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Laktofiltrum or activated carbon: it's better and what's the difference, comparison

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Activated carbon may consist of wood, coal, coconut shell coal or petroleum coke. These materials are very porous, so well absorb and contain liquid with dissolved substances.

If we compare the activated carbon and Laktofiltrum, the second means has more complex composition: Hydrolysis lignin derived from natural dried and shredded wood; lactulose obtained from synthetically produced fructose and galactose.

Lignin effect similar to the effect of activated carbon, plus a small antibacterial effect.

Lactulose has a laxative effect by increasing the quantity of content in the intestines, as well as it serves as a nutrient material for beneficial intestinal bacteria that are digesting lactulose form an acidic environment, detrimental effect on bad bacteria. The acidic environment also helps to cope with the increased gas production and the processes of decay in the gut.

Laktofiltrum as activated carbon does not react with the body, it is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract and not into the blood stream.

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To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of harmful compounds for poisoning or allergic reactions are equally useful as an activated carbon and Laktofiltrum. But at a dysbacteriosis or after treatment with antibiotics will be most useful drug Laktofiltrum due to lactulose in its composition.

Lactulose and help with constipation and bloating.

In atopic dermatitis, allergy induced assigned Laktofiltrum.

In acute poisoning can take activated charcoal together with laktofiltrum to enhance the effect.

Laktofiltrum well to cope with the problems of acne on the face, if disturbed digestion and toxins from the intestine into the blood.

It will be taken concurrently with Laktofiltrum and activated carbon at a viral or bacterial infection of the intestine helpful.

Many people take Activated carbon for weight loss, helping the body excrete excess cholesterol and toxins affecting the metabolism.

Laktofiltrum improves digestion and excretion of metabolic products, which positively affects the metabolism and accelerate weight normalization.


Activated carbon is assigned depending on the weight of the patient: adult, depending on the symptoms appointed 1 tablet per 10 kg, for children aged up to 8 years 0.5 tablets per 10 kg.

Laktofiltrum in tablet form is prescribed for adults and children from 8 to 12 years of age and older: 2-3 tablets. Children aged 3-7 years old appointed on 1 tablet at the reception, and children up to 3 years half a tablet on the single dose.

Both drugs should be taken at least three times a day for half an hour - an hour before a meal, washed down with copious amounts of clean, warm water. The course of laktofiltrum Activated charcoal and should last at least two weeks and no more than three weeks. The course duration should be determined by the attending doctor.

release Form

Activated carbon is produced in the form of tablets and capsules of 250 mg.

Laktofiltrum available in tablets of 500 mg.

Laktofiltrum IVF considered biologically active food supplement and produced in the form of powders for the preparation of suspensions in bags - sachet 2.4 g, 650 mg tablets and lozenges of 2.75 g The formulation may be produced with a variety of flavors.

Tableted form of both drugs may be milled and mixed with water.


Like many drugs in laktofiltrum and Activated charcoal has analogs having similar properties and has an effect on the body.

As enterosorbiruyuschee means, analogue and laktofiltrum Activated charcoal are:

Eneterosgel (Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate) - pasty substance for oral, it helps to remove toxins from the gut, allergens and harmful substances, not absorbed through the intestinal wall. It does not affect the digestibility of trace elements and vitamins. It helps to improve the intestinal microflora.

polisorb (Colloidal silicon dioxide) - a powder for suspension for oral administration. Displays poisons (poisons, toxins, allergens, harmful bacteria), and metabolic products without letting them be absorbed. It does not react with the organism.


If you choose sorbent most economical in terms of price, it is necessary to buy charcoal. Price for a blister with 10 pills, depending on the region, is located within 3-12 rubles.

Laktofiltrum same can not be called cheap, the price for a box of 30 tablets ranges from 250 to 300 rubles. Since one week course must be at least two boxes of the cost it turns weighty. You can buy a box of 60 pills that cost about 300-500 rubles.

Such analogs like Enterosgel Polisorb and are even more expensive. Enterosgel in paste form costs about 400 rubles, but in the form of a gel to 1000 rubles. POLYSORB one bag at a time will cost about 40 rubles, and the bank's preparation Polisorb plus cost about 800 rubles.

Side effects and contraindications

You can not take activated charcoal together with medicines and vitamins. The same applies to all other enterosorbiruyuschee means such as Laktofiltrum and its analogs.

Contraindications both drugs are chronic problems with the digestive tract and the presence of a bleeding gastric ulcer, are particularly sensitive to the constituents substances.

Drugs are not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not penetrate into breast milk, therefore the use of them during the childbearing and breastfeeding is possible and will not cause harm to the mother and child.

For both drugs the side effects include constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain under positive reception means. Activated charcoal on a chair painted in black.

Unlike charcoal, on upotrebelnii laktofiltrum may bloating. But the side effects caused by the intake laktofiltrum, statistically, occur less frequently than when using activated carbon.

What is the difference

Laktofiltrum and Activated carbon is a means of helping to link the right moment pollutants that fall in the intestine and remove them from the body, not allowing harm him. Both tools are equally good job with its main task.

But it differs from Laktofiltrum Activated charcoal that first means includes at lactulose, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. This feature can be quite useful in the treatment of dysbiosis or after antibiotic treatment to restore the function of digestion.

Laktofiltrum can help to cope with acne caused by the breach in the digestive system.

All these facts affect the choice of means, not only for emergency care as in case of poisoning, but also for the deeper problems as improving the intestine and the whole organism.


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