Dental Disease

How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, cheek, palate. Drugs and folk remedies

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The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the disease, its types
  • 2 Effect of the disease on the body
  • 3 Causes of Stomatitis
  • 4 symptoms of stomatitis
  • 5 diagnosis stomatitis
  • 6 prophylaxis of stomatitis
  • 7 To which the doctor ask
  • 8 Features of oral care in stomatitis
  • 9 therapies
    • 9.1 Features food in stomatitis
    • 9.2 rinse
    • 9.3 Medications
    • 9.4 Traditional methods
    • 9.5 Dental and surgical treatment
  • 10 complications
  • 11 Video of stomatitis

What is the disease, its types

Stomatitis - infectious inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa. Striking language, the inner surface of the cheeks, gums. About 20% at least once they had been ill. It is not contagious. The nature of the disease is not fully understood. For the basic version it is assumed that the immune system of the human body responds to foreign cells, which does not recognize.

To assign a proper and effective treatment of the oral cavity, especially in adults, it is necessary to determine the form that appears stomatitis. Therefore, when the first symptoms appeared, it is necessary to turn to the dentist.

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There are two main forms of the infection:

  1. Acute. Characterized by a sharp deterioration in the patient, the clinical symptoms of pronounced. It occurs for the first time. It is important to quickly remove the pain and remove the discomfort in swallowing and eating.
  2. Chronic. The second and subsequent inflammation suggest a chronic course. Sometimes, unable to cure some ulcers, discover new ones. It is necessary to determine the cause of recurrent relapses and fix it.

The main types:

  1. Catarrhal. The most common form. Characterized by edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. It appears that the oral cavity and the inner surface of the cheeks if swollen in the absence of external changes. No ulcers and aphthae, complicating the timely detection of disease and prompt treatment. Because of this, catarrhal stomatitis can pass into the chronic stage. illness lasts for 10 to 14 days.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
  2. Aphthous. The main feature of the appearance of canker sores is one or more ulcers (aphthae) rounded, ranging in size from 3 to 10 mm. Aphthae covered with gray or whitish bloom and have a strong pink or bright red edging. Body temperature above normal, increased salivation, pain, a burning sensation in the affected areas, difficulty swallowing. When properly prescribed treatment, the disease is cured within two weeks.
  3. Ulcerative. The most serious form of pathology. It can act as an independent form and be undertreated by the first two types, going to the chronic stage. Ulcers have a profound form than when canker, fester and bleed. The defeat comes at the level of the epidermis, not only on the mucosal surface. After healing, the site of wounds, scars may remain. Patients complain of temperature increase up to + 38-39 ° C, swollen lymph nodes, constant acute pain in the affected areas, halitosis, in the form of a running last up to 3 months.

Effect of the disease on the body

Development of pathology, despite the different forms, there is the same. It all starts with redness of the affected area. There is a burning sensation. When catarrhal form mucosa swells and begins to bleed.

In the case of aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis appears round or oval ulcers with whitish or grayish film centered. Under reduced immunity their number is growing rapidly. Appear on the inner side of the lip, on the tonsils, tongue.

With the development of the disease the patient begins to disturb halitosis, bleeding gums. Ulcers bring discomfort and pain. Sometimes it becomes difficult to open your mouth, move the tongue, to make swallowing movements. During exacerbation stomatitis increased body temperature and inflamed lymph nodes.

Causes of Stomatitis

Common topical reasons:

  • untimely and poor quality and hygiene of the teeth and mouth;
  • a weakened immune system.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

The main reasons for the appearance depending on the form:

catarrhal Traumatic divided into:

1. mechanical:

  • chipped tooth crowns or rubbing the affected area
  • injury while brushing
  • bite the inside of the cheeks or lips
  • trauma during dental treatment

2. Chemicals - burn chemicals, various types of acids, household chemical products

3. Thermal - burn hot food, beverages


The defeat of the mucosal surface microbes, resulting from influenza virus infection, measles, chicken pox.


