Skin Diseases

Signs of jaundice in adults, symptoms of a photo, as reported, treatment

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Changes in skin color - a serious symptom that indicates the presence of disease. For example, if the skin of an adult takes on a yellowish tint - is the main symptom of jaundice. The disease appears, regardless of age. But in adult state arises against pathologies.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of jaundice in adults
  • 2 How is pathology?
  • 3 Types and symptoms of jaundice in adults
    • 3.1 hemolytic jaundice
    • 3.2 pedicterus
    • 3.3 parenchymal jaundice
    • 3.4 hepatic jaundice
  • 4 Diagnosis of jaundice in adults
  • 5 medication
  • 6 Diet
  • 7 Physiotherapy
  • 8 Traditional recipes
  • 9 When you need surgery?
  • 10 Features flow and treatment of jaundice in pregnancy
  • 11 Possible complications and consequences of jaundice in adults
  • 12 Video of jaundice

The causes of jaundice in adults

Signs of jaundice in adults often do not appear by themselves. That is, the disease occurs due to disturbances in the body. As main causes of jaundice secrete increased amounts of bilirubin in the blood stream of the patient. Indicator erythrocytes is formed by the division.

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In normal operation, the liver and spleen, bodies processed bilirubin and outputting it through the intestine. It is due to this indicator stool acquire a dark color. A small portion of the bilirubin is absorbed into the bloodstream and excreted through the kidneys. The indicator in the bladder fluid stains yellowish. These processes are normal for the body.

But in case of violation of functionality of organs or other reasons, the index is not processed, and displayed its accumulation in the liver. If there is a large amount of bilirubin in the tissue or mucous membranes, jaundice appears. The process can take place for a long time, the period of occurrence of all people are different.

The probability of occurrence of jaundice is increased in the following cases:

  • neoplasms benign or malignant nature;
  • congenital disorders in the structure of the biliary tract;
  • liver disease and renal system;
  • penetration parasites;
  • prolonged use of drugs (some groups);
  • complication after surgery;
  • stones in the biliary tract;Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment
  • bad habits - alcohol, smoking, drugs.

There is a certain list of people who have a high probability of infection of jaundice:

  • bad heredity;
  • unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, alcohol;
  • frequent visits to public places;
  • travels;
  • frequent sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives;
  • change in sexual partners;
  • the use of other people's personal care;
  • medical workers;
  • piercings or tattoos;
  • donation;
  • bad ecology.

How is pathology?

Jaundice can be transmitted if the contagious nature of the disease. That is, the patient must be diagnosed hepatitis.


  • BUT - symptoms of the inflammatory process in the liver. HCV infection is passed air - droplets. That is, personal hygiene items, food. But despite the easy route of transmission, hepatitis A is amenable to treatment and has a low probability of repetition.
  • AT - therapy is more complicated than in hepatitis A. The disease is transmitted via blood and natural fluids (urine, sperm). It can take place for a long time, as well as to develop into a chronic form.
  • FROM - way just limited to blood transmission. For example, in case of violation of sterile instruments. Often immediately turns into a chronic form without prolonged leakage.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

Pathogens are transmitted in the following ways:

  • Alimentary. That is through food, eat liquid or through close contact with an infected person.
  • Parenterally. Transmission of the virus is through the natural fluid - blood. The probability of infection is high in people who are administered drugs with a syringe. man often transmitted disease with tattoos and piercings. There is a high probability of getting a virus, if the master of manicure or pedicure tools not disinfected. As well as parenteral virus is transmitted when visiting the dentist.
  • Sexual. disease transmission occurs upon contact without the use of contraceptives or constant change sexual partners.
  • Transmissible - this is the way of transmission through insect bites. For example, the first mosquito bites a sick person, then healthy. This item is not popular in the Russian Federation. Basically transmissible infection is typical for countries with a tropical climate.
  • Vertical. The transfer is carried out during pregnancy or labor. That is, from an infected mother to the fetus.

Types and symptoms of jaundice in adults

Signs of jaundice in adults depends on its type. There are many forms of the disease. The difference lies in the causes.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

Often there are jaundice:

  • hemolytic;
  • physiological;
  • parenchymal;
  • hepatic.

hemolytic jaundice

By - another is called nadpechonochnoy. The disease occurs when elevated levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream. That is, this type is the most common. Jaundice hemolytic species appear at different disorders in the body. For example, anemia or malaria. Also, the disease occurs after applying some groups of drugs.


  • intoxication;
  • skin lemon hue;
  • yellow sclera of the eyeball;
  • enlarged liver and spleen;
  • CNS - in severe cases.


This type is common in children who have just been born. Physiologic jaundice appears in premature and weakened. Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatmentFor this type of characteristic yellow skin and mucous membranes. And the child constantly wants to sleep.

parenchymal jaundice

This species is widespread. It occurs due to abnormal liver function. That is, there is hepatitis or cirrhosis. As symptoms can note an enlarged liver, yellow skin which then turns red. Body notice spider veins.

hepatic jaundice

Condition appears because of impaired liver function due to excessive bilirubin. That is, this kind of jaundice may occur in hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer. A liver disease also forms transmitted when receiving some groups of drugs, Gilbert's syndrome.


