Diseases Of The Digestive System

Hepatitis C in women. Symptoms and treatment of the first signs, photo, temperature is transmitted as live

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Hepatitis C - a viral disease that affects the liver. According to some reports, the virus most often diagnosed in women, and it is important time to detect signs of infestation to prevent complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 classification of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
      • 8.2.1 mummy
      • 8.2.2 thistle
      • 8.2.3 Corn silk
      • 8.2.4 briar
      • 8.2.5 Carrot juice with honey and lemon
    • 8.3 Diet
    • 8.4 tyubazh
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about hepatitis C

classification of diseases

Hepatitis C HCV is a virus that has a 11 genotypes. Some genotypes have several subtypes. They differ in the degree of danger, the speed of progression and spread.

The most dangerous is hepatitis caused by genotype 1, subtype 1b in particular, which is very common among patients living in Russia. Also dangerous is the virus genotype 3, which is characterized by a fast rate of progression.

Distinguish 2 basic forms of hepatitis:

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The acute form The chronic form
Hepatitis in the acute form has expressed signs: the patient sharply deteriorating health, disturbed liver function, and there is an increase of bilirubin in the blood. Approximately 75% of a transition of the acute form of hepatitis C chronic. It is characterized by severe impairment of hepatic function and in 20-30% of cases develops into cirrhosis.

Stage and grade

Once the virus in the organism immune cells begin to produce antibodies to the virus. If the immune system is strong, and the virus got into the body in small quantities, it destroys the virus, and it is excreted from the body.

Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred
The symptoms and treatment of hepatitis C in women depends on the stage

If the virus remains in the body (with a weak immune system), then comes the incubation period, which lasts from 2 days to 6 months. Then developed acute hepatitis, the duration of which, on average, is 3-4 weeks. Then the disease or cure, or develops into a chronic form.

The complexity of the diagnosis is that the symptoms of hepatitis are similar to other diseases of the liver and biliary system, and to determine exactly hepatitis is difficult.


Hepatitis C in women in the acute form has the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • digestive disorders (nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea);
  • white or yellow plaque on the tongue;
  • weakness and aching muscles;
  • Strong headache;
  • heaviness and pain in his right side.

In some other types of hepatitis is characterized by the development of jaundice - in this case, the skin and whites of the eyes become yellow. However, hepatitis C jaundice is rare.

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis C in the form of commonly accepted inconspicuous or for other diseases or nervous strain.

Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferredIn women, these symptoms are most pronounced in chronic hepatitis C:

  • periodic temperature rise for no reason;
  • chronic fatigue and constant sleepiness;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • reduced mental and physical performance;
  • eating disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, flatulence);
  • discoloration of urine and feces;
  • heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • joint pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • skin rash and itching;
  • menstrual problems.

Hepatitis C in women whose symptoms are non-specific, can be confused with other diseases that have the same symptoms. Discomfort in his right side is most pronounced manifestation of liver disease virus.

Causes of

Infection with hepatitis C often occurs through the blood where virus content is greatest. Lower concentrations found in other biological fluids: mucous membranes, semen, vaginal mucus, but through them you can catch dangerous diseases.

Situations in which the infection is possible:

  • a blood transfusion from a donor infected with hepatitis C;
  • through cutting and piercing items, which remained the blood of an infected person (shpritsovye needles, piercing tools, casual cut with a knife);
  • during sexual intercourse (in this case the infection occurs in about 5% of cases, but in people with multiple sexual partners, higher risk of infection);
  • during birth from mother to child (infection also occurs in about 5% of cases; the risk is increased if the woman in the last months of pregnancy suffered an acute form of hepatitis).

The virus is not transmitted through breast milk. they also can not be transmitted through the skin or by airborne droplets, when using household items. The exceptions are personal items contaminated: a toothbrush, razor, nail accessories.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred

Infected with hepatitis B can be in tattoo parlors, dental clinics and acupuncture procedure and even in Manicurist, enough prodezinfetsirovavshego tools.

The highest risk of infection among drug users, which are used for injecting the same needle.

Also at risk are people who have received a blood transfusion before 1992 (Since before the donor blood is not tested for hepatitis C) and health care providers are often in contact with blood.


As has been said, to determine hepatitis C only symptoms very difficult.

Therefore, a careful diagnosis, which includes laboratory and instrumental methods:

laboratory methodsHepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred

General blood analysis By increasing the number of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate can judge the presence of inflammation in the body.
Blood chemistry When any disease process in the liver is increased in the blood levels of hepatic enzymes (bilirubin, AST, ALT, GGT).
Blood tests for the presence of antibodies to the virus and detection of the viral RNA. Antibodies to hepatitis C in the blood found, if the body was exposed to the virus. If the analysis is positive, the PCR was carried out, the study, by which establish whether the virus is present in the body at the moment, the genotype of the virus and its amount in the body.

instrumental methods

liver ultrasound Pathological processes in the liver accompanied the increase in body size and echogenicity changes in some of its sections.
CT or MRI of the liver Possible to determine changes in the structure of body tissue
Fibroelastografiya With this study we can determine the density and elasticity of the liver tissue.
Biopsy Taken a small piece of liver tissue for further microscopic examination. With biopsy detect changes in tissue structure at a deeper level.

