Diseases Of The Nervous System

Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and Treatment, photos, folk remedies, drugs

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Face-ache characterized utrachivaniem functions of the nerve and the occurrence of acute pain in one person halves. Pathology brings severe discomfort and important time to detect the symptoms and start treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
      • 8.2.1 Heating the salt
      • 8.2.2 Rubbing with mummy
      • 8.2.3 Chamomile tea
      • 8.2.4 Horseradish
    • 8.3 Physiotherapy
    • 8.4 Acupuncture
    • 8.5 Massage
    • 8.6 Surgery
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of the trigeminal nerve

types of diseases

By the nature of occurrence, neuralgia is primary (occurs due to compression of nerve or circulatory disorders) and secondary (manifested as a symptom of another disease).

The shape of neuralgia release:

  • neuritis - slight inflammation of the facial nerve or portion thereof;
    Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs
    Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are called neuritis
  • paresis - a slight numbness of the face, weakness of facial muscles;
  • paralysis
    insta story viewer
    - the complete defeat of the facial nerve, in which there is numbness of the face and the lock of motor activity of muscles.

For this disease, there are also two definitions of pain:

  1. Typical pain. Most often observed in acute neuralgia. Characterized by an abrupt and sharp appearance reminiscent of an electric shock.
  2. Atypical pain. It has a constant wave-like nature (pain is aggravated, then fade), and affects a large part of the face.

Stage and grade

Neuralgia of the facial nerve (the symptoms and treatment depend on the extent to which there are 5) gradually progresses:

  1. Easy level. The patient maintained facial expressions, muscle weakness almost not expressed. Sometimes there is a slight drooping corner of the mouth or difficulty with squinting eyes.
  2. Moderate degree. Muscle weakness becomes apparent; the patient can move the muscles of the forehead, eyes closed but with effort.
  3. Srednetyazholaya degree. Developing a strong asymmetry of the face. The patient can not wrinkle the forehead, eyes half closed.
  4. Heavy degree. There is almost total paralysis, eyes almost closed.
  5. Extremely severe degree of total plegia. There is a complete paralysis of the face, facial expression is absent.


With the defeat of the facial nerve or one of its sections, the person feels a strong sharp pain in the left or right half of the face. For neuralgia facial nerve damage characterized by only one half of the face.

If neuralgia was the result of nerve paresis or inflammation that develops strong asymmetry and numbness of muscles, a person becomes a "crooked"; patient because of this there are problems with eating, facial expressions, speech.

As the progression of the pathology, the patient becomes difficult to close the eyes, and the skin in the affected part of the face is smoothed. Due to the weakness of the circular muscles of the eye, sloznaya fluid builds up and causes slozotechenie.

In addition to pain, numbness and muscle asymmetry, the following symptoms may occur:

  • noticeable twitching of facial muscles;
  • skin redness and the presence of shallow scars in the affected area;
  • uncontrolled drooling (because of the weakness of the muscles)
  • violation of motor activity of the lips and mouth muscle (inability to fully open the mouth, kissing, chew);
  • violation of ocular function (the patient can not take your eyes aside);
  • difficulty hearing, ear pain;
  • deterioration and distortion of taste;
  • constant fatigue;
  • migraine;
  • irritability and anxiety, and sleep disorders.Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs

Sometimes painful sensations arise when affecting the affected part of the person, dentifrice, shaving meal.

When an attack of neuralgia pain can be so severe that the person is not able to continue to do the job. He can instinctively touching and stroking the face, the pain subsided. Facial skin under attack more often at first blush, then sharply turns pale.

Causes of

Neuralgia of the facial nerve, the symptoms and treatment of which depends on the cause may be the result of:

  • permanent nerve compression due to tumors, malocclusion, structure defects and congenital cranial trauma;
  • stress and permanent psycho-emotional stress;
  • blockage of blood vessels in proximity to the facial nerve;
  • dental diseases;
  • damage to membranes of nerve fibers resulting in multiple sclerosis;
  • facial injuries and the temporal part of the skull;
  • herpes infection of the nerve endings.
  • the effects of meningitis.
  • suffering a stroke.

Neuralgia occurring during inflammation of the facial nerve, develops as a result of strong undercooling, infectious and inflammatory diseases and viral ENT, dental pathologies. Also neuralgia can occur as a result of nerve damage after plastic surgery or dental procedures.


