Dental Disease

Toothache: the lift in the home of an adult, a child, during pregnancy, through massage

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Long toothache is able to exhaust, make a person irritable. It sometimes impossible to sustain. Medications (anti-inflammatory and analgesic), folk remedies, including herbal teas and tinctures, the means of traditional medicine - this is what you can to relieve pain at home.

The content of the article:

  • 1 How to get rid of a toothache at home
  • 2 How quickly remove a toothache at home
  • 3 How to remove a toothache for a crown
  • 4 Medicines for toothache
  • 5 analgesics
  • 6 tincture of valerian
  • 7 How to remove a toothache soda
  • 8 Rinse with salt and iodine
  • 9 Garlic for toothache
  • 10 Lard toothache
  • 11 Propolis
  • 12 Vanilla toothache
  • 13 Onion juice to relieve toothache
  • 14 Fir oil
  • 15 oil of cloves
  • 16 Aloe toothache
  • 17 Sage tea
  • 18 Infusion of chicory
  • 19 Chamomile
  • 20 Black tea in a bag from a toothache
  • 21 Other folk remedies for toothache
  • 22 How can we remove the child toothache
  • 23 The lift toothache during pregnancy
  • 24 Acupressure to relieve a toothache at home
  • 25 What not to do in case of toothache
  • 26 Videos: how to remove a toothache
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How to get rid of a toothache at home

The occurrence of dental pain is often associated with food intake, so the first thing you need - to stop to eat and brush your teeth. Often teeth begin to get sick due to carious caught in the hole of food particles. After the removal of food residues pain goes away.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

If the tooth is still ill, and there is no possibility to apply at the moment to the dentist, home remedies used to relieve pain:

  • Taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory medications: Aspirin, Nurofen, Paracetamol, Analgin, Ketorol, Baragin and others.
  • In the presence of abscess, slow flux process via antibiotics: lincomycin, Metrogil, nolitsin, Sifloksa. They are used only on a doctor's recommendation, as it is necessary to take into account the individual dosage and compatibility with other drugs.
  • Folk remedies, including decoctions of herbs for rinsing, compresses, alcoholic tinctures.
  • Acupressure.

How quickly remove a toothache at home

The most rapid effect is given strong painkillers such as Ketanov, Nise, Nurofen, Took, Diclofenac. Less pronounced and short-term effects are topical formulations - gels and ointments: Holisal gel Metrogil Dent Kamistad gel.

Folk remedies usually help immediately, but during the day, reducing the pain gradually. Their action, in contrast to analgesics, has a more individual character and has the effect of not every toothache.

How to remove a toothache for a crown

Canal filling does not always mean getting rid of the pain, it can re-emerge. It is important to remove the pain to hike to the dentist when you can not do it immediately.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

If you can not take pain relievers, are turning to the popular methods:

  • Take 1.5 tablespoons oregano, boil 1 tbsp. boiled water for 30 minutes. The infusion is used for rinsing. Rinse 30-50 minutes. Several times with a break. The pain goes away gradually.
  • Mixed protein 1 egg, a vial of Novocain, 1 tsp salt - the composition of rinse their mouths.
  • Kalanchoe leaf is crushed and squeezed juice. This juice moistened cotton swab or a small piece of gauze and applied to the gum from the tooth of the patient.

You can use other recipes for rinsing and compresses to the gum, for example:

  • soda-salt solution;
  • decoctions of sage;
  • oak bark;
  • onion juice;
  • garlic;
  • salty bacon.

Not suitable methods that involve implanting a drug into the hollow of the tooth of the patient.

Medicines for toothache

Local freezing gels. Such gels contain anesthetic that relieves pain, but for a short time. How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massageThese tools include:

  • Holisal gel. Active ingredients are tsetalkoniya chloride and choline salicylate. An additional effect has anise oil. The gel has not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Metrogil Dent. The drug combined action, since it is composed of an antibiotic and Metronidazole component with anesthetic properties - chlorhexidine. The product is suitable for the treatment of pain and inflammation symptoms.
  • Komistad. It contains lidocaine and extracts chamomile, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Local anesthetics do not help with severe pain.

