Skin Diseases

Acne. What is it, a photo, how to get rid of pimples on the face, medications, diet, laser treatments, mesotherapy in cosmetology

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The human body is subject to disease, many of which can be found from the characteristic symptoms: fever, pain, and cough. But there are diseases that people ignore, not knowing what it is. Among them is acne. It is so common that many do not consider it necessary treatment, whereas the absence of proper care of the skin can leave marks for life.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is Acne
  • 2 Endogenous causes of acne
  • 3 exogenous causes
  • 4 developmental stage
    • 4.1 Acne 1 (light) of
    • 4.2 Acne 2 (average) degree
    • 4.3 Acne Grade 3 (severe)
    • 4.4 Acne Grade 4
  • 5 Classification
    • 5.1 Blackheads (comedones)
    • 5.2 Whiteheads (whitehead)
    • 5.3 Juvenile acne (acne vulgaris)
    • 5.4 oil acne
    • 5.5 acne Medications
    • 5.6 rosacea
    • 5.7 acne keloid
    • 5.8 Globular (conglobata) eels
    • 5.9 cystic acne
  • 6 Acne in newborns
  • 7 clinical picture
  • 8 diagnosis of acne
  • 9 To what doctor to contact with acne?
  • 10 What tests need to pass in acne?
  • 11 The main problem in the treatment of acne
  • 12 Preparations external action in the treatment of acne
    • 12.1 benzoyl peroxide
    • 12.2 Salicylic acid
    • insta story viewer
    • 12.3 retinoids
    • 12.4 azelaic acid
    • 12.5 Drugs with gray
    • 12.6 Antibiotics for Acne
    • 12.7 cortisone injections
  • 13 Home Treatment
    • 13.1 Mask with bran and baking soda
    • 13.2 honey wrap
    • 13.3 coniferous lotion
    • 13.4 Ice cubes of herbs
  • 14 Treatment in cosmetology
    • 14.1 Mesotherapy
    • 14.2 laser treatment
  • 15 Diet for acne
  • 16 acne consequences
  • 17 prevention
  • 18 Videos about Acne

What is Acne

Acne - a chronic disease of the sebaceous glands of human skin. When it occurs, start inflamed hair follicles. This is due to the obstruction and excessively high amounts of sebum generated. The result is the appearance of characteristic lesions.

The most frequently encountered:

  • papular and pustular acne;
  • comedones;
  • nodules;
  • cystic cavity.
Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

Manifestation of acne is also known as "acne."

Endogenous causes of acne

The main cause of acne is a violation of the sebaceous glands of the body.

It can be caused due to various factors:

  1. The level of testosterone. At a certain stage of maturation in adolescents begins to rebuild the body. Because of this, the young generation is an increase in the activity of hormone production, among which there are both male. They activate the sebaceous glands then begin active work, accompanied by increased secretion; skin allocation change its structure to a more dense and viscous. Blockage occurs, the result of which become inflamed areas. Children whose parents had acne, are more prone to this disease.
  2. Premenstrual inflammation. The menstrual cycle is influenced by the level in blood finding steroid hormones: slight oscillation occurs at the beginning and then increases during the final phase. During the week prior to the menstruation period may cause acne. This phenomenon can be seen in 70% of girls. Among them are those who are not lucky enough to meet up with acne, rashes may appear isolated on the chin.
  3. Hyperkeratosis. This disease can also be attributed to the causes of acne. The main feature which indicates the occurrence of hyperkeratosis, thickening is the occurrence of surface skin layer. Among that can affect the development of the disease, should pay special attention to the work of a hormonal background, the presence in the body of sufficient vitamin A possible exposure of the skin to chemicals and the enhanced part of mechanical action, including friction, and pressure.
  4. Digestive tract not fully handle the job. The glands are directly related to the gastrointestinal tract. When enlarged sebaceous glands consumption of carbohydrate-rich food and reduce the amount of consumed fat acids and starting to work in emergency rate. In such situations without changing the diet is impossible to overcome the problem of acne. Acne is an occasion to test the body for the presence of gastritis or dysbiosis. The site of inflammation point to defeat a specific department of the body: on the forehead - perhaps the small intestine is not working properly, above the upper lip - a violation of the colon.
  5. Properly functioning digestive system It ensures operation of the intestinal microflora, thereby strengthening the human immune system. Normal operation microflora prevents the formation of new lesions, and helps get rid of the existing ones.
  6. The individual characteristics of the skin flora. In the skin of each person are bacteria. As a rule, their presence does not cause trouble. In the case of negative changes, when the balance of the body is broken, they are actively increasing their numbers, causing inflammation.
  7. Prolonged exposure to stress. The very stressful condition does not become the cause of acne, but it violates the hormonal and immune defense.
  8. Malfunction when using hormonal levels. In adolescence, the presence of hormonal changes settle the passage of complex physiological processes. If the inflammation and remain at a later age, it may mean that the body is broken system of production of sex hormones. For women manifestation of acne mean the possibility of a disease (polycystic ovarian disease), pregnancy or abortion. This may be because any event, because of which the hormonal changes a person.
    Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy
  9. Violation of the immunity. The level of immunity periodically decreases due to the impact of extraneous factors: the stress to gastrointestinal diseases. Then bacteria begin to actively proliferate, causing rashes.

