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Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology Datura grass. Photo and description, medicinal properties, the use of recipes in folk medicine against parasites, worms, asthma, in cosmetology of unwanted hair

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Ambiguous seedling Datura-grass - a plant of the family Solanaceae, which grows in the warm season. It is known to all scientists, botanists, his photo and description is available in any directory.

The content of the article:

  • 1 It looks like and where it grows dope grass
  • 2 biochemical composition
  • 3 medicinal properties
  • 4 Risk of intoxication
  • 5 Used in medicine
  • 6 A mixture of parasites
  • 7 Remedy for asthma
  • 8 Alcoholate cough
  • 9 The mixture from motion sickness
  • 10 Bath rheumatism
  • 11 Oil dope for hair removal
  • 12 Especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • 13 For children
  • 14 Symptoms of poisoning dope
  • 15 Contraindications
  • 16 Side effects
  • 17 Collection and Storage
  • 18 Growing decorative dope
  • 19 Videos about dope grass

It looks like and where it grows dope grass

A walk in the Crimea or in countries with a tropical climate you can see the attractive white flower edged with carved leaves, very similar to a lily. If you sniff his subtle sweet flavor, it may be a little dizzy, because it was called dope.

biochemical composition

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At the first location, the biochemical composition of herbs is very interested health workers, because tropane alkaloid compounds present in the dope, help scientists identify 3 of them very important component.

They are:

  1. The first component - it is known to all of atropine. Available only by prescription, overdose acts as a poison. It affects the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory center, the genitourinary system, and to some extent on the central nervous system. Atropine is a vital component in medicine.
    Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology
  2. Next comes the active ingredient of therapeutic agents - hyoscyamine directly intended for the treatment of biliary tract accompanied by spasms. It reduces the impact on the smooth muscle tissue, in particular - on the uterus and intestines.
  3. And the last part of the alkaloid herb Datura - scopolamine, mainly sedative effect, thereby reducing physical activity and hypnotic effect occurs at person. Narcotic effect of this component turns people into obedient "zombies", that plays into the hands of an experienced scams and thieves in their criminal schemes.

medicinal properties

The healing quality of Datura stramonium have beneficial effects on the human organism, are distinguished:

  • antiseptic;
  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antitussive;
  • narcotic;
  • painkiller.

Risk of intoxication

Datura poisonous properties are manifested due to its high toxicity in overdose and components. You must also keep an eye on children playing with such a poisonous plant, as in the hot season it It concentrates aromatic properties in the cloud around the plant and touch during this period, and furthermore inhale its vapor, prohibited.

Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology

But if all of a sudden it happened, that much is certain tangible dry mouth, which does not interrupt the water. There may be a sense of panic in connection with which the heart will be pounding a few times faster than usual. Broken arms and legs activity, will be some confusion in the movement, lost orientation in space, people will tell and perform all of what he is asked.

In most cases, the components of an overdose intoxication leads to deaths. It is therefore particularly important to accurately observe the individual prescription.

Used in medicine

The use of plants in medicine intoxication caused by finding it in the totality of natural medicinal preparations. For example, opticians chemical plants use a dedicated component for medical diagnosis atropine eye through pupil dilation.

Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology

Datura doctors leaves are used to treat asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and when required to cure diseases with drugs holinoliticheskimi properties. It is known that gastric ulcer is manifested by severe pain, frequent gag reflex, heartburn and pain, which disappear after a meal.

This disease may be cured only an integrated approach, which includes medication.

The most common is atropine sulfate, which includes a dope, belladonna and bleached.

The effect of the drug would be: calm, numb, relaxes, suppresses the performance of large digestive system and salivary glands, normalizes the stomach, relieve tension from all the smooth muscles of internal authorities. Besides, physician assigns a proper diet and daily routine.

Datura preparations used for prevention and treatment of bradycardia, asthma, angina pectoris, and hypersecretion of sweat and lacrimal glands. Good supportive care giving in inflammatory diseases such as iritis, keratitis, and many others.

Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology

When the last degree of poisoning holinomimitricheskimi, antiholinesteroznymi and organophosphate, morphine and many other substances priority assigned atropine at a dose of 0.1% intravenously. In traditional medical practice dope used a roll of the uterus and rectum, it helps with tumors, acting as a strong painkiller.