Rinse agents, antiseptics. Since the cause of toothache is an inflammation, and it in turn is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, the use of antiseptics allows ease pain and stop the progression of the disease. Chlorhexidine solutions used for rinsing the oral cavity, miramistinom, Rotokan.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

In the case of the rapid development of the inflammatory process is allowed to use antibiotics for toothache in the complex therapy. The most popular among them are:

  • lincomycin - effective in treating toothache, conjugate with the emergence of pus pockets, fistulas. Dentists also assigned complicated caries after treatment, accompanied by inflammation of the gums. Often causes side reactions.
  • tsiprolet - prescribed for periodontitis and periostitis. It prevents the development of infection.
  • doxycycline - acts on a wide range of bacteria. It helps with periodontitis and gingivitis.
  • tsifran - stops the growth of microflora, relieves swelling. Effective with toothaches, followed by inflammation at an advanced stage.
  • amoxicillin - the drug penicillin. It soothes inflammation in the oral cavity, and simultaneously relieves pain. It has many side effects.


Preparations containing analgesics, helping to stop a toothache quickly and most effectively. Their duration of action, which makes it possible to work, do household chores, sleep before the visit to the doctor.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

  • Baralgin. It allows you to quickly remove a toothache at home, also has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Basis of preparation - pyrazolone. Take one at a time (in extreme cases two) tablet, drinking plenty of water. The maximum rate - 5 days, no more than 6 tablets per day. price - 200 rubles.
  • Ketanov (Ketorol). This two tools having a similar composition produced by different manufacturers. Active ingredient - pyrrolizine-carboxylic acid. A strong anesthetic, which copes even with intolerable pain. It is important to comply with quantitative limitations - no more than 6-9 tablets per day, depending on body weight. Apply to 16 years. It costs about 70 rubles per 20 tablets.
  • Nurofen. Analgesic broad-spectrum. It includes ibuprofen, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reduces the temperature. Drug tablets can be given to children from 6 years. The medicine helps to quickly and gives the effect of 8 hours. Price - less than $ 100 for 10 tablets.
  • Nise. A representative group of non-steroidal drugs. It gives long lasting and powerful effect. However, there is a lot of contraindications and possible side effects. The cost of the drug - about 200 rubles for 20 tablets.
  • Deksalgin. It relieves toothache at home for up to 8 hours. It acts quickly. Tablets are not recommended to drink more than 3 pcs. in a day. The drug is not suitable for long-term use and costs 250 rubles for 10 tablets.
  • Paracetamol. The usual remedy for heat helps with dull toothache. Paracetamol is used not only, but also other drugs based on it: Panadol, Efferalgan. It is important not to exceed the dosage specified in the instructions. It should be less than 10 rubles.
  • Analgin. Effective against not strong toothache. Taking the drug at the recommended dose of calm little pain in the tooth for a long time. But when severe pain, you should immediately turn to more serious analgesics, as excess dosages analginum leads to the appearance of significant side effects. The cost is comparable to the price of analgin.
  • Aspirin. If there is no more potent drugs is no more, help dull the pain tablet of aspirin. He thins the blood and reduces pressure in the gums and reduces inflammation. This is an inexpensive means as Paracetamol and Analgin.

Analgesics should not be used uncontrollably. At constant reception body "gets used to" even the strongest means, the result is no longer valid, local anesthesia, which is placed in a dentist's office.

tincture of valerian

Valerian tincture has a mild sedative effect.

How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage
Tincture of valerian - that's what you can remove a toothache at home

On the basis of Valerian produce special dental drops that are tableted alternative analgesics.

Furthermore valerian, the structure includes camphor and peppermint oil.

This non-prescription drug costs about 50 rubles, and is applied topically.

Cotton swab (a small ball) should be impregnated with a solution and put in a bad tooth for 5-10 minutes. When the pain is again making itself felt, the tampon must be replaced. And so - every time.

