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Kagocel during pregnancy: can or not

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Why do I need Kagocel

One of the most likely possibilities ill during pregnancy - is a viral infection. And because many viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets way, that the most likely site of infection should be considered as any places where large numbers of people, including antenatal care.

The natural reaction to the woman the appearance of cold symptoms during pregnancy - Search drug safe for the health of the unborn baby. In such cases, physicians often prescribed during pregnancy to drink Kagocel.

This drug has a reputation absolutely harmless tool that can help with infectious lesions, and it does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Action Kagocel during pregnancy is fundamentally different from conventional antiviral drugs work. Typically, all drugs prescribed for the control of influenza, act directly on the source of infection - the pathogen.

As a result of such exposure, a number of infectious agents actually killed and the remaining bacteria mutate, generating a resistance to the action of therapeutic agents.

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But if taken during pregnancy Kagocel, the healing process will be very different. First of all, Kagocel does not affect directly on microbes and activate the forces in the body that can withstand the invasion and spread of infection, namely - the immune system.

How does Kagocel

Kagocel active compound consisting of molecules of vegetable origin and nanopolymer - the basis of the same name the drug that was created in Russia to support the human body in the period, virus infection, including, and pregnancy.

Kagocel pharmacological characteristics of the active compound due to the ability to affect the cells that produce interferon. Substance interferon - is an endogenous protein produced by the human body itself forces whenever the immune system reacts to the emergence in the tissues of alien elements.

In fact, interferon - is one of the main instruments through which the human body fights viral invasions.

Assigning pregnant women to take Kagocel therapists provide the launch of several important women's health processes:

  • active production of various types of interferons in all parts of the immune system;
  • suppressing any processes vital viral particles;
  • cessation of virus propagation processes of the body;
  • improving the sustainability of human cells to penetration by pathogens;
  • antitumor effect;
  • the suppression of the activity of the herpes virus and certain types of bacteria, including Chlamydia.

In this case, no chemical effect on the internal organs Kagocel has not. The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and is carried along with the bloodstream, providing large-scale support of the immune system.

The activity of interferon, generated by the body using Kagocel is stored for five days and then gradually decreases. After the specified period Kagocel compound was completely excreted naturally.

The action of the drug during pregnancy

As with any drug, appointed during pregnancy, Kagocel causes distrust women because they fear that the agent can harm the baby.

Doubts whether Kagocel may be pregnant, are not groundless, as in the annotation to the drug pregnancy and breastfeeding are listed in the column of contraindications. However, doctors tend to believe it is an indication of reinsurance pharmacists, as scientifically proven data on the harmful effects on the fetus Kagocel does not exist.

By law, pregnant women should not take part in the testing of any drugs. Therefore, to conduct a full investigation of the properties of the drug is not currently possible. Without scientific evidence, confirmed by the results of research, pharmacists do not have the right to amend the instructions to the drug.

Do doctors say that the molecules of the active compounds Kagocel too large in size to penetrate through the placental barrier, which protects the fruit. Therefore, the probability of contact of the drug with the body of the embryo is completely eliminated.

And given the insidiousness of influenza and its ability to provoke the development of various complications, the theory of Kagocel ability to cause harm during pregnancy is becoming unconvincing.

However, medical experts do not recommend during early pregnancy to take Kagocel. Kagocel treatment in the first trimester is possible only in exceptional cases where the risk to the mother's health is too high.

Features of the application

In the second and third trimester Kagocel take is possible, but only with the permission of a doctor and in the absence of contraindications. Drinking medication during pregnancy without first consulting with your doctor is not allowed.

The exact means of dosage - a question the competence of the physician. In the standard instructions to the drug indicated by the following method:

  • the first two days - two pills;
  • the next two days - one pill.

Hence, Kagocel take no more than four days. This course is enough to provide the necessary support to the immune forces of the body.

Also, the drug should be taken during pregnancy and lactation, if there is a risk of infection by a viral infection. Powerful strengthening of the immune system will prevent diseases and their possible health effects.

For preventive support the body Kagocel pregnant women are prescribed a seven-day course of two pills a day.

What is important to know the treatment Kagocel

As practice shows, using Kagocel therapy during pregnancy brings good results, and not accompanied by the development of adverse effects. Moreover, the lack of adequate treatment of a virus infection, not only weakens the immune system, but also can cause spontaneous abortion.

Despite the overall safety of treatment Kagocel, you must remember that if there is an individual intolerance, a medicine may cause deterioration of health that pregnancy is extremely undesirable.

On the development of adverse reactions shown by the following characteristics:

  • digestive disorders;
  • problems with a chair;
  • insomnia;
  • rereadings from an emotions depressed, depression.

At occurrence of any abnormality in the state of health must be like to see a doctor as soon as possible. Further intake during pregnancy Kagocel becomes undesirable in this case.

In addition, you should know that excess dosage or unwarranted extension of the course of treatment is capable of much harm to health. Therefore, any questions related to the administration of the drug, should be solved only with the doctor.


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