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Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties and contraindications for children, women, men, harvesting and use of plants recipes

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Siberian ginseng was known as a low-cost and powerful adaptogen, its medicinal properties comparable with ginseng, but acting more smoothly and safely.

Tonic, immune-boosting and fortifying the ability of the root has long been used in Chinese folk medicine, Korea, Japan and the Far East. Cheap, available raw materials, unlike ginseng, not fake. It is easy to prepare and apply yourself.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The uniqueness of Eleutherococcus
    • 1.1 botanical description
    • 1.2 Which is often used for medicinal purposes
    • 1.3 collection
    • 1.4 How to prepare
    • 1.5 Storage
  • 2 Chemical composition
  • 3 medicinal properties
    • 3.1 For women
    • 3.2 For men
    • 3.3 For children
  • 4 Contraindications to receiving
  • 5 Methods of treatment
    • 5.1 Used in cooking
    • 5.2 Infusion
    • 5.3 decoction
    • 5.4 Tincture
  • 6 The use of traditional medicine
    • 6.1 for immunity
    • 6.2 For the nervous system
    • 6.3 In diabetes
    • 6.4 Cardiovascular diseases
  • 7 Siberian ginseng in cosmetics
    • 7.1 For dry skin
    • 7.2 When oily acneic skin
    • 7.3 Hair Loss
    • 7.4 dandruff
  • 8 Video of Eleutherococcus

The uniqueness of Eleutherococcus

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The Latin name of plants of the genus Araliaceae - Eleutherococcus senticosus, is derived from the Greek word "generous seed" and "a thorn". The botanical name of the species - Eleutherococcus senticosus.

But in many countries the plant gets its name. Thus, in England and in Europe the root called "Siberian ginseng". In areas of its habitat, local people gave him a lot of names: Devil's shrub, wild pepper, Netronnik, Eleutherococcus, bearings, Dybrey.

botanical description

The plant is a tree, shrub thick, forming more than 20 trunks. At the height of Eleutherococcus rarely exceed 3 m. Erect gray shoots densely dotted with thin, long spikes, radiating downward angle.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Sophisticated palmate leaves are sitting on long petioles, settling once. Umbrellas colors appear on the ends of the shoots, they are collected from two types of buds: stamen - purple and pistillate - light yellow.

The resulting fruits - black, round. Drupes diameter up to 10 mm thick brush resembles a large bowl. The flesh of each berry hides 5 seeds. Bone yellow, large crescent-shaped length of 4 to 8 mm.

Siberian ginseng medicinal properties received in ecologically clean regions of the Far East, preferring to settle in deciduous, pine and mixed forests. Limited habitats are found in the north-east of China, Korea, on the Japanese islands. On the slopes of the mountains Siberian ginseng is able to climb to a higher altitude. It can be found in the flood plains, overgrown with pine trees.

Chinese medicine for centuries used the roots of the plant as a valuable medicine, which is comparable to ginseng. But Europeans Siberian ginseng was virtually unknown until the 20th century.

In the 70 years of Soviet researchers conducted a large-scale study of Siberian Ginseng, which proved its effectiveness for the prevention of influenza, SARS, tonic and restorative properties, the ability to stop the symptoms VVD. After that the introduction of extracts of the root in the pharmaceutical production.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Eleutherococcus preparations proven themselves in the prevention and treatment of people employed in hazardous factories located in extreme climates (Arctic, desert, highlands) or areas with high radioactive background. Apply root properties in psychiatry, neurology for the treatment of asthenic conditions, apathy, depression and other disorders.

Which is often used for medicinal purposes

The greatest number of active substances plant accumulates in the underground part and leaves. Eleutherococcus root system extensive, complicated, can be extended to 30 meters around the bush.

From the cylindrical central rod extends a plurality of roots, the greatest number is located horizontally in the upper layers of soil. This structure facilitates the underground part of the procurement of raw materials.