Remedy helps only if the pain is caused by nerve inflammation. Inflammation of the nerves must be in contact with a cotton pad soaked vehicle. Drops are useless if:

  • inflamed tip of the tooth root;
  • the pain is accompanied by a flux;
  • tooth is sealed and can not put a cotton ball in a cavity.

You can replace the conventional dental drops of valerian tincture. The technique of using the same. Reviews on this means contradictory: it helps one well, giving relief to the campaign to the doctor, others say that the effect of no dripping. Some suggest not to impregnate a tampon with tincture and drip 1-2 drops of the solution directly into the diseased tooth.

Tincture of valerian root helps with prolonged toothache, if it is taken orally for 20 drops. 3 times a day.

How to remove a toothache soda

Soda relieves toothache, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. This means first aid at home.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

It creates an alkaline environment in the mouth, thereby killing the bacteria. Sodium bicarbonate softens, so soda solution affects not only the soft gum tissue, but also in the dental hard tissue.

Soda should not be used if there is inflammation of the mucosa, wounds and ulcers. She has the ability to loosen the soft tissues that can provoke the appearance of stomatitis.

Contraindicated soda rinse with toxemia in pregnant women, as this triggers the gag reflex, as well as allergic reactions to soda.

A glass of boiled warm water you need to take 1 tsp soda powder pour into water and stir well.

The solution is drawn into the mouth and hold on the side of the patient's teeth so that the tooth was completely in it. After 2-3 minutes the solution is spit out and recruit a new batch. Can rinse intensively, ie not just to keep the solution at the side of the tooth of the patient, and make undulating movement cheek, that the solution to flow through the affected areas and washed out the accumulated pus, leftover food and bacteria.

Rinse with salt and iodine

The stronger effect is achieved by the combination of soda and salt in equal proportions and 2-3 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine in a mixture for rinsing. Drains salt has properties, it is effective in the flux, and iodine to disinfect the patient station.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

A glass of warm boiled water take on ½ tsp soda and salt components dissolved in water and 2-3 drops of iodine were added, mixed well and used for other purposes.

Garlic for toothache

Garlic contains analgesic substances, and its analgesic effect caused by the presence of allicin substance, which has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, i.e. pain subsides due to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

According to the People's Council recommended:

  • lay in a cavity;
  • make compresses on the pulse of the wrist;
  • use alcohol tincture of garlic;
  • rinse the solution with garlic;
  • to put a clove of garlic cut in between a sick tooth and a cheek.

Garlic does not replace medications, although he is able to bring relief.

To make a compress on the tooth you want to skip the garlic through a press, the resulting slurry to invest in pre-cleaned from the remnants of a cavity of food and cover a small piece of cotton wool.

From a medical point of view, the effect of the agent has been criticized because it can cause irritating effect, result directly after applying a compress pain acquires shooting, yanking character - increases.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

Only after the death of neurovascular bundle pain subsides. But complacency in this should not be, since the process can continue the development of purulent inflammation.

The infusion of garlic should procure for the future - the time of its preparation of 2 weeks.

  1. 100 grams of garlic charge 0.5 L of vodka.
  2. Garlic rubbed on a fine grater, then pour the vodka and remove insist in a dark and cool place.
  3. Capacity with infusion must be periodically shaken.
  4. After 2 weeks of infusion should drain.

Before applying the tincture should be diluted with water 1: 1 and taken orally. Due to the combination of alcohol and properties of garlic means may be effective, particularly when the gum inflammation, however, the term preparation means indicates that it is more logical to see a doctor or take medications for relief pain.

It is also recommended to cook garlic mush and her bandage the hand in the heart on the opposite side of the tooth of the patient. The action is due to the influence of reflex points and distracting features.

It is believed that volatile enter the bloodstream and reach the tooth of the patient, but from a scientific point of view this is not proven.

Means should be used with caution, as prolonged exposure to the garlic provokes burns to the skin, after which even a scar remains.