Stomatitis as a symptom associated underlying disease. Observed in the gastrointestinal tract diseases of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane in certain diseases - tuberculosis, syphilis, leprosy.

aphthous herpes virus.

When ingested, causes and development of herpetic stomatitis. Actually at the time of attenuation of immunity (during or after the disease, with a lack of vitamins, the frequent and long-term treatment of alcohol and nicotine)


Irritants include:

  • medicines (especially antibiotics)
  • means for oral care products (particularly containing sodium lauryl sulfate)
  • dentures made from low-quality materials
  • food allergens (extremely rare, as adults quickly find the product that causes the reaction and eliminate it from the diet)
Genetic predisposition.

According to the statistics of the results, if at least one parent is ill stomatitis, there is a 90% chance the child's illness.

ulcerative Lack of vitamin F, and Group B.

According to the research, ulcerative stomatitis outbreaks occur in the spring, when the body is experiencing an acute shortage of vitamins. In the war period the disease has covered about 60% of the population.

dental pathology

Caries, pulpitis, tartar create mouth favorable environment for the development of bacteria, leading to inflammation of the mucosa and occurrence of stomatitis.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nose and throat cavity, endocrine system provoke pathology.

symptoms of stomatitis

Symptoms of different types of sores are virtually identical:

  1. Redness and inflammation of the mucosal lesion.
  2. Itching burning in areas of ulceration.
  3. Ulcers, round or oval in shape with a bright red inflamed circuit.
  4. Bad breathHow to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
  5. excessive salivation

By the symptoms include insomnia, inflammation of the tongue, pain in swallowing and speaking. Sometimes it appears swollen lymph nodes, which are close to the lesion, increased body temperature.

In addition, in allergic stomatitis observed:

  • loss of taste;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

diagnosis stomatitis

How to treat stomatitis in adult mouth to say a dentist, and to determine the type of illness and the purpose of effective treatment is carried out a thorough diagnosis. When the patient's treatment, the dentist examines the medical record and examines. Sometimes this is enough to determine the clinical picture of the disease.

But in order to determine the type of stomatitis, the cause of and communication with other pathologies in the body appointed by the following tests:

  • simple blood and urine tests, blood biochemistry;
  • fecal bacteria overgrowth;
  • oral swab for bacteriological seeding with the affected area;How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
  • PCR diagnosis of fungal infection, and herpes virus.

To exclude diabetes, wherein stomatitis is often accompanied by a sign, appoint analysis of plasma glucose. In the case of a strong suspicion of a weakened immune system are assigned immunological studies. If the patient has frequent recurrences, the doctor advised to undergo ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, check with state otolaryngologist otolaryngology.

prophylaxis of stomatitis

Prevention consists of a set of measures:

  1. Monitor the state of the teeth and oral cavity. Poor hygiene is the primary cause of the appearance of disease. Brushing teeth for at least three minutes twice a day Hold at itself vial of mouthwash. Toothbrush, change to be every 2-3 months, should be comfortable hardness. Alien brush use is strictly prohibited. Do not use toothpaste with aggressive components in the composition.
  2. Translate your diet to a balanced diet. Play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. It strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, which in turn leads to a decrease in the occurrence of stomatitis in the mouth.
  3. Take care of your health. Adult shows every 6 months undergo preventive dental check-ups. Timely treat caries, professionally clean the teeth from tartar and plaque. Once a year, surveyed at the gastroenterologist and an otolaryngologist. At the beginning of any suspected disease without delay trip to the skilled person.
  4. When the tooth cleaved, internal trauma oral prosthesis incorrectly set, it follows immediately refer to the dentist to eliminate the causes.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
  5. Stop smoking. Smokers are at risk due to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth of tobacco, drying of the mucous and the weakening of local immunity.
  6. Limit or reduce the consumption of solid food (Nuts, crackers, seeds), in total, which may result in injury to the oral mucosa.

People suffering from allergies, you need to follow the diet, intake of drugs to avoid allergic stomatitis.