Leaves Eleutherococcus hard-palmate, divided into 5 parts obovate. Appearance resemble brown. The upper portion is usually smooth, sometimes with sparse bristles of venation lines. The downside - with red hairs, edge plates with large teeth. As medicament leaves raw Eleutherococcus advantageously uses traditional medicine.


Natural resources of medicinal plants are concentrated in the south of Khabarovsk Krai, in Primorye, Sakhalin, Amur region. Wild Siberian ginseng harvested in the forests of Siberia, outside Russia there are small areas of the Philippines, Japan and China.

The best time for harvesting leaves - just before flowering. At this time, the plate accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients. Later, the power goes to the flowers and berries, and after ripening begins saturation root securities eleuterozidami. Therefore rhizomes must harvest in late fall (when the maximum concentration of nutrients) or early spring.

The workpiece to be only rhizomes adults developed plants. The aboveground part of the bushes are cut down, hem the roots away from the stump, and then uproot Eleutherococcus. When the mass harvesting for each 100 m sure to leave 4-5 adult plants to restore the population.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Re at this point collection is performed not earlier than 7 years. For home use quite a few cut surface roots without affecting the bushes. With careful handling of valuable culture of collecting it in one place can be made annually.

Eleutherococcus leaves have all the healing properties inherent in the root. Harvesting green part does not cause damage to natural resources of plants and less time consuming.

Suffice it to manually tear off leaves from the stem with a few bushes without exposing them more than 1/3. Collecting leaves as well as digging the root should be made when wearing protective gloves. Wounds and punctures from needles Eleutherococcus prone to fester.

How to prepare

After extracting the roots from the soil was washed quickly, without prolonged soaking. Before drying, the bark is not removed. Long sections are divided into pieces of 10 cm. Then, the raw material is dried naturally in the ventilated areas, protected from the sun.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Eleutherococcus exhibit therapeutic properties depending on the quality of the harvested material. Therefore, for the preparation of medicaments roots are carefully selected. To speed up the drying and prevent spoilage of pulp, recommend calcined raw material in the oven 1 hour at a temperature of from 70 to 80 ° C. After that, finally dried roots in the air.

Leaves selected for the workpiece, spread in a thin layer on a fabric or paper and leave in a warm, ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight to dry completely. The finished raw material keeps its shape, but easily breaks when pressed.


The selected raw materials are packed for storage in the mat or wooden boxes. A small amount can be expanded in cartons or boxes. With such packaging the root is stored up to 3 years without the loss of properties.

The storage place should be dark, well ventilated and dry. The glass containers with tight-fitting lids dried root can be kept in the kitchen, away from sunlight. This packaging guarantees the stability of the therapeutic properties of up to 24 months.

Siberian Ginseng leaves are placed in a fabric or paper bags. It is not recommended to grind plate well before cooking, it reduces the shelf life of the plant as a medicinal raw materials. Well dried leaves can be used for about a year.

Chemical composition

As part of a natural adaptogen it found more than 100 stimulating substances. Characteristically, with similar effects on the organism, Siberian ginseng and ginseng have quite different chemical composition.

The pharmacological properties of Siberian prickly bushes are based on a high content of eleuterozidov, alternately referred to in the Latin alphabet and belong to different classes of biologically active compounds. Eleutherococcus contains substances from this series A to Z inclusive, G, and I, K, L and M.

Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications
Composition Eleutherococcus

Unique plant lack of saponins that can cause intoxication, the defeat of the digestive system, nervous system and kidneys. It highlights, among other Siberian ginseng tonic herbs, and in particular adaptogens from the same Araliaceae family.

The rhizomes and roots contain up to 1% of essential oils, gums (about 18%), polysaccharides, gums, flavonoids, tannins. Timely and correctly assembled the prepared raw material is rich in vitamins E and C, retinol, and thiamine.

