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Viferon candles for children 7 years old: manual, dosage

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Viral infections are a huge part of the diseases caused by a virus. Infections are easily transmitted from one person to another. Most often occurs in children with weakened immune systems. That is why, for the treatment of viral infections, doctors prescribe Viferon for children 7 years old.


Viferon drug used to treat various diseases which are caused by viruses. In applying the medicament to the body of the child increases its own production of interferon and antibodies (A and K-class) that increases the activity of the immune system. Also preparation exhibits anti-inflammatory, regenerative and anti-oxidant properties.

Viferon used for the treatment of infectious and viral processes, which pathogens can be viruses: influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, reovirus, herpes virus, hepatitis C virus, and others. These diseases, if left untreated, can cause severe complications of the various body systems.

Many parents would like to know whether you can Viferon children in 7 years? Viferon well tolerated and has virtually no side effects, which is why it is indicated for the treatment of even the youngest children.

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Currently, the most widely used of respiratory viral infections.

Most often their symptoms are as follows:

  • dry, irritating cough;
  • tickling and discomfort in the throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • fever;
  • the state of weakness and fatigue;
  • headache;
  • pain in the muscles and joints.

With the development of the negative manifestations of the above, consult your doctor for advice. As viral infections can cause severe disease and complications - you need to start treatment right away. That is why doctors recommend antivirals to all patients, including children from 1 year to 7 years. Giving your child a candle Viferon very effective, because the drug restores the activity of the immune system, and after a few days the general condition of the small patient will improve dramatically.

Quite often Viferon used in combination with other drugs that can reduce their dosage, and therefore reduce the possible toxic manifestations.


For the treatment of acute respiratory infections, and influenza, including bacterial and chlamydial complications Viferon used in the following dosages:

Young patients, including newborns and premature, and children under the age of seven years, appointed 15 thousand IU or one candle twice a day, with an interval of 12 hours. Duration of treatment - five days.

Dosage Viferon seven year old child, according to the instruction of 50 thousand IU twice a day, one candle. This amount is similar to the adult dose. The length of treatment is usually 5 days. If necessary, the therapeutic course may be continued or repeated.

Overdose and contraindications

Viferon drug is well tolerated by children and virtually no side effects. This is due to the natural composition of the drug. Before treating a child with interferon in seven years, you must ensure that it has no hypersensitivity to components of the medication.

When exceeding maximum therapeutic dosages may occur symptoms similar side effects: occurrence of itching, rash and redness. With the development of negative phenomena is recommended to stop the use of funds and to consult a pediatrician.


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