Lard toothache

To the pain subsided, between the cheek and gum of a tooth in a patient to be put on a piece of purified salts and fat leather. The mechanism of action is determined by the properties of the salts: it is able to reduce swelling, pus delay, i.e. salty fat acts as a salt solution.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

Unsalted bacon will give the therapeutic effect. Convenient form: Keep mouth salty solution.


Propolis can be effective in toothache and can not provide a therapeutic effect. The first thing to determine is not whether propolis allergies. To do this quite a bit of propolis is rubbed into the gums of the tooth of the patient. If the effects of favorable: there is no itching, irritation, and pain became quieter, propolis can be used.

Recipe 1. 1/5 tsp propolis front teeth chew before full dissolution in the morning before meals and in the evening before bedtime. The result is a protective film antimicrobial.

Recipe 2. To prepare the take propolis tincture - 10-15 g dried herb Echinacea - 1 tablespoon and rubbing alcohol - 100 ml. Propolis is necessary to pre-grind. Since in normal state it is too soft for such a procedure, it should be placed in the refrigerator, and then grate.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

Then powder propolis pour into a bowl of dark glass with a tight-fitting lid, add echinacea and pour the alcohol. Stirred and capped. Insist 2 weeks, occasionally shaking the container. The finished tincture is filtered and used for rinsing after eating 2-3 times a day. Rinsing should last at least 4-5 minutes.

Vanilla toothache

From pain recommend the use of the extract, and vanilla powder. In the first case it is recommended to drip a few drops of extract on a cotton wool and make the application on the aching tooth. In the second case, you need to take a pinch of powder and lay in carious hole. The pain subsides immediately, but gradually, in a few hours.

Onion juice to relieve toothache

It is known that the bow has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massagerecommended:

  • chew on a small piece of onion and put it on the damaged tooth when chewing is not obtained because of the pain;
  • finely chopped onion wrapped in cheesecloth and attach it to the ear on the opposite side of the tooth in need of pain relief; in other recipes, it is recommended to put a bow next to the ear;
  • prepare a mixture of onion, garlic and salt thereof. In equal proportions mixed slurry of onion and garlic are added salt, the patient is put on the tooth by closing with a cotton swab.

Fir oil

A small piece of cotton wool moistened cap 5-6. pine oil is applied to the gum and teeth of the patient, first to one side for 10 minutes, then to the other at the same time. If the pain persists, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after 5-6 hours. It is important to prevent mucosal burns.

oil of cloves

Clove oil is a strong allergen, so it should be used with caution and in minimal quantities.

  1. 1-2 cap. clove oil extract is applied to a cotton ball and lay it into the cavities.
  2. In the 1 st. water is added 1-2 cap. clove oil and the solution is used for rinsing.

How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massageAloe toothache

It is necessary to cut off the lower leaf aloe (the plant must have at least 3 years), wash it and dry, remove the thorns and cut the sheet in half lengthwise. Then the pulp is applied to the gum sheet for 20-30 minutes. The pain should subside.

Sage tea

For an infusion should take 20 g of dry sage and pour milled plant 1 tbsp. boiling water. The container is then wrapped with a towel and leave to infuse for half an hour. After the infusion is used for rinsing.

You can drink the infusion of cotton wool and apply to the aching tooth.

Infusion of chicory

We need to take 1 tbsp crushed dry chicory root. The root should pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water and add a few drops of lemon juice. Then it is left to infuse for 30 minutes. Infusion should get saturated. After 30 minutes, preferably after the meal, the patient can rinse the tooth.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

It is recommended to rinse 4 times a day. Alternatively, the infusion can chew peeled fresh chicory root. This tool helps with severe pain.


Camomile dulls the sensitivity of nerve endings, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces edema.

Toothache use chamomile in the form of decoction for rinsing. It is necessary to prepare a strong solution:

  1. Take 5-7 tablespoons dry camomile brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist in a warm place, having covered with a towel for 30 minutes.
  2. Then rinse diseased tooth broth room temperature.
  3. The infusion will be more effective if you add 2 tablespoons chamomile sage and echinacea.

