhosis.

By increasing the rate of more than 20 times, liver destruction observed. In severe states it reaches a critical level of liver ALT, myocardial infarction - AST.

Hepatitis usually diagnosed at an elevated amount of bilirubin. Adolescents change indicators ALT and AST in the period of growth is normal. Exceeding standards in its infancy and is not a pathology.

Reasons for the increase in ALT in adults

Since the content of enzymes in the bodies differs, narrow down the possible diseases helps ratio between the ALT and AST, which is called Ritis coefficient.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

Increased ALT is mainly caused by disorders of the liver or ingestion of substances affecting its functioning:

  • Drinking alcoholic beverages before analysis surrender.
  • The use of certain medications: antibiotics, antifungal agents, saharoponizhayuschih, anticonvulsants.
  • The use of narcotic substances.
  • Receiving herbal preparations.
  • Unhealthy eating habits.
  • Exposure to stressful situations and high loads.
  • Surgery shortly before the study.
  • The presence of malignancy in the liver.
  • Chemotherapy and its consequences up to 3 months.
  • Lead poisoning.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Toxic hepatitis, caused by self-treatment, the use of dietary supplements and herbal.
  • Acute form of pancreatitis.
  • The defeat of the inflammatory nature of the myocardium.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Obstruction of the biliary tract and squeezing.
  • Cholestasis.
  • Hemochromatosis - an inherited disease of the liver.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Muscular dystrophy.

Reasons for increasing AST in adults

Excess levels of AST over ALT most common heart diseases:

  • Acute myocardial infarction. Rate increases in 2-3 days.
  • heart injury.
  • Myocarditis.
  • The destruction of heart tissue.
  • Myositis - inflammation of muscles.
  • Different types of hepatitis.
ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult
ALT and AST are elevated in various types of hepatitis.
  • Liver damage by toxic substances.
  • Presence of malignant liver tumors.
  • Metastases.
  • Partial liver cirrhosis.
  • Liver damage caused by prolonged use of alcohol or the use of a large number.
  • Extensive loss of muscle tissue.
  • Abnormal liver blood flow.
  • The defeat of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Wilson's disease - an inherited disorder of copper metabolism.
  • Hyperthyroidism - a hormonal disorder characterized by an increase in thyroid function.
  • Cholestasis.
  • crush syndrome, mechanical damage.
  • Obesity.

The reasons for high rates of childhood

ALT and AST increased: what it means for children, depending on age and hormonal processes. Before examining child inspect, take into account the existence of complaints.

Elevated levels of enzymes in the child's analysis mainly refers to:

  • various liver damage;
  • chronic or acute viral hepatitis form;
  • Congenital diseases of the biliary tract or liver;
  • metabolic disease;
  • Hypoxia of the liver;
  • celiac disease - damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine;
  • liver damage by toxic substances or drugs;
  • the presence of viral diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • reduced potassium content;
  • thrombosis;
  • mononucleosis;
ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult
  • abnormal cardiac condition;
  • heart disease;
  • Biliary obstruction;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • polymyositis;
  • hypophysis disease;
  • presence of malignancies;
  • renal infarction;
  • the effects of operations on the heart.

Deciphering child analysis differs from the decoding for adults.

Which means a high level in pregnant women

During pregnancy a woman's body changes occur, which may be expressed in the change of test results. This is primarily due to changes in hormonal levels. Slight increase in blood factors in early pregnancy or in the 3 trimester is not a pathology.

If the figures will not be normalized over time, we can talk about the diseases of the heart, liver, or violation of their functioning. liver can disrupt compression caused by the growth of the fetus. The pressure on the organs also leads to stagnation of bile, which improves performance ALT and AST.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

Pregnancy can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the woman. When the shortness of breath, weakness, change of skin color or the presence of abdominal pain should immediately hand over the analysis and determine the cause of ailments.

The emergence of severe injuries and burns also provokes an increase enzyme levels in the blood.

In addition to the serious conditions in the figures influences taking certain medications. If there is no apparent reason, increased ALT and AST indicate that the burden on a woman's body is too large. In this case it is necessary to carry out urgent deliveries. If the condition is stable, in pregnancy occurs in a hospital.

