Cardiovascular Diseases

Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it, how to treat adults, children are exposed to moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs

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Sinus bradycardia can be found at any age. The disease is associated with a decrease in the number of heartbeats. Thus symptoms may occur with a decrease in heart rate less than 50 beats per minute. Such a state is harming the whole organism.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is sinus bradycardia heart?
  • 2 disease classification
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes and features of display
  • 5 In adults
  • 6 adolescents
  • 7 athletes
  • 8 Diagnostics
  • 9 Signs on the ECG
  • 10 The vertical position of the EOS
  • 11 treatment with drugs
  • 12 The use of folk remedies
  • 13 complications
  • 14 Forecast
  • 15 Video of sinus bradycardia, heart

What is sinus bradycardia heart?

The heart of man surpasses the blood around the body through cuts, which are stimulated by the sinus node (the place clusters of nerve cells in the heart muscle). When the pulses are less 60 beats per minute, but in compliance with the rhythm is diagnosed sinus bradycardia.

This condition is not always characteristic of the disease. Reducing the number of strokes may occur during sleep, during stress or severe exhaustion.

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But this is only temporary and is not a disease. If bradycardia rhythm is constantly reduced and not increased even after exercise.

Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs

By lowering the rate, tissues and organs begin to experience nutritional oxygen hunger. With a slight decrease, the disease may be asymptomatic and diagnosed by a physician in the examination process, when measuring the heart rate. Most often, bradycardia is a symptom, not an independent disease.

disease classification

Changing the number of beats classified irrespective of the cause which provoked disease severity and decrease rate.

The disease can occur in 3 forms:

  1. easy. In this case, the heart rate decreases from 60 to 50 beats per minute. No symptoms and does not cause severe harm to the body. It can be congenital disorders.
  2. moderate. Heart rate varies from 40 to 50 heartbeats. Organs and tissues are already feeling the shortage of nutrients and oxygen starvation occurs. The viability of the organism is supported.
  3. pronounced. Heart rate less than 40 beats. Fasting takes place the whole body suffers more brain. limb blood supply is disrupted. When lowering below 30 strokes, possible cardiac arrest. Need urgent medical attention.

Upon detection of bradycardia cardiologist determines the risk of the disease, and what could be triggered by the change. Depending on this will be given treatment.

Variety of pathologies sinus bradycardia:

Title Description notes
absolute Decrease in heart rate in any state, determined by measuring pulse It can be caused by congenital disorders
relative Is a symptom or a consequence of the transferred disease / injury. Frequent exercise Often occurs in people involved in sport at a professional level
noncardiac Celebrated in violation of health authorities, accompanied by increased intracranial pressure
toxic Caused by exposure to toxins at a poisoning or sepsis development It may be due to one-off or poisoning by toxins accumulated in the body
dosage A side effect caused by prolonged and uncontrolled intake of medicines Sometimes medication can have irreparable change in heart work
physiological It called external influence. A certain phase of sleep, a long cold, diet Usually not harmful. The rhythm is restored after the cause
Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs

Some forms of rate (sleep, cold, poisoning) do not require medical treatment of the heart muscle. It is enough to eliminate the cause that caused the change, and the work of the heart is restored.


Sinus bradycardia heart - it is a disease that is not always accompanied by bright signs. Therefore, when unexpressed symptoms it can cause harm to human health is not 1 year. If there is suspicion of a disease, it is possible to measure the heart rate at home. The procedure is performed at least 3 times per day.

Normal heart rate and the deviation in age:

Age Normal beats per minute. Hazardous deviation (less)
Up to 1 month 135-140 110
Up to 1 year 130-135 100
From 1 year to 7 years 110-135 90
From 7 to 13 years 90-110 75
From 13 to 18 years old 75-90 70
From 18 to 55 years old 60-75 60
With 55 years 60-65 55

When fixing the deviation, even if there are no other symptoms (to be discussed below), you should contact a physician. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it will be assigned to inspection at the cardiologist. In the mild form of the disease is the major symptom of slow pulse.

