Skin Diseases

Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs in adults, pregnant women and children. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier

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The occurrence of rash on the skin of different nature and can be intolerable itching symptoms of skin diseases such as scrapie. The article goes on to elaborate on the source of the disease and its treatment, and the photo shows all the available types.

The content of the article:

  • 1 It features a skin disease
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 Classification
  • 4 symptoms
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 treatment of pruritus
  • 7 medications
  • 8 vitamin
  • 9 food rules
  • 10 Physiotherapy
  • 11 Folk remedies
  • 12 possible complications
  • 13 Video of scrapie

It features a skin disease

Scrapie (prurigo) - a skin lesion, characterized by the appearance on it Lumpy skin, combined with severe itching. Scrapie symptoms often resemble allergic dermatitis. If time does not take advantage of medical care and begin treatment, the disease can cause the appearance of serious complications - scabs and sores.

Causes of

Scrapie symptoms (their photos are presented below) which are clearly marked, most often appears on the background of a malfunction of the body and in diseases of the abdominal cavity.

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The reasons for its occurrence can be:

  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • neurasthenia;
  • cholecystitis;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • insomnia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hereditary food or drug allergy;
  • parasitic diseases;
  • goiter;
  • stress;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • intolerance to certain foods, often honey, spices, and chocolate;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • insect bites;
  • gynecological diseases.


Total scrapie has 4 forms, depending on the age of the sick and accompanying illness.

Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
Photo scrapie. A symptom similar to urticaria
View Features of a current
Adult (Besnier pruritus, prurigo). In most cases, this kind are subject to the elderly. It can be transferred in consequence of childhood skin diseases such as strofulyus or diathesis. Prurigo also appears due to food allergies, against intoxication or due to diseases of the digestive tract.
Children (papular urticaria, strofulyus) This type of exposed children from 1 year to 5 years. It may be a reaction to add a feeding or teething. In addition, there is a sign of scrapie diathesis and gastrointestinal disease.
Senile (senile pruritus) Formed at the age of 64-70 years against the backdrop of the irreversible aging body and skin in particular. Usually itching that accompanies the disease, it appears at night. The causes of senile pruritus also come in atherosclerosis, or an imbalance of the endocrine system.
Nodal (scrapie Gajda) It is a rare form of the disease, which in most cases affects women. Reasons for forming can be low immunity, sensible psyche or nervous system problems. Also, this type is often accompanied by the following pathologies - endocrine disorders, hepatitis, cholecystitis.

Moreover, this disease has two kinds of which depend on the length and complexity of - chronic and acute.


Scrapie symptoms (photos can be seen below) which differ depending on the type and source of occurrence, differently expressed in children and adults.

Symptoms in children:

  • plural nodular rash size of 5 mm in the elbow and knee bends, face and body;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • appearance of erosions;
  • swelling of affected skin;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • severe itching;
  • temperature rise;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • hyperexcitability;
  • dry skin;
  • urticaria (dermographism).

Often, if a child scrapie was caused by a food allergy and the allergen has been excluded from the diet, the symptoms disappear.

This does not mean you have to abandon treatment because the disease in this case may be asymptomatic.

In the absence of the necessary treatment, the disease may change or spill over into other skin lesions - atopic dermatitis or eczema.

Signs pointing to it:

  • the absence of unconditioned reflexes;
  • dermofragizma;
  • Dehydration of the skin;
  • lack of sweating;
  • swollen lymph nodes located in the groin.

Prurigo signs in adults:

  • nodular rash, having the form of a cone or ball, for the most part common to the lower half of the body;
  • itching;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • insomnia;
  • hemorrhagic education at the site of inflammation;
  • irritability.

Key indicators in adults with age-related or nodular pruritus:

  • globular precipitation of dark red color having a size of up to 3 cm, are only on the limbs;
  • compulsive itch;
  • the occurrence of ulcers and scarring at the site scratching.


