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Enterofuril for poisoning in children and adults: application features

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Structure and principle of action of the drug

Means poisoning Enterofuril is a suspension for oral administration (in capsules or pure powder) comprising a mixture of from nine different components.

The dosage of such a preparation is determined by measuring spoon, 5 ml, or pills, which includes:

  • Nifuroxazide, in an amount of 200 mg (Enterofuril main active ingredient having antimicrobial effect);
  • Sucrose (determines the taste properties of the drug);
  • Sodium hydroxide (normalizes the acid-base level in the body, which is broken as a result of poisoning);
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (food concentrate having antiseptic properties);
  • Ethanol (auxiliary element Enterofuril dissolving solid components of the composition);
  • Carbomer (thickening agent, combining all of the elements of the drug in a single suspension);
  • Citric acid, banana flavoring, and purified water.

When ingested, the main active Enterofuril substance has a direct effect on the main causative agent of food poisoning - harmful bacteria located in the intestinal lumen. And there is the procedure by inhibiting the vital processes of bad microorganisms.

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Thus, while the system of the digestive tract, the drug forms a certain protective capsule, which prevents the components of the composition Enterofuril absorbed into the bloodstream and in the gastric mucosa. A derived waste material through the gut, only natural way. So take Enterofuril of poisoning can be without fear for their health.

Indications for use, and risk group

In the description to the drug Enterofuril clear that the suspension applied only recommended when the banal poisoning, flowing to the standard symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (often cutting character).

A trigger such a state, most often, the following pathologies:

  • Colitis;
  • Intoxication gastrointestinal tract caused by bacteria staphylococcus, salmonella, streptococcus, Shigella, E. coli, and Pfeiffer wand;
  • The disorder of the gastrointestinal system, after prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • Diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology.

However, if the poisoning in humans there are more serious symptoms, such as:.. Fever, loss of consciousness, and so on, then the medication it is absolutely contraindicated. A treat this kind of poisoning is best under the supervision of a doctor, in order to avoid deterioration of the patient.

Also, take the case of poisoning Enterofuril prohibited and so the title of the risk group to which the patients are the following categories:

  • Patients suffering individual intolerance to any organism, component Enterofuril composition (in is considered particularly dangerous intolerance to eleimentu nifuroxazide, as its concentration in the suspension is sufficient large);
  • People suffering from an allergy to fructose;
  • Patients who have an acute or chronic failure of sucrose in the body;
  • Women, who are in the variability of the period;
  • Kids under the age of 30 days (well, not to receive Enterofuril can be extended to children under the age of three years, in cases where the child is born prematurely).

A special category is considered to be lactating mothers. After all, for their use of the drug may be contraindicated only in special cases. But a ban on the treatment of poisoning Enterofurilom can only physician, and only after a complete diagnosis of the patient.

Allowable rate of medication for different age groups

In order to drug Enterofuril effectively cope with poisoning, without causing side effects in the patient, it should be observed right dosage.

And it is assigned to different age categories, as follows:

  • For children, aged 30 days, up to half a year, the daily rate of drug should not exceed 2.5 ml (half a measuring spoon, or one tablet), and its intake should be divided into 2 - 3 servings (best take suspension at intervals of at least 8 h);
  • For a child aged from 7 months to 3 years, food poisoning, the maximum rate of the drug and will be 2.5 mg. But take Enterofuril at this age it is recommended gradually, by dividing the daily dose it into 3 equal parts;
  • Babe, whose age ranged from 3 to 6 years old one permitted to take medications measuring spoon per day (5 mL suspension or 2 capsules). In this case, the daily rate is required to be divided into 3 doses, the interval between which is not less than 8 hours;
  • For children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, the daily rate Enterofuril at poisoning can be only 5 ml are recommended stretch for three doses (1.5 ml at a time);
  • For adult patients older than 18 years, the maximum daily amount of slurry is also not exceed one scoop. But taking the drug from food poisoning, then aged, preferably with a short interval (less than 6 hours). Therefore, the daily rate of the drug should be divided by as much as 4 doses.

If poisoning in a child Enterofuril recommended to take no longer than 3-4 days. But in a situation with an adult patient, treatment of food poisoning, or alcohol poisoning, can stretch for one week.

If the allotted period of improvements will not occur (not disappear initial symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and abdominal pain), the therapy with this drug will need to stop and ask for help doctor. Otherwise, banal poisoning can lead to serious consequences, including death.

Features of the application Enterofuril with alcohol intoxication

As mentioned earlier, the patients are not forbidden to take Enterofuril intoxication. However, this tool does not eliminate the body from toxicity of pathogens completely as in the case of food poisoning, and its only effect is to normalize bowel function.

Well, the very alcohol poisoning a person must be treated with a single treatment, on the basis of other drugs. At the same time, it should be noted an interesting fact that Enterofuril, for prophylactic use, helps to cure alcohol dependence, although the drug with alcohol, you should not be combined.

Side effects of the drug

If we believe the instructions to the drug, to treat poisoning Enterofurilom can practically everyone, except for patients who are at risk. However, in rare cases, this medication may provoke side effects and those patients who are in this category do not belong.

Side effects occur from Enterofuril exclusively in the form of allergic reactions, expressed as:

  • Localized redness of the skin;
  • The appearance of the rash, accompanied by intense itching;
  • Angioedema;
  • Anaphylactic shock (the most rare manifestation of allergy to the drug).

As for the consequences of the suspension of an overdose, it can occur completely differently, and treat it should be based on the manifested symptoms.

Instructions for use

Unlike many medicinal agents, Enterofuril has no clear rules and instructions for use of the method. Drinking such suspension is permitted in cases of poisoning, both fasting and on a full stomach, and drink plenty of water, at the same time, it is not necessary.

The only precaution to be followed to the patient in the treatment of poisoning Enterofurilom it - the dosage of the drug. After all, at the wrong dosage, the effects can be very unpleasant, as a result, the course of therapy of poisoning or intoxication will have to suspend.

Well, we should not forget about the range of the medication. This is especially true of patients whose age goes beyond 18 years. Since unlike babies, adults it is recommended to divide the daily rate by as much as 4 admission. This means that the suspension will need to drink every 6 hours (including at night).

Interaction with other drugs

Because Enterofuril not a complex preparation, it is quite possible to apply in tandem with other drugs. The only exception is the medication that inhibit the normal operation of the central nervous system. But, before the use of complex Enterofuril, in tandem with other drugs the patient is still better to consult a doctor on the matter.

Terms and Conditions of the slurry storage

On how the child and the adult in cases of poisoning Enterofuril affects the body, we have already learned. In conclusion, we will consider the terms of the preparation and storage conditions.

According to the instruction, the store suspension and capsules recommended in the reach of children, at room temperature (+15 to +30 degrees). And the average shelf life of the drug is about 3 years. In this case, the printed medicine are allowed to keep no longer than 2 weeks, after which it will be receiving invalid.

This is, perhaps, and all patients need to know in order to use Enterofuril for poisoning or alcohol intoxication. Well, more detailed information can always be obtained from the doctor, which is based on the diagnostic results.


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