Hair Loss

Preparations against hair loss, treatment of baldness with drugs

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Preparations for hair loss Alopecia( alopecia) today is treated by various methods.

This includes the following types of treatment:

  • medication;
  • psychological;
  • surgical;
  • cosmetology;
  • methods of traditional medicine.

Let's focus on one kind of treatment. Let's talk today about the treatment of hair loss drugs( drug method).

Since the vast majority of alopecia are associated with androgenetic and hyperandrogenic hair loss, naturally, many drugs are designed to reduce the level of androgens( male sex hormones) and release the follicle from hormonal oppression. As a result of this, hair can be fully developed.

Sometimes the method of androgenic treatment can be proposed, during which the level of androgens in the blood decreases. And in order for a man to retain his male sexual function, he is prescribed Viagra.

However, not all are satisfied with this method of treatment.

However, this method is more common among women with elevated levels of androgens.

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Medicines against hair loss

One of the most famous and common in the world is the drug "Regein", which contains the substance minoxidil( amineksil).

This drug is very effective, but has one unpleasant feature: after stopping its use, its effect also ends. That is, the hair again begins to fall out and return to its original state.

Many other well-known treatments for hair loss work on the same principle: decros, vichas and some others.

No less effective drug is "Propertsia"( finasteride, proscar), which affects only men( women, it threatens with complications in pregnancy).However, and this drug has a similar contraindication - a lowering of potency, so that not all men agree to take it.

Cromakalin was originally proposed for the treatment of hypertension, but now it is also an effective tool for treating hair in men.

In the countries of Asia, the drug from the series "101 " , is represented by natural medicines made from herbs. This series stimulates the growth of new hair and prevents the loss of old ones. Unfortunately, it has not been studied enough.

60th Different degrees of effectiveness are present in other common drugs:

  • pinacidil;
  • diazoxide;
  • phenylstyride;
  • Cromakalim;
  • is a perfetyl;
  • hormonal preparations( deperzolone, triamcinolone, betamethasone).

Many drugs are under development( neoral, cyclosporine).

Let us recall the Russian-Israeli symbiotic drug "Satura Rosta". It is quite effective and consists of plant components and seafood( seaweed).As a result of special treatment, the preparation contains live bacteria that hold up nitrogen, which is why the drug acquires such high efficiency.

However, the complex technologies used in the preparation of the drug, could not but affect its value.

Nevertheless, one must understand that the cost of treating baldness with medicines can not be small, and this should be prepared.

Video: Hair loss treatments

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