Symptoms And Syndromes
Symptoms And Syndromes

Inflammation of the intestine( thick, thin) in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment

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1 Pathogens

Inflammation of the colon can result from the influence of various factors that are classified into such groups:

  1. Parasitosis: infection with worms.
  1. Infections: inflammation can be triggered by microbes, viruses or trichomonads.
  1. Autoimmune processes: human immunity takes the cells of the intestinal mucosa for foreign and produces antibodies to fight them, provoking an inflammatory process.
  1. Genetic predisposition: inherited shortage of gastric elements and certain inflammatory diseases can affect the parents, and after - on their children.
  1. Disrupted diet: frequent consumption of fatty foods, overeating, spicy and fried foods cause inflammation in any part of the digestive tract, often in its upper parts( small intestine and duodenum).
  1. Abnormal circulatory process in the vessels of the intestinal walls due to narrowing of the arterial canal and atherosclerotic abnormalities.
  1. Damage to the intestinal environment: the superiority of the pathogenic flora becomes the cause of the inflammatory process in the mucosa.
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Picture 1

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The system of inflammatory process development refers to the fact that due to the influence of the pathogenic factor, cells of the mucosa die,(hyperemia), there is a disruption of the work( nutrients are not absorbed, the cells of the diseased zone do not produce substances) and soreness.

Inflammation of the large intestine is divided into several types, which is caused by the localization of the inflammatory focus:

  1. Enteritis.

Inflammation of the small intestine is determined, the phenomenon has the property to arise only in a separate area or damage the entire small intestine.

  1. Duodenitis.

The disorder is noted only in the duodenum. Pathology begins with the first section of the small intestine or bulb of the duodenum( in this area the stomach passes into the small intestine).

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  1. Mesadenitis.

Inflammatory process of the lymph nodes of the intestine is noted. Often viruses and infections serve as provocateurs of ailment.

  1. Colitis.

The inflammatory process of the large intestine is noted. The phenomenon develops due to autoimmune processes, infections. Inflammation of the mucosa is also called "colitis."As a rule, the entire large intestine is affected, but there is an inflammatory process in the lower part of the large intestine.

Disease of the colon can be divided into acute and chronic form. In turn, the acute form lasts no more than a month, and the chronic form lasts from six months or more.

Very often, the disease develops in women during pregnancy, since the woman bearing the baby is more vulnerable. The causes of the disease in pregnant women are the same, and the chances of its appearance are much higher.

2 Symptoms of

When inflammation of the small intestine symptoms may not be relevant to the localization of the pathology center. So, the main symptoms of inflammation can be:

  1. Soreness. As a rule, the pain is bursting or squeezing. Sometimes it is difficult to establish its center. It can be signs of inflammation of the large or small intestine.
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  1. Nausea, which usually speaks of an inflammatory process in the duodenum or small intestine and worries after eating.
  1. Call for vomiting. They can signal inflammation in the upper intestine, manifest after eating. When vomiting, the condition becomes easier.
  1. Bloating. This symptom of the inflammatory process can occur due to a lack of substances that are involved in digestion.
  1. Unstable stool, the development of diarrhea. If you are concerned about constipation, then perhaps this is a signal about inflammation of the large intestine. Such a sign can speak of mucosal inflammation, can develop as a result of improper digestion of useful components by the small intestine.
  1. Anemia( anemia) can occur due to lack of iron in the body, which occurs due to damage to the intestine.
  1. Increased body temperature, which is noted very often during pathology.

3 Diagnosis

Diagnosis for inflammation of the intestines of the lower part is needed to establish an accurate diagnosis, the root causes and the location of the inflammation.

For diagnostics use a number of methods of instrumental and laboratory research.

  1. Bacterial stool test: a procedure is performed to establish the presence of microbes, to determine susceptibility to antibiotics in order to prescribe the right treatment.


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  1. Clinical analysis of blood: an increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation and the number of leukocytes makes it possible to establish the presence of inflammation in the body.
  1. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy( PHEGS).This is an endoscopic check of the duodenum and gastric mucosa using a special tube with a camera. If necessary, a piece of mucosa is taken for further testing( this procedure is called biopsy).
  1. Coprogram. This procedure is a study of stool. Thanks to it you can determine the work of the intestines, the lack of gastric components.
  1. Colonoscopy. It is carried out by the same mechanism as the FEGDS, the only difference is that the tube is inserted through the anal passage. In this case, the examination of the intestine, mucosa, and the location of the center of inflammation is determined.
  1. Video encapsulation endoscopy. This method of verification is improved. During the procedure, the patient swallows the capsule, which is equipped with a camera and lighting. The capsule passes through the intestinal parts per day, and the data is transmitted via radio waves to the computer. This method of examination makes it possible to determine the state of the intestinal mucosa.

