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Mildronat: benefits and harms, the pros and cons for the elderly lyuedy

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Healing qualities Mildronate

Mildronat a direct cardioprotectant possesses metabolic, adaptogenic, antihypoxic action, eliminates spasms of smooth muscle fibers of the heart and blood vessels. drugs active substance acts meldonium, and the drug is marked in the ATC under the code C01EB22 «Meldonium».

The therapeutic benefits of Mildronate:

  • It improves cellular metabolism in the myocardium, blood vessels and other body tissues. This enhances endurance exercise capacity, improves performance. Complex with diet and exercise proper metabolism facilitates the adjustment of the weight;
  • Improves tissue oxygenation. This prevents the death of damaged or weakened cells accelerates their regeneration;
  • Restores contractile function of the heart;
  • Dilates blood vessels, normalizes microcirculation in damaged brain tissues and blood circulation in the body;
  • Reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms (disorders caused by the cessation of intake of substances to which established addiction).

Mildronat also benefit in combination with bronchodilators, diuretics, antianginal and antiarrhythmic drugs, antiplatelet, anticoagulant. Their combination of expanding the range of therapeutic action meldonium and improves the cardiovascular system.

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Indications and limitations of drug treatment

Take Mildronat possible for people older than 18 years. The therapy of children and adolescents under the age of majority is not recommended. There is a risk that the drug will cause harm because meldonium effect on the young organism studied enough. For this reason, the drug is not prescribed to pregnant or lactating women.

Indications for use Mildronate:

  • Combined therapy. Mildronat benefit only as an adjunct to first-line drugs. He was appointed in cerebral infarction or myocardial metabolism and deterioration in the tissues of these organs, dyshormonal cardiomyopathy, angina, heart or cerebrovascular disease, stroke, or other types of cerebrovascular accident, diseases of the eyeball, abstinent syndrome;
  • monotherapy. Mildronat appoint athletes before the start of training in preparation for the period of the competition, or people diagnosed with a mental and / or physical stress, performance deterioration, overwork. In these cases, it will benefit as the main remedy is briefly the course of therapy;
  • other indications: Out functional period, asthma, COPD, hypoxia. In these situations are the benefits adaptogenic effect meldonium and blood oxygen saturation.

You can not drink Mildronat substances in hypersensitivity to drugs and intracranial hypertension irrespective of the causes of increased intracranial pressure. The drug can be harmful, and in patients with liver or kidney disease. So people need to be tested periodically to monitor the functioning of these bodies, as well as comply with other precautionary treatment meldonium.

Mildronat and Sports

Meldonium refers to substances that are allowed to use the courses for healthy people. The drug helps restore the metabolism, improve blood circulation and the body's tolerance to high loads. Mildronat not a doping agent, it is not capable to accelerate the growth of muscle fibers, or a set total mass.

For athletes, the use of drugs is to support the activity of the heart, preventing oxygen starvation of cells during intense workouts. It adapts to the body inflated loads quickly relieves muscle fatigue. But after discontinuation of an athlete in the competition there is a feeling of physical unpreparedness. It harms the human psycho-emotional state.

People who want to lose weight, is allowed to combine sport with a course of reception Mildronate. He helps to speed up metabolism, lower cholesterol, improve the overall tone of the muscles, including the myocardium and vascular walls. To cure benefited, it should drink no more than three weeks at a dose according to the instructions requirements.

Mildronate benefits for men and women

On the Internet there is information that Mildronat increases potency and libido. Doctors deny this, because the results of studies such action meldonium not confirmed.

But the drug has beneficial effects on the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, increases the tolerance of the organism to physical stress overpriced. This benefits a man in the sexual sphere. Therefore, a man or woman doctors can prescribe monotherapy Mildronate. If a patient has decreased the potency / libido, he prescribed a medicine to drink 10─12 days at a daily dose of 500 mg. If necessary, repeat the course in two weeks.

Benefit or harm Mildronate for seniors

The manual does not specify whether it is possible to take Mildronat elderly. This group of patients class C01EB22 funds allowed to drink only on medical prescription. The representatives of this age group are often forced to use several medications, so they meldonium can harm because of drug conflicts.

Admission Mildronate need to individually agree with the doctor. He will control the combination of drugs, to clarify the absence of contraindications, and if there are no limitations to treatment - is allowed to take the means.

Harm treatment Mildronate

Folk wisdom says that if not properly received even honey can become poison and harm the health. A person standing on the drug therapy with extreme caution is necessary to approach to the use of medications.

What is the harm of Mildronate:

  • The probability of side effects. People with known hypersensitivity to substances Mildronate may occur tachycardia, itching, nervous agitation, hypotension, symptoms of dyspepsia (stomach pain, bloating, nausea and other works disorder GIT);
  • Potentiation of other drugs in combination therapy. Mildronat increases not only therapeutic properties, but also exacerbates the adverse effects of nitroglycerin, antihypertensive medicaments, Α-blockers, peripheral vasodilators, nifedipine;
  • The habit of the body to work with the help of meldonium. If uninterrupted reception over a month Mildronate muscles and cardiovascular system adapts to new loads under the influence of the drug. The first time after the abolition of money much faster than physical fatigue.

Admission Mildronate during competition harms the athlete career meldonium 2016 banned doping control specialists. Avoid disqualification help document confirming that the drug is prescribed by a doctor for therapeutic purposes.

Additional Information

Mildronat produces «Grindeks» (Grindeks, Latvia) in the form of tablets GX 500 mg, syrup, capsules 250 and 500 mg vials of a 10% solution for infusion. At the beginning of February 2018 drug price ranges 290─690 rubles depending on the release form.

By analogues Mildronate refers Idrinol, Meldoniy─Eskom, Angiokardil, Melfor. To replace fit and other drugs under the code «C01EB22» with the active substance meldonium.

special instructions

Mildronat will benefit only if properly applied. You need to follow the daily dosage does not exceed the duration of the course. The drug is best to drink before lunch: use a different time can disrupt sleep. Continuous and / or uncontrollable drug intake is harmful to the body. It expressed symptoms of an overdose, the side effects, deterioration of physical and psycho-emotional state.


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