Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment without operation folk remedies, laser, for Bubnovskogo, the operation procedure

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Osteoarthritis - a disease of the knee jointThat affects patients of different sex and age. If a patient is diagnosed pathology grade 3, treatment should be complex and time-consuming, since at this stage typically develop complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is gonarthrosis than dangerous
  • 2 Causes and mechanisms of disease development
  • 3 Symptomatology dependent on the degree of the disease
  • 4 diagnostic methods, the picture on the X-ray
  • 5 drug therapy
    • 5.1 Anti-inflammatory and pain medications
    • 5.2 corticosteroids
    • 5.3 Chondroprotectors and hyaluron
    • 5.4 Vascular and muscle relaxants
  • 6 PRP-therapy
  • 7 Laser therapy
  • 8 Kinesiotherapy
  • 9 Therapy according to the procedure Bubnovskogo
  • 10 orthopedic treatment
  • 11 The use of knee pads
  • 12 Folk remedies
  • 13 Surgical treatment of gonarthrosis
    • 13.1 Contraindications to total hip replacement
  • 14 Diet therapy in gonarthrosis 3 degrees
  • 15 Copyright and innovative treatments
  • 16 Prognosis and complications
  • 17 Video of gonarthrosis

What is gonarthrosis than dangerous

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the knee joint, wherein gradual destruction of cartilage, narrowing the gap between the head of the femur and tibia bones. Thus there is a malfunction of the joint compound. Most often changes develop in one joint, but meets and bilateral disease.

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Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation

The main risk of disease is high risk of complete immobilization of joint compound, ie the development of ankylosis. In addition, the disease significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient, as well as performance.

Causes and mechanisms of disease development

There are several reasons that can trigger disease. It is believed that gonartroz more often affects women over 40, but can develop in young people.

The main predisposing factors:

  • Prolonged and excessive load on the knee joints.
  • Excess weight. Experts have found that every extra kilogram increases the load on the knee joint 10 times.
  • Gout varying severity.
  • Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis.
  • Injuries to articular compound in the patient's history.
  • Sprains, provoking the displacement of the center of gravity and improper distribution of load on the cartilage.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Bursitis in the history of the patient.
  • Professional activities related to the permanent load on the knee joints.
  • Hereditary predisposition to the development of degenerative diseases.
  • Metabolic disorder characterized by a decrease in the assimilation of the components necessary for healthy joints.
  • Endocrine chronic form of the disease.

The disease development mechanism is a gradual decrease in the elasticity of the articular cartilage joint. When this happens it thinning and increased bone head load. Further decreasing the amount of synovial fluid, it becomes viscous. At advanced stages of the disease synovial fluid completely disappears, increasing the friction head bones together.

As a result, the load increases in the bones of the head there is an abnormal growth of bone tissue, that is, the formation of osteophytes. Outwardly, this disturbance appears as a deformation of joint compound.

Symptomatology dependent on the degree of the disease

knee Osteoarthritis 3 degrees, which treatment must be timely, manifested more pronounced than the other stage pathology. Symptomatology depends on the degree of tissue damage.

At the initial stage manifestations are rare or nonexistent. The patient can only speak a slight discomfort when bending the knee, as well as the appearance of the crunch after a long stay in one position. Other manifestations are absent, and the pain of a person believes the result of overwork.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation
Osteoarthritis of the knee degree 1,2,3

2 degrees in the pathology existence more pronounced pain almost always present, increases with load.

Sometimes there is swelling of the joint compound, which suggests joining the inflammatory process. After a long stay in one position the patient feels strong discomfort in the knee, and in sports it can not perform the usual exercise without pain.

In addition, on 2 stages of gonarthrosis can change the gait. Man tries to alleviate the burden on the affected limb, so the main voltage must be at a healthy pace. Already at this stage of the activity and the patient's performance declines, may develop complications in the muscles of the affected limb.

