
Healing power of dead bees

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  • Composition of bee honeyfish
  • Useful properties and application
  • Bees for men's health

Everyone knows the healing power of bee products like honey, pearl, royal jelly or propolis. But bees also give one more very useful medicinal raw material - bee pollock, which is a dead insect. The bee's calf consists of the products it produces and consumes - from pollen, poison, honey, propolis, wax, bread, etc. This explains the healing power of the submarine. It is not known who first came up with the idea of ​​using scrotum for medicinal purposes, but reliable sources claim that even the Romans in antiquity were treated with a decoction based on this product.

Pchelinyj podmor

The composition of the bees'

It is quite difficult for a modern person to understand and accept that a dead bee is no less useful to health than the honey that it produces. But beespine has a unique composition and properties. It contains a lot of useful components:

  1. Chitosan;
  2. Apizan;
  3. Melanin;
  4. Heparoids;
  5. Peptides;
  6. Amino acids;
  7. Bee venom, etc.
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The basic component of the detritus is chitosan, derived from chitin. This aminopolysaccharide substance is endowed with the strongest regenerating qualities, due to which the wound healing is accelerated, the scars are burned without scars. In addition, chitosan, getting on the damaged surface, has an anesthetic and hemostatic effect. With internal administration, chitosan has a beneficial effect on the intestines, stomach and other organs of the digestive tract, normalizing their activity and removing harmful deposits.

That's interesting! Specialists managed to find more than 26 chemical elements such as iron, silver, copper, nickel, zinc, fluorine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc., in addition to antioxidants, antiviral and antibacterial agents, natural anticoagulants, etc.

Bee venom, also present in the subsurface, itself consists of many components. It contains:

  • Peptides;
  • 9 substances of protein origin;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • More than a dozen minerals;
  • Carbohydrate connections;
  • Stearic substances;
  • Fats;Histamine and other compounds.

As a result of such a multicomponent configuration, the scaffold supports the biobalance in the body, cleans and regulates the metabolism processes, increases resistance to negative external influences, stimulating and controlling the course of immune reactions. In other words, the scurf has a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole organism.

Useful properties and application of

Due to such a rich composition, bee podmore is actively used in folk medicine from a variety of pathologies. This unique natural substance is endowed with many healing properties, which helps in the treatment of a variety of diseases:

  • Podmore, thanks to the presence of heparin, has a strengthening effect on the circulatory system, prevents the development of atherosclerotic deposits, helps to eliminate heart pains, removes excess cholesterol and lipids, normalizes the cardiacactivity and indices of blood pressure, and apitoxin( bee venom) in its composition promotes an increase in the hemoglobin level;
  • Treats the gastrointestinal tract pathology, normalizes the stool and bowel activity and supports its microflora, prevents the development of diabetes and ulcers, regulates gastric acidity, has a preventive antitumor effect, cleans melanin from radioactive deposits and heavy metals;
  • Restores hepatic functions and provides further organ protection, normalizes thyroid functions;
  • Activates protective organic functions, strengthens immunity;
  • Heals joints, relieves inflammation and restores the former elasticity of the joint tissues;
  • Eliminates men from diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive system like prostatitis, adenoma or erectile disorders.

The rich and diverse composition of the spoil gives it antiviral, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Thanks to chitosan, the drug provides an anesthetic and hemostatic effect, accelerates the healing of mucous membranes and skin. The content of heparin helps neutralize all kinds of inflammation, and bee venom provides an increase in general tone, strengthens the nervous system, normalizes sleep, protects against radiation exposure, reduces blood loss.

Important! People who are allergic to bee venom should be aware that apitoxin is highly resistant to high and low temperatures( boiling, freezing).Although the medicinal qualities of the bee venom after such treatment are completely preserved.

Due to the presence of antioxidants, beespine brakes the aging of the body and can be used to prevent cell mutations. Hepatoprotective properties of the underarm allow it to be used to reduce hepatic activity and to treat lamblia in it. Covering the whole range of useful properties within the framework of one article is quite difficult, because the list of eliminated diseases is quite large.

Bees for masculine health

Raw materials for the manufacture of medicines, ie dead insects, beekeepers are harvested all year round, but not every bee is suitable for internal use. The best is the summer-autumn raw material, it is suitable for use by any means. But the dead bees collected in the winter-spring period, do not recommend using apitherapy internees, since a lot of feces accumulate in them during the winter. Such raw materials will come in handy for the manufacture of external medicinal products like ointments or extracts.


Podmore bees perfectly help in the fight against traditional male pathologies such as adenoma or prostatitis. Sometimes such apitherapy is more effective in treating the prostate gland than traditional pharmaceuticals.

Podmore against prostatitis

In men over the age of 30, the risk of developing prostatitis increases several times. This pathology delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations, accompanied by impaired urination, intense soreness in the lower back, genitals and low-tidal area, cuts, burning and other impartial symptoms. Therefore, prostatitis requires immediate therapeutic measures. In folk medicine there are many recipes from this disease. One of the most effective is bee pollock.

For anti-prostatic treatment, decoction or tincture based on bee raw is used. To tincture well-dried dead insects are ground to a powdery state. Then 2 large spoons of this powder insist on vodka( 0.5 liters) for two weeks. During the infusion, it is recommended that the medicine be shaken daily. Then the mixture is filtered and taken 2-3 r \ day, strictly observing the dosage. The therapy lasts not less than 3 months.

Warning! As for the dosage, there are several options. Some apitherapists say that one should take as many drops of alcohol as tincture of detritus, how many full years the patient has. Others advise taking a tincture of 15 drops. Therefore, the exact dose is recommended to talk with your doctor.

As for the decoction, for its preparation, scoop( 2 large spoons) is poured with 0.5 liters of water and put on a plate. When the mixture boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum and cooked for two hours. Then cool in a room temperature( you can not cool in the refrigerator), filtered with gauze and drink a dessert spoon before eating( for half an hour).The course of such treatment lasts a month, then a two-week break, then a month of treatment.

As a result of taking such a decoction or tincture, a pronounced analgesic effect is provided, due to which the pain syndrome, characteristic for inflammation of the prostate, disappears.

Dead bees from adenoma

In addition to prostatitis, assisted by the debris of bees in the treatment of a benign prostatic tumor - prostate adenoma. This disease occurs in sufficiently mature men, whose age is more than 50 years. Pathology is characterized by erectile dysfunction, soreness and problems with urination, purulent or bloody contents in the urine. Podmore effectively removes this symptomatology. Apitherapists recommend combining treatment with other beekeeping products like honey and propolis.

The recipe is quite simple: a large spoonful of pour 0.5 liters of water, bring it to a boil, cook for about 1.5-2 hours under the lid. Finished medicine is filtered, add a spoon of propolis tincture and a spoonful of honey. Take this remedy before each meal on a large spoon. The treatment mechanism looks like this: 3 weeks - treatment, a week - a break, and so repeat three times. Then you should take a break from the treatment for a month and then repeat the whole course again.

Warning! Tincture of beeswax is highly effective in erectile disorders. Practice shows that such a tool helps to increase male sexual functions.

Do not forget about its contraindications when treating with bee dodger. So, such treatment is unacceptable in the presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to bee venom and other beekeeping products. In addition, it is not recommended to take alcohol tincture to people who have problems with alcohol. In other cases, taking medicines based on dead bees will only benefit and will certainly help in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

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