Cardiovascular Diseases

Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes. What should be, you can not do at home

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Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide. The main reason for its development is the wrong way of life and genetic predisposition. One of these pathologies - angina pectoris. Such disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and talks about a serious violation of the heart. This can lead to a heart attack.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is angina pectoris?
  • 2 Causes
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 angina form
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 First aid during a seizure
  • 7 Treatment
    • 7.1 Lifestyle change
    • 7.2 drug therapy
    • 7.3 Traditional methods of treatment: medium recipes
  • 8 When surgery is necessary
  • 9 Possible complications of disease
  • 10 The prognosis of angina pectoris
  • 11 Video of angina

What is angina pectoris?

In people, the term "angina" is used to refer to the disease - angina. Pathology caused by a reduced blood supply of the heart muscle and provokes pain in the sternum. At the initial stage of the attack it appears only during high loads.

As the disease and increase cholesterol plaque, which blocks the lumen of the vessel decreases its resistance load.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes

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Angina significantly impairs quality of life and require restricted activity. With the development of it can go in a heart attack - the cessation of myocardial perfusion and cell death.

Angina is a form of coronary heart disease. In medicine, there are many opportunities to help the man, relieve symptoms, reduce the risk of heart attack. To solve the problem you should contact your physician or cardiologist.


The main cause of angina - insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle due to circulatory diseases. This narrowing of the coronary vessels is provoked due to spasm or atherosclerosis.

The remaining causes of angina:

  • Age-related changes in the body. With age comes a weakening of the heart muscle. Developing coronary insufficiency and that leads to angina.
  • Constant emotional stress, hard work. These factors increase the burden on the heart, increase the rate of wear of the heart muscle and lead to the occurrence of heart disease.
  • Overeating, overweight, eating large quantities of food with saturated fats. This leads to an increase in cholesterol, which are more likely to cause atherosclerosis. Contribute to the development of disease and food additives contained in sweet, semi-finished products and fast food.
  • Bad habits. It is strictly forbidden for people who are sick with angina, smoking and alcohol abuse. But these factors can cause the development of diseases and even in healthy people.

There is a genetic predisposition to coronary heart disease. People whose loved ones have suffered from the disease or had a heart attack, the chance of coronary heart disease is much higher.


Angina pectoris manifests discomfort and pain in the heart. Often attack patients describe as a burning sensation, squeezing, the appearance of a lump in the breast.

Symptoms depend on the type of the disease. Sometimes the pain gives:

  • into the throat;
  • back;
  • forearm;
  • shoulders;
  • jaw.

Sometimes the pain is like a heaviness in the epigastric or is uncertain.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes

Seizures are accompanied by:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • disorientation.

The stable form is characterized by:

  • development in progressive load;
  • similarity attacks, which the patient can foresee occur after the same load;
  • up to 5 minutes;
  • onset of relief at rest drinking reception nitroglycerin (1 tablet);
  • radiating to the arm or shoulder other areas.

For stable form characterized by:

  • no load before the attack;
  • unexpected occurrence;
  • more severe pain than in a stable form;
  • no improvement after rest and taking nitrates;
  • tendency to deteriorate.

Unstable angina - a dangerous condition. With the progression of her symptoms should immediately seek medical help.

angina form

There are several classifications of the disease.

There are 4 types of angina:

  • angina. Only occurs when heavy loads.
  • Stable. The reason for the beginning of the attack are stress, a sudden drop in the ambient temperature, exercise.
  • first emerged. Seizures within the first month of the onset of the disease.
  • Progressive voltage. In this form of attacks are increasing, lengthening, arise suddenly.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes

Stable form has 4 functional classes:

functional class Description Exercise capacity (endurance)
The first The attack is severe or prolonged physical activity, normal activity does not provoke its occurrence 125 W
Second It develops at fast walking length of 200 m or climbing stairs, stress, after a meal and cold. Shown little activity limitation 75-100 W
Third Malaise provokes walking without lifts 100-200 m. Permission is granted to only a small activity 50 W
Fourth Occurs at rest, any load types are contraindicated Up to 50 W


Diagnosis is made by examination of the patient and the laboratory and instrumental investigations.


  • interrogates the patient;
  • discovers symptoms and complaints;
  • location of the pain;
  • the frequency of attacks.

After compiling a picture of the disease, severity of condition evaluates and predicts the rate of progression.