Indicators of nutritional value per 100 g of dried root of Eleutherococcus:

calorific value 16 kcal
carbohydrates 4 g
proteins 1 g
fats 0 g
Glycemic index 10 units

Supplementation based Eleutherococcus does not lead to an increase in body weight or increase of the sugar. The spectrum of beneficial effects on the body is achieved by natural unique balance of components and can not be attributed to the pharmacological properties of the individual active substances.

medicinal properties

The most valuable is considered a tonic effect on the human nervous eleuterozidov system exhibited by raising the level of adrenaline and noradrenaline. This hormonal stimulation of the brain sharpens attention, improves cognitive function, increases physical endurance. In addition, the plant has multiple effects on the body.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Siberian ginseng, medicinal properties:

  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increased muscle activity;
  • a drop in blood sugar levels;
  • lowering cholesterol indicators;
  • strengthening of the gastrointestinal tract secretory functions;
  • worsening eyesight and hearing;
  • CNS stimulation.

Stimulating ability of Eleutherococcus preparations also apply to the immune system. At course intake markedly improved protective functions, the body actively resists infection, it is easier to cope with the disease, and recovered faster.

For women

Eleutherococcus is widely used for treating various pathologies in gynecology and obstetrics. Are used not only toning properties of the plant, but also its ability to regulate hormone production. Therefore, during pregnancy, drugs that contain Siberian ginseng, should be taken only on doctor's prescription and under his control.

Indications for use of "Siberian ginseng" for women:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • infertility on the background of underdevelopment of the reproductive organs;
  • hypotension or early morning sickness in pregnant women;
  • recovery after gynecological surgery;
  • metabolic disease;
  • Pathology in menopause.

In the appointment of Eleutherococcus for complex treatment of postpartum infections should be aware of the limitations to the reception during lactation. To date, poorly understood effects on fetal development eleuterozidov and children in infancy. It is unacceptable to use means outside medical control.

For men

Siberian ginseng as an adaptogen and muscle stimulator take athletes during intensive exercise and competition. Recommended prophylactic administration of high mental and physical stress, the presence of aggressive environmental factors: cold climate, chemical contamination of air, hazardous conditions production.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Eleutherococcus is able to enhance lipid incineration to generate energy, without affecting carbohydrate metabolism. Medicinal properties manifested in exchange application adaptogena: increases physical endurance, stabilizing emotional state, increases libido.

The advisability of appointing Eleutherococcus for stimulation of hormone with inadequate function of the testes or adrenal glands must establish a physician. In some states, such treatment is counterproductive.

Treatment Eleutherococcus increases blood flow in the pelvic area, promotes vasodilatation, eliminates congestion in the male reproductive system. Marked enhancement of libido, erection is restored, improving semen quality.

For children

Experimentally proved that intake of Eleutherococcus for 30 days at 1/3 reduces the incidence of seasonal infections in children. Ill quickly cope with viruses and pathogenic bacteria, they are much less likely to say complications such as otitis media, bronchitis or pneumonia. The immunostimulatory effect lasts for at least 2 months.

For children Eleutherococcus is a better choice than ginseng. It acts gently accumulatively, it does not cause toxic reactions and long retains effect post treatment.

Immunologists have warned that children under 5 years, this therapy is not safe. Any immunomodulatory agents at an early age is prohibited. After 6 years of age Eleutherococcus can be assigned to a doctor in a strict dosage calculated individually.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

For children older than 12 years Siberian ginseng is used as gonadostimulyator at a delay of sexual development, as a tonic for the apathy, weight shortfall, asthenic syndrome.

It prohibited the use of Siberian Ginseng in any form, hyperactivity, insomnia, agitation, moodiness or conflictual behavior of the child.

Stimulants exacerbate the undesirable symptoms.

Contraindications to receiving

Potent means has a number of limitations and strict contraindications to receive.

Totally unacceptable application vegetable stimulant under these pathologies:

  • resistant hypertension or propensity to pressure drops;
  • acute heart failure, heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis changes to an irreversible stage;
  • acute phase of any chronic disease.

