Skin Diseases

White spots on the skin. What is it and how to treat the causes as called disease in adults and children. How to get rid of the stains on the body at home

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Sometimes seemingly healthy person on the skin appear white spots. Before you begin to seek out and treat at some non-existent disease, you need to figure out what could have caused this.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin
  • 2 Internal and external factors
  • 3 Fungal infections
  • 4 Gibert zoster (shingles pink)
  • 5 Pityriasis (white zoster)
  • 6 vitiligo disease
  • 7 leucoderma
  • 8 Gipomelanoz
  • 9 chromophytosis
  • 10 Nevus
  • 11 other causes
  • 12 poor nutrition
  • 13 In some cases, dangerous spots
  • 14 Proper diet
    • 14.1 Products with copper
    • 14.2 Products with zinc
    • 14.3 Products with iron
  • 15 Treatment of white spots
    • 15.1 "Melagenin Plus"
    • 15.2 Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy)
  • 16 laser treatment
  • 17 skin whitening
  • 18 cosmetic treatment
  • 19 Videos: everything you need to know about the white spots on the body

The reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin

White spots on the skin, in addition, that spoil the appearance, also signal the various changes in the body. They arise because the hormone production of melanin, responsible for skin and hair color, for some reason is broken, that is, in the body there is a failure.

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White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

The reasons for this failure may be different: hormonal, infectious, mechanical, etc.

Internal and external factors

Factors of irregularities in pigmentation can be subdivided into external and internal.

The external include:

  • Injury to skin damage;
  • Burns (solar, chemical, thermal);
  • Constant contact with chemicals.

Internal causes of white spots much more. Among them are the following:

  • Fungal diseases of the skin;
  • Allergy to medicines, household chemicals or sunlight;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Constant stress;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver;
  • Gipomelanoz (appears in babies in the first months of life);
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Heredity.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are highly contagious, it is necessary to remember that. One of those diseases in which the body appears bright spots - tinea smooth skin. They can be infected by both humans and from animals, and even when in contact with soil, where there are fungal spores. Contributing factors are:

  • Excessive sweating;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Hygiene excess (broken skin acidity);
  • Immunodeficiency, and diabetes mellitus.

The skin in this disease is covered with spots (not white and pale pink), having clear boundaries and scaly, it just makes them lighter. At the edges of lesions are inflammatory roller.

If not treated immediately tinea, the plaque will rapidly expand, increasing the skin's surface will be affected.

White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child
Candida fungus under the microscope

Equally troublesome disease is candidiasis of skin folds at which bubbles are generated easily open or forming erosion. Color them with the most bright pink, but greatly inflamed fold can turn white. The formation of such lesions in the inguinal folds, between the toes, women - under the breasts.

Candida fungi that cause the disease live in the body of every human being, without causing harm. However, under certain conditions (antibiotic therapy, immunosuppression abuse carbohydrates and t. D.) They begin to multiply rapidly and then there are a variety of skin and mucosa at the site of their active life.

Like any fungal infection, candidiasis is an urgent need to treat.

Gibert zoster (shingles pink)

This disease occurs mainly in adults, it is non-contagious, and is a consequence of infections due to lower immunity. Characterized in that the first one appears pinkish spot with clear boundaries, and then it is subject of smaller children education. However, no flaking, no itching no.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

White spots on the skin remain after the disappearance of the initial lesions. Most often there is no need to treat them as they gradually pass, and the skin regains its uniform color. However, it is believed that this process will be completed more quickly if you use medication and diet.

Pityriasis (white zoster)

White shingles absolutely not contagious and is not dangerous. Experts still doubt the reason for its appearance, but most tend to believe that it is - one of the forms of atopic dermatitis. It is found only in children, more common in boys and usually adolescence passes without the aid of any medication.

Disease manifested light round spots no more than 3 cm in diameter. In these areas the skin can peel off a little bit. No more white shingles symptoms has not.

Experts say the greatest number of cases in the spring and summer. Observations show a greater tendency to deprive the white children who have some form of allergy, as well as to provoke the disease can often washing, hot tubs and overdrying the skin. Lack of hygiene can also contribute to pityriasis.

vitiligo disease

White spots on the skin (it is and how to treat, knows only a doctor) may be a manifestation of the disease vitiligo.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

The nature of the origin of the disease has not yet been identified, but experts suggest that the culprit neuroendocrine disorders:

  • Malfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Dysfunction of the pituitary, thyroid and sex glands, the adrenal glands;
  • mental injury;
  • Autoimmune disorders.

Among the possible release is also a hereditary factor, as well as vitiligo is associated with professional activity (work with alkylphenols, polyacrylate).

The rate of development of the disease is individual (someone progresses very slowly, someone - spread with incredible speed), and it can not be cured, often masking agents are used.

In addition to white patches on the skin in vitiligo lose color and hair in the lesion, attenuated sweating. When exposed to the sun in these zones can photodermatitis, moreover, there is a risk of malignancy. During the progression of the disease spots may coalesce with each other, thereby forming the large pockets.


By itself, leucoderma is not a separate disease, it is one of the symptoms (complications) other pathologies:

  • syphilis;
  • leprosy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Worm infestation.