  • yellow skin;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the right side;
  • discoloration of natural fluids (urine, faeces).

Diagnosis of jaundice in adults

When jaundice is suspected, it is best to visit a specialist. To this end, suitable therapist. If necessary, it will issue a referral to a different specialization. For example, a gastroenterologist, the surgeon, infectious disease. Jaundice provides inspection and survey of the doctor. Therefore, you need to tell an adult about all the signs of the disease. During the conversation, make history, taking into account all the complaints.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

To clarify the diagnosis appoint the following procedures:

  • giving blood for biochemical analysis. According to the results of the procedure can determine the level of important parameters (hemoglobin, red blood cells, etc.).
  • Blood donation for hepatitis.
  • Letting urine. Often used biochemical analysis. After receiving the results we can conclude that the level of bilirubin and liver enzymes. If they are elevated, it indicates jaundice.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment
  • Ultrasonography (ultrasound) of the abdominal cavity. By means of the procedure can learn the size of bodies, to determine the presence of stones and metastasis.
  • X-ray. The result of the procedure is to obtain a body shots. If necessary, the patient is administered a contrast agent intravenously to treat everything in detail.
  • Magnetic - resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT). Procedures help to identify organ damage.
  • Biopsy. The procedure helps to determine the type of disease and the extent of organ involvement. Assign rarely, in cases of suspected cancer. The abdominal cavity is small puncture through which a piece of liver tissue is taken and sent for analysis.

The specialist makes the diagnosis after the results of the study. At the discretion of the doctor a list of procedures can be changed. therapy is prescribed after diagnosis.


Often jaundice prescribed medication. Popular group of drugs are listed in the table.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

Group Title Description
antiviral Viferon, Interferon, Ingavirin, Anaferon Appointed by the jaundice of viral origin. products the Group is able to cope with viruses
vitamin complexes Multi-Tubbs, Complivit, Vitrum Group medicaments used to normalize the level of nutrients in the body
hepatoprotectors Geptral, Phosphogliv, Forte Essentiale H Normalize liver function and protect it from the effects of negative factors
sorbents Smecta, Enterofuril, Enterosgel Display the toxic substances from the body
antibacterial Ceftriaxone, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav Help to cope with the bacteria. Prescribed for bacterial jaundice
immunostimulants Immunal, Imudon Stimulate the immune system
Analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Nurofen, Analgin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol Drugs reduce pain, inflammation and swelling
antiallergic Diazolin, Zodak, Aerius reduce itching
sedatives Valerian, Motherwort, Novo-Passy, ​​Afobazol Medicaments possess sedative effect
antiemetic Reglan Eliminates nausea and vomiting
Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

Signs of jaundice in adults are heavy while using hormonal agents. At the discretion of the doctor a list of medicines can be changed. Jaundice medication must be prescribed by a doctor. It is not allowed independent appointment and uncontrolled reception.


Proper nutrition - it's one of the main factors in the treatment of jaundice.

The diet involves adherence to specific modes:

  • It is recommended to split meals without overeating. That is, the need to eat 5 - 6 times a day (portions of 200 - 300 g) intermittently 3 - 4 hr.
  • Maximum calorie intake per day - 2500.
  • It is better to cook steamed, roasted or boiled.
  • It is desirable to give up fried, salted, smoked.
  • Foods must be warm, but not hot or cold.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

A list of permitted and forbidden foods listed in the table.

allowed Prohibited
  • soup - puree;
  • dairy products with low fat content;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • lean fish (hake, pollack);
  • porridge on the water - semolina, rice, buckwheat;
  • sweet fruits and berries - apple, apricot, strawberry;
  • fruit gravy;
  • honey;
  • marmalade;
  • marshmallows;
  • dried fruit - apricots, raisins
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • canned food;
  • sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • strong tea brewing;
  • coffee;
  • oily fish;
  • smoked;
  • spices;
  • vegetables, berries and fruit with a sour taste;
  • dairy products with a high fat content;
  • fat meat;
  • fast - food

Of all the products can be permitted to cook a variety of dishes that are delicious. You need to follow a diet for a long time, so the menu should be varied, that there was no disruption. Sample menu for a few days listed in the table.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner afternoon snack Dinner Snack
1 Omelette 1 egg, black tea brewing weak Cottage cheese with low-fat, jelly. The dairy product can add dried fruit Vegetable soup, chicken cutlet, boiled vegetables, fruit compote Pumpkin cereals with the addition of dried apricots White fish, baked with steamed vegetables and herbal tea with the addition of honey Yogurt - 1 cup
2 Rice porridge, apple juice Vegetable Salad Milk soup, boiled chicken, herbal tea Rice pudding, all the allowed fruit Carrot puree, oatmeal, fruit compote Yogurt
3 Cottage cheese casserole, banana, tea Vegetable salad, yogurt Cream - soup with broccoli or cauliflower, boiled chicken, herbal tea Salad Barley porridge, stewed apples, juice kissel
4 Semolina, apple compote Yogurt, low-fat Vegetable soup, boiled fish with vegetables, juice Porridge Chicken, baked with vegetables, jelly Kefir
5 Omelette 1 egg, herbal tea Cottage cheese with low-fat Milk soup and fish, baked with broccoli Yogurt Cereal, fruit compote kissel


Signs of jaundice in adults amenable to correction with the help of physiotherapy.