Neuralgia of the facial nerve can be determined even by the symptoms - the patient complains of sharp pain occurs in the muscles persons who may appear for no reason or affecting the affected part of the face and the involvement of the facial muscles. Neurologist must examine the patient for the conservation and availability of facial expressions muscle asymmetry.Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs

Further laboratory and instrumental diagnosis is needed to determine the causes of disease and the selection of treatment:

Type of study The purpose of the
General blood analysis If the blood is increased white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, it is possible to judge the presence of inflammation in the body, such as neuritis.
electroneurogram Determining the propagation velocity of the nerve impulse along nerve fibers. With electroneurogram possible to identify the degree of nerve injury and to determine which part has undergone changes.
electroneuromyography With this method, we study the functional state of the nerves and facial muscles. During the procedure, the doctor puts electrodes attached to an electromyography on the patient's face - coming from the unit signals pass to the nerve and cause muscle contraction. The device records all the fluctuations, which specialists carried out the interpretation of the results.
Electroencephalography This method is based on a recording of electrical brain potentials. Since it can be determined via a holding body which zones broken up pulses.
Computed tomography (CT) Using Computed Tomography available 3D-picture of the skull bones, measure their thickness and length, and detect defects and features of their structure, which may influence the development of neurology, and other pathologies.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) MRI looks presence of brain abnormalities which may cause neuralgia. Also, this method allows us to see the blood vessels are well - most often found their deformation, due to which there is a pinched nerve and the appearance of pain.

When to see a doctor

Any pain in the face has to be a reason to see a doctor.

Often people get confused with dental neuralgia or headache, but too frequent pain in the temple, cheek, the lips and ears indicate nerve pathology. It is also a sign of neuralgia or other neurological diseases may be the loss of sensitivity of one of the halves of the face, numbness of the muscles.


Preventive recommendations will not only help prevent the appearance of neuralgia of the facial nerve, but also the development of other diseases:

  1. If you suspect a disease of upper respiratory tract and teeth do not self-medicate, and immediately see a doctor.
  2. To avoid injuries in the face and head.
  3. Not to be supercooled; never go out in the cold without a hat, with a wet head, do not be on the drafts.Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs
  4. Do not allow the progression of the virus, infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  5. Avoid stress and mental and emotional stress.
  6. Do not abuse the cosmetology injections and plastic surgery.
  7. If possible, correct defects occlusion (using brackets or plates).
  8. Do regular self-massage of the face - it not only helps to relax the facial muscles, but also enhance skin elasticity.


Therapy neuralgia facial nerve includes taking medication and therapies. In severe cases, the disease remove surgically.


Neuralgia facial nerve symptoms and treatment is linked, has a complex drug therapy. It is aimed at eliminating the pain and the causes of its appearance, as well as the removal of other disease symptoms.

The patient is prescribed the following drugs:

drugs group Act Facilities The form
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Eliminate painful sensations cropped inflammation (neuritis). "Ibuprofen", "diclofenac", "Nise", "Ketorol". The tablets, suspensions, injections, ointments, gels.
glucocorticosteroids Have a pronounced analgesic effect, are appointed by the ineffectiveness of NSAIDs. "Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone". Neuralgia most commonly used injections.
Antispasmodics (muscle relaxants) Leads to muscle relaxation, eliminate muscle spasms and tremors. "Spazmolgon", "Drotaverinum" "No-spa," "papaverine", "Sirdalud". Tablets, injections.
vasodilators Improve blood circulation by expanding blood vessels. "Trental", "Cavintonum" nicotinic acid preparations. Tablets, injections.
metabolic means Improve the permeability of the nerve fibers and the conduction of impulses on them; myelin sheath promote accelerated nerve regeneration. "Aktovegin", "Neuromidin". Tablets, injections.
B vitamins Improve the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the effects of stress. "Neyrobion", "Neyrorubin". Tablets, injections.
Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs

If the disease is caused by a viral infection (eg, herpes virus), then assign specific antiviral drugs used orally, "Lavomax" or "gerpevir".

With infectious origin neuralgia first necessary to eliminate the infection with antibiotics, and only then applying the basic therapy.

Neuralgia often develops due to a strong and long-term stress or depression. In this case the patient must take sedatives in combination with B vitamins and basic therapy. As an antidepressant prescribed drugs "Azafen" "Amitriptyline" "Fluoxetine", or St. John's wort grass with mild depression.

Therapy chosen by the attending doctor individually, depending on the cause and extent of disease, the age and characteristics of the patient's body.

Traditional methods

With traditional medicine recipes can accelerate recovery and enhance the efficiency of primary therapy.

Heating the salt

Due to thermal action dilates blood vessels, and improves circulation, removed spasm.

For the procedure, you must:

  • 1 cup calcined salt in the pan.
  • Take a small bag made of cotton or linen (can use the net or toe handkerchief from the data tissues) and pour salt there.
  • Tie bag and attach before going to bed to the affected area for 30 minutes.

The procedure is repeated daily for 2-3 weeks.

Rubbing with mummy

Mumiyo has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative properties.

