Types Of Diseases

Neoplasm in the groin

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Contents of
  • How the neoplasm of
  • develops Reasons for the appearance of
  • neoplasms Methods for removal of neoplasm

Scrotal atheroma is a common disease in men. Pathology damages the sebaceous glands of the inguinal zone. Occlusion of glands entails the appearance of one or more neoplasms. They can move on palpation under the skin. Men do not attach much importance to atheromas. This leads to complications. The patient may have a rupture of the atheroma shell, which affects the formation of an abscess. Before starting treatment, consult a dermatologist.

On reception at the dermatologist

How does the neoplasm of

develop? Atheroma can form in different parts of the body. Pathology begins to develop in clogged sebaceous glands. The healthy gland itself is cleared of excess fat through the pores. If it's time to become clogged, the sebum is not removed. Under the skin accumulate secretions, which lead to the formation of atheroma.

Neoplasm consists of a shell and a liquid. The shell does not allow the contents of the gland to spread under the skin. The liquid consists of various dead cells and sebum. If the process develops for a long time, atheroma can go on. In this case, the pathology is accompanied by a significant increase in neoplasm and the appearance of fever.

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Should not attempt to remove or squeeze atheroma on its own. It is not a commonplace pimple. If the contents after some manipulation and come out, the capsule will remain in the gland. The patient may experience recurrence of the disease.

Reasons for the appearance of

neoplasm The scrotum of a man contains a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands. This structure is associated with the characteristics of the sexual glands. The testicles of men play an important role in spermatogenesis. If the temperature of the scrotum rises or falls, the testicles stop producing full spermatozoa. To keep the temperature of the scrotum constant, it also contains a large number of different glands.

The development of atheroma of the scrotum is affected by factors such as:

  • Personal hygiene disorder;
  • Increased sweating of the patient;
  • Hormonal disruptions;
  • Fatty foods.

Men The main cause of atheroma formation is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Thus there is a simultaneous blockage of several oil seals. If you do not clean the clogged pores in time, then the pathology will develop. With personal hygiene, many men use soap. This also leads to pathology. Modern cosmetology offers a wide selection of various gels for intimate care. It is recommended to use them for washing the scrotum.

The increased sweating of the patient can depend on various factors. To increase sweating affects the patient's professional characteristics, weather conditions and concomitant diseases.

This produces a large amount of fluid that contains salts and hormones. Saline deposits close the gland outlet. It's time to be hammered. To exclude this reason, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Hormonal changes have a pathological effect on the health of the entire sexual system of the patient. The level of testosterone has a special effect on the formation of scrotum atheroma. With an increased level of this hormone, an increase in sebum production occurs. The iron does not have time to completely remove the excess, there is a blockage. Hormonal changes can be detected only in medical conditions.

Improper nutrition leads to a lot of complications in the health of men. Under the influence of excess fat, there is an increase in the body weight of a person. The process is accompanied by an increase in sweating, a violation of the hormonal background. With frequent use of spicy and fried foods in the pot, specific compounds are allocated. They have an irritating effect on sweat glands. Some of the compounds lead to a rapid blockage of the glands. To eliminate the factor, you need to control your diet.

Symptomatic of the disease

Atheroma of the scrotum is accompanied by the appearance of various symptoms. Symptomatology depends on the form of the disease. Pathology is divided into two types:

  • Primary or acute atheroma;
  • Secondary growth.

Atheroma In primary atheroma, the patient develops a small ball in the scrotal area. When palpation, he does not give the patient any discomfort. The skin on the affected area does not change its structure, there are no painful sensations. If there is a suppuration of the primary atheroma, then on the skin there is swelling, feeling atheroma leads to the appearance of pain. In difficult cases, an ulcer appears on the damaged area of ​​the scrotum. The liquid leaves the capsule, but it does not go outside.

Secondary form of scrotum atheroma is accompanied by cyanotic skin. Neoplasm begins to ache. Many patients develop a few atheros. To eliminate pathology, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease.

Diagnosis of pathology

For the purpose of proper treatment it is necessary to carefully study the patient's anamnesis and take a series of tests. When staging scrotal atheroma, the doctor needs the following tests:

  • Blood for hormones;
  • Smear from the surface of the ulcer( if any);
  • Blood test for inflammation.

Blood should be examined for inflammation or hormonal changes. Experts establish the amount of testosterone in the body of a man. If there is a slight increase in testosterone, the cause of scrotum atheroma is precisely in it. If the hormones of a man are within the boundaries, then it is necessary to study the number of leukocytes.

These cells begin to multiply actively when ingested by any pathogenic organism. They envelop the pathogen and lead it through the pores and urinary system. If the level of leukocytes has increased in the analysis of the analysis, then there is concomitant inflammation, which resulted in occlusion of the pores.

If a scrotal atheroma accompanies a ulcerative appearance, then it is necessary to give a smear from the surface of the pore. In the smear can be found various pathogens, which will lead to the development of bacterial atheroma. Treatment of such pathology is more complicated, accompanied by the intake of antibiotics.

Methods of removal of neoplasm

Surgical intervention Treatment of atheroma of the scrotum is carried out by various methods. Specialists use such methods as:

  1. Surgical removal of neoplasm;
  2. Medication;
  3. Use of cosmetic services;
  4. Hardware impact.

Often doctors remove atheroma of the scrotum with the help of surgery. To do this, the specialist cuts the affected area with a local anesthetic. On the anesthetized zone a small incision is made, through which the atheroma is removed together with the capsule. The resulting cavity is treated with an antibacterial solution and sutured. Previously, physicians removed only the liquid from the capsule, but this caused a relapse of the disease.

With a slight increase in atheroma, medication can be used. Patients are prescribed drugs for internal and external use. Inside it is necessary to take antibiotics related to a number of fluoroquinolones. So, in the recipe you can see the appointment of "ciprofloxacin".This drug helps to eliminate the cause of blockage, inflammation from the gland, destroys the purulent discharge.

For external use, various pulling ointments are used. You can use such tools as "Levomikol", "Liniment Vishnevsky", "Ichthyol 20%."The product is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the affected area. For best effect, it is recommended to leave the ointment for the night. The drug is used until the content of atheroma of the scrotum is completely removed. The disadvantage of this treatment is the preservation of the capsule in the gland. The patient may experience the re-formation of scrotum atheroma.

The hardware effect is performed by electrocoagulation. This technique has a positive effect on heat. Under the influence of electrical discharges, the capsule and plug are destroyed. The contents of the atheroma go out. Relapses in this treatment occur in 5% of patients.

If a small lesion is found under the skin of the scrotum, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist. The specialist will choose the treatment, and atheroma of the scrotum will no longer disturb the patient.

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