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Helba grass. Benefits, application for women, men and children. The healing properties, contraindications

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Helba or fenugreek, is a member of the legume family. Its beneficial properties are used in medicine, cooking and cosmetics. In these industries used herb plants, as well as nuts, in whole or ground form.

Helba - is an annual plant, proizrostaet on clay soil in full sun. In the wild, it is more common in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Egypt. Fenugreek bloom begins in late May and June, and it is already possible to collect the seeds in August.

Rounded, branching stem of a plant can reach a height of 70 cm. The leaves are egg-shaped with jagged ends, the arrangement are similar to clover. Flowers of the plant are located in the axils of the leaves, they can be from yellowish-white or light purple.

After flowering time flowers on field beans produced seed pods (no more buckwheat) of rectangular shape. When ripe they acquire distinct yellow color and a distinctive nutty flavor. They concentrated most useful properties of the plant. In medicine and cosmetics plant is in demand because of the uniqueness of the composition.

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The content of the article:

  • 1 The chemical composition of plants
  • 2 Useful properties of herbs
  • 3 Indications for admission
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Brewing Egyptian yellow tea?
    • 5.1 For bowel cleansing
    • 5.2 For the treatment of angina
    • 5.3 kidney
    • 5.4 from bronchitis
  • 6 Recipes with Helboy for women's health
    • 6.1 From gynecological diseases
    • 6.2 To increase the chances of getting pregnant
    • 6.3 To increase lactation
  • 7 Recipes for Men
  • 8 Is it possible to brew the grass children?
  • 9 Helba in cosmetology. Recipes folk remedies and application circuit
    • 9.1 Smoothing Mask
    • 9.2 For beauty, rapid growth and strengthening of hair
    • 9.3 Recipe for correcting the shape of breasts
  • 10 Videos about Helbu

The chemical composition of plants

The core list of nutrients Helby concentrated in mature seeds. While in cooking and medicine also used the stems and leaves of the plant.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

The unique composition of the plants.

View items transcript What are the benefits
vitamins BUT Retinol. It enhances immunity and supports the clarity of vision.
IN 1 Thiamine. It improves metabolism, which affects the functioning of the whole organism.
IN 2 Riboflavin. It is involved in redox reactions. It improves overall health.
AT 6 Pyridoxine. Normalizes the amino acid metabolism. It promotes proper development of the fetus.
AT 9 Folates. It strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of infectious diseases.
FROM Vitamin C. Involved in the fight against infections, strengthens blood vessels, cartilage and immunity.
D Calciferol. It maintains calcium and phosphorus balance required for normal bone formation.
P Rutin. It promotes the absorption of vitamin C and is involved in strengthening the blood vessels.
PP A nicotinic acid. It is involved in metabolism and forming enzymes.
minerals Iron It prevents the development of anemia and normalize the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
Potassium Element is required to normalize the water and salt balance in the body.
Calcium Together with vitamin D makes strong bones and teeth.
Magnesium Normalises metabolic processes, and improves the condition of blood vessels and muscle tissue.
Sodium Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance and normalize the nervous system.
Selenium It prevents the development of cancer cells, helping to reduce fat cells and combats inflammatory processes.
Phosphorus Normalizes the process of all chemical reactions in the body, it supports healthy bone tissue necessary for normal functioning of the brain.
Zinc It improves the condition of the nervous and reproductive systems. Activates processes in the tissue cells.
Tannins Eliminate dysbiosis and inflammation, kill bacteria and viruses.
Saturated fatty acids Supplying the body with energy and are involved in hormone production.
Essential oils Balance mental status, accelerate the elimination of toxins and normalize the water-salt balance. Improve the condition of skin and hair.
Coumarin Has a soothing effect, relieves spasms and destroys pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi).
nitrogenous substances Normalize metabolic processes in the body.
flavonoids Relieves spasms, inflammation destroy lesions, prevent the development of cancer cells.
antioxidants Destroy the cells of malignant tumors and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
phytoestrogens Normalize hormones in the body.
steroidal saponins Contribute to the production of steroid hormones, normalize muscle condition.
enzymes Activate all metabolic processes in the body.
Amino acids Contribute to the absorption of nutrients and normalize the formation of new cells.
alkaloids Do not allow to develop cancerous pathologies, remove toxins and activate blood circulation.
polysaccharides Promote weight loss, as well as play an important role in the formation of new cells in the body.
Alimentary fiber Cleaned of toxins and cholesterol, normalize the bowels.
resins Improves wound healing and fight infection.

Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindicationsGiven the chemical composition Helby, before using the popular recipes based on it, you must take into account the indications and contraindications for admission. If necessary, it is recommended to contact a physician.

Useful properties of herbs

Helba - grass (use of plants is based on its composition), which helps to restore balance within the body and outside, using decoctions and ointments.

Medicinal properties Helby:

  • It supports and strengthens the immune system.
  • Prevents colonization and proliferation of infections in the body.
  • It improves lung function, promotes cleansing of excess mucus and pathogens.
  • It normalizes body temperature parameter.
  • Restores the digestive organs. Has a beneficial effect on the state of the mucous membranes, reduces the acidity, improves the production of the necessary enzymes.
  • It combats inflammatory reactions and accelerates healing of wounds and abrasions. On the surface of the skin (eczema, acne) and in the internal organs (ulcer, inflammation appendages, pancreatitis).
  • It regulates and improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • It cleanses the organs and tissues of toxins and accelerates their removal. Thereby reducing the burden on the liver.
  • Promotes weight loss by destroying the excess adipose tissue, accelerate metabolic reactions. And also reduces food cravings.
  • Regulates the intestinal tract, stool promptly leave the body by constipation. When diarrhea occurs consolidation of the chair. It reduces bloating and fights flatulence.
  • Normalizes the psychological balance and the nervous system.
  • Restores normal blood composition (replenishes its iron, removes excess glucose, removes cholesterol, toxins). Normalizes blood clotting process.
    Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications
    Helba herb is useful in diabetes
  • It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and gives it elasticity.
  • Normalizes blood pressure and heart function.
  • Improves the functioning of the reproductive system (in women increases the likelihood of conception, male potency is restored).
  • Replenishes energy body, it has refreshing property.
  • In lactating women, improves the composition of breast milk and the amount thereof.
  • It allows faster saturate the body moisture in hot climates.
  • It outputs the excess fluid from the tissue, reduces swelling. This improves kidney function.
  • It does not develop the cancer cells.
  • Eliminates spasms provoke headaches, menstrual pain.
  • It contains a large supply of vitamins and minerals. Quickly replenishes the body needs reserves.
  • It contributes to the restoration of bone, cartilage and muscle tissue. Improves the cell renewal process. It restores the heart muscle.
  • It destroys helminths, Giardia and further promotes their removal from the body. It protects the body from the effects of parasites toxins.
  • It restores and improves the functioning of the brain, which has a beneficial effect on memory.
  • It contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after injury, exhaustion and operations.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance in the body of man and woman.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

These beneficial properties are fully disclosed when properly prepared, decoctions and ointments, as well as in compliance with all of the rules.

Indications for admission

Before using products based on herbs and seeds Helby recommended to get advice from specialist (gastroenterologist, internist, dermatologist), to clarify the course of use and decoctions ointments.

Preparations from plants help to get rid of the following pathologies:

  • disruption of the heart, followed by pressure jumps, change of rate rhythm;
  • vascular fragility and disturbance of blood circulation;
  • lack of iron and other nutrients in the blood and tissues of organs;Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications
  • problems with blood clotting, as well as increased content of toxins and cholesterol;
  • high content of glucose in the body;
  • malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, colic);
  • violation stool (dysentery, constipation, excessive flatulence);
  • swelling due to kidney disorders;
  • respiratory diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, sore throat);
  • promotes removal of heat in diseases;
  • breach of condition of cartilage, bone and muscle atrophy;
  • severe toothache, stomatitis, oral mucosal damage;
  • Reduced potency and problems with conception;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • dermatological lesions accompanied by itching and inflammatory response;
  • restores production of breast milk in feeding and improves its composition;
  • It reduces pain during menstruation and normalizes the general condition during menopause;
  • irritability, nervousness, poor sleep;
  • impaired attention and memory decline;
  • ocular diseases (depression of vision, conjunctivitis);
  • It helps reduce weight without additional loads, reduces appetite, speeds up digestion;
  • dryness and skin aging;
  • loss of hair, split ends, increased oiliness of the skin, hair;
  • undertemperature body promotes rapid rewarming.