exogenous causes

Exogenous causes include environmental factors, which primarily affect the skin surface:

  1. Cosmetics. Among the causes of acne is the use of cosmetics containing oil, including creams, lotions and powders. Moreover, attempts to mask rashes only worsen the situation and contribute to the development of inflammation.
  2. Accommodation in a medium hot and humid climate. In such circumstances, active start to sweat glands. As a result of isolation are the cause of clogging of pores and occurrence of inflammation.
  3. Exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. In moderate amounts of acne are dried in the sun, which helps get rid of them. But excessive exposure occurs the opposite effect: the glands begin to work actively to prevent dryness of the skin, because of what was soon clogged pores and appear rash.
  4. Using the wrong methods for getting rid of self rash. Attempts to solve the problem by extruding acne lead only to an increase in the spread portion of acne. This is due to the fact that there is penetration of the infection to the deeper layers. There is also a risk that it gets into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This procedure can safely hold only specialist - dermatokosmetog.
  5. Acceptance of drugs. As part of the many drugs currently in hormones. It is also possible occurrence of acne after the termination of the adoption of contraceptives.
  6. Too frequent washing. Excessive use of water treatments strongly dries the skin, weakens it, making it prone to acne and many infections. However, the purity of the skin of hands worth preserving flawless, it will help prevent the spread of disease.
    Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy
  7. Mechanical impact. Permanent physical stress during friction when using uncomfortable garments will serve as one of the causes of acne development.

developmental stage

Acne - it is a disease that develops in 4 stages, each of which has its own specific features and requires a specialized approach.

Acne 1 (light) of

This stage is characterized by the appearance of open and closed comedones. Nevertheless, strong inflammation and symptoms are absent. At this stage, there is no difficulty in treatment.

Acne 2 (average) degree

This stage is a stage of mild symptoms of acne. It flows with the emergence of a significant number of comedones, are inflamed areas. Recovery can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks, but the forecasts are favorable for a full recovery.

Acne Grade 3 (severe)

Observed manifestations similar to those seen in the process flow of the second stage, but the number of lesions is significantly increased. To recover, you must assign treatment in consultation with a specialist.

Acne Grade 4

This stage is the most severe manifestation of acne. There is a very large number of highly inflamed lesions. Recovery requires intensive treatment and regular visits to a specialist.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy
The degree of severity comedones papules pustules Papules (<1 cm) Cysts nodes Fistulas Inflammation Scarring
first <20 <10 No No No No
second >20 10-20 <10 No clear No
third >20 >20 10-20 Few strong there is
fourth A large number of A large number of >20 A lot of Strong and deep there is


In order to determine the stage of the disease, must be able to understand and recognize the kinds of lesions, the occurrence of which is possible with acne.

Blackheads (comedones)

Acne - is a disease, the development of which is accompanied by the appearance of blackheads. Corks occur when plugging the mouth of the hair follicle horny masses. When inflammation of pimples.

Whiteheads (whitehead)

Under the skin can occur dense formations, whose color can vary from white to yellowish.

Most often they act as separate single seals, rising in the skin, but can also be grouped together.

As a rule, for several months, they disappear through the process of natural succession of the skin layer. But there are cases where they remain for a longer period.

Juvenile acne (acne vulgaris)

This species occurs in adolescents who have started puberty. The presence of lesions at this time due to changes in hormonal levels of the body.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

With the end of the formation of adult acne vulgaris are alone.

oil acne

The birthplace of these lesions are areas of the skin where hair follicles are:

  • the skin of the thigh;
  • anterior abdominal wall;
  • extensor surfaces of the forearms.

The cause is contact with substances such as oil, petroleum or gasoline. On the skin appear black dots are formed nodules. If this pressure on the formation, one can observe the removal of the sebum as a rod or cylinder.

acne Medications

The development of this disease due to the adoption of medical preparations containing certain substance (iodine or bromine salt). Acne - it is inflammation, in which acne medications are formed on the face and extremities. They are bright red.