To which the doctor ask

How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth - is determined after a visit to the dentist.

What professional choose: paid or free:

Paid private clinics Free public institutions
The reception of the patient up to 60 minutes for recording at a time convenient for him. The reception almost does not move The reception of the patient up to 20 minutes on the coupons. Time is not always convenient. Latency reception can reach 1 hour.
Polite and correct service. Due to the large influx of patients and time limits for doctors Free clinics do not always have time for a friendly chat with the patients.
Modern and expensive equipment. Availability of quality of drugs needed for treatment. Lack of funding does not allow to follow the innovations of technology. Drugs and solutions used in the treatment, mainly produced in Russia. On quality they are not inferior to foreign, but the price is much lower.
The high price of treatment Free or very low cost.

Keep in mind that the free clinic level and quality of care can be much higher toll.

Features of oral care in stomatitis

Strongly true that during the exacerbation stomatitis is not necessary to clean the teeth and oral care. But you need to approach this carefully, because inflamed mucosa and painful ulcers cause discomfort mass.

How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
Canker sores can be triggered by too stiff brush, then start to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth with the need to change the toothbrush

It is necessary to use a toothbrush with soft bristles or, even if it hurts therapy area, just wipe the mouth any antibacterial solution. Suitable potassium permanganate solution, furatsilina, camomile tea. Morning and evening to remove plaque with a clean cloth or bandage, also dipped in the solution.

Particular attention should be given to changing the toothpaste. It is necessary to avoid whitening, abrasive components and menthol taste. It is important not to use means with sodium lariulsulfatom, which is a strong allergen, dry mucous membrane and is often the cause of stomatitis. It is better to give preference to calendula, chamomile, sage.

The therapeutic composition of the toothpaste recommended in stomatitis, present anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, mainly chlorhexidine. you can use them no more than one month under the standard scheme: in the morning and evening for 3 minutes.


Using only applicable folk remedies in step onset. If stomatitis fails or begins to grow, you need to consult a dentist for medical treatment.

Features food in stomatitis

During this period, you need a balanced diet.

Since due to mucosal inflammation and pain from boils to take food seriously, doctors advise:

  • grind up food puree;How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
  • to use the products in the form of heat, hot and cold will irritate the affected area;
  • drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters per day);
  • be sure to rinse your mouth with clean water, with a special solution and herbal infusion after every meal to remove all the leftovers;
  • have you often, but slowly.

In this case very well tolerated by children purees, jellies, curds, etc., having a delicate texture.

Eating is not recommended:

  • smoked, salted, spicy foods with an abundance of spices;
  • citrus and other acidic fruits and vegetables, even in the form of juices and purees;
  • alcohol in any form;
  • sweets;
  • solid and dry foods that can further injure the mucous

You can and should eat:

  1. Viscous, semi-liquid porridge. Better use of oats or other grains to grind to a state of flour before cooking.
  2. Compote of non-acidic fruit or herbal teas.
  3. Vegetable or fruit puree. Vegetables and fruit can be baked in the oven and eat during the day.
  4. Any first courses, soups. Not very salty, without the addition of tomato and hot spices.
  5. Lean meat and fish steamed. It should be remembered that, after cooking, they should be ground to the state stuffing.
  6. All unsweetened dairy products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt. They have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, speeding recovery. Prohibited their use with oral candidiasis, as they activate the fungal infection.
  7. To avoid pain during a meal, it is recommended one hour before meals to treat mouth special anti-inflammatory gels, ointments or solutions.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

Since diet during illness is limited, we should not forget about taking vitamin and mineral complex to maintain immunity.


Rinse with stomatitis is the most effective and safe method of treatment. Since ulcers minimal touches and are not injured further. If water gets into hard to reach areas where lack toothbrush helps to remove food residue.

The most simple, but effective means - this herbal infusions. It is important that the liquid was warm and not burn mucous. Procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day and after meals, for about 30-40 seconds.