Herbal tea helps the body to recover more quickly after alcohol abuse. Due to the removal of toxins and normalization of the liver, headache, and symptoms of intoxication are 2-2,5 hours.


Medicinal and cosmetic products based on Helby can be used if there are no contraindications. If in doubt, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Main contraindications:

  • Th first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Tea and herbal teas can cause miscarriage. Ointments may cause an allergic skin reaction. After the 16th week of Helby drinks are recommended;
  • endometriosis and uterine fibroids, the plant may increase bleeding;Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications
  • increased estrogen content (plant also causes an increase in hormone concentration);
  • benign or malignant tumors in the mammary glands;
  • peptic ulcer in the acute state;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes type;
  • asthma in acute form;
  • allergic reaction of the organism (it can be expressed vomiting, skin, itchy rash, diarrhea).

Means on the basis Helby carefully taken together with medicines, may worsen the side effects of drugs or reduced therapeutic effect. It may also be incompatible with the cosmetics. Not recommended to take money from Helby before surgery.

Brewing Egyptian yellow tea?

Helba - grass (use of plants mostly concentrated in the beans), which is preparing the Egyptian tea is only used for decoration and flavor enhancer. Leaves of the plant are put already in the finished beverage. The basis of the drink fenugreek seeds.

The process of preparing the beverage. Washed and dried seeds Helby need to fry until the acquisition of the red color (if undercooked or overcook) tea will taste bitter.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications Further, the seeds must be crushed. The powder obtained (8.7 g) was boiled in 200 ml of water for 7 minutes, and the same time to brew.

To give more value and taste recommended to add honey, oregano and ginger in taste preferences. Drink retains the taste and quality in a cool way. To avoid side effects, daily use is recommended for the first batch.

For bowel cleansing

For bowel cleansing difficulties when the chair can be steamed at night 15-18 g of ground seeds to 200 mL of boiling water. Drink in the morning, before breakfast reception. To enhance the effect, add honey or figs.

Can be used Helby oil (50-70 ml) to honey (10-15 ml). The mixture is also taken in the morning. Great popularity received a multi-tea.

It is necessary to prepare a mixture of:

  • juniper and elder root - 3 parts;
  • fennel seeds - 2 parts;
  • Helby beans and aloe juice - 1 part.

After thorough mixing, 10 g of a mixture steamed in 180-200 ml of boiling water. It is desirable to infuse a thermos or boil for 5 minutes on low heat.

When morning beverage consumption purgation to happen in the evening. Additionally, the excess fluid from the body will be released throughout the day.

For the treatment of angina

Broth from Helby helps reduce inflammation in the throat, and eliminate the infection. For this it is necessary to boil in 0.5 l of water 40-50 g of fenugreek beans. cooking process takes up to 30 minutes.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

After cooling, you must gargle with the decoction during the day. Significant improvements have been observed in the evening. After recovery, for prevention, it is recommended to drink tea on the classic recipe with the addition of lemon juice and honey.


Helba cooked together with dates allows normalize kidney function and to deduce from these stones. The preparation uses the beneficial properties of the beans, the grass is not necessary.

Tea taken 75-90 g of bean and fenugreek 3 tamarind to 180-220 ml of boiling water. Boil not more than 6 minutes. Per day is necessary to use 300 ml. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses. Daily application allows you to split up large stones and remove them from the body in urine. Duration of treatment is necessary to discuss with a physician or nephrologist.

Normalizes the kidneys and the classical prescription Helby honey.

from bronchitis

For preparing a beverage from bronchitis need to prepare a mixture of fenugreek, fennel seeds or dill and elderberry (10 g each) and lime flowers and violets (20 g). Take 50 g of a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to insist 120 minutes, then boiled for 5 minutes. Drink to drink for 12 hours.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

Dry cough helps broth 25 g seed 200 ml of milk. Boil for 1-2 minutes and insist. Shelf for 2 times before a meal. About the compatibility of funds with medication check with your physician.

