
Pain in pancreatitis: symptoms of the pain, prevention, arrest, etiology

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Pain pancreatitis - this is the main manifestation of pancreatic inflammation flowing in acute or exacerbated chronic form. Answers to questions about why there are unpleasant sensations and which known the pain of pancreatitis - namely, their the nature, location and intensity, will help not only to cope with sudden attacks, but also to prevent them appearance.

How sore pancreas

The etiology of the phenomenon

Causes a lot of pain in pancreatitis, but the main ones are: failure to comply with the diet, alcohol poisoning low-quality products, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Another equally important reason for the development of pain - a frequent stress.

The character of the pain of pancreatitis in acute depends on how badly hit by the pancreas and in which place is the focus of inflammation. In this pain is very strongly expressed, but in the transition of the disease in the chronic form it subsides. The attack begins suddenly and is growing in nature, a patient at the same time experiencing severe pain and burning sensation.

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What is the localization of the pain of pancreatitis? The man at the time of attack mainly back pain, the stomach and the left upper quadrant. It can hurt in the chest? Sometimes the ability to observe pain in the left side of the chest, placed under the shoulder blade, neck and arm, in this case, conduct additional diagnostics in order to avoid any problems with the heart and prove the inflammation of the pancreas gland. It should be noted that no matter what position a person received during an attack of acute pancreatitis, the pain does not subside, in the supine position, the attack becomes simply unbearable.

Frequency of pain in the pathology of chronic reduced, moreover, the localization of discomfort for pancreatitis can change. In addition to the characteristic of the acute form of sensations is added to the pain in the abdominal area - namely in the upper quadrant. Besides the fact that back pain in chronic pancreatitis form, these sensations may radiate to the back. Discomfort, though less pronounced, but sometimes can occur deterioration.

Pancreatitis without pain, after a man occasionally felt it could mean that the necrosis of the tissues started.

How to stop the pain of pathology in the acute form

The onset of pain in acute pancreatitis begins suddenly, and this happens in most cases, at home or at workplace, so you should immediately call the emergency services and before her arrival to try to alleviate the symptoms disease.

The first step is to relieve the patient from physical activities, if they were available at the time of the attack, and then put a little body leaning forward. In order to reduce the pain, it is necessary to try to breathe surfactant periodically holding the breath. It is important during an attack unable to eat. Before the arrival of doctors can not give the patient any medicines, t. To. It can prevent doctors identify the cause of pain.

Only after examination of the victim can give Nospanum or papaverine.

Typically, in order to eliminate pain, patients prescribed such drugs: Tramadol, promedola Novocaine, Ketanov, Fentanyl. Along with painkillers recommended antidepressants, antipsychotics, antispasmodics, and antibiotics. All this helps the patient to quickly deal with the pain and eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

How to get rid of pain in chronic pancreatitis

In order to get rid of pain in chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to take analgesics, but it should be done with caution, t. To. The attack can be caused by other diseases. When receiving the anesthetic diagnosis is complicated, so it is important to know about where it hurts with pancreatitis that before the arrival of the carriage ambulance to help the person, and not harm him.

If the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is not yet clarified, when pain occurs, it is necessary to call an ambulance, but before her arrival carry out the same actions that are described for the acute form.

In that case, when it is certain that human pancreatitis occurring in a chronic form, before the arrival of the doctors he could to Diclofenac, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Baralgin, which will not only help reduce the pain, but also facilitate common state. Usually these drugs are used in the case when the main pain in pancreatitis gives back. Dosage selected based on the patient's age and symptoms of pathology, t. E. It should take into account the nature of the pain and its intensity.

Upon arrival, the person is taken to the hospital the doctor, and, after further diagnosis, appointed by the administration of drugs which, in addition to relieving pain, help to get rid of its causes. Contrycal, Gordoks, Kontriven - these funds contribute to the fact that the pancreas was in a state of maximum rest at the time of severe pain.

In order to stop or at least reduce back pain in pancreatitis and reduce excretion of enzymes by the pancreas, it is recommended the use of the hormone Somatostatin preparation. Pancreatin, Kreon and Mezim help to better digest food, while reducing the burden on the pancreas.

With edemas the pancreatic tissue mucosa appointed diuretics such as furasemid, Diakarb. In addition, to eliminate swelling and can be used antihistamines, namely Suprastin, diphenhydramine, peritol.

Pancreatitis treatment requires adherence to the diet. Depending on what stage the disease is developed power supply circuit, through which you can not only get rid of the pain, but also facilitate the overall health of a person.

In appointing the diet are usually recommended hungry days, the use of which is required to begin during severe exacerbations of the disease.

These days, last for 3-4 days. If the patient during the hungry days is in the hospital, and there all the necessary nutrients it receives by injection, and if it is decided to treat the disease at home, during the hunger strike can drink weak tea, sweetened with a little honey, or water.

Prevention of pain

If you feel pain in pancreatitis symptoms directly point to this pathology. In order to avoid future attacks, it is required to carefully follow the doctor's recommendations, namely: diet, to accustom your body to separate and split meals, ie.. not to drink at a time, several incompatible products, not overeating, give up bad habits, try as little as possible to get nervous and exposed to stressful situations.

You must eat food in small portions, but often. In this case you need to make sure that food is taken daily at the same time. If pancreatitis is necessary to gradually get used there without bread. Drinking alcohol and smoking can also trigger attacks of pain, so, abandoning them, you can significantly ease symptoms of the pathology.

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