In moderate and severe form manifests the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the heart.
  2. respiratory disorders accompanied by shortness of breath.
  3. pressure surges. When atmospheric pressure is changed.
  4. Headaches and dizziness. Caused by the oxygen deficiency in the brain.
    Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs
  5. Temporary loss of consciousness and frequent presyncopal state with panic attacks.
  6. The rapid onset of fatigue, weakness. Rest restores power for a short time.
  7. The deterioration of attention and memory. Because brain cells do not get enough oxygen and nutrients.
  8. Reduced visual acuity, of a temporary character. Accompanied by tinnitus.
  9. Isolation sticky and cold sweat.
  10. the swelling of feet due to impaired renal function. Possible increase in liver size.
  11. Skin becomes pale and loses its healthy appearance.

By lowering the heart rate below 40 beats symptoms are bright and can be seen visually. Early detection and treatment is started, give a favorable outcome of therapy, as well as eliminate complications.

Causes and features of display

Reducing heart rate may be a temporary occurrence and is not in need of long-term medication.

This condition can be caused by physiological factors:

  • sleep or long body being in a horizontal position (more than 16 hours, is in bedridden patients). After waking up, or physical activity rate cuts bounces back;
  • long stay in the cold;
  • long and frequent smoking and drinking alcohol in large quantities;
  • a relaxing massage in the area of ​​the heart;
  • reduce heart rate may be pressing on the eye;
  • compression of the carotid arteries stiffen decoration scarf.

If these reasons there is no strong and long reducing pulse (not less than 40 strokes), and the changes do not appear enforcement performance, the heart rhythm back to normal on their own. Immediately after the removal of a provoking factor.

Heavier flows decrease rate caused by disease, thus there is a long-term examination and treatment agents.

The list of diseases most commonly causing a change rate cuts:

  1. Heart diseases of organs and vessels, as well as injury.
  2. Violation of the functioning of the brain. It can be caused by a tumor, severe stress, infection.
  3. The weakening of the entire body caused by disease or overwork.
  4. Prolonged fasting or a long stay on strict diets.
  5. Diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcers).
    Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs
  6. Severe dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  7. Poisoning organism poisons or suppuration bodies.
  8. Infectious diseases or glut of toxins that are produced by parasites.
  9. Treatment of hormones and tumor processes.
  10. Violation of the thyroid or adrenal glands.
  11. Wrong selection of medicines or long-term use of medicines that affect the heart.
  12. Congenital heart development.
  13. There may be a genetic predisposition for the line.

Reducing the rate may be due to women's pregnancy (enlarged uterus presses on the body or may affect the body's hormonal changes). Also, a decrease in heart rate occurs with age due to the aging of cells.

Not all causes are treatable to a full recovery. But even in this case, need drug therapy, in order to avoid oxygen deficiency and the development of complications.

In adults

Sinus bradycardia heart - it is a change in the work of the sinus node, which is responsible for the normal frequency of contractions. Mainly in adults bradycardia is accompanied by compression of the chest, with the accompaniment of a severe headache. Also increased pressure and there is lack of air.

It is triggered by the fact that often the cause of reducing the heart rate are heart disease, as well as alcohol and tobacco.

Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs

In adults, the immune system has developed, and the development of mild to moderate stages of the disease, often asymptomatic. Thereby harmed and anoxia bodies. Symptom is detected, when the frequency of contractions is already below 40 beats. That provides a bright symptoms.


In the transition to adulthood reduce the occurrence of heart often associated with the growth of the organism. During this period, the heart can even keep up with progress in size, in comparison with other authorities or not to withstand sharply increased workload. Also, bradycardia can be triggered by hormonal changes and increased nervous excitability.

In this case, a symptom runs independently, as soon as the work of the heart and organs stabilized. Sometimes it can be assigned to sedation and observance of peace.

During adolescence, a decrease of rhythm manifests:

  • rapid fatigue;
  • sometimes pain retrosternal area;
  • may decrease the concentration of attention.

If a symptom is caused a complication of the disease or injury. That may occur and other symptoms with a strong character. In this case, you need medication, otherwise complications can cause more harm to the growing body than an adult (developmental delays, disruption of the heart and other organs).