A mixture of parasites

Around the world are infected with worms about 40% of the population that generates continually depressed state of the organism as a whole. Many people are attacked by parasites, constantly visit doctors, pass blood tests, but can not find the reasons for their ailments.

Datura-grass, photo and description of which can be found in any botanical reference, is a poisonous plant, could fight only with those parasites that are found in the lungs and the eyes of man.

These include:

  • ugritsy intestinal;
  • roundworm;
  • cysticercus;
  • lung flukes;
  • shistostom.
Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology

Datura-grass also cleanses the body. Cleaning dope - grass from parasites can be performed at home.

For this it was created a few easy ways description with photos which are mentioned below:

  1. It is necessary to pour datura leaves fresh or dried form an iron baking sheet and put on fire. As soon as the smoke begins to stand out, you need to quickly and deeply inhale and keep your eyes open and closer, as close as possible to the source of smoke. As soon as you dizzy, you should abruptly stop the procedure and ventilate the room to avoid visual hallucinations of therapy.
  2. The second method includes the presence of a small room with electric type. This method is much more effective than the first because the smoke is processed all the space. To conduct therapy unnecessary wear clothes, take a frying pan and fry in the room until the grass, while smoke fills up the room completely. As soon will be felt a small degree of intoxication, just go out and dress up, and the room ventilated.
  3. The latter method promises cost savings, since it allows smoking herb in half a liter plastic bottle with foil. The bottle is folded in half, the bottom of the burn hole, and the upper portion close foil and reinforcing, to ensure strength of the product. On the foil with a needle puncture holes 8 and the dry product milled herb is then ignited and draw a smoke.

Upon completion of one of these procedures parasites leave the body by releasing from the eyes and throat.

Remedy for asthma

Datura grass, photo and description of which can be found on the Internet, it has long been used in folk medicine recipes. And in the treatment of bronchial asthma is a medicinal plant quickly help.

At the moment there are 3 ways to fight the disease:

  1. A mixture of 7 parts powder leaves Datura, Hyoscyamus 1 part, 1 part sodium nitrate and 2 parts of belladonna leaves. This powder can be burned and inhaled or smoked as a cigarette.
    Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology
  2. Producing cigarettes called Astmatin - 2 parts henbane, 1 part sodium nitrate and 8 parts dope.
  3. A decoction of the leaves is used to dope inhalation of vapors through the nose. The principle is the same as in the treatment of hot boiled potatoes.

Alcoholate cough

Tincture of alcohol intoxication on-grass promises quick recovery of the body and cure cough.

To prepare the tincture will need:

  • 5 g of grass seed;
  • 1 liter of alcohol.

Preparation: 5 g of grass seed insist week at room temperature in alcohol. Use it three times a day inside, on an empty stomach. 3 drops tincture was dissolved in cold water.

The mixture from motion sickness

From the first signs of seasickness help powder or alcohol tincture recipe which has been described above.


  1. Datura Dried leaves - 10 g;
  2. Water - 250 ml.


  1. Pulverized leaves, dry grass.
    Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology
  2. 1/2 tablespoons of dried herbs diluted in a cup of water.
  3. Drink if necessary.

Bath rheumatism

Datura grass (photo and description can be seen in this article) in a short time, relieves pain and slows down inflammatory processes.

Method of preparation and application:

  1. Pour boiling water over the crushed leaves of Datura.
  2. Infuse for 30 minutes, then add to the bathroom.
  3. The water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees. Allowed to take medicinal bath a maximum of 15 minutes.

Oil dope for hair removal

The toxic properties of Datura detrimental effect on hair follicles. After the treatment the hair becomes thin and eventually fall out. Especially effective for removing hair infusion in sunflower oil.

This method of hair removal is suitable for people with dry skin.

To determine tinctures are hypersensitive to components small amount of oil is applied to the inside of the wrist and left for 20 minutes. At the end of time will be noticeable results: the reddening process of removing hair using plants is not necessary, and if the application does not cause irritation, you can continue.

Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology

Mode of application:

  1. Grind the seeds of datura in a container not suitable for food and pour their oil.
  2. Infuse 1 month in a hermetically sealed container. Rub a few drops in your hair 3 times a day for 2 months.
  3. Oil is applied to dry skin. It is recommended to endure it for about an hour for the desired effect. Oil intoxication proved to be excellent as an external agent.

Especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of gestation baby, the woman should take care of their own health, as far as possible. But no one is safe from unwanted diseases and often medication successfully replaced folk remedies.

But we must take the time to make and use a variety of the usual herbal mixtures, as this can significantly harm the baby in utero, and even lead to spontaneous abortion. Toxic substances dope grass can cause a sharp reduction in the blood oxygen in the mother and cause asphyxia or death.

It is important to respect the doctor's adviceWhich picks up individually for each dosage herb use.

For children

The use of herbs for children under 6 years of age is not possible, because there is a lot of alkaloids - toxic substances, but if intoxication is recommended in miniscule quantities child older than 6 years, it is quite applicable in medical practice 21 century.

Symptoms of poisoning dope

Signs of narcotic intoxication may occur immediately after eating, and a day later:

  • drying of the mucous membranes;
  • increase in pupils, visual hallucinations, restlessness;
    Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology
  • convulsions;
  • fainting, loss of memory.

Basically narcotic poisoning is accompanied by high blood pressure, but the heavy phase may be accompanied by severe hypotension. Thereby causing a heart attack or stop the work of the respiratory muscles.

At the first symptoms of poisoning should call medical assistance.

assistance measures while waiting for a doctor are divided into 2 types:

  1. If the person is conscious, immediately followed by stomach wash it with water and drink enterosorbent.
  2. If a person has fainted, you need to loosen tight clothing. Lay on his right shoulder and test the heart rate. If seen failures in pulse and breathing, immediately begin CPR - artificial respiration mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions.


Datura grass, photo and description of which is known to many scientists, it is a poisonous plant, it is forbidden to take people who have:

  • Glaucoma.
    Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology
  • Pregnancy proceeds.
  • During breastfeeding.
  • Idiosyncrasy.

Side effects

The systematic use of small doses can lead to very unpleasant feelings:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Veins swell.
  • Dizzy.
  • There is dryness of mucous membranes.
  • Tachycardia.

With continuous use of dope may occur:

  1. Psychical deviations.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. Nervous tension and anxiety.
  4. memory impairment.
  5. Begin to develop the eye disease.

Medical institutions, aimed at curing various kinds of intoxication of the human body, it is believed that most of the poisoning is due to eating grass, and even a small dose of ingesting plants fraught with grave consequences.

Collection and Storage

Between abundant flowering from July to September is collected aerial parts of herbs, mainly - the leaves, and the seeds in October. Immature seeds contain scopolamine - a drug used in patients with a prolonged depression, which provides quick and lasting relief to the state. Hands should be protected from contact with grass, suitable gloves.

Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology

Proper drying of raw materials must be performed at temperatures up to 50-60 C. To preserve all curative properties of Datura boxes of seeds is better to open at maturity in September. Suitable for storage jar with a tight fitting lid. Any contact with the grass must be terminated by washing your hands with soap and water.

Growing decorative dope

Due to its aesthetic "appearance", datura is grown as an exotic decor on the site. White flowers and large carved leaves medicinal plant very organic look in the compositions of landscape design. If the bells are huge plants and emit a subtle sweet flavor - so care is correct.

Normal it is considered that the flowers fade in about a day. Flowering takes place in June and ends in October. Datura-grass is considered unpretentious because it grows as a weed along the beaten track.

Datura grass. Photo and description of the healing properties of plants, the use of recipes in folk medicine and cosmetology
Datura grass. Photos and descriptions indicate that this is not only a beautiful plant, but when used properly useful.

Do not put this plant a few pieces side by side, as in the heat it has the ability in a medium security emit noxious odor. Not planted in it and near the playground, because children can not even understand what the plant is very toxic.

Seeds are planted in March in increments of no less than 1 m, the pit width 40 cm and depth 80 cm. Flowering occurs one month after planting.

Datura grass - it is useful to a certain extent a plant that is able to solve many problems. Thanks to a photo and description, it can be recognized in time to save themselves and their families from the negative influence.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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Useful properties and applications of herbs dope:

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