The shape of the manifestations leucoderma is spotted, marbled or mesh. Treatment of the underlying disease promotes the disappearance of the white spots.

White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child
Leucoderma - what it is and how to treat white patches on the skin will tell dermatologist

It found also false leucoderma. Leather lightens from what it does not flow due to ultraviolet flakes and scabs occurring in diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.


Gipomelanoz also considered a disease of unknown etiology. Experts attribute its origin to the transferred severe pathologies, as well as with dysfunction of the nervous system.

White spots on the skin is very often diagnosed in children after they were treated for infectious diseases and other complications. What is typical for gipomelanoza, spots at the same time is quite small - no more than 0.5 cm. They are soft and smooth, but neglect prone to flaking.

Women over 40 are also subject to gipomelanozu that associate with aging skin.


One of the reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin - it chromophytosis. Start to treat it should be as soon as possible to the damaged area is not increased, and not add more and itchy skin. Disease-causing fungus, which in the presence of favorable factors is growing very quickly.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

These factors include:

  • Excessive sweating;
  • Moist warm air;
  • Lowered immunity;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Abuse of antibacterial agents for leather (natural microflora is disturbed as).

During replication in the epidermis fungi produce acid damaging melanocytes (cells that produce melanin), which is why skin lesions whiten. Thus gradually loosened surface layer of the skin, in connection with which starts itching.

Chromophytosis deemed not contagious, but the precautions in the family of the sick no harm.


Nevus - a tumor in the skin, which has often brown. However, there are amelanotic nevus, which is often confused with warts. This disease should be treated, and as soon as possible, because it can lead to the development of melanoma.

Another form of nevus is characterized by white spots - galonevus. It is a small papule brown color surrounded by white rim. Over time pimple disappears, and a white spot left for a few more years, after which the same passes.

other causes

Among other causes of white spots on the skin called diseases such as:

  • Psoriasis. This produces pink plaques that are subsequently covered with scales and become like white spots;
  • Whitehead. They are white swollen points on the face (it's a cyst, composed of keratin and sebum). Their size is small, there is no pain. Often found in infants (due unformed of the sebaceous glands) and in women with hormonal disorders.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

There are also white spots, which appeared as a result of skin injury (burns, abrasions, cuts). They disappear gradually (over several months or years) without any treatment.

poor nutrition

The cause of the white spots on the body is often the wrong food. When people are constantly snacking on the run, consume unnatural foods and feeds "dry rations", he breaks down the metabolism, the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. Consequently, the skin is covered with a rash.

When normalizing diet and quality of food are stains themselves.

In some cases, dangerous spots

The presence of white spots may be due to the disease is highly contagious (fungal infections) - in this case, the contact with the patient is dangerous to others. The spots may indicate diseases that cause great harm to the body, or at all fatal.

In such a disease, syphilis, one of the symptoms is syphilitic leukoderma (else it is called "necklace Venus').

Nevi are not always harmless, in many cases (if untreated) they lead to melanoma.

Furthermore, some forms of malignancy in the skin have a light color. Basal cell carcinoma (tumor form) looks like a "mother of pearl" knot. Squamous cell carcinoma is a plaque ulcer coated light crust.

That's why any stains on the skin can not be ignored, but definitely need to see a doctor to rule out danger for life, and if necessary time to begin treatment.

Proper diet

To white patches on the skin did not need to monitor their diet. It is known that hot spices - onions, peppers, garlic - can have a negative impact on the state of gastrointestinal tract and cause depigmentation of the skin, so the number should be in the diet reduce to a minimum. All fast food should be excluded completely.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

Equally important for proper performance of melanin intake of trace elements such as zinc, iron and copper.

Products with copper

Copper deficiency in the body is fraught with violations in the endocrine and circulatory systems, and its full intake improves skin and hair, slows the aging process and helps to eliminate white spots.

Contained in this trace element:

  • pork liver
  • cheese
  • cocoa,
  • hazelnuts,
  • cucumbers,
  • wild rose.

Products with zinc

If the body lacks zinc, it increases the risk of various infections and diabetes diabetes, hair becomes brittle and prone to hair loss, skin prone to dermatitis and wounds on her slowly heal.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

To prevent all these unpleasant facts, and strengthen the immune system as a whole needs to eat foods in sufficient quantity containing zinc:

  • mushrooms,
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds,
  • nuts,
  • oysters,
  • blueberries,
  • lentils.

Products with iron

With a shortage of iron in the body decreases the level of hemoglobin, one of which is the occurrence of symptoms of dermatitis and various other skin diseases.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

In order to maintain the required amount of hemoglobin in the blood, you need to eat:

  • meat,
  • liver and kidney (especially pork and beef)
  • prunes,
  • legumes,
  • greenery,
  • eggs,
  • cereals (including wheat bran)
  • raspberries,
  • rosehips.

it is recommended to eat vegetables for better absorption of iron from meat.

Treatment of white spots

Treat the white spots on the skin should be strictly prescribed by a doctor after will determine exactly what kind of pathology. Self threaten to exacerbate the situation, and even at all can lead to irreversible consequences.