Scrapie, like other diseases, requires a thorough examination, the results of which the doctor will prescribe an appropriate form of treatment. To determine the causes of this disease, we need to consult several experts - a dermatologist, endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist.

Upon detection of lesions, accompanied by intolerable itching, you should first consult a dermatologist.

Your doctor will do an external examination and recommend the following tests:

  • dermatoscopy;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • liquid research contained in the papules;
  • bacterial inoculation of scrapings.

In the case of scrapie in a child, a dermatologist will collect and analyze the reasons which could provoke it. In a survey of parents will take into account the child's age, dentition and the introduction of complementary foods.

Once, for a complete picture of the disease, should be examined by a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

These experts have identified a number of necessary analyzes:

  • blood tests;
  • cal NGL;
  • sample on a dysbacteriosis;
  • tests on hormones;
  • checking liver function;
  • ultrasound;
  • evaluation of the pancreas.

treatment of pruritus

Scrapie (symptoms, photos of which were presented above), easily treatable, if its initial symptoms to seek medical help. For all types of the disease, before treatment, is assigned a diet based on fermented milk products.

For the treatment of children's scrapie scheme will be as follows:

  • reception of antihistamine drugs that eliminate the cause and the symptoms of allergies;
  • vitamin firming body;
  • bath with anti-inflammatory herbs (oak bark, chamomile and others) reduce inflammation, remove pain and dry skin;
  • use reduces inflammation and eliminate itch ointments.

When prurigo appoint:

  • antihistamine ointment, which eliminate the rash and itching accompanying it;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • antibiotics are prescribed for chronic disease;
  • sedatives to help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and build a dream;
  • physiotherapy heal inflammation, normalize skin metabolism, stabilize the mental state;
  • sulfonamides possess antimicrobial and antibacterial effect.

When scrapie Gajda prescribe the following treatment:

  • obkalyvanie foci lesions compensates for the deficiency of corticosteroid hormones in the body;
  • applying to the affected areas of hormonal ointments;
  • Use topically topical steroids that eliminate inflammation;
  • administration of drugs reinforcing immunity;
  • wiping clean menthol pain;
  • use of antihistamines relieve itching.

alternative treatments can also be used in medical therapy:

  • obkalyvanie anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., tselestonom);
  • cauterizing lesions using diathermocoagulation;
  • irrigation chloroethyl or liquid nitrogen.Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier

During the treatment of pruritus in parallel untreated provoking her disease. The duration of treatment will depend scrapie age of the patient, and the severity of the disease and its forms of mental status. The average treatment time of about 3 weeks.

To avoid a recurrence, some drugs are advised to take longer. Most often this sedatives, enzymes and herbal baths.


The main place in the treatment of pruritus takes medication. All other methods (vitamin therapy, physical therapy and folk remedies) can only be associated.

To remove the itch and rash resolve prescribe antihistamines following:

  • cetirizine;
  • Dimetindin;
  • clemastine;
  • Hlorapiramin and others.

To eliminate the same symptoms as a secondary treatment prescribed desensitizing agents:

  • sodium thiosulfate;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • Calcium gluconate;
  • Smecta;
  • enterosgel;
  • calcium pantothenate and others.

When scrapie provoked dysbiosis recommend taking the following medications:

  • bifikol;
  • Linex;
  • Digestal;
  • Trimedat;
  • Hilak forte and other probiotics.

Pancreatic dysfunction medications prescribed following:

  • pancreatin;
  • enzistal;
  • Creon;
  • Mezim and others.

When the regression of the disease during treatment, administered dexamethasone and prednisolone.

When scrapie provoked mental disorders, sedatives help:

  • New Pass;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • Tincture of the pion;
  • Persen;
  • Neyroplant;
  • Adaptol and others.

For the treatment of lesions is used glucocorticosteroid ointments:

  • ftorokort;
  • Akriderm;
  • Flukort;
  • sinaflana;
  • Rederm and others.

In severe lesions, which led to ulcers and erosions, designate applique with 2% boric naphthalan or boric ichthyol ointments.


