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Walnut. Benefits and harms of therapeutic properties for the body of men, women and children. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

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Walnut - a valuable natural product, this natural healer. Benefit of the body are able to bring all of its parts - from the nuclei themselves to the walls between them, shell, peel green unripe fruit and leaves. Walnut different fat content and calorie content. To prevent damage, use it should be moderate.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Composition, calorie, nutritional value of walnuts
  • 2 Useful Properties for men, women, children
  • 3 Harm to the body
  • 4 Contraindications to receiving
  • 5 Daily norm of walnut consumption
  • 6 Scope walnut shell
  • 7 Where use partitions nuts?
  • 8 Application nut kernels
  • 9 Why use the leaves of a walnut?
  • 10 Walnut slimming
  • 11 Recipe with walnuts to prevent problems with the heart and blood vessels
  • 12 To restore the intestinal peristalsis
  • 13 For removal of inflammation
  • 14 To enhance immunity
  • 15 For men's health
  • 16 For Women's Health
  • 17 Recipes cosmetics with a nut
    • 17.1 Masks for face
    • 17.2 Infusion for the treatment of acne
    • 17.3 Mask to strengthen nails
  • 18 How to prepare a peanut butter?
  • 19 Recipes with walnuts
    • 19.1 Jam of the young nuts
    • 19.2 Eggplant with nuts in Georgian
  • insta story viewer
  • 20 What you can eat nuts as a dessert?
  • 21 How to collect, store, dry nuts?
  • 22 Video about the benefits of walnut

Composition, calorie, nutritional value of walnuts

Walnut, good and bad qualities which are directly dependent on its composition, contains many essential human vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, amino acids. In the fruit is present up to 75% of fats, oils, and 18% protein compounds, so that its nutritional value, they are superior to the best varieties of pork.

100at g walnut % Of the norm 100 g
proteins 15.2 g 18,54
fats 65.2 g 100,31
carbohydrates 7 g 5,47

100 g walnut more than 650 calories, so it is a good tonic tool, helps to quickly restore power after a severe stress or illness.

The following valuable components are in this product:

  • fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins: A, E, C, PP, K, group B, beta carotene;
  • Minerals: iodine, zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, sodium, magnesium;
  • tannins.
Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad
Walnut. Benefits and harms caused by product mix, which is rich in micro and macro.

The high concentration of mineral elements causes a good herbal medicinal effect of the use of these nuts. Remove irritability and tension, they help because of magnesium, which has a calming effect, dilates blood vessels.

Potassium is necessary for normal functioning of the heart muscle, and the iron makes this product the perfect companion for those who need to increase hemoglobin.

Many in the iodine nuclei, but because they are used when iodine deficiency, in the treatment of thyroid diseases, strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C in immature nuts, especially their pericarp, no less than in the wild rose, black currant and citrus. And a total of 30 g of nuclei - is approximately ¼ cup - provide the daily requirement of essential for full functioning of the brain Omega-3 acid.

Useful Properties for men, women, children

Walnut, good and which is harmful to the representatives of different sexes have long been known in medicine of many countries, it has been used successfully to strengthen women's and men's health.

For men, the most valuable in the walnut 3 minerals:

  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

They help to establish the function of sexual glands and increase the synthesis of testosterone. This hormone is responsible for a decent level of potency. And because walnut is effective in increasing male sexual power. Especially in combination with the honey, reinforcing its curative effect. 5 of nuts a day will be enough to support male libido at a high level.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

Vitamins and minerals Walnut will have a positive effect on the female body. Thus, magnesium helps to resist stress, nervous exhaustion. During the premenstrual syndrome eaten a few nuts will contribute to its calmer leakage, reduce nervous tension. Tincture of walnut walls - good help in the fight against mastopathy.

During pregnancy, the walnuts are useful as a source of folic acid. It is necessary for the proper formation of the nervous system of the fetus. Furthermore, part of the iron will further prevention of anemia. It is believed that eating walnuts lactation helps increase the production of breast milk.

However, pediatricians are cautious about the use of this product in nursing mothers because nuts can trigger an allergic reaction in the child.

And, of course, women have long learned to use a unique vitamin and mineral composition of walnut to preserve its beauty. Balance of vitamins, especially A, C and E, turns a nut in a real elixir of youth for the skin. The crushed core part of the recipe home facial masks.

Peanut butter accelerates hair growth, and to strengthen them and staining used a decoction of the fresh green leaves or peel. Walnut for children is a welcome addition to the diet, primarily due to the large amount of protein and the presence of the correct balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids are necessary for proper growth and development.

Schoolchildren walnuts help withstand heavy loads, magnesium calms the nervous system, contribute to a better memorization of material. When vitamin deficiency or anemia nuts will also be a great addition to a child's diet.

