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Piracetam after, and in stroke: for which apply

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Stroke leads to serious consequences, including disturbances in the brain. Man complains after a stroke of bad memory, utters unintelligible words, poorly oriented in space and scared with their current position. Piracetam after a stroke - an effective tool that can completely restore the brain activity of the brain of the patient for a few months.

Piracetam: how the

Piracetam is a nootropic drug.

Stroke Piracetam:

  • improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • It improves memory and learning ability of the patient;
  • It reduces the risk of cerebral hypoxia and intoxication.

Also, the drug has minimal toxicity. The number of side effects, which can cause Piracetam in the treatment, gives a more aggressive analogues. Doctors prescribed after a stroke to apply Piracetam, since this drug had time to prove itself over the last 50 years of reliable and effective nootropic.

The treatment course with piracetam can take antidepressants: its positive effect only speeds up the effect of the latter drugs. It is believed that the stroke drug Piracetam take pointless, since it Nootropil slow (1-2 months minimum) and noticeable. Western medicine has long ago abandoned the use of the drug.

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How to use

30 years ago the drug was administered to patients in a small dosage is 1 to 4 grams per adult human. Practice has shown that positive changes of piracetam appear only in the event that a drug target specific foci. For this reason, the means for a long time it was considered ineffective - the doctors could not determine which disease it treats, and which are not.

Over time, the optimum dosage increased from 4 to 6 grams. That is the dose doctors began giving patients with ischemic stroke. Piracetam in hemorrhagic stroke has a positive effect in the case if the preparation was passed over 7 hours after the attack at a dosage of from 7 to 12 g.

Adverse reactions

As mentioned above, Piracetam is a low toxic drug. Despite this, the list of adverse reactions of the body is still there:

  • insomnia, lethargy, irritability;
  • deterioration of the depressive state;
  • asthenia.

It is worth remembering that the listed side effects is subjected to no more than 1% of patients during therapy. Also, some of the early stages of taking the medicine may feel dizziness, weight gain, noting at increased sex drive, aggression towards others, tremors and hyperactivity.

Overdose piracetam may cause similar side effects, only more pronounced. Eliminate the effects of overdose can be activated carbon or by hemodialysis. To date, there is no substance that could completely neutralize the excess of piracetam in the human body. Therefore, the tool is removed only by washing.


When a brain stroke Piracetam can be used only on prescription, and after a thorough examination of the patient. The drug is approved for use in tablet form, not only in case of serious illness, but also detected a reduced concentration, chronic depression for the restoration of the former regime of life. Precautions Piracetam assigned people with epilepsy - in this case the optimum dose should be matched to the expert. The drug is not recommended for those who suffer from renal insufficiency (or inclined to its appearance).


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