Pruritus, signs, photos of which are presented in this article, as well as all skin lesions, treated not only drugs, but also to strengthen and vitamins-containing drugs.

Vitamin with the illness is carried out using the following vitamins:

  • Group B (B1 and B12);
  • nicotinic acid;
  • A and C;
  • calcium.

Do not take vitamin supplements without a prescription, as only he can make the correct treatment regimen.

Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier

Uncontrolled vitamins vitamin deficiencies can lead to or cause an allergic reaction.

food rules

During the treatment of pruritus is necessary to observe a strict diet, since it is very often the disease appears on the background of allergy, food intolerance and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to limit or exclude certain products, such as the period of treatment, and after it. Non-compliance with food regime can lead to relapse and complications.

During treatment, children's pruritus in children 1 year should observe a special scheme of weaning. Before you offer a child a new product you need 15 minutes. until then give him a little breast milk. This technique will help to avoid possible allergic reactions.

For the first feeding is recommended to use sour-milk products, and only then try to give the baby vegetable puree. Simultaneously it is necessary to give the baby enzymes and anti-allergy pills.

Recommended products for children over 5 years and adults:

  • ryazhenka;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • low-fat sour cream;
  • natural yoghurt;
  • fresh vegetables (spinach, cabbage, peas and other);
  • boiled lean meat (e.g., beef);
  • fruits (apples, grapes and other green);
  • vegetable oil;
  • any cereals (except semolina);
  • mild cheese;
  • Canned baby food;
  • Black tea;
  • carrot juice.Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier

All meals during the diet must be steamed. Consume enough fluids.

When scrapie can not eat the following foods:

  • coffee;
  • spice;
  • egg;
  • citrus fruit;
  • fatty meat (pork, lamb);
  • fish;
  • pasta;
  • potatoes;
  • salt;
  • bakery products;
  • Strawberry;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • animal fats;
  • cocoa;
  • alcohol.

Meals during the treatment must take place in one and the same time, a balanced diet to be.


Pruritus is treated not only with medication but also use alternative treatments. Physiotherapy helps to relieve a bright severe symptoms - rashes and itching. The effect of this method of treatment is clearly visible in the photo below.

Therapy has several types:

  • radon bathsWhich possess spasmolytic and absorbing effects. In addition, they relieve pain, have a calming effect and eliminate insomnia.Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • sulfide bathsNormalize the sweat and sebaceous glands, metabolism and stimulate the redox activity of the skin receptors.
  • ultraviolet radiation, Stimulate the production of histamine and other substances. With it normalizes metabolism and improves the function of the CNS.
  • inductothermy It helps rid the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system, speeds up the metabolism.
  • Microwave therapy It has anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain, normalizes metabolism. In addition, it improves blood flow to the skin, and therefore, it improves oxygenation and vitamins.
  • phonophoresis hydrocortisone improves the action of local agents.
  • Diadynamic currents improve blood circulation, eliminate pain and cause sedation.
  • selective phototherapy It accelerates the recovery of damaged skin, eliminating scars, normalizes metabolism processes in the skin.
  • electrophoresis with solutions of drugs accelerates restoration of the skin, reduces inflammation, eliminates pain and has a sedative effect. In addition, this procedure strengthens the immune system and normalizes metabolism.
  • electrosleep indicated for children from 4 years and adults. Eliminates disturbances in the nervous system, normalizes sleep and reduces pain sensitivity.
  • climatotherapy (Thalassotherapy) normalizes sleep, restores the nervous system and the protective functions of the skin.

Folk remedies

In parallel with the above-described methods, pruritus may be treated with folk remedies. Prior to treatment, you should consult with your doctor, because natural products can cause allergies and cause deterioration.

For the treatment of diseases in traditional medicine have a large number of recipes for oral administration and for topical use.

  • №1. Decoction of herbs.