If you are elevated in normal bilirubin

Together with AST and ALT increase, and other indicators of liver function. This means that the bilirubin is elevated in liver pathologies. Bilirubin - one of the main components of bile. Increased bilirubin associated with liver disease or disorder biliary patency. Norma bilirubin while increasing other indicators eliminates the chance of liver disease.

How serious decrease in the activity of ALT and AST

Any change in the level of ALT and AST indicate disturbances in the body. Lowering rates is possible in severe liver damage, cirrhosis, extensive necrosis, cancer, urinary infections, lack of vitamin B6. Particularly acute lack of vitamin occurs in pregnant women.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

Each case should be considered by a doctor, since self will lead to a deterioration. Reduction of ALT and AST in necrosis shows the decrease in the number of healthy cells and is dangerous for health. Deficiency of vitamin B6 also make up food: nuts, legumes, cereals, dairy products, meat, fish.

Indications for specimen collection: Symptoms

Biochemical analysis of blood ALT and AST is mainly prescribed for suspected pathological condition. The presence of symptoms indicates the seriousness of the disease.

Since the increase in the level of aminotransferase is primarily due to diseases of the liver and the heart, the most common symptoms of the following pathologies:

  • abdominal pain;
  • heaviness in the right upper quadrant;
  • yellowing of the skin, proteins eye mucosa;
  • prolonged weakness, fatigue - symptoms of myocarditis;
  • conditions caused by intoxication;
  • causeless nausea and vomiting;
  • poor appetite;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, flatulence, belching;
  • change the color of bowel movements;
  • itching;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the heart;
  • pain in the extremities;
  • bleeding.

In other cases, elevated AST and ALT mean disorders of bone or muscle integrity. These states can be both explicit and asymptomatic, but recent injuries indicate that the figures would be increased.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

Control of ALT and AST is conducted as a preventative measure in patients with diabetes, excess weight and susceptibility to liver diseases, during pregnancy. The analysis also prescribed as a method of monitoring the treatment of drugs affecting the liver.

How to prepare for the analysis on ALT and AST

For analysis of blood sampling is performed from a vein. Indicators of ALT and AST are subject to outside influence.

To result in the biochemical analysis is not affected by external factors, the patient should follow the recommendations for the preparation of the procedure:

  • The study was conducted in the morning.
  • Before analysis forbidden to consume food 8 - 10 hours, allowed to drink non-carbonated water.
  • It is necessary to abstain from alcohol, smoking and taking drugs at least one week before the procedure. If the administration of drugs can not be undone, you should inform your doctor.
  • To avoid micro traumas in muscle tissue, it is recommended to restrict physical activity for 2 - 3 days prior to analysis.
  • Limit the amount of dairy products.
  • Do not eat fatty foods. Completely change the diet should not be.
  • Do not smoke before analysis.
  • It is necessary to come in advance, do not rush. Before the procedure recommended 10 minutes to sit quietly.
  • To protect themselves from stress, do not be nervous before analysis.
  • Not pass inspection with the use of X-rays on the day before the procedure.

What can be done at higher rates

Analysis results are ready, ALT and AST increased. What does it mean if the condition is dangerous, and what sequence of actions will tell the doctor, who was involved in deciphering. To determine an effective way to normalization of enzyme levels, you must first identify the cause of the condition.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

To do this, the doctor prescribes an additional examination of the liver, heart and other organs:

  • tests for various types of viral hepatitis;
  • tests for autoimmune hepatitis types;
  • Analysis for Wilson's disease;
  • Iron content on hemochromatosis;
  • liver biopsy;
  • re-examination of blood;
  • computed tomography, ultrasound, electrocardiogram.

In addition to further examination, measures should be taken so as not to aggravate the condition:

  • avoid alcohol;
  • a balanced diet;
  • avoid ionizing radiation;
  • spend more time in an ecologically clean environment.