When to see a doctor

Hepatitis C in women, symptoms of which depend on the form of the disease - the most dangerous of all types of hepatitis. It can lead to serious violations of the liver, so you should pay more attention to the state of the organism to detect the first symptoms.

The main symptom of diseases of the liver - pain in his right side. Even if it does not exist, but there are other symptoms (the most common - lack of appetite and weight loss, yellowing of urine, constant tiredness), then you should definitely see a doctor.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred

He will appoint the necessary tests and investigations and will issue a direction to specialists: virology, infectious diseases and hepatology (last doctor treats diseases of the liver).

With timely treatment to the doctor, you can not only prevent the development of hepatitis, but also diagnose other diseases of the body.


Infection with hepatitis C can be prevented, if you observe the rules of prevention:

  1. Do not use other people's razors, nail files, toothbrushes; such items must be in the sole use, as they can remain in the blood of microscopic quantities, which is sufficient for infection.
  2. Do not go to beauty shops (especially nail), tatu- and piercing parlors, dental clinics, having doubtful reputation; always make sure that needles and syringes are disposable; do piercings and tattoos from the artists working at home, since the tools out there can not be subjected to suitably rigorous sterilization and sanitization.
  3. Do not use drugs and inject them with a syringe.
  4. To use a condom with unfamiliar partner.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred
  5. During the acupuncture treatments bring to the session's own needles (they can be purchased at the pharmacy).


Hepatitis C in women whose symptoms can masquerade as other diseases, requires a carefully chosen therapy. It selects the physician, depending on the test results and research. The main goal of treatment is the destruction and elimination of the virus from the body.


Hepatitis C Drug therapy depends on the genotype of the virus that hit the body. Used drugs adversely affect the viral protein required for reproduction. Previously used for the treatment of peligirovannye interferon in combination with ribavirin, but this method is recognized as an effective and safe enough.

To date, use the following antiviral drugs:

  1. "Telaprevir," "Boceprevir," "Simeprevir" - against genotype 1.
  2. "Sofosbuvir" - against genotypes 1-6; Sofosbuvir combined with Daklatasvirom indicated for the destruction of all genotypes.
  3. "Velpatasvir", "Glekaprevir", "Pibrentasvir" - against all genotypes.

Also there are combined means which have greater efficiency and safety due to the combination of several antiviral drugs.

These medications include:

drug Name Active ingredients Against a genotype effect
"Dasabuvir" 4 consists of antiviral drugs:
  • "Dasabuvir";
  • "Ombitasvir";
  • "Paritaprevir";
  • "Ritonavir".
Against genotype 1.
"Ledipasvir" Ledipasvir + sofosbuvir. Against genotype 1.
"Zepatir" Grazoprevir + elbasvir Against genotypes 1, 4.

Also make sure you appoint-gepatoprotektory drugs that protect liver cells from damage, contribute to their recovery and improve organ function:

  1. "Phosphogliv" - has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and hepatoprotective effect.
  2. "Essentiale Forte N" - has a regenerative, metabolic, protivotoksicheskoe action.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred
  3. "Ovesol" - supplements of plant origin; for the purification of liver, bile and also has a moderate analgesic effect and regulates the body.

Additionally, the physician may prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements to improve general vitality of the organism.

The average duration of treatment for hepatitis C (not otyazhelonnogo cirrhosis) is 3 months. Carried out on the effectiveness of therapy can be judged by the results of re-analysis of blood - should reduce the rate of liver enzymes.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are not very effective against the virus, so can not completely cure hepatitis C. But they can be used to stop inflammation in the liver tissue, to establish zhelchevyvedenie, digestion and improve body tone. Before using folk methods require mandatory consultation with a specialist in order to avoid complications and side effects.


This product is useful as a mummy, has many useful properties - it has anti and wound-healing effect, accelerates tissue regeneration, it helps normalize the digestive tract. For Liver shilajit useful in that promotes the excretion of toxins and bile, and reduces pain.

In hepatitis C must take 0.2-0.3 g of substance for 10-15 min. before meals 3 times a day with warm water. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. And then you want to make a break for 7 days, and repeat the course.


The milk thistle silymarin contains unique substance, which is a flavonoid.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred

Its therapeutic effect is as follows:

  1. It prevents the destruction of cell membranes of hepatocytes (liver cells) and destroys free radicals that cause tumor.
  2. It accelerates the regeneration of cells and tissues and activates synthesis of phospholipids.
  3. It protects cells from liver poisons and toxins, anti-inflammatory effect.