Mode of application:

  1. mix in equal parts burdock root, walnut leaves and walnut Viola tricolor;
  2. Pour 20 grams of the resulting mixture of 300 ml of boiling water;
  3. take broth 100 ml, 3 times a day.Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • № 2. Herbal infusion.

Mode of application:

  1. mix equal amounts (10 g), lime blossom, leaves nut and walnut grass woodruff;
  2. 20 g of mixture to make 500 ml of boiling water;
  3. insist in a dark place for 2 hours;
  4. receive an infusion of 80 mL 4 times per day.
  • № 3. Bath with herbs.

Mode of application:

  1. combine in equal parts of the following herbs - rosemary, chamomile, thyme, lavender and mint;
  2. Pour 20 grams of the resulting mixture, 300 ml of cold water;
  3. cooking the composition on a water bath for 10 minutes;
  4. take a bath with a decoction prepared every other day.
  • № 4. Healing lotions.

Mode of application:

  1. brew 20g herb milfoil in 200 ml boiling water;
  2. insist 2 hours;
  3. make lotions infusion using gauze pads 2 times a day.Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • № 5. Ointment with propolis.

Mode of application:

  1. 15 g of propolis mixed with 100 g of melted butter;
  2. warmed on a steam bath for 20 minutes. without boiling;
  3. apply the composition to the affected areas of the skin 2 times per day.
  • № 6. Rubbing with celery.

Mode of application:

  1. minced fresh celery root;
  2. Pour 5 tablespoons. l. mass 300 ml boiling water;
  3. insist 30 min .;
  4. combine with sunflower oil at the rate of 1 part of the tincture and 2 parts oil;
  5. topically apply the mixture 2 times per day.
  • № 7. Poultice of burdock.

Mode of application:

  1. burdock leaves with running water;
  2. douse them with boiling water;
  3. applied to the affected skin;Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  4. you can fix them with a bandage;
  5. apply the compress 1 once a day at night.

possible complications

Scrapie, like any other disease in the absence of timely treatment can lead to serious complications. It is important to comply with all the recommendations of your doctor and do not disturb the treatment regimen.

Fuzzy scrapie can cause the following consequences:

  • The disease is another infection purulent character. Damaged constant scratching the skin is a good medium for bacterial infection and fungal diseases. Alongside or in place of nodular pruritus rash pustular form of education caused by staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or Streptococcus. This rash, requires more serious and long-term treatment.
  • The appearance of scars. With constant scratching of the same place, the skin does not have time to recover. Therefore, in chronic pruritus skin irregularities are formed, which can only be removed with a laser.
  • The appearance of cutaneous lymphoma. This formation can be either benign or malignant. The problem is that it affects not only the skin but also the internal organs. Often the disease is treated only by surgery.
  • ostiofollikulit - a purulent lesion of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles caused by staphylococcus. Treatment is carried out with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs.
  • pyoderma - suppurative skin disease caused by several bacteria. It can lead to blood poisoning, inflammation of internal organs, and meningitis.
  • Furunculosis - complex lesions of the connective tissue and hair follicles. It appears quite large formations on the skin that are filled with pus and are very painful.
  • folliculitis - the disease is most often localized on the hairy parts of the body. Fully affected hair follicles, which can lead to hair loss.
  • neurotic syndrome accompanied by sleep disturbance, irritability and obsessive scratching.
  • Anemia (anemia) It appears in chronic pruritus due to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.Scrapie. Symptoms, photo, treatment, early signs. What is a node, children, senile disease Besnier
  • Dystrophy It occurs against a background of reduced immunity and metabolic disorders. It can lead to irreversible changes in the internal organs.

Moreover, against the background of a long course of pruritus in a patient may develop a variety of mental disorders - depression, neurosis and others.

Scrapie - a rather unpleasant disease, which if left untreated can leave on the skin a large number of scars that can be clearly seen in the photo presented in this article. Eliminate them will only plastic surgery. Therefore, at the first of its symptoms, seek medical help.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of scrapie

Treatment and scrapie symptoms:

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