Ready solution mummy 10% can be purchased at the pharmacy. It should be within 2 weeks of daily apply a small amount onto a cotton pad and massage them sick zone for 5-7 minutes. Movement should be easy and accurate. After that mummy is necessary to wash off skin with warm water.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a medicinal plant and has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Tea must be brewed 200 g of flowers of the plant 1 cup of hot water and infuse for 15 minutes.Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs

The cooled solution was kept in the mouth for 3-5 min., Without swallowing. Perform the procedure in the morning and evening every day for 4-5 days. Can be used instead of camomile flowers mint or calendula, since they have similar properties.


When an attack of neuralgia must be applied leaves of the plant to the affected area and wrap up warm with a handkerchief until after discomfort.

It is also possible to rub grated horseradish root and apply the resulting mess to the affected area of ​​a person as a compress for 15-20 min. Then you have to wash the skin with warm water.

Traditional medicine is not able to completely eliminate neuralgia and its symptoms. It only helps to strengthen the effectiveness of drug therapy and therapeutic procedures. Before using folk remedies should consult a doctor to avoid complications and side effects.


Physiotherapy to help:

  • improve the permeability of nerve and muscle tissue;
  • enhance blood microcirculation due to vasodilatation;
  • reduce the intensity of pain.

Neuritis of the facial nerve can not be prescribed physical therapy, as it may enhance the inflammatory process. procedures can be carried out only after the relief of inflammation.

Neuralgia may appoint one or more types of physical therapy:

  1. Exposure to ultra-high frequencies (UHF) - promotes vasodilatation and eliminates pain.
  2. electrophoresis with analgesics or antispasmodics - allows the introduction of drugs with the help of micro-currents directly into the affected area.
  3. Laser therapy - relieves pain and improves blood circulation, accelerates regeneration of damaged tissues.
  4. ultrasound therapy - promotes restoration of damaged nerve fibers.
  5. darsonval - it improves the permeability of the nerve tissue and blood vessels.Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs
  6. Mioelektrostimulyatsiya - normalizes neuromuscular conduction.


acupuncture method is very effective in the chamber as it helps:

  • increase the sensitivity of skin receptors and nerve fibers;
  • improve motor activity of the facial muscles, eliminate spasms and numbness;
  • eliminate migraines and problems with hearing due to neuralgia.

The procedure consists in exposing special needles on reflex points of the human body. Neuralgia needles are inserted in the points located on the face (to act on the facial nerve) as well as the hands and feet to improve the general state of the organism.

Acupuncture is carried out in special centers for the course 5-15 procedures. The thickness of the needle and the depth of administration depend on the severity of disease and characteristics of the patient.


Massage necessarily prescribed for different types of neuralgia. It helps remove the neuro-muscular tension, tone up numb and atrophied (late-stage) muscles, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the tissue, eliminate pain.

massage should be done in a clinic or in a special cabin - in the early stages of treatment is not recommended to do self-massage. Specialist works on all the facial muscles, neck and ears, head. massage course must be at least 10 procedures.

After a course of specialized massage can do easy self-massage at home. Hand movements should be smooth and neat, in any case can not put pressure on the affected area. It is advised to ask for a massage therapist to show movement to even more not to harm the facial nerve and the area around it.


Surgery is used only in the event that not all of the above methods help, and provided that it does not worsen during disease.

Depending on the causes of pathology during surgery doctors can:

  • produce extension or mixing of blood vessels, preventing the nerve impulses;
  • expansion of the channel to hold the bones in the skull, from which comes the facial nerve, if too narrow channel it pinched.
  • to remove a brain tumor, if it is the cause of neuralgia of the facial nerve.Neuralgia of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, drugs

Also, doctors may conduct autologous nerve - this is a complex procedure in which a person is a donor of tissue or organs for himself. Neuralgia most commonly transplanted into the femoral nerve and replace them remote part of the facial nerve.

possible complications

Neuralgia of the facial nerve (the symptoms and treatment of the disease requires care to prevent deterioration) does not threaten the patient's life, but gives a strong discomfort.

Due to the frequent human pain it becomes difficult to perform daily tasks. If the pathology progresses and begins to manifest muscle asymmetry, the patient develops depression due to problems with appearance, he withdraws into himself and tries to communicate less with other people.

Early diagnosis and early treatment to increase the chances of recovery - when these conditions are met facial nerve neuralgia completely cured in over 70% of cases.

In other cases, the patient may experience:

  • partial restoration of the facial muscles;
  • total plegia (complete atrophy of facial muscles near the affected nerve);
  • development of dry eye (due to circulatory disorders and nutrition lack eye tissue);
  • deep injury of the facial nerve.

Neuralgia of the facial nerve can be cured, to avoid complications, if the time to detect its symptoms and start treatment. In no case can not independently appoint a therapy, as this will lead to a deterioration in the pathology.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the trigeminal nerve

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