You can use ready-made solutions. For example, Stomatofit having a composition of sage, mint and oak bark. In 50 ml of warm water to dissolve the drug 8 ml. Use 3-4 times a day for 10-12 days.

Romazulan based on chamomile. No contraindications. It relieves pain and reduces inflammation. The result is visible after two applications. In dilute water glass solution teaspoon. To rinse 4 times a day, capturing, as far as possible, all parts inside.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

Of the antiseptic solutions most frequently used - Chlorhexidine.

Forms on the affected area of ​​the protective film that protects against bacteria, so healing is faster. The result is visible after the first rinse. The best result is achieved if the solution is warmed, and used in the form of heat. You need to rinse twice a day, morning and evening, for a minute.

The use of chlorhexidine may be only 10 days.

Another proven and effective drug for the rinse - Chlorophyllipt. As part of the eucalyptus and myrtle. It has potent bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action.

A positive effect on the local immune system, promotes healing of damaged tissues, imbues them with oxygen. To rinse take alcoholate, diluting 25 drops per 200 ml of water. The procedure is carried out not less than 40 seconds. The course is 5 days of 4-5 per day.

Miramistin - antiseptic broad-spectrum. Has established itself as a proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of stomatitis. Neutral taste and smell do Miramistin convenient to use. Rinsing is carried out 10 days, 3 times a day.


stomatitis treatment is carried out comprehensively. In addition to the rinses dentist prescribed drugs that reinforce and enhance the therapeutic effect. In the struggle with the disease can be used tablets, gels, ointments and sprays

Pills Geksoral Tubbs.

Contain as a part of chlorhexidine and benzocaine. They have pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial properties. Have an anesthetic effect, which appears in 10 minutes. Adults are allowed up to 8 tablets per day. The therapeutic effect can be seen on the second day. Also used as a spray


Strong antiviral agent. It can be in tablet form or as an ointment. Particularly effective in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis. Tablets of 200 mg can be applied up to 4 times a day, 400 mg to 2 times. The course of treatment for 6 days.

LizobaktHow to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

Antiseptic and antimicrobial effect a protective protivoaftoznym. Treats diseases of the oral cavity.

Tablets resolves to the final dissolution. Adults appoint two tablets 4 times a day


It has a local antibacterial effect. It stops the growth of harmful bacteria. The drug is used according to instructions: no more than five tablets per day until complete resorption after 15 minutes after a meal. With increasing doses of drug therapeutic effect is not improved.


It is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Ascorbic acid in the composition strengthens the walls of capillaries, reducing mucosal swelling, local immunity improves. Assigned dentists practically at any diseases in the oral cavity. The positive effect of treatment comes in a day. Allowed to use 4-5 pieces per day.

Gels, ointments, oxolinic ointment

It has an active antiviral properties. Effective for herpetic stomatitis. Forms on the inflamed surface a protective film, thereby preventing further bacterial growth and healing of damaged tissues. Topically applied with a cotton swab or bandage for ulcer 3 times a day after meals and processing any antiseptic mouth. The course of treatment 7 days

metrogil DentHow to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

Special dental gel. It has antimicrobial, antiseptic effect. It is especially effective to eliminate canker sores. Use 2 times a day for 7-10 days.


Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. Lidocaine in the composition has a local anesthetic action. Not recommended for use with the injury of the mucosa and the presence of large and highly inflamed ulcers. Apply three times a day until complete recovery under the supervision of a physician.


By the principle of action is similar to Kamistad. However, it can be used in all types of stomatitis. The distinctive positive feature of the gel is the absence of any allergic reactions.

Apply 4 times a day, the last time it is desirable to apply before going to bed. Analgesic effect occurs already after 15 minutes and lasts for 8-10 hours.

sprays bioparoks

Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Appointed by the dentist at all kinds of sores, but most effective for Candida and fungal form.

Atomised through a special nozzle three times a day. The course of treatment was 7 days.


An antiseptic, analgesic and anti-microbial. Widely used in the treatment of mouth and throat. You can use up to 5 times a day for two injection.