Further appointed general clinical analyzes and individually selected instrumental methods of research:

  • Endovascular echocardiography. Evaluates the degree of vascular injury.
  • Test the load. Checking if the reaction of the heart muscle for different types of activity. More often than not carried out on a treadmill.
  • ECG. Show signs of ischemic heart disease.
  • Coronary angiography. This is the main method of research vessels. It is to determine the need for surgery. It is held by the administration of contrast medium in the coronary arteries, allowing them to consider X-ray.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes
  • Radiography. It allows you to diagnose the cause of the disease, an increase in heart size or atrial calcification, blood stagnation.
  • Multislice CT. It helps to identify atherosclerosis, heart disease, blood flow studies.
  • Holter ECG. The method is intended for continuous monitoring of the heart for 24 hours using electrocardiography. It displays the frequency of attacks and the performance of the heart during them.

First aid during a seizure

Treatment begins with an attempt to calm the person. For removal of attack is applied nitroglycerin: Table 1. under a cap 2. solution to the language. You can also take refined sugar and drop it 2 drops of solution and give the patient sucked slowly. Also applicable for this purpose Validol, although it has a much smaller effect. On the tongue 5 is applied to the cap. Table 1 either. under the tongue.

Angina glycerol removed after 1-2 minutes. Sometimes there is a feeling of pulsation in the head. Some patients suffer heavy attack, especially in the presence of hypertension. This complication may be a contraindication for administration of nitroglycerine.

If no result is given 2-3 min second tablet. With continued attack can be applied papaverine or aminophylline (administered intramuscularly).

Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes
First aid in a fit of angina pectoris

No result for 20-30 min requires administration promedola pantopon subcutaneously or alternatively - dipyrone solution.

If these means are not necessary upper or lower limb of the patient lowered into the water with a maximum temperature which it can carry, while not provoking burn. In order effects on the coronary vessels instead of warm water heating pad can be attached or warm object.

After a serious attack as prevent them in the future, appointed nitropentane one tablet under the tongue 2 times per day for 7-10 days. If attacks occur all the time or constantly repeated, the person is hospitalized, as there is risk of myocardial infarction.


angina treatment is based on reducing the likelihood of heart attack and to improve the lives.

It often involves taking medicines for:

  • eliminate the cause of the disease;
  • normalizing vascular condition;
  • improve blood circulation.

Therapy is a highly qualified doctor. Physiotherapy may be supplemented, further girudoterapija used.

Lifestyle change

Do not overeat, in the presence of excess weight load recommended, they should be reasonable, depending on the degree of progression of the disease. Important giving up smoking and alcohol.

Angina (symptoms of this disease is not easy to remove) treated with a diet that excludes saturated fats. If possible, you should eat fatty fish at least twice a week. Unsaturated fatty acids improve blood circulation and help cleanse the blood vessels.

Remove from the diet should be foods that increase weight: fat, flour, simple carbohydrates. Under the ban is margarine. The reason is the high level it contained trans fats. Trans fats are obtained by slush by hydrogenation of vegetable oil.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes

What is interesting is that in European countries there are restrictions on their addition to margarine, which makes it even more secure than butter.

It is recommended to give preference to low-fat dairy products. You should also limit the use of sugar in order to reduce the risk of diabetes.

It must be remembered that high cholesterol affects primarily sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and saturated fats in the diet, and then the content in its products itself.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes

But abuse eggs, liver and fatty meat is also not recommended. It is useful to add to the diet products that help to strengthen the heart muscle.

These are substances that are rich in potassium and magnesium:

  • dried fruit (raisins, dried apricots);
  • figs;
  • fruits (apricots, peaches, bananas);
  • greenery;
  • pumpkin;
  • baked potatoes in their skins.

drug therapy

Advantageously used nitrates, relax and dilate blood vessels. To remove the bouts apply their high-speed counterparts nitroglycerin tablets or spray.

Prevention includes receiving a slow-acting nitrates or their counterparts in other form.

For the treatment of selected:

  • beta-blockers;
  • calcium channel blockers;
  • drugs against cholesterol;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • IAF.


  • slowed heart rate;
  • relaxing coronary vessels;
  • remove the load from the heart;
  • contribute to the normalization of blood pressure;
  • reduce the level of low density lipoproteins and triglycerides;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots.

Traditional methods of treatment: medium recipes

Angina pectoris (symptoms of this disease are eliminated by means of good folk methods) is treated with a mixture of lemon, garlic and honey.

It relieves breathlessness attacks, reduces the intensity of the attack.

  1. Grind 10 lemons, squeeze the juice.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes
  2. Add 300 grams of garlic and 1 kg of honey.
  3. Put on 7 days in a cool place.
  4. Drink 3-4 hours. l. once a day for 30 minutes before a meal, a course of therapy - 2 weeks.

Honey promotes vasodilatation, stimulates the activity of the heart, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues. As well helps royal jelly.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. Article 0.5. l. milk mixed with 100 g of honey.
  2. Preheat over medium heat.
  3. Drink 1/4 hours. l. three times a day for 30-60 minutes before meals.