However, so as not to harm child's body, it is not necessary to give a walnut kids under 2 years old, in whom digestive system is not yet fully formed.

If a child is allergic reactions, the introduction of this product is recommended to be postponed until the age of five. First, the child is better to offer finely chopped nuts, as an additive to porridge, cottage cheese, baked goods. Older children can prepare a mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey. It will help to resist infections during the season of colds and viruses.

Harm to the body

Harm to human body walnut is mainly for its excessive use. A large amount of protein makes it a potential allergen. So that people positioned to manifestations of allergy to this product should be more careful. Excessive consumption of walnuts provokes inflammation of the tonsils, diathesis, stomatitis and urticaria.

They can also exacerbate certain diseases, such as:

  • atopic dermatitis;
    Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad
  • psoriasis;
  • colitis;
  • eczema.

And because of the high caloric content of nuts is not particularly necessary to abuse people full obese.

Contraindications to receiving

Before applying the nuts, keep in mind that they are banned in certain diseases:

  1. Increased blood clotting. Walnuts tend to thicken it.
  2. Obesity. The reason - the high calorie product.
  3. bowel disease (colic, bloating, diarrhea). Nuts increase unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Allergic to the protein in which a lot of walnuts. This product is capable of becoming a cause of serious allergic reactions, even angioedema possible.
  5. Tonsillitis, laryngitis. Nuts - a rather coarse food, they are irritating to the inflammation of the lining of the throat.

Daily norm of walnut consumption

Moderation with the use of nuts - a central tenet. 2-3 pc. during the day as a prophylactic measure - is enough. If the nut is used to treat optimally eat up to 6 pieces. A maximum allowable amount - about 50 g per day. It is about 10 whole nuts.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

Excess norm can result in the appearance of vomiting or loose stool, and induce weight gain. When adding walnut to the daily food ration to be adjusted, for example, to replace the nut products such as cheese or meat. This will help to maintain a balance of saturated fat, and will not lead to a set of unwanted kilograms.

Scope walnut shell

Walnut shells - a valuable product for beauty and health. Walnut shells, having a disinfectant and astringent action that effectively helps in the fight against many skin diseases, including acne, eczema, festering sores. To this shell was prepared in water infusions or decoctions.

They are also helpful to rinse your mouth to get rid of stomatitis, dark plaque on the teeth or tartar. Used in gynecology such broths for douching.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

When osteochondrosis, arthritis help rubbing tincture of shells walnut on alcohol. The easiest option - pour vodka shell ratio of 1 to 1. You must insist week. Alcoholic extracts suitable for the treatment of diabetes, prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland and the normalization of cerebral circulation.

Where use partitions nuts?

The partitions that divide the nucleoli, have been applied in drugs healers. They have a lot of iodine, in addition, they are characterized by an antiseptic, antimicrobial and astringent action. From this crude drug manufactured teas and alcoholic tincture, which enhance the immune system, lead to normal hormonal balance, blood glucose and cholesterol.

Infusions of the partitions on alcohol have a positive effect on:

  • treatment of mastitis, uterine fibroids;
  • treatment of diabetes;
  • irritability, nervous tension, sleep problems;
  • iodine deficiency and thyroid disorders;
  • colitis, diarrhea, pancreatitis;
  • Inflammation of the joints, radiculitis.

Also, an alcohol tincture of the partitions included in the lotion strengthens the hair. For best results, add honey to it and rose oil. In infectious diseases of the eye such as conjunctivitis, used a decoction of the partitions.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

They are ground to a powder, is filled with water and heated to boiling in a quiet fire. Brew yield 30 minutes. Then filtered. Swab soaked in a broth, should be applied to the eyelids for 0.5 hours.

Application nut kernels

Walnut, benefits and harms of the use of which causes the nuclei of the possibility of their use in a variety of ailments - a frequent ingredient in folk medicines. To strengthen the body crushed walnut combined with citrus, honey, a variety of dried fruits. Together with honey it also helps when you cough. For ease diarrhea symptoms of cores make alcohol tincture.

And to increase the potency of men preparing a drug useful nuts (100 g) is combined with sesame oil (1st.l.). Take medicine every evening.

Kernel milky ripeness are the basis for the infusion, which will be useful in diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary system. For this purpose the purified green nuts 30 are filled with 1 liter of alcohol. The infusion should be kept for 2 weeks. Then you need to filter. Dosage - 1 tsp three times a day.

Why use the leaves of a walnut?

walnut leaves have great medicinal value.

They are:

  • juglone (a substance having a germicidal effect);
    Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C, B1, P;
  • essential oil.

From the dried leaves make herbal teas and ointments. A fresh, freshly collected leaves taken to apply to boils and wounds, as they have excellent healing properties. Infusion-based walnut leaves is recommended to drink in order to maintain power in avitaminosis. He also helps with diarrhea, due to its astringent action.