Silymarin - very unstable compound which is destroyed at temperatures above 60 degrees, so the preparation of infusions and decoctions of Silybum impossible.

Instead of the seed powder is prepared: this required amount of seed is ground in a coffee grinder or blender and take 1 st. l. before meals, washed down with a glass of water. The course of treatment - not less than 14 days. Keep powder needed in the container made of dark glass in a dry place.

Corn silk

Of corn silk can cook healthful infusion:

  1. The thermos put 200 g of dry corn silk, and pour 200 ml hot water.
  2. Give the drink a brew for 3-4 hr., Filter.
  3. Take 100 ml 3 times per day. The course of treatment - 3 days.

Also of preparing corn silk tea: 1 tablespoon. l. raw pour a glass of water and insist 5-7 minutes. This tea can be drunk up to 5 times a day, a course of treatment is 4-5 days.

Substances contained in corn silk, reduce inflammation and spasms, improves the excretion of bile and detoxify the liver from toxins.


Rosehip contains large amounts of vitamin C, which promotes the increase of immunity, possesses antiviral effect and improves body tone.

For an infusion of rose hips you must:

  1. Select 15-20 ripe and undamaged fruit, wash them and dry.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred
  2. Put in a thermos fruit and sugar and 1 liter of hot water.
  3. Infuse the beverage during 8-10 h., And then take 0.5 cups 2-3 times per day. The course of treatment - 10 days.

Carrot juice with honey and lemon

This drink is a powerful vitamin agent. Carrots contain carotene necessary to cleanse the liver; in lemon much vitamin C, and honey has potent anti-inflammatory, and biliary slight analgesic effect.

For the preparation of the beverage is necessary to squeeze the juice from carrot using a juicer, add 0.5 cups and lemon juice 1 tbsp. l. honey. Juice can be consumed as a snack 2-3 times a day for 1 month. It is recommended to prepare the juice every time before use, but if this is not possible, store it in the refrigerator can be no more than a day.


Diet contributes to slowing the progression of the disease. The main purpose of the diet is to improve the outflow of bile, normalization of liver function and the whole digestive tract. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract most commonly prescribed meals on "Table №5" system.

If this diet is forbidden:

  • fried, fatty, spicy, canned food;
  • spices and marinades;
  • smoked;
  • shoplifting semi-finished products;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces and shops;
  • fast food;
  • fatty meats and fish (preference is given to chicken, turkey);
  • broths;
  • confectionery and biscuit cakes;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat, salted cheeses;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • sour fruits and berries;
  • beans, spinach, radishes, rare sorrel;
  • onion and garlic.

It is also necessary to give up alcohol and smoking, since they only aggravate the development of hepatitis and adversely affect the liver.Hepatitis C. Symptoms and treatment of women, the symptoms, the temperature is transferred

Food should be boiled or steamed, rarely can afford baked dishes. Broths of meat should be replaced with light vegetable soups. On the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water and food reception divided into 5-6 receptions - because food is better absorbed.


Imposition of probing - a medical procedure based on the warming of the gallbladder and liver. The method has a laxative effect and helps to remove stagnant bile from the body and eliminate the discomfort in his right side - just where is the liver.

Tyubazh carried out under the supervision of a physician and in a hospital:

  1. The patient drinks any cholagogue (warm mineral water, magnesium sulfate, sorbitol, xylitol or herb broth).
  2. The patient is placed on the right side with the abdomen pressed against the knees.
  3. Under the right side is placed a heating pad.
  4. The patient must lie without leaving, for 1.5-2 h., Before the first urge the toilet. Since feces from the body will be released bile.

Imposition of probing possible and at home, but this is not recommended to avoid any complications and side effects.

possible complications

Hepatitis C in women (the symptoms of this disease in chronic form may be nevyrazheny) itself is not fatal - contribute to this complication.

The human immune system is progressively weakening, and degenerative processes begin to occur in the liver. Body cells are destroyed, and the connective tissue formed in their place - the pathological process called fibrosis (another name - cirrhosis).

In the latter stages of cirrhosis of the liver can no longer fulfill their function - to neutralize toxins and produce bile, therefore, develop signs of liver failure. The patient appears nervous system disorders, decreased appetite, develop pathology of the cardiovascular system. Women may appear gynecological problems.

In another case, it may develop liver cancer due to the effects of the virus - it causes irreversible mutation in liver cells. This results in the malignant tumor. Also, due to hepatitis C may fatty liver, which is called the FH.

Hepatitis C is particularly dangerous in the chronic form, when the symptoms are mild and similar to those of other diseases. Women (and men), the main symptom of infection is pain in the liver area, and timely diagnosis will help prevent severe complications.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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