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Diosmin or Detraleks: which is better, and what is the difference

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One patient from varices assigned Diosmin, and another Detraleks and immediately begin to compare patients medicines. They care about what's best: Diosmin or Detraleks help in the treatment of diseases, and some believe that this is one and the same medicine, but Diasmin cheaper. To dispel unnecessary errors, it is necessary to read what is said about the preparations in the instructions for use.


Before comparing Diosmin and Detraleks, consider a hundred part of the drugs.


The preparation contains 600 mg of active principle - diosmin, which has the following effect on veins:

  • It stimulates blood and lymph flow;
  • normalizes capillary permeability;
  • increases venous tone;
  • inhibits inflammatory slack within the vessel.

Direct analog diosmin - Phlebodia 600 that has the same composition.


One Detraleks tablet will comprise two active components:

  • 450 mg of diosmin;
  • 50 mg of hesperidin.

Hesperidin enhances therapeutic effect of diosmin and additionally has the following features:

  • It stimulates cell metabolism;
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  • reduces the severity of inflammation;
  • It has an antioxidant effect on the fabric.

Detraleks is a comprehensive drug, its direct analogue of the same composition - Venarus.

Despite the similarity in preparations - Detraleks and Diosmin is not the same.

The similarity of drugs

If we compare Diosmin and Detraleks, we see that the medications have the same indications for the purpose:

  • varicosity 1 and step 2;
  • chronic form of venous insufficiency;
  • external and internal hemorrhoids.

In these diseases under the action of drugs decrease venous nodes inflammatory process subsides within vessels disappear pain and swelling, reduced risk of intravascular clots.

The difference preparations

Take a look, what is the difference between detraleks and Diosmin:

  • Structure. Detroleks diosmin contains less, but is composed of one active ingredient - hesperidin. Medications are indirect analogues and if the patient is found idiosyncrasy hesperidin, diosmin is Detroleks replaced, without prejudice to the therapy.
  • Mode of application. Detraleks taken twice a day, and Diosmin - in the morning, once.
  • The duration of the treatment course. Diosmin therapy lasts 2 months, and treatment Detraleks - 3.
  • Side effects. Diosmin causes diarrheal disorders and headaches, and further desperidin provokes the appearance of skin rashes and swellings. But if we analyze the frequency of adverse reactions, the negative effects from the Diospidina occur more frequently.
  • Features therapy in chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Diosmin acting component irritate the stomach and intestines, causing abdominal pain and other digestive problems. Detraleks contains a smaller dose of the active substance and is more sparing drug for diseases of the digestive tract.

In severe forms of hemorrhoids or varicose patients prescribed Diosmin and Detraleks taken together. Due to the increased dose of diosmin, the effect of which is enhanced influence desperedina, it is possible in a relatively short period of time to achieve improvement of the patient's condition.

If we consider that it is better, it is difficult to make a choice between detraleks and Diosmin. Both medications are effective in venous pathologies, and the choice of the drug depends on the survey data, the presence of chronic diseases and other features of the body.


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