The extract from the leaves helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. In addition, it increases blood clotting, so helpful to patients who are prone to bleeding. The aqueous extracts are also used to accelerate the healing process.

Outwardly also used a decoction of the leaves. Eczema, shingles, acne, it is added to the bath, make lotions. It is prepared simply. 0.5 liters of water need 5 tablespoons medicinal raw materials. Boil for 15 minutes follows. Decoction can also gargle and mouth in the presence of inflammatory processes.

Walnut slimming

It would seem that this high-calorie product! But he is often included in small amounts in various diets. And that's why. Because nuts are high in protein, have a fatty acid omega-3, as well as dietary fiber, they give a person a feeling of fullness. I felt hungry - ate nuts 2-3. Thus, it is possible to moderate the appetite, and therefore reduce the total amount of food.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

In addition, the weight loss process should proceed without negative consequences for the organism. Restrictions on food should not deprive slimming vital substances. Compensate for their loss just helps walnut.

It is necessary to clearly calculate the amount of calories, eliminate from the diet other foods with high calorie and closely monitor how many nuts are used on a daily basis. For dieters optimal daily dose - 20 g walnut. The excess will lead to the opposite effect, that is set, not weight loss.

Recipe with walnuts to prevent problems with the heart and blood vessels

It is best for the health of blood vessels and heart combine nuts with dried apricots, as in this recipe.

Should be used:

  • 200 g of dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, honey, prunes;
  • lemon.

All components must be crushed. Add honey. Mix. Put in a jar, close it and place on the shelf of the refrigerator. Recommended dosage: daily 1 tablespoon 3 times. If the honey causes an allergic reaction, instead fit any jam.

To restore the intestinal peristalsis

This recipe is recommended to combat constipation:

  • walnut - 100 g;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • senna leaves - 50 g (1 pack);
  • Honey - 100 g;
  • dried apricots - 250 g
Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

The ingredients are high quality grind using a meat grinder. Add honey. Mix. To use this drug should be on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime 1 tsp

For removal of inflammation

In various inflammatory processes have a good effect of infusions of leaf.

Here is one recipe:

  • walnut leaves - 1 tbsp .;
  • boiling water - 2 tbsp.

Leaves need to pour boiling water. Let stand up since 2:00. Then take three times a day, 1 tablespoon

Infusion is recommended in the following conditions:

  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • mastitis;
  • inflammation of the bladder.

Also with it you can do a gargle for:

  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • sore throat.

To enhance immunity

Walnut with citrus honey - a barrier to viruses and infections.

All products should take 250 g:

  • Walnut;
  • dried apricots;
  • honey;
  • raisins;
  • lemon.
Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

Constituents should be crushed, will help it to make meat grinder. Lemon is used crude. Then the mixture was well mixed. Deposit of its better to put in the fridge.

For men's health

The drug to increase potency preparing only 4 components:

  • walnuts - 12 pcs .;
  • figs - 200 g;
  • prunes - 200 g;
  • raisins - 200 g

All the chop. Mix. Put in storage in the refrigerator. Eat 2 tablespoons evening. Wash down with yogurt.

For Women's Health

Normalize menstrual cycle capable infusion of walnut leaves.

For it will need:

  • dry leaves chopped - 1.5 tbsp .;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liter.

It saponin pour boiling water. Allow to stand for 2 hr. Drain the through sieve. Drink three times a day by infusion of 30 ml before taking write.

Recipes cosmetics with a nut

For staining the green shell nuts using the hair, as well as its leaves. With their help, you can achieve a beautiful chestnut color. For this crushed leaves or shell (3 tbsp. L.) should be boiled in 1 liter of water for 10 min. Strain. Allow to cool to body temperature. Therefore it is recommended to rinse with broth clean hair.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

Also chestnut shade will give a mask of chopped green shell. It should be crushed, add water to get mushy mass. Then distribute the hair, hold 15 min. Rinse.

Masks for face

Vitamins, for dry skin. Good tones and cleans.

For it is required:

  • walnut - 2 pcs .;
  • honey - 1ch.l .;
  • egg yolk - 1 tsp .;
  • butter - 1 tsp

Kernels grind. Add the remaining ingredients, mix well. Apply on the face. Hold 20 minutes.

The anti-inflammatory mask:

  • walnut oil -1 tsp .;
  • henna (colorless) - ½ tsp .;
  • decoction of the flowers of chamomile - 2 tbsp

All components of the mix. Apply on the face, hold 10 minutes.

The recipe for oily skin:

  • honey - 2 tsp .;
  • peanut butter -1 tsp .;
  • egg protein -2 pcs .;
  • oat flour - 2 tbsp
Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

All of the ingredients together. Spread evenly over the skin. Leave on for 15 minutes.