Currently, the main methods of struggle with white spots on the skin are:

  • Medicines for the recovery of the skin structure;
  • Drugs aimed at eliminating the causes of diseases (kortkosteroidy, antibiotics, antidepressants, etc...);
  • PUVA therapy (from the English. Psoralens & UltraViolet A - psoralens and ultraviolet filtering materials A);
  • Physiotherapy;
  • External means (creams, ointments, soaps, etc...);
  • Diet and a healthy lifestyle (drinking plenty of fluids, physical activity, avoidance of stress).

Practice as therapy folk remedies: compresses or wiping the skin salicylic alcohol, vinegar, juice of vegetables.

In the most extreme cases, surgical procedures carried out to remove skin imperfections or her transplant.

"Melagenin Plus"

White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

"Melagenin plus" - a lotion based on placenta extract for the treatment of vitiligo and tracks from various burns. It is also used in treatment of gipomelanoza.

The drug stimulates the reproduction of melanocytes and melanin production. It enhances the absorption of ultraviolet light skin.

Dark skin due to its features is recovering faster to light - the process of repigmentation takes longer. In conjunction with narrow-spectrum phototherapy tool gives the best results.

Apply "Melagenin plus" in adults, and children once a day (preferably in the morning to the sun's rays on the affected skin), rubbing his fingers in the affected areas. The course of treatment can last from 2 weeks to 4 months, after which (if the pockets remained disease) should be at the time of interrupt, and then continue. Continuous application leads to a decrease in efficiency.

Photochemotherapy (PUVA therapy)

The essence of this method consists in the interaction of ultraviolet rays with psoralens (materials to improve the perception of the skin of these rays). This greatly improves skin diseases such as:

  • Psoriasis;
  • vitiligo;
  • mastocytosis;
  • Mycosis fungoides;
  • Atopic dermatitis.

Depending on the degree of damage to the skin PUVA therapy may be the system, when the whole body is exposed to special booth that resembles a solarium, or local - action carried out locally, only pockets pathology. 2-3 hours before the procedure, the patient ingests the drug with psoralen or rubs the substance into the skin, there are also psoralenovye bath.

Ultraviolet irradiation lasts from 3 (initially) to 20 minutes. Departure through the day. The dosage of the drug, duration of a session and duration of the course determined by the physician based on the severity of the disease.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

Despite the high efficiency of the method, it can be used no more than once a year (and for all life - no more than 200 sessions), as there is the risk of cancer. For this reason, there are some limitations to the purpose of this type of therapy. It is forbidden to be treated by photochemotherapy:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Persons under 30 years of age;
  • People hypersensitive to UV light;
  • Patients with immunodeficiency, autoimmune diseases;
  • Taking drugs or having carcinogenic cancer.

People with light skin type and red hair therapy is carried out with caution and under strict medical supervision.

laser treatment

Laser treatment procedure similar to PUVA therapy, but in this method the dose of radiation above that gives greater efficiency, but increases the risk of burns. Laser therapy is used to combat vitiligo. The favorable prognosis important role played by the presence of normal melanocytes; if the cells are completely destroyed, then the probability of cure is much lower.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

Before the procedure, patients are and PUVA therapy, take special photosensitizing agent. Further, prior preparations rate are assigned with copper ions, ascorbic acid, and immunomodulators.

skin whitening

Skin whitening is used in cases when hit more than 50% of skin and other methods do not work. The purpose of this treatment - to bring color to the same unaffected skin with spots. For this, use 20% ether monobenzona. Agent is applied to the skin twice a day. Treatment lasts until the color of the skin does not become uniform throughout the body (about 9-12 months.).White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

In 90% of cases the method shows the effectiveness. However, such bleaching is irreversible, the skin after it becomes very sensitive to sunlight.

cosmetic treatment

Among the methods of treatment using cosmetics are the following:

  • Mechanical dermabrasion (or "skin polishing"). This method uses a special device that creates a high flow corundum microcrystals that are "polished" skin. However, this method of alignment of skin tone is high probability of occurrence of inflammation with traumatic pigmentation.
  • Chemical dermabrasion. In this case, the strong chemicals for treatment of the skin surface. Due to such impact damage occurs deeper epidermal melanocytes and are inhibited. In addition to the positive result, it can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin, as well as, on the contrary, contribute to hyperpigmentation.
  • Tattoo. This method - the most gentle in cosmetology because tattooing has no effect on the skin as a remedy, but simply mask the white spots. Beautician colors depigmented areas, to even the color of the natural. However, the disadvantage here is that it is often necessary correction due to the increase in spots, as well as due to the gradual disappearance of the ink from the skin surface.White spots on the skin - what it is and how to treat the causes of adult and child

White spots on the skin - this is not just an aesthetic disadvantage but evidence of any malfunctions in the body. They can not be ignored, to self - even more so. Timely access to specialist help to avoid problems later.

Videos: everything you need to know about the white spots on the body

What are the white spots on the skin and how to treat them more in this video clip:

White spots on the skin and how to treat them tell Elena Malysheva:

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