Eleutherococcus not take in all conditions involving high temperature, fever, agitation, tachycardia. An important rule is strictly reception in the morning. With careful use of means in the treatment of children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Siberian ginseng is forbidden to combine with such materials:

  • CNS stimulants: caffeine, analeptic;
  • barbiturates, neuroleptics, antiepileptic drugs;
  • means for lowering blood sugar;
  • anticoagulants;Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications
  • digoxin.

Large doses of Eleutherococcus or treatment of long courses do not cause poisoning and do not have teratogenic effects, but can lead to overstimulation of the CNS and cause insomnia, nervousness, anxiety.

Methods of treatment

There are several ways to use plants. Use any of them depending on the availability of raw materials and indications. With fresh material, it is possible to prepare teas and tinctures from leaves. Horses with rhizomes of Eleutherococcus in fresh form is not used. To conduct therapy should be pre-dried.

Used in cooking

Eleutherococcus specific taste is unusual for most people in Europe, it is rarely used in Asian cuisines. Young leaves are used as a seasoning for soy and rice only in Korea. In the same leaves are used instead of tea.

Eleutherococcus is a part of a healthy beverage "Baikal". Plant used in the production of alcoholic bitters and balsams. The broth is mixed with juice in a ratio of 1: 4 to give energy drinks.


Means is recommended to drink at colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, to facilitate the departure of sputum and support the body. The infusion can be cooked quickly and apply for emergency assistance in cases of poisoning plant poisons.

Preparation of the aqueous extract of Siberian Ginseng:

  1. The crushed leaves (1 tbsp. l.) is poured boiling water (200 ml).
  2. Insist about 30 minutes in a closed vessel.
  3. Filter.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Taking the number of infusions, divided into 2-3 portions. Complete reception before 15.00 to avoid sleep problems. For the treatment of neuroses, stress, rheumatic pains spend reception of infusion lasting at least 30 days. The break between courses is 20-30 days.


From the dried roots of Eleutherococcus prepare a broth:

  1. 150 g of a medicinal plant is milled in a coffee grinder.
  2. Powder is placed into the cooking utensils, 1 liter of water and heated to boiling.
  3. Bates heating to minimum and tomyat mixture under cover about 1/2 hour.
  4. Wait for the cooling composition and filtered off from the sediment.

Allowed to use no more than 0.5 liters of broth per day for adult human treatment. Receiving means before the meal, to compensate for the blood sugar levels drop. The positive effect of this treatment have been reported with radiation sickness. Long reception stops growth of tumors of different localizations.


The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy or make yourself, with high-quality, certified raw materials.

Preparation of tinctures:

  1. 50 g of dried ground roots into small fractions.
  2. Raw placed in a glass container, poured 0.5 l quality vodka, sealed.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications
  3. Defend mixture was at least 14 days in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  4. The finished tincture is filtered.

As well as pharmaceutical drug, home extract drink on 30 drops per day, ending the reception before dinner. Where indicated, the doctor can increase the dosage to 60 drops per day. The usual course of treatment lasts from 14 to 30 days and can be repeated after a similar interval.

The use of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine recommends the intake of Siberian Ginseng in different forms for the overall improvement, efficiency, correction of visual acuity and hearing. The use of plants increases the probability of conception, it helps cleanse the body of toxins and poisons.

Chinese medicine uses Siberian ginseng in a broader spectrum. Ancient treatises recommend plants for diseases of the kidneys, in the early stages of atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart lesions. It is noted that the use adaptogena accelerates wound healing and promotes a speedy recovery from debilitating illnesses and surgical interventions.

for immunity

Siberian ginseng - a means of first choice if you want to increase the body's resistance to external attacking factors: infections, toxins, radiation, high and ultra-low temperatures.

Under the influence of eleuterozidov, natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals are quickly adapting to unusual environmental conditions, stimulated by the internal mechanisms of cell cleanse.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Eleutherococcus impact as a powerful and safe adaptogen confirmed by clinical trials. To maintain immune function enough preventative 3 courses per year for a period of 30 days.

The time of the prevention of selected taking into account the personal predisposition to infection or exacerbation of chronic diseases. A break between courses is kept at least one month.

