
Treatment of gastritis: in the home, the symptoms, an effective means of getting rid forever

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gastritis home treatment is carried out, when it comes to the chronic course of the disease. Pathology represents the development of the inflammatory process in the mucosa of a digestive organ. Gastritis patients suffer from unbearable pain that literally forced to reconsider the diet to reduce the frequency of such attacks. When deciding how to cure gastritis at home, you first need to consult with your doctor.

home treatment of gastritis

The essence of the problem

Very often, people do not pay enough attention to their health. Usually people can not distinguish between inflammation of the stomach lining from usual disorder. In connection with this state of the person can reach the stage acute gastritis, When it requires a serious drug therapy. To prevent this possibility, it is necessary to understand what are the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Triggers and signs of pathology

So, experts identify the following reasons for the emergence and development of the disease:

  1. Unbalanced diet, which adversely affects the stomach. Quite often, the disease manifests itself in the students who prefer to eat cold food.
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  3. On the gastric mucosa condition adversely affects the reception of certain drugs.
  4. Alcohol abuse is known to be detrimental to the stomach.
  5. Permanent residence in the state of stress is also not the best way affects the condition of the digestive system.

Particular attention should be paid to the manifested disease symptoms. After all, they make a person see a doctor and begin treatment:

  1. Unbearable pain in the stomach, which appears either before meals or after, and is one of the striking features of the pathological process. Quite often it happens that the pain does not go throughout the day.
  2. If you allocate the disease symptoms that occur in patients more often, it is necessary to mention the nausea.
  3. Another feature of gastric disease is expressed in poor appetite, which is a consequence of pain and nausea.
  4. Vomiting may occur if a person is overloaded stomach, which is simply unable to cope with its task.
  5. Headache.
  6. Increase in body temperature to 37,5ºS.

All of these symptoms can manifest themselves as adults and children alike.

Due to the fact that many people ignore the symptoms manifest themselves, it comes to hospitalization.

Nevertheless, it is possible to get rid of gastritis forever, and in the home.

Now that you know the causes and symptoms of disease, we can talk about how to treat gastritis in the home. First of all, a patient must go to a dietary diet.

Dietary food in the development of gastritis

According to a large number of experts, diet allows patients suffering from this disease, reduce the frequency of attacks and improve the state of the gastric mucosa. However, this treatment at home through diet should be carried out throughout the patient's life, why so many neither morally nor physically ready. So, solving the problem of how to get rid of gastritis, diet of the patient is necessary to exclude products such as:

  • fried foods;
  • pickled or salted products;
  • legumes;
  • smoked sausages;
  • all carbonated beverages;
  • coffee and coffee beverages;
  • juices in packages;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • pastries and bakery products;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned foods;
  • food should not be hot, because it is fraught with irritation of the already diseased gastric mucosa.

As part of the diet is very effective and will have a beneficial effect on the state of the affected organ following dishes and products:

  1. Kashi, as they are endowed with enveloping property and lead to the fact that the stomach will start to function better.
  2. Low-fat vegetable and meat broth will also help eliminate the gastritis.
  3. Baked fruit preserve vitamins in itself, has a positive impact on patient health.
  4. As a great product that allows you to maintain the health of the patient, it can be called fresh wheat bread.
  5. Purée also relieves gastritis.
  6. Lean meats and fish have a positive impact on the state of the stomach.

In addition to the recommendations on the menu, and patients should follow a diet: you must have 5-6 times a day, small portions.

Drug therapy of gastritis

Along with diet food gastric home treatment can be carried out with the use of medicines prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, patients prescribed the following medications:

  1. Pancreatin, which helps to digest the food consumed.
  2. Almagell or Fosfalyugel allows to get rid of stomach pains. In addition, these drugs are endowed with enveloping action.
  3. Such a medicament as Gaviscon, will remove unpleasant heartburn.
  4. From severe spasms in the stomach helps to get rid No-spa.
  5. Antibiotic drugs are effective in the fight against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. An example of such an antibiotic is amoxicillin. It differs in terms of the availability of price and availability across the network.
  6. If the patient is often tormented by vomiting, it is prescribed medication Reglan intramuscularly. This is the way to enter the drug allows to obtain a rapid effect.

That's what made home treatment of gastritis with medication prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional medicine in the fight against gastritis

The question of how quickly cure gastritis, placed incorrectly, since the patient should monitor their health throughout life.

In addition to diet and supplementation, fight disease and allow traditional medicines.

How to get rid of the disease by traditional medicine recipes will depend on increased or decreased gastric acidity in the patient.

For example, in the case of low acidity it is an excellent means of an infusion of the herb plantain. To do this, 1 tbsp. l. of dried and ground plant leaf pour 1 cup boiling water, then allowed to infuse for 10 minutes, then filtered and taken. As for the dosage, you need to drink 1 glass 1 hour before meals three times a day. If there is increased acidity, then there is an excellent means of jelly from a variety of berries.

Thus, treatment of gastritis at home is possible. It is sufficient to implement all the recommendations and the prescribing physician. This will allow not to remember that people once suffered from a similar pathology.

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