Picture 2

4 Therapy

With inflammation of the intestine, the treatment will be based on several stages:

  1. Diet. Nutrition during the disease of this body is one of the important conditions in therapy.

The menu should be such that the load on the damaged mucosa is minimal. To the use of such products are recommended: rye bread, chicken and any other low-fat meat, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Food should be boiled or soared. It is not recommended to smoke, fry food.

  1. Etiotropic therapy.

The goal of this treatment is to eliminate the causes of the problem. To kill germs, it is important to use antibiotics. Antibiotics for autoimmune inflammation include the use of immunosuppressants( drugs that reduce the activity of immunity).To eliminate helminths, antihelminthic agents are prescribed.

  1. Pathogenetic therapy.

Its use is important when the inflammatory process is eliminated. In this situation, sorbents and anti-inflammatory agents are prescribed, since they have the property of binding harmful substances located in the intestinal lumen. To reduce the burden on the intestines and ensure working rest, it is important to use enzyme medicines containing gastric components( for example: Mezim, Pancreatin).

  1. Treatment of symptoms.

In the inflammatory process of the large intestine, symptoms can be eliminated with the help of spasmolytic drugs( which eliminate soreness) and painkillers. During inflammation, symptoms include bloating, so it is appropriate to take defoamers( for example, Espumizan has proven itself).

Most of the population does not know how to treat inflammation of the intestines with medicinal plants, and they have long been used as a powerful remedy against a variety of diseases.

Indeed, herbs are often used at home to eliminate symptoms such as bloating, broken stools, improper digestion.

Picture 3

Next, it will be described how to relieve inflammation of the intestines, while using medicinal herbs available in pharmacies.

  1. This recipe will help to remove bloating, stabilize the stool.

Chamomile flowers, fennel and cumin fruits mixed in equal quantities and pour boiling water. The drug is filtered and consumed three times a day after meals.

  1. If the doctor diagnosed gastritis with high acidity, then at home, the next tincture is prepared.

Flowers of chamomile, root of elecampane, rhizomes of valerian officinalis, yarrow herb, marshweed grass, alder gray sapwood, marigold flowers, licorice root, althea root are mixed and poured with boiling water. Then the collection is put on a water bath, boiled for 5 minutes. After that, you need to cool, filter and drink 0.5 cup three times a day before eating.

  1. Another recipe that will help cure the inflamed intestine.

To prepare the medicine you need the juice of plantain and honey to mix( 2: 1) and use 1 tablespoon 1 hour before meals three times a day.

  1. Reduced acidity can be eliminated using the following herbs.

Flowers of small-leaved linden, althea root, chamomile, fennel fennel, root of elecampane put in boiling water. Further insist on collecting, separating the grass and drinking when pain occurs.

  1. Inflammation of the colon can be treated with the following remedy.

1 tablespoon of 3% boric acid solution mixed with 1 tablespoon of calendula infusion. Composition used as an enema before bedtime.

5 Prevention of

This stage is very important, as observing preventive measures, it is possible to prevent an ailment. Three rules that are known to everyone since childhood and will be the key to preventing sickness: eat properly, wash your hands and foods.

When the intestine is prone to various inflammations, it is important to make nutrition more rational, remove from the menu unusual products, to limit the acute food.

The quality of the products should be high. And clean hands will help prevent infection with worms in both children and adults.

It is important to say that the treatment of inflammation of the intestine and its systematization should be developed only by a doctor, after having interviewed the patient and carrying out the necessary diagnostics. The check will make it possible to establish which factor or series of such factors led to inflammation of the intestine, where exactly its source is located. Only by diagnosing, the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment, which will include both medicamental and folk remedies.

  • 1 Pathogens
  • 2 Emerging Symptoms
  • 3 Diagnosis
  • 4 Therapy
  • 5 Prevention

When inflammation of the intestine develops, the symptoms and treatment of pathology for each will be individualized. In this case, in each specific case, only the specialist can appoint the right treatment, so treatment in a medical institution is an indispensable condition for getting rid of the ailment that has arisen.

By the way, the inflammation of the large intestine itself is a designation that describes the presence of inflammation in the mucosa of one or more intestinal compartments. Inflammation of the intestine in women and men occurs equally often, while age does not matter.

Do you have gastritis?

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Why does the disease occur, what are the symptoms of this and how to treat the disorder of the colon - about this further.

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