When fighting with angina several medicinal plants are widely used. In traditional medicine, they consider adjuvant therapy, but if treated for a long time, it is possible to completely remove the attack.

There is a basic rule treatment greatly improves its effectiveness. The medicine should be drunk before the attack.

Well this helps mixture of hawthorn and wild rose, in addition, they contain large doses of vitamin C:

  1. Article 7. l. hawthorn berries pour 2 liters of hot water and infuse it in a warm place day.
  2. Squeeze the berries and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Effectively charges that reduce cholesterol work angina therapy. They contain salicylates and coumarins. Salicylates analogous receive low doses of aspirin, but it causes an increase in acidity of gastric juice, which causes gastritis and ulcer, and herbs such an effect do not possess. To prepare the solution suitable Sabelnik, peony or willow.

The second group of herbal remedies - coumarin. They oppose blood clots. The most effective - clover. And another herb that affect lipid levels: calendula, alfalfa. A decoction of calendula within a month can significantly reduce cholesterol.

If the grass, to connect the above, it is possible to get a collection of having heart attack warning feature:

  1. 2 parts calendula, skullcap, 1 - clover and wild rosemary.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. Pour mixture 1 tablespoon. boiling water, boil for a little, after pour cooling water to the initial volume.
  3. Drink-thirds cup 3 times a day before meals.

Performed well aloe juice:

  • It is necessary to choose plants that are older than 3-5 years.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes
  • From it in a jar squeeze the juice, add the juice to the same number of lemons, and 350 g of honey.
  • Drink between meals for 1 st. l.
  • Treated 2 months, then - break per month, and so a year. Store in a cool place in a closed boat, alone.

Angina pectoris (symptoms of this disease can disturb periodic) is eliminated and the following means, which has two components. First prepared from 0.5 liters vodka and May honey. They should be mixed and heated until a homogeneous mass.

The second is prepared as follows:

  • Defend 1 L of water and bring to boil.
  • Add 1 tsp. l. Leonurus, chamomile, knotweed, valerian.
  • Pour the prepared water and infuse about an hour.
  • Wait until cool, drain and mix with the first part.
  • Before the application tool should stand for days in a cool place.

Drink week for 1 hour. l. twice a day. In the following weeks reduce the dose by half, and so on until the end of the course with 10-day intervals.

There are certain rules of folk remedies:

  • It needs to be treated for a long time, following the recipe exactly.
  • The methods are not suitable in the presence of diabetes, which often accompanies the disease. Indication of his lack of a normal level of glycated hemoglobin.
  • In any case, treatment should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Traditional methods can only be complementary, especially in the presence of drugs that are taken for health reasons.

When surgery is necessary

If lifestyle changes and conservative treatment does not help, you need surgical treatment, whose purpose is to eliminate the pathologies that violate the myocardial blood flow.

To this end, methods are used:

  • Angioplasty. Most minimally invasive intervention. Catheter inserted into the vessel, eliminating plaque and blood flow is adjusted. In most cases, to maintain the vessel diameter stent is set.Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes
  • Bypass surgery. Invasive procedure that requires opening the chest, when it created a workaround by passing the narrowing of the arteries. It helps to improve blood circulation, relieve the symptoms of the disease and reduce the risk of heart attack.

Possible complications of disease

Ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris as its variety, have some common features. they often lead to the development of heart failure, which is manifested by fatigue, accompanied by swelling of the legs, appearance of shortness of breath and heaviness in the sternum.

Become regularity of change of pressure, wear progresses myocardium that ultimately leads to heart attack. But he is able to happen overnight. A prerequisite is a heart attack: a spasm of the arteries, atherosclerosis, thrombus in large vessels. As a result, the heart loses its ability to function adequately.

Angina (symptoms of this disease should know each person) is dangerous, every attack leads to serious diseases:

  • irregular heartbeat;Angina pectoris. Symptoms of what it is, symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines, folk remedies, recipes
  • ventricular blockade;
  • inflammation of the heart;
  • blood clots.

In this state you should immediately call a doctor and to establish conditions under which the patient will be at rest.

The prognosis of angina pectoris

It is estimated the risk of death in a stable form of the disease for 12 months is 1.2-2.4%, myocardial - 0,6-2,7%. In unstable angina form mortality within six months than 4.8%.

Angina pectoris - a dangerous disease. Without proper attention could lead to serious consequences. Surgical intervention and drug treatment is possible, but it will not give results without a change in lifestyle. Self-medication in this case is dangerous, it is necessary as soon as possible, consult your doctor if symptoms of this disease.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of angina

Symptoms and treatment of angina pectoris:

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