Sinus bradycardia heart - is a condition in athletes, when the heart of the strong load you need to push for 1 times the amount of blood is much more than a person in a calm state. This is the norm, not the pathology, if the heart rate is not less than 45 strokes. Even when a person is at rest, the heart beats slower.

When in reducing heart rate, irregular heartbeat, or notes there are additional symptoms, it indicates an incorrect set of training. For a more precise definition, must be screened.

Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs

This change in the rhythm of more common in people involved in swimming, running, that is, when the load on the heart muscle is preserved long period of time. This helps preserve the heart of a great capacity for work, the main muscle wear out less, but increases in size.


Asymptomatic diagnosis can be made at home. For this it is necessary to measure the pulse rate at rest after exercise, and in the quiescent state again.

If the frequency is less and 59 did not change over the procedures required to pass a complete examination that includes:

  1. Cardiologist collects data from the patient's words about the symptoms you are having. Checked the patient chart for recent illness. Measured pulse and is listening for noises.
  2. ECG is most commonly used to detect malfunctions of the heart muscle.
  3. Electrocardiogram, which maintains a record for 24 hours. It is necessary to find out whether there are changes in the rhythm throughout the day.
  4. Appointed by the tests on the blood, urine and the amount of thyroid hormones. This will help to confirm or exclude the presence of infectious diseases and other abnormalities in the functioning of all organs.

If these procedures do not give completely determine the cause of reducing the heart rate, it can be assigned:

  • Study Doppler sensor;
  • veloergometriju;
  • coronary angiography;
  • treadmill diagnostics.

Full Diagnostics helps pinpoint the cause of the decrease in heart rate and allow prescribe treatment. This in turn will prevent the development of complications.

Signs on the ECG

Sinus bradycardia heart often confirmed with ECG. This is the body of the examination, when the rhythm of contraction appears on paper. Thus given frequency of heartbeats. And also shows the interval between beats, which was to reduce the force and how rhythmically working body.

It is important that the procedure recommended in the morning.

Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs

Before this evening canceled heavy exercise and intake of alcoholic beverages. On the morning of prohibited use tonics. During the procedure is necessary to observe a complete rest.

The vertical position of the EOS

On examination cardiologist takes into account the situation in which there is an electric axis of the heart. Its deviation to the right or to the left will say which of the ventricles there are deviations in the work. When sinus bradycardia, heart electric axis is in a vertical position. Which means violation of the sinus node.

treatment with drugs

Sinus bradycardia heart - it is a change of the heart, which is effectively susceptible to medical treatment. It is indicated when the heart rate less than 50 beats, and there are severe symptoms.

Before medication is determined if there is any medication altering heart operation. If they are, then they are replaced by analogs, has no effect on the heart muscle.

To normalize the heart rate cardiologists often prescribed:

  1. Atropine. It helps to normalize heart rate after an overdose of drugs, provoke changes in rhythm. Injections are prohibited at an elevated intraocular pressure. Can cause side effects: increased heart rate, increase in pupils (causes a change in best corrected visual acuity), dizziness.
  2. izadrin. It promotes normalization of nerve impulses and reduces the time to pass (from the sinusoidal node to the heart muscle). It improves the functioning of the heart muscles. Tablets or solution banned for use in myocardial infarction.
  3. Corvalol. It is mainly used for the prevention of arrhythmias. Also helps to reduce the symptoms of bradycardia attack. Action drops observed in 1.5-2 hours after administration, duration of up to 8 hours. Included in the comprehensive treatment, not as a standalone tool.
  4. riboksin. Tablets facilitate full restoration of cardiac efficiency. When kidney disease the drug is taken with extreme caution. It may also provoke allergic reactions.
  5. Panangin. It promotes normalization of the pulse in the heart muscle, but also improves the work organ. It contains potassium and magnesium, which are important for the proper functioning of the heart. Precautions used in renal disease.
    Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs
  6. ipratropium. It is used to increase the heart rate. The drug is prohibited in pregnancy and violation of bowel obstruction.
  7. isoprenaline. It promotes more frequent heart rate. Increases muscle tone. In case of overdose there is frequent palpitations, tremor of the hands and feet, vomiting.
  8. atrovent. Improves cardiac activity has a duration of action. Long intake can cause: constipation, anorexia, tachycardia.
  9. ephedrine hydrochloride. Not only evens out the rhythm of the heart, but also contributes to narrowing of blood vessels, reduces the concentration of blood sugar (suitable for diabetics), dilates the bronchi.