The healing process is very long, even if stop taking the drug. To confirm the diagnosis requires a urine test for the detection of chemical substances. For detoxifying treatment means used, excessive supply of body fluid and antibacterials.


In this disease there is a central face reddening, sometimes the chest and back. In these places there is the formation of small pink bumps that soon turn into ulcers. The main feature of the disease is an eye disease.

You may receive:

  • dryness;
  • cramps;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

In more severe cases, patients experience burning, itching or skin contraction.

acne keloid

Chronic disease is accompanied by the formation of keloids. The reason for the occurrence of injuries are, snake or insect bites. Rashes appear on the face, ears, arms, legs and hillocks are red-violet color. A little later, they become light brown.

Over time, there is an increase in them, then softening. The skin becomes red and blue. After nodes are opened, while stressing the saniopurulent mass. The result is a deep ulcer. Its edges preserve the red-blue color, and the appearance of purulent masses observed on the surface. After treatment the characteristic scars may remain.

Globular (conglobata) eels

Acne in the form of spherical eels - one of the most severe variants of pathology. This kind of education, which is the number of comedones, merged together. Color eruption - purple. Their rough surface rises above the skin, and then softened.

After opening of the education comes thick pus. After healing, they leave in place the characteristic scarring.

To diagnose the disease you need to bacteriological examination, a parallel investigation on the presence of disturbances in the immune and hormonal systems.

cystic acne

When the disease inflamed skin pores are blocked, due to which there redness at sites of inflammation. The most susceptible to cystic acne is considered a skin of the face and jaw, although sometimes may appear in the shoulders and upper chest.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

The cause of the rashes are hormonal changes. In many women, the manifestation of the disease occurs in the period before menstruation or during pregnancy. Also, the reason can become polluted air, active sweating and excessive use of cosmetics that encourage active sebaceous glands.

Acne in newborns

Acne - it is a disease, which can occur even in newborn infants. They acne is a red pimples with white pus head, appeared on the skin of the face and sometimes the neck or back. The reason is the emergence of an excess amount of hormones in the mother's blood of the child, the active work of the sebaceous glands do not have time to adjust to the pace of the active organism restructuring.

This is not an infectious disease that should be treated. Can be lubricated with a rash of drug solution of chamomile. But do not use drugs or try to squeeze pus head.

From similar actions in the body can penetrate the infection and the inflammation will continue to spread.

Acne will pass on their own when to organize the work of the body, and maternal hormones will withdraw from the blood. Recovery can last from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. After the skin is left traces of rashes.

clinical picture

Rash with acne are divided into three types:

  • Noninflammatory.
  • Inflammatory.
  • Post-inflammatory.

The first group may include open (are yellowish black dots) and closed (without communication with the skin surface) comedones.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

The second group includes papules (solid red inflamed element rising above the surface of the skin), pustule (element spherical form, containing pus) and nodes (painful formation of red-violet color, pus and skin comprising: fat).

The latter group includes those items that remain after the treatment of lesions: scars, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation.

diagnosis of acne

Acne Diagnosis takes place in several stages:

  1. Anamnesis. At this stage, it takes into account as many factors as possible. It is necessary to find out whether the patient has a genetic predisposition to the disease, the causes of and the time of puberty.
    Particular attention is drawn to the weight, height and body type for possible violations in the body. It should also pay attention to the professional activities of the person, according to the menstrual cycle, the location and extent of lesions of inflammation.
  2. Lab tests. As a rule, the analysis is not required, since the diagnosis can be made without them. If the need arose, analyzes the blood for the presence of chemical and hormone levels, urine test for chemical content. In particularly difficult cases may require a skin biopsy, but this is extremely rare.

To what doctor to contact with acne?

The first step is to consult a dermatologist. He will be able to determine the extent of the disease and, if necessary, send for additional analyzes. Next, you may need to visit a gastroenterologist. Stomach problems often result in the appearance of acne, therefore, examined by a doctor of the need to carry out.

It is also possible to obtain referral to an endocrinologist to identify problems in the work of the endocrine glands.

Girls should visit a gynecologist and donate blood to check the level of hormones in the blood. The problem of acne can be precisely incorrect operation of these systems.

What tests need to pass in acne?

When diagnosing acne held a number of necessary analyzes:

  • Tests that check hormone levels in the blood.
  • Blood chemistry.
    Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy
  • Ultrasound, X-ray diffraction.
  • Microscopic examination of skin scrapings.

The main problem in the treatment of acne

During treatment requires regular visits to a beautician. The main condition is the strict observance of the designated mode of complex treatment. In the process it is necessary to reduce the formation of sebum. For this purpose, the individual drugs prescribed when visiting a doctor.