Recipes with Helboy for women's health

Standard recipe for tea helps reduce the weight of the female sex. To restore the hormonal levels, improve lactation and get rid of gynecological diseases, it is recommended to use the following recipes.

From gynecological diseases

To remove the inflammation and destruction of infections in the reproductive system is recommended to carry out douche infusion with fenugreek seeds. To do this steamed beans 25-30 g in 200 ml of boiling water. Syringing procedure should be carried out up to 3 times a day.

To increase the chances of getting pregnant

Helba - grass (use is to normalize hormonal levels), which is used to increase the chances of getting pregnant. drink therapy was 1.5 months. For its preparation need 25g steamed beans into 200-220 ml of boiling water. Drink a dose in the morning and evening. Broth should be prepared before use.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

You can zaparivat whole beans in the same proportions. In this case the seeds should eat together with the consumption of the beverage. Per day is permitted 3 portions, the course to 31 days.

To increase lactation

In order to increase milk production in the time necessary 2nd day to consume the beverage from the seeds (30-40 g zaparivat beans in 220 ml of boiling water). You can use the drink less, with a decrease in lactation. At the same time it is recommended to eat more milk with warm water. More frequent use can cause bloating and increased flatulence.

Recipes for Men

beverage use with seeds Helby promotes restoration of erectile dysfunction, improves sperm motility, reduces inflammation in the reproductive organs.

Popular recipe:

Steamed in 200-220 ml of boiling water milfoil (100 g), calamus root and fenugreek seeds (50 g). Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindicationsTake 3 portions a day. It recommended separately zaparivat Helby whole seeds and eat together with honey. You can drink the infusion from the seeds.

Is it possible to brew the grass children?

Tea made from beans Helby recommended to be given to children after 3 years. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the organism. If you have any allergies, vomiting, changes in stool, drink reception is canceled. A year later, you can try to enter the tea in the diet again.

The drink will help strengthen the immune system, speeds up the healing process for colds, contributes to the normal development of the child's skeleton. Before the use of tea is recommended to consult a pediatrician for the correct dose.

Helba in cosmetology. Recipes folk remedies and application circuit

Helba - grass, which is known for use in cosmetics. Masks and decoctions allow return youthfulness of the skin and eliminate acne, accelerate growth and improve the appearance of hair. And to restore the beauty of the breast forms.

Smoothing Mask

For smoothing facial wrinkles it is recommended to apply in the evening mask of rice flour (80-90 g) and crushed seeds of fenugreek (30-40 g). The powder mixture must add the warm water until a thick slurry.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

The mask is applied to the face (except for the lips and eyes), washed off after drying. Since the seeds are able to moisturize the skin, the use of additional funds (moisturizing or nourishing cream) is not required.

For beauty, rapid growth and strengthening of hair

To improve the structure of hair and accelerate growth, it is recommended during the day, wet the hair infusion. In 200 ml of boiling water to insist 10-12 g beans.

You can apply a mask before washing the head. For this purpose boiled beans 30 g in 200 ml of water to form a slurry. It is applied to the roots of the hair and rubbed into the skin. Rinse off after 20 min with shampoo.

When adding 3 Helby oil droplets in 30 ml of both preparations of burdock oil on the condition of hair is enhanced efficiency.

Recipe for correcting the shape of breasts

Using mixtures of oils can adjust the shape and dimensions of the chest. To do this, mix 3-5 drops of oil of fenugreek with sesame and linseed oil. Applied to breasts for 7 min. After that, it is recommended to take a warm shower to remove oil from the skin, then cool. Duration contrast shower 10 min.Helba grass. The use, application, medicinal properties, contraindications

Helba is also used in cooking, beverage or improve the flavor and taste of food. The grass plants can be used fresh or dry form. Its use is not getting worse. Greater use of the plant got its seeds, since they contain the bulk of vitamins and minerals.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about Helbu

Elena Malysheva tell about fenugreek:

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