When treatment is necessary in addition to diet, daily routine and give up bad habits. If the treatment will not bring results, and the patient's condition will deteriorate, then surgical intervention is necessary. Dosage and the correct course of treatment appoint a cardiologist.

The use of folk remedies

To restore the heart rhythm can be used infusions and decoctions of herbs. With a slight decrease in his, this treatment is sufficient. If the deviation is greater, the traditional medicine can be combined with drug therapy.

Recipes, herbs that help remove bradycardia:

  1. Decoction of yarrow. Water 180-220 ml is taken and 13-17 g of grass. Cook for 15 minutes and let stand for 45-60 minutes. Eat 3 times a day for 20-25 ml.
  2. Tincture of ginseng root. For the preparation of 14-70 g taken root and 0.4-0.5 liters of vodka. Insist to 31 days, during which time the infusion is shaken in a day. For the treatment and prevention to take up to 45 days to 40 drops per day. If necessary, re-admission is a break of 30 days.
  3. Fresh grape juice It helps to strengthen the heart muscle and to normalize the rhythm. Should drink per day to 400 ml.
  4. fastening means for immunity and restore the heart rhythm. Juice taken from 4 or 5 lemons, chopped garlic (5 cloves) and 400-500 ml of honey. Infuse 12-15 days in a cool and dark place. Is used once in the morning for 40-50 ml. Admission infusion can take up to 3 months.
  5. The infusion of herbs: Rowan leaves, currant and hawthorn are taken in equal proportions. Next 30 g of the mixture are mixed with 50 g of dandelion root. To prepare taken 20-30 g collection and filled with 220 ml of boiling water. Before use, strain. Drink 20-30 ml morning and evening.
  6. Infusion of rose hips. Take 50 g of dried hips and 450 mL of boiling water. Cook until 15 min. Then add 80-90 ml of honey. Drink 60-70 ml 3 times per day.
    Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs
  7. Infusion of fresh nettle (Spring) on ​​alcohol helps to strengthen the heart muscle and normalize the heartbeat. To prepare taken 18-25 g of grass and 180-200 ml of alcohol. Insist 7-14 days, use of 18-25 ml at bedtime.

Before applying infusions or decoctions need to ensure the absence of allergies. Also, not all the funds can be used for diseases of the digestive tract. For the safety of you can get advice from a therapist. He also prescribe a dose and rate.


complications that will touch all the organs will be developed by inappropriate treatment or ignoring symptoms. Lack of oxygen and nutrients, will lead to malfunction of the whole organism.

The most common complications are heart disease (damage to the muscles and heart attack). In further neglect bradycardia can lead to complete cardiac arrest.

Sinus bradycardia heart. What is it moderate, severe, EOS vertical, light as a treat. It looks like on an electrocardiogram. Folk remedies, drugs
Sinus bradycardia heart can lead to heart attack and death.

Lack of oxygen can harm the brain, in the future, even the treatment will not be able to restore the full functioning of the body. The most dangerous decrease in heart rate during adolescence, when the organs are not yet fully formed. Violation of their development is not always reversible.


Timely diagnosis and treatment contribute to the return of the heart to a normal rhythm. If a strong deceleration need to see a cardiologist and not to give up medical treatment. Medications taken in a complex, self-abolition of drugs is unacceptable. If there is a genetic predisposition.

It is necessary to take preventive measures. When ignoring the symptom possibly fatal.

Sinus bradycardia heart often asymptomatic. To determine the change of pace is sufficient to measure heart rate and compare it with the norm when it detects deviations always consult a physician and cardiologist. Bradycardia - a deviation, delayed treatment which will lead to malfunction of the main organs and muscles of the body, dangerous fatal.

Author of the article: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of sinus bradycardia, heart

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