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Ointment Viferon warts: help or not

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Although the list of indications for the use of various forms of release Viferon does not include the treatment of warts, information of instruction and experience with other similar funds do not rule out its use in this condition. A detailed study of the annotation to medication and experience with interferon helps to understand what forms and dosage of the drug should be used and in what cases can be supplemented with interferon treatment of warts.

HPV and warts

Warts, or papillomas called - a manifestation of chronic viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus, which is accompanied by skin lesions. This problem occurs during the life of most people.

HPV infection - commonly widespread chronic viral disease of the skin and mucous membranes, which can affect internal organs and promote the development of malignant tumors, since papilloma themselves, in fact, are benign epithelial tumors of the coating.

There are more than 100 varieties of the human papillomavirus, which are characterized by the connection with some form of tumors of different localization. Warts can appear on the body, on the palms and soles, back of hands and feet, the face. Sometimes there is a subsequent spontaneous disappearance of warts that can disappear without trace after a few months or years after the appearance.

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warts treatment

For the treatment of papillomas of the local feedback methods are used most often aimed at independent removal of warts. Sometimes warts removal is carried out in health facilities. For this purpose the chemical and physical methods of influence.

Chemical methods for removal of growths are carried out using concentrated solutions of alkalis, organic and inorganic acids, causing a chemical burn papillomas and surrounding tissue with the subsequent formation of scar in place warts. The same thing happens at thermal effect - cryodestruction and diathermocoagulation.

However, local treatment methods are not always effective and possible recurrence of infection with the formation of new warts in the same place. In this case, have to resort to surgical removal of warts with the surrounding skin area.

The use of medication helps to reduce the likelihood of relapse and sometimes allows you to get rid of papillomas without their immediate removal, although it may not always be the primary method of treatment disease.

Effect of interferon against papillomavirus infection

Interferons - substances which have the unique ability to increase the stability of normal cells infected by the virus. Thus, they prevent the further spread of the viral infection in the tissues and organs.

Although interferons do not destroy the virus particles, they have a significant role in the fight against the immune system most a variety of viruses: influenza A viruses, and other cold-related diseases, rotavirus, herpes virus and other viral papillomavirusoa pathogens. In the treatment of such funds in a human patient is observed reduction of viral DNA in the affected area.

interferon preparations for the integrated treatment of warts are not only locally but also systemically, while achieving action on all possible options for the localization of viral infection, and not only on skin.

systemic administration of interferon options include:

  • injecting solutions (subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous);
  • Rectal administration of the preparation in the form of suppositories.

Many studies have been established, the effect of topical application of interferon with warts is insufficient for complete cure of clinical manifestations of HPV infection of the skin.

For a good result you need to use the drug for warts interferonsoderzhaschy systemically or combine different methods of use. Thus, injection of sufficient doses of alpha-interferon for a month often helps to ensure complete disappearance of warts due to the suppression of papillomavirus infection. Addition of a total treatment of warts by local forms of interferon formulation significantly improves the efficiency of pharmacotherapy.

Using Viferon with warts

viferon - a preparation containing, as the main active component of recombinant interferon alpha-2b. The drug is available in the form of three formulations for topical and systemic use are currently available:

  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • rectal suppositories.

The preparation is intended for the treatment of viral infections, as it is used as one of the most effective immunostimulants chronic chlamydial and bacterial or mycoplasmal infections.

Viferon prevents the spread of viruses and reduces damage to the surrounding healthy cells, helping to accelerate the recovery.

Although there is scientific evidence of the effective removal of warts using interferon removal of warts with interferon is not included in the list of indications for its use. However, given the positive results of interferon and properties of the drug, it can be applied in treatment of warts, along with the local removal.

The drug should be used in cases where the removal of warts is difficult due prevalence and localization process and, in cases where their re-formation is observed after removal. Although the drug can be bought without a prescription, treatment is desirable to agree with the expert.

In order to achieve a positive result it is important to choose the right dosage form and dose. Studies have shown that interferon bad passes through the rough skin, so the gel and ointment Viferon against warts are not very effective, their use is necessary to supplement the system using interferon.

Optimal antiviral effect would be achieved if Viferon against warts take a candle and gel.

The course of application of suppositories Viferon should be 5-10 days, a daily dosage for adults is 2.1 1,000,000 IU per administration. In order to achieve the effect will be to help the local use of the gel Viferon during the course of treatment and after the candles. In all of the affected area can be applied to a strip of 0.5 cm gel 3-4 times per day.

Viferon can be used as an aid in the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. Using Viferon as the sole therapeutic drug in the warts are not shown and may be ineffective.


Viferon against warts can only be used in complex treatment patterns. To achieve the desired effect must be obligatory use of systemic administration means in the form suppositories, since the effect of removing warts with interferon for epicutaneous application of an ointment and gel is insufficient.

By using any treatments to remove warts, you need to remember that the papilloma may contribute to cancer, and to consult a physician in all cases of doubt.


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