For the treatment and prevention of any suitable form of the drug, pharmacy or home. In the absence of contraindications alcoholate is selected as the most quick acting means. In order to prevent take 20 drops a day, before eating in the morning.

For the nervous system

Increasing mental and physical performance, Eleutherococcus preparations also create a stable emotional background of weakening the influence of the daily or severe traumatic stress. Making correct reception of a deep sleep and helps the body recover quickly.

With the reduction of anxiety easier the rehabilitation of addictions, treatment of neuroses and apathy. Improving the ability to remember and process information faster response. Broth Eleutherococcus recommended for elderly patients receiving the weakening memory and amnesia.

In diabetes

Eleutherococcus therapeutic properties which include the ability to lower blood glucose concentration, successfully used in the treatment of diabetes. Use of a plant-based insulin allows to reduce the dosage, sulfanilamide, other specific drugs doubled. High efficiency observed in the early stages of disease development.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Obschestimuliruyuschee action and sustained reduction in sugar noted after 14 days of continuous reception Eleutherococcus. A single dose is rapid hypoglycemic effect, which does not last longer than 3 hours. Individual dosage form preparations and reception (a decoction, extract or tincture) determined by the attending physician.

Cardiovascular diseases

Under the influence of the active ingredients in the composition of Eleutherococcus vasodilation occurs, normal blood flow to the heart muscle. The drug can be assigned to a cardiologist, if necessary, to compensate for some disorders of the cardiovascular system, including the treatment of rheumatic heart disease.

Early stages of atherosclerosis amenable to correction by means of course taking Eleutherococcus due to its ability to control the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. In this way it is possible to prevent the development of cardiovascular events, especially in the elderly.

Siberian ginseng in cosmetics

By adding drugs from Siberian root means for skin care and hair care is achieved by the effect of deep supply and recovery of damaged cells. To rejuvenate and enhance the appearance, at the same time shows the internal receiving means in prophylactic doses.

For dry skin

Addition of 10 roots extract drops to 50 ml of any lotions, increase its softening and moisturizing qualities. Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindicationsIn the same proportion enrich lotions or oils for any body parts. For daily use after 10 days you will notice a marked increase in elasticity, even very dry, tired skin.

When oily acneic skin

To stabilize the troubled condition of the skin, the treatment of rashes, acne prevention prepare a simple tonic. Add 5 drops of tincture Eleutherococcus 20 ml of water and wipe the face solution twice a day.

A few days later enlarged pores noticeably narrowed, heal wounds, inflammation stuhayut. During 2 weeks of continuous use decreases the activity of the sebaceous glands, the skin becomes smoother.

Hair Loss

Broth, which stimulates hair growth and strengthens the roots, made from the roots of Eleutherococcus and hop cones, taken in equal proportions. To 1 liter of boiling water was added 2 tbsp. l. vegetable mixture and boiled for about 20 minutes.Eleutherococcus. Medicinal properties, preparation, use recipes, contraindications

Is used as a rinse that does not require additional washing. Apply after each washing your hair long courses. After activation of the bulbs and enhance hair growth periodically repeat the procedure for prevention.


Medical mask with an extract of Eleutherococcus dandruff significantly reduces the problem of multiple applications. Cure seborrhea can be 2-week course of treatments, combining external and internal use of Siberian root.


  • Eleutherococcus extract - 20 ml;
  • alcoholic extract of Marigold - 20 ml;
  • one egg yolk.

All components are thoroughly mixed, applied to the scalp for 30 minutes before washing. Apply no more than 1 time in 3 days.

Siberian ginseng, used a small course with a periodicity of 2-3 times a year, is able to strengthen the nervous system, maintain high efficiency of the brain, prevent seasonal infections.

Medicinal properties of plants are already evident after a single reception, helping to energize and restore performance. It is important to observe moderation, excessive intake of herbal stimulants can lead to a nervous and physical exhaustion.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of Eleutherococcus

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