Infusion for the treatment of acne

1 tablespoon walnut leaves pour boiling water - 0.5 cups. Infuse 25 min. In the form of heat used for coating applications to the affected areas, they must hold 30 min. Provide treatment for about 3 weeks.

Mask to strengthen nails

Help fight delamination, whiten the nail plate. For the preparation you need to combine 2 tsp peanut butter and 1 tsp lemon oil. Rub into the nails. Remove residual oil after 20 minutes.

How to prepare a peanut butter?

all the benefits of vitamins and minerals are concentrated in the walnut oil, which is in its nucleus. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and aroma. To make this oil at home, need a powerful blender since the kernel, you must grind to a state of uniform dense mass. Then it should shift into a cheesecloth and wring out thoroughly.

For storage of household oil will require a bottle of dark glass. In the refrigerator the product will be usable not greater than 2, the maximum - 3 months.

From this oil is good to do a salad dressing, to include it in the various cold sauces and just drink it for a tonic effect and prevention of disease.

Recipes with walnuts

Walnut, good and bad properties of which are well known not only healers but also cooks, like in the different cuisines of the world, especially in the east.

He is one of the ingredients:

  • desserts;
  • sauces;
  • salads;
  • candy;
  • snacks;
  • dishes of meat and poultry.

Jam of the young nuts

List of ingredients:

  • green walnuts - 50 pcs .;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • Water - 0.5 v .;
  • Citric Acid - 5 g;
  • mineral water with gas - 1 bottle.

Nuts should pour water for 2 days. The water must be changed several times. Then, with the help of vegetable peelers with nuts need to remove the skin. Each pierce with a fork. Then nuts another day filled with mineral water. After the allotted time in the same mineral water, they were boiled for 20 min. and throws in a colander.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

From the sugar and water preparing sugar syrup. It is necessary to immerse the nuts and cook for 10 minutes. Leave jam for 6-8 hours, then another 0.5 hour boil. Put citric acid. Ready-made jam can be packaged in banks.

Eggplant with nuts in Georgian

List of ingredients:

  • kernels - 200 g;
  • Garlic - 8 slices;
  • eggplants - 4 pcs .;
  • Khmeli Suneli - 0.5 tsp .;
  • wine vinegar - 1 tsp .;
  • coriander - 0.5 tsp .;
  • saffron - 0.5 tsp .;
  • pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Remove the stalk eggplant. Cut them in strips length. Thickness - 5 mm. Prisolit strips slightly and let the eggplants 0.5 hour to lie down to get rid of the bitterness. Kernels scroll in a meat grinder. Garlic whisk blender with oil. Connect nuts and garlic, salt, add pepper and vinegar. Move. Flavor with a lot of spices. Again mix well.

C. Mark eggplant drain water. Lubricate each strip vegetable oil. Fry on a hot dry frying pan until soft. Share stuffing into strips thin layer, wrapped in rolls. When serving you can sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

What you can eat nuts as a dessert?

With the addition of a walnut, any, even the simplest dessert flavor becoming spicy note.

Especially good nuts are combined with the following products and dishes:

  • ice cream;
    Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad
  • honey;
  • cheese;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • sweet curd;
  • baked apples or pears;
  • various pastries.

A wonderful dessert can be made by simply mixing nuts with honey. And if they grind together with dried and rolled up from the resulting sticky mass beads, are obtained very tasty and healthy candy.

How to collect, store, dry nuts?

Harvest time depends on where in the climate zone trees and what sort of a nut - or late-maturing. Early varieties harvested in August, for later there comes a time in October.

Understand that the nut can be fully matured by the fact that the green rind (pericarp) located around the crack, nut falls. Fallen nuts simply collect your hands, the ones that still remain on the trees removed with a special tool - roll.

Walnut: benefits and harms of therapeutic properties. Ingredients how to store, dry, with nothing to eat, how to cook butter, jam, salad

Then, if you still have the nuts on the pericarp, they need to clean off with a knife. Whereupon nuts are washed in water. Now they have to be dried. It is best to do it on the street, always in the shade. It is desirable that the weather was sunny and warm. Nuts spread in a single layer on a paper or wood lattice - it is important that the material not interfere with air circulation.

During the drying time of the nuts turn over several times to evenly been drying. If drying is necessary at home, in an apartment, it is best to do it in the battery.

For storage of whole nuts in shell are well suited wooden boxes, plastic containers or cloth sacks. The main thing that container is clean and dry. The optimum storage temperature - 5-10 degrees. The room should also be dry and well ventilated.

As for the purified nuclei, they can be stored in bags or cans with a lid in a cool, dark place for up to 4 months. If placed in the refrigerator, the period is extended to one year. Walnut - a generous gift of nature to man, combining taste and favor. A sense of proportion will use his healing power without harm to the body.

Author of the article: Julia Scriabin

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video about the benefits of walnut

Benefits and harms of walnuts, calorie and composition:

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