Use the following methods:

  • plasmapheresis - mechanical purification of the blood, in separate components (plasma, erythrocytes, etc.) which process allocated. Then, part of the purified blood returns to the patient. This method is used for disposal of toxic substances and reduce the content indicators.Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment
  • Induktometriya - the impact of high frequency magnetic field.
  • electrophoresis - the electric current. Drugs fall into the affected area. For the treatment use Novocaine, Magnesium Sulfate.
  • endometrial - the patient's body is heated high-frequency current.

Traditional recipes

Traditional methods, compared with drugs, have a low likelihood of side effects.

But jaundice such therapy can not be used as the only means. That is, treatment should be complex.

But, in some cases, the use of traditional methods, medicines prove ineffective, only surgical intervention is required. Therefore, before using herbal therapy you should consult with your doctor.

Popular folk methods:Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment

  • Broth Helichrysum. A plant (25 g) was necessary to fill in 1 liter of water. Put on the fire, cook until until the amount of the liquid is reduced by half. That is, it should be 500 mL. Wait until the mixture cools, filter, take 50 g of 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. The course of 4 to 8 weeks.
  • A decoction of willow. The plant is dried and milled. Add 60 g in 1 liter of hot water, boil for 20 minutes. Leave in a dark place for 24 hours, filtered. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  • The infusion of gathering herbs. Take bearberry, knotweed, corn stigmas. And also need to prepare green beans and grass pryzhnika naked. herbs ratio should be equal. Next, take 15 g of the mixture and add to 1 cup of hot water. Leave for 3 hours. Filtered, taking warm infusion 0.5 cups (per 1 serving) 3 times a day.
  • The infusion of gathering herbs. Take sage and wormwood in the amount of '25, move. A mixture of (1 tsp) sugar and 1 hot water glass and leave for 60 min. Filtered, take 4 tbsp 3 times a day.

When you need surgery?

Signs of jaundice in adults can be complicated by. In this case, it requires surgery. As well as making operation in the presence of large stones in the gall bladder, the anomalies.

The following operations are used in jaundice:

  • papillosfinkteromiya - eliminates the causes of jaundice;
  • percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy - a less traumatic operation, during which, in the lumen of bile duct special tube is inserted;
  • percutaneous transhepatic mikroholetsistosomiya - artificial creation of external fistula of the gallbladder;
  • biliary stent - is introduced into the lumen of the stent, which restores normal patency;
  • Liver transplantation - is the action of the operation, but the cost is high and there is always the risk that the body does not get accustomed.

Features flow and treatment of jaundice in pregnancy

Pregnant jaundice accompanied by the occurrence of heartburn and itching on the skin. The disease is mild or moderate severity. the disease can often be found in women who nurture the child for the first time.

Signs of jaundice in adults, the photo is transmitted, treatment
In adults, pregnant women sometimes show signs of jaundice, which disappear after childbirth

There are 2 types of jaundice during pregnancy:

  • 1 - occurs in 1 or 2 months of carrying a child. The woman has no appetite, nausea and heartburn. And Vomiting also occurs, is drastically reduced weight.
  • 2 - a pronounced deficiency of liver and kidney. It occurs fluid in serous cavities, swellings. It increases the likelihood of bleeding and fetal death.

During pregnancy it is important to detect the disease in time. Any kind of disease must be installed and cured in time. Therapy is the use of diet and drugs.

All medication must be prescribed by a doctor, as most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women. If the benefits of the use of the drug is greater than the harm to the fetus, then a specialist writes the tool.

Possible complications and consequences of jaundice in adults

Jaundice may be various complications.


  • the transition to a chronic form;
  • benign or malignant tumor character;
  • acute liver failure or chronic forms;
  • shock on a background of pain;
  • encephalopathy;
  • coma;
  • inflammation of the urinary system;
  • ascites - fluid is not excreted by the kidneys and accumulates in the abdominal cavity;
  • intoxication of the brain;
  • death - is in severe cases.

Sometimes a person seeks medical help too late. Life expectancy and the forecast for recovery depends on the type of jaundice and associated diseases. For example, at stage 4 cirrhosis, hepatitis C and cancer of the liver, the person lives no more than 1 year.

This disease, like jaundice in adults may indicate violations in the body. If signs of better make an appointment with a specialist, or call the doctor at home. After the reduced diagnostics diagnose and prescribe treatment. Often use drugs, diet and traditional remedies. In some cases, you may need surgery.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of jaundice

Elena Malysheva tell about jaundice:

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