Depending on severity of the disease, hospitalization is carried out or control condition.

medication treatment

If you change the parameters ALT and AST possible drug treatment symptoms of the disease. However, self-will aggravate the condition, you can only take drugs prescribed by the doctor.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult
  • When autoimmune hepatitis appoint Duphalac and antiviral drugs.
  • When enzyme levels changes associated with liver disease, administered Hepatoprotectors - drugs to facilitate recovery of liver cell structure. Enzyme preparations eliminate inflammation.
  • In order to maintain the normal functioning of the heart muscle is prescribed magnesium.
  • When you break the muscles your doctor may recommend medications that accelerate protein synthesis and cell regeneration. Restoration of bone integrity contribute to calcium preparations.
  • To strengthen the immune system can be used anti-inflammatory medicines or interferons. Once the infectious process is suppressed, the cells begin recovery.
  • Acute attacks of pain suppressed by analgesics.

Also medicaments can ask the doctor about herbal supplements which stimulate the liver.

Folk remedies for lowering the level of performance

The changes are minor, but still elevated ALT and AST. What does this mean in a specific case, will identify additional studies. folk remedies Treatment should not replace medication and medical supervision.

However, there are teas and tinctures, use of which with a slight increase It normalizes the functioning of internal organs and reduces the level of aminotransferase:

  1. The infusion of herbs in liver pathologies. Mix and grind '20 celandine, '40 Helichrysum, '40 St. John's wort. Pour in a thermos, add 1.5 liters. water brought to a boil. Ready for use after 12 hours. Drink for 2 weeks to 4 times a day. Infusion promotes regeneration of liver cells.
  2. Infusion of diseases of the heart. In the cup of boiling water for 1 hour. l. adonis. Leave in a warm for 2 hours. Take on an empty stomach for 1 st. l. a few spoonfuls a day for 2 weeks.
  3. Infusion of dandelion. In 0.5 liter. Put flowers, pour 150 ml. vodka. Accept after 24 hours every day, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times. Duration of treatment 2 - 3 weeks.
  4. The infusion of thistle. Grind seeds brew 1 h. l. 250 ml. Leave in the heat for 20 minutes. Strain. Drink 3 weeks 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Decoction drink slowly. Indications: hepatitis, a liver disease.
  5. Corn broth. Dry and grind corn hairs. 1 h. l. 200 ml. boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes. Take 1 cup 2 times a day from 3 weeks.

Features of power at high rates

Proper nutrition - a very important part of treatment.

ALT and AST are elevated - what it means, decoding parameters of blood analysis. Treatment of pregnant women, children, adult

The following rules must be observed:

  1. Diet should preferably be composed of vegetable products with a high content of nutrients. This will clean the liver from toxins and speed up cell regeneration.
  2. Jelly drink at breakfast.
  3. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables of different colors.
  4. Food Variety lean meat, fish. The high fat content of the liver difficult.
  5. Limit the amount of salt in food. Salt retains fluid in the body, causing swelling.
  6. Comply with diet: do not overeat and do not go hungry.
  7. Eat freshly prepared food.
  8. Chew.
  9. To enrich the diet of protein: cereal, eggs, dairy products.
  10. Avoid fried foods cooked in oil.
  11. Limit consumption of products that have passed the processing: canned food, sausages.
  12. Limit the consumption of drinks with gas.
  13. Not to include in the diet of foods high in salt.
  14. Exclude alcoholic beverages. Alcohol contains toxins that cause liver damage by filtration.
  15. Observe water balance: pure drinking water without gas green tea.
  16. Have dinner at least 2 hours before sleep light products.
  17. Much attention is paid to vitamin B6. It is found in soybeans, bananas, walnuts, spinach, avocado, liver.
  18. Eat more vitamin D. Vitamin protects the liver from damage and normalizes its functions. Natural sources - apples, leafy vegetables, dairy products, zucchini, mushrooms, oysters, cod liver oil. To get a daily dose of vitamin enough fruit or vegetables a day.

In addition to changes in diet, you must also adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking and avoid passive intoxication. Must adhere to the regime of the day, how to spend more time outdoors. To strengthen the body of moderate exercise.

In order to eliminate the possibility of inflammation it is recommended to have a regular sexual partner.

Violation of the indicators in the analysis of the blood often leads to reconsider the diet and lifestyle. To stay healthy, you should periodically check the ALT and AST. This does not mean that you need to take action only when the level of enzymes. It does not have to wait until the body points to the development of pathologies. You can start to look after themselves now.

Videos about elevated levels of ALT and AST and normalization methods

For more information on AST and ALT:

Specialist on improving indicators of AST and ALT:

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