It helps compress of chamomile oil. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. chamomile and 2 tbsp. olive or sunflower oil.
  2. Inflorescences pour oil.
  3. Insist in a warm dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. The strained oil moistened cotton wool and is applied to a tooth on both sides for 10-15 minutes.

By nagging toothache used chamomile tea: brew 5-6 tablespoons chamomile color in a ceramic teapot. Drunk as ordinary tea.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

Another tool: chamomile and honey. Within 20 minutes it is necessary to insist 1 tablespoon flowers, brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water. When chamomile infusion, the infusion is filtered, add the honey and the broth used for rinsing.

Black tea in a bag from a toothache

Black tea contains tannins, which help to relieve swelling and reduce pain. One way - to brew strong tea and rinse your mouth with tea leaves, another way - put a warm (not hot) wet tea bag as a compress on the affected tooth.

Other folk remedies for toothache

There are plenty of folk remedies, which, in the opinion, help to stop a toothache:How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

  1. Ice compress. Has distracting effect, i.e. brain switches from toothache cold perception, resulting in relief occurs. ice cube need to be wrapped in cloth, put in a plastic bag and attach to the cheek - the place where the tooth aches. You can not take the ice, but something frozen from the refrigerator, pack, as described above, and used as a compress.
  2. Effective against toothache infusion calamus roots. root plants (100 g) to grind and pour 1 tbsp. vodka or alcohol. The mixture is then removed in a dark place, is hermetically closed. Insist within two weeks. Then strain and use as a compress applied to the aching tooth.
  3. Decoction of oak bark. 100 g bark pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Put the container on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. After that filter, is added a small piece of hot pepper and vinegar (2 tablespoons). Insist another 15 minutes, then used to rinse the infusion.
  4. A decoction of the bark of aspen. Boiling water (1 tbsp.) Brew 1 tablespoon aspen chips and boiled for 15 minutes. After boiling broth allow to infuse for 30 minutes and used for rinsing.
  5. fresh beetsAccording to popular recipes also helps toothache. To cut a small piece of root, and put on the aching tooth.
  6. On the back of the head on the neck, apply compress of horseradish or mustard or put yellow card.
  7. If the tooth is carious cavity, you can drip a few drops Volokordina or to put cotton wool soaked with this medicine.
  8. Part of the pain will pass, if applied to the aching tooth plantain leaf.
  9. 2 tablespoons horsetail Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist the whole night. In the morning rinse infusion of mouth.
  10. If all of a sudden toothache, and at hand was not anything else, should be to tear a leaf from home geranium and apply to the affected area or prepare a decoction: pour 1 tbsp geranium leaves 1 tbsp. of boiling water and let it brew.
  11. A paste of cinnamon and honey. Honey and cinnamon powder were mixed in such proportions as to obtain a thick paste. This composition is rubbed into the gums near the sick tooth.
  12. Take 2 tablespoons grated turnips, Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Simmer 15 minutes. The cooled broth used for rinsing.
  13. In a glass of warm boiled water, you need to drop 2-3 drops Tea tree oil and this solution to rinse your mouth, trying to keep the liquid from the patient's tooth.
  14. 4 tsp grass mallow Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with a solution of warm (cold infusion loses its properties).
  15. 2 tsp bilberry is ground and brewed 1 tbsp. boiling water. The mixture is left to infuse for 2 hours. After the solution is suitable for rinsing.

How can we remove the child toothache

Toothache in a child successfully docked multifunctional medicines based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Many parents are known as antipyretics.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

For drugs on the basis of paracetamol are Tsefekon, Panadol, Efferalgan, ibuprofen is contained in syrup "Nurofen". These drugs take effect within 20-30 minutes, and the effect is visible up to 8 hours. Drugs are prescribed to infants, but rather with 3 months.

If the child is older, and he was already 2 years old, you can give him drugs based on nimesulide - is a powder "Nimesil" and tablets "Nise". The effect of longer - up to 12 hours. However, under the age of 3 years Nise is better to give in the form of a suspension, it is available on medical prescription.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

Candles "Viburkol" provide more rapid effect, acting in 5-10 minutes.