Antiseptic with analgesic and anti-microbial effect. Start use of the drug is necessary at the initial stage of the disease. If you run, Orasept can not cope with the disease. Use 4-5 times a day at least 5 days.

ProposolHow to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

A part of the propolis possesses anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Spray used 2-3 times a day depending on the severity of inflammation. The investment comes after the second day of use, but it is recommended to continue the treatment until the final recovery. It can not be used for allergies.

Traditional methods

How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth, they came up with the help of folk remedies. The most effective means - soda, excellent antiseptic. In the 1 st. water dissolve a spoonful of soda. Carry out the procedure every 3 hours. You can add a teaspoon of sea salt, then the time between rinses increase to 4 hours.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies

Aloe possesses wound-healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. Dissolve 1 h. l. juice in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. Rinsing should be done 3 times a day for one week. Grated aloe with honey, applied to the sore places. The mixture relieve pain, inflammation, ulcers heal faster.

Garlic has high bactericidal properties and is very good from stomatitis. Possible to use only in combination with other agents.

3 cloves garlic grate and mix with 1 tbsp. l. any fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt). The composition applied to the affected area for 15 minutes. If there will be a burning sensation, you must be patient. Treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. Improvement was observed after the third treatment.

honey Treatment is carried out in the absence of allergy. It can be applied to the wound in pure form or gargle herbal infusions with honey.

A popular part of stomatitis:

  • Honey - 1 hr. l .;
  • sunflower or olive oil - 1 hr. l .;
  • ampoule novocaine;
  • egg white.

The resulting mass is applied to the painful areas mucous 3 times a day. Potatoes also copes with pathologies of the oral cavity due to wound-healing, anti-inflammatory properties.How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remediesSlices of raw potato or a paste of grated potatoes applied for 5-10 minutes on inflammatory lesions. Apply 2 times a day for 7-10 days.

Dental and surgical treatment

Ulcerative stomatitis, due to its severe, often treated in dentistry under the supervision of a physician. Special dental equipment, irrigation is carried out under pressure of the oral cavity with solutions of potassium permanganate, furatsilina.

Carefully processed all remote sites, spaces between the teeth for leaching of harmful bacteria. Then the inflamed area lubricated with special healing ointments and creams.

The entire course of treatment appointed antibiotics and restorative drugs. If stomatitis emerged as the main associated disease pathology, you must be examined by specialized professionals. In the case of exacerbation, the patient must go to hospital and receive treatment there.

After the withdrawal of acute inflammatory processes in the mouth, be sure to conduct dental procedures: removal of teeth, where there are signs of erosion and not to be treated, the removal of the dental stone.

In the case of traumatic stomatitis necessary to carry out comprehensive measures to address the causes of the disease. Remove or repair chipped teeth, dentures replace a more comfortable and does not injure the mucous membrane.

In severe cases require surgery. After anesthesia, remove dead tissue, housed sores, make the plastic gums. This occurs most often in ulcerative, necrotizing, stomatitis Candida species.


How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth, there are many different ways.

If specified the wrong medication or lost time, there can be complications:

  • transition into a chronic stage, will appear on a regular basis with more severe symptoms;How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth. Drugs and folk remedies
  • constant bleeding gums;
  • weakening and loosening of the teeth;
  • development of laryngitis, as a consequence of the change of voice;
  • death of the mucosal tissues in advanced disease;
  • infection transfer to other internal organs.

Canker sores in the mouth in adults should be treated in time and under the supervision of a dentist. If the disease has moved into a chronic form, and manifests itself regularly with serious complications, experts advise to undergo laser treatment procedure.

With a quick and painless procedure dotted remove one or more ulcers that can significantly reduce the recovery time. The occurrence of disease relapse after laser procedures is minimized.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of stomatitis

Elena Malysheva tell about stomatitis:

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How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, cheek, palate. Drugs and folk remedies
Dental Disease

How to treat stomatitis in adults in the mouth on the gums, tongue, lip, cheek, palate. Drugs and folk remedies

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