The antibiotics help reducing inflammation and local anti-inflammatory agents (zinc oxide, sulfur). For the prevention of scarring should begin treatment immediately and eliminate the possibility of injury arising rash. The approach to treatment of acne is complex.

Preparations external action in the treatment of acne

Drugs used to treat a patient, are selected individually, since it is necessary to take into account the age and characteristics of the skin.

benzoyl peroxide

This facility helps get rid of microorganisms causing inflammation. Is assigned when the combined form of acne. The tool does not apply if there is only acne. It is produced in the form of balm, lotion or cream.

It is composed of a variety of means:

  • Baziron speakers.
    Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy
  • Effezel.
  • Ugrezol.

Salicylic acid

This acid is the most common tool in the fight against acne. It dries and tightens pores, what helps get rid of acne. For the treatment of acne its use almost no effect. The pharmacy means is composed of the alcoholic solution, Vaseline or ointment intended for the treatment of acne.


Active use of the substance to combat acne began recently. Its special properties prevent the appearance of acne and promote early their removal.

It is a part of funds allocated for the treatment of acne:

  • Tretinoin.
  • Adapalene.
  • Adaklin.

azelaic acid

This substance possesses strong antibacterial properties. It can be administered as a single agent or in combination with another applied. It is used for the treatment of mixed forms of acne and to get rid of acne. It is a part of such funds as the Azelik and Skinoren.

Drugs with gray

Sulfur is very useful for the skin. It helps to dry oily skin, eliminate acne and accelerate the maturation abscesses. It is a part of masks and lotions "Evisent" and tonic-spray "Live thicker than water."

Antibiotics for Acne

The use of antibiotics is recommended in the presence of a strong inflammatory process. It not recommended to use an ointment, because it can only increase the effect of the external manifestations of the disease.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

Used drugs such as Klindomitsin and lincomycin.

cortisone injections

Cortisone injections are quite common and effective in the treatment of not only acne, but also other diseases. During the procedure the doctor may use a local anesthetic.

The disadvantage is the possibility of complications:

  • bleeding;
  • back pain;
  • problems with the adrenal glands;
  • cartilage damage and nerves.

Home Treatment

You can try to use home methods to get rid of the disease. Their use will not harm the body.

Mask with bran and baking soda

1 cup shredded bran is added 1-2 tsp soda, mixed thoroughly. Part of the mixture must be diluted with water to a thick slurry. Facial keep 5-10 min., Then rinse with water, which had previously been necessary to add a pinch of baking soda.

honey wrap

2-3 tsp honey dissolve in a glass of water, then add 2 tsp tincture of calendula. Cotton pads soaked in giving a solution applied to the site of inflammation. The procedure is done twice a day on the cleaned skin.

coniferous lotion

Mix 2 tablespoons needles, 2-3 leaf plantain and 1 tablespoon chamomile and calendula. The resulting mixture add 0.5 liters of boiling water, and cool. Lotion to use no more than twice a day, strictly in the inflamed areas.

Ice cubes of herbs

2 tablespoons Hypericum mixed with 2 tablespoons dried chamomile flowers. The resulting mixture of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 5-10 minutes. on low heat. Infuse 5 hours, then pour into cups and frozen.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy
Coping with acne help grass, frozen in the refrigerator.

Apply instead of washing in the morning.

Treatment in cosmetology

In the treatment in cosmetology as you first need to determine the cause of acne. Further treatments used: application of peeling, laser and ultrasonic treatment.


This procedure is administered by injection under the certain areas of the skin. The substances are used in small amounts, but if it enters the direct source of infection are most effective.

laser treatment

This innovative method is to use laser beams to penetrate the skin. Cells were partly destroyed, decreasing the activity of sebaceous glands together with the die and infectious bacteria.

Diet for acne

When the acne should enter into the diet of foods rich in fiber, limit the use of fat salty foods or even abandon it.

Exclude the use of fried, foods rich in carbohydrates.

Acne - What is it, how to get rid of pimples on the face. Drugs, diet laser treatments, mesotherapy

Precautions should be taken to the dairy. Particular attention should be paid to the regularity of meals, without which a stable operation of the digestive system.

acne consequences

After getting rid of acne on the skin may remain scars, scars, blemishes and enlarged pores. In young people, these effects eventually disappear on their own, without outside interference, the adult the same person would have to turn to surgery.


As prevention of acne should not neglect the observance of hygiene rules, preventing unnecessary clogging of the skin surface. It is worth paying attention to good makeup, does not cause acne. It is a condition that must be observed to girls. Such cosmetics can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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