Ointment "Dentokids" is applied to the gum and freezes the affected area. But the effect did not last long - about an hour.

Preparation "Dent" in the form of droplets contains camphor and chloral hydrate has local anesthetic action. Used in the form of applications on the aching tooth. Related drugs: Ksident, Stomagol, Fitodent, Dentaguttal, Dentinox.

Choosing other means, it should be clarified that there are no contraindications among childhood, as many analgesics can be given to children only from 12 years.

Folk remedies are effective if there is not too severe toothache. The lift at home, you need to choose, given the possibility of occurrence of allergic reactions to herbal ingredients. As the first child care mouth rinse may soda or brine or brine, and sodium iodine (how to prepare them, mentioned above).

No contraindications and other folk remedies, with the exception of alcoholic liquors. They are able to have a strong irritant effect on the delicate mucous that make the situation worse.

The lift toothache during pregnancy

In pregnancy, try to avoid the use of potent analgesics and alcohol-based.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massage

During pregnancy, are advised to use propolis tincture, if there is no allergic reaction to bee products. The aqueous extract was prepared similarly to alcoholic: rub the cooled propolis on a grater, add echinacea, pour water and insist two days in a tightly sealed container made of dark glass.

Decoctions and infusions of water will also help if there was a toothache. The lift in the home pain, experts recommend traditional medicine. It:

  • sage;
  • peppermint;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • oak (bark).

Use is not contraindicated from a toothache soda, garlic, bacon, essential oils and tooth drop.

If the pain is too strong, it is possible the use of drugs:

  1. Aspirin - allowed as an exception and only on doctor's advice in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Nurofen - use is undesirable, but it is possible to 1 and 2 trimester.
  3. Paracetamol - relatively safe, but effective means.
  4. Nospanum - effective when crushed tablet and filled into the hollow of the tooth of the patient, it will reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. But when administered pain does not subside, as it spazmalitik, which affects the muscles.
  5. analgene - it can also be crushed and put in a piece of the tablet cavities.

Acupressure to relieve a toothache at home

Basics of acupressure toothache described in ancient Chinese medical texts.How to remove a toothache at home in an adult, child, pregnancy, through massageAccording to the doctrine, there are a few points on the human body massage that soothes toothache:

  1. One of the points is between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. To find it, you need to push the wide finger and thumb. At the base of the recess is found, which is the desired point. Her massage for 3 minutes until a slight redness appears.
  2. Another point is located at the base of the nail plate, left. Her massage Press movement. You should see the pain in this place.
  3. To find the next point, it is necessary from the interdigital fold between the middle and ring fingers back down to 2 cm. Click on it with your fingernail other hand.
  4. A point located on the left cheek, are as follows: open wide mouth and are recess at the junction of the upper and lower jaws. 5 again it should push the forefinger, and then 30 times massaging until disappearance toothache.
  5. It helps to press impact on the temporal fossa. Massage short - up to 10 seconds.

What not to do in case of toothache

It is strictly forbidden for toothache:

  • warm aching tooth at home or hot-water bottle to rinse with hot solutions. Possible short-term positive effect, ie, you can remove the pain, but not for long. The heat causes the blood flow, due to which the inflammatory process is activated;
  • drink alcohol inside. Apparent relief will result intoxicated and not alcohol-containing beverage medicinal properties. In the treatment of dental pain effectively direct effect of alcohol on the affected tooth;
  • lay the honey into the cavity of the tooth of the patient. Sweet will only exacerbate the inflammatory process;
  • comply with bed rest. In the horizontal position, the blood rushes to the tooth, it causes increased pain;
  • postpone visits to the doctor, even if the pain stopped.

Most drugs used for toothache, help not only to reduce the pain at home, but also provide an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Thereby become less pronounced other associated symptoms of dental disease. However, removing the pain, you need to see a doctor, because after the death of nerve inflammation is able to resume and be asymptomatic.

Videos: how to remove a toothache

How and what to remove a toothache at home without drugs:

Traditional recipes you remove a toothache:

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