Grade 3 is considered the most severe gonarthrosis. When this cartilage is almost completely destroyed, the mobility of the joint is severely limited. The patient tries not to bend the limb even in a sitting position, so as not to feel pain. Discomfort accompanies the person all the time, since the friction of bone heads strong, synovial fluid is almost there.

It is at this stage of developing severe complications in the form of proliferation of bone and the formation of osteophytes. The joint is deformed, it is visible to the naked eye. In addition, join the common symptoms of weakness, loss of appetite and weight loss.

The patient talks about insomnia, which is associated with severe pain. In the long process of developing pathological neuro-psychiatric disorders associated with emotional exhaustion.

Experts still providing 4 gonarthrosis step. In this case, the symptoms are similar to 3 degrees, but the mobility of the joint is severely limited or absent.

diagnostic methods, the picture on the X-ray

To diagnose the disease using several methods. The first step is considered examination and questioning of the patient. Specialist listens to complaints, examines the affected joint, palpate it notes the degree of pain, signs of strain.

After that, he appoints the general analyzes of clinical and biochemical blood tests. In the latter it is important to determine the presence or absence of Revmoproby that indicate the origin of rheumatoid arthrosis.Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation

The most effective method is considered to be X-ray of the affected joint. It is carried out immediately after the interview and blood sampling for analysis. On the radiograph the doctor sees the complete absence of the gap between the head of the femur and the tibia, the minimum number of thick synovial fluid, as well as a slight displacement of the bones.

If the disease has long passed the stage 3, the picture you can see the bony growths of varying sizes. An additional method of diagnosis is considered MRI. During the manipulation of the joint can be seen more clearly.

drug therapy

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint Grade 3, treatment is administered after diagnosis, can not be treated conservatively. But doctors prescribe medication to relieve the patient's condition.

Anti-inflammatory and pain medications

Medicines of these groups are not the only method of emergency, but also a way to facilitate the state for a longer period at course use.

The most effective means:

  • nimesil - an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug based on nimesulide. It has a pronounced effect when used gonarthrosis varying severity. Daily rate - from 2 to 4 sachets means. The powder can be dissolved in 150 ml of water, taken orally after meals. Repeat up to 7 days in a row. Medication is contraindicated in acute pathologies of the digestive tract during pregnancy and if you are allergic to the composition.
  • ibuprofen - tablets on basis of the same active ingredient. Prescribed for osteoarthritis of the knee, in inflammatory diseases. The patient should take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 5-7 days. The preparation is not used in gastritis and peptic ulcer formation step, tendency to bleeding or thrombosis.Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation
  • ketorol - analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs on the basis of ketorolac. It used in tablet form and as a solution for intramuscular injection in gonarthrosis varying degrees. The tablets are 1 piece 2 times a day, the solution is administered from 1 to 3 times daily and 1 ml. Course duration - up to 10 days. Do not prescribe medication in case of intolerance composition, acute diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Dikloberl - means based on diclofenac, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Used in severe pain, inflammation of the knee joint. Typically, a patient administered a solution for intramuscular administration. The day the patient receives 1 ampoule (3 ml) medications. The course lasts no more than 10 days. Medication is contraindicated during exacerbation of the digestive tract diseases, allergies to makeup and a tendency to bleed.

Any medication should be prescribed by a doctor, because medications can provoke severe complications.


Preparations from the group of glucocorticoids applied in severe pain and rapid destruction of cartilage, as well as accession inflammation, edema. Usually assigned in gonarthrosis grade 3 and 4, are introduced directly into the joint compound.

  • diprospan - preparation on the basis of betamethasone which is introduced into the joint to facilitate movement and reduce inflammation. Injection doctor makes 1 time per week. On the course not more than 3 injections, and spend it not more than 2 times per year. The tool is not used for a joint infection, purulent inflammation, intolerance composition components.
  • dexamethasone - a medicine based on the active component of the same name that is used when running the steps of gonarthrosis. Typically, the solution is administered to patients intramuscularly with 1-2 ml per day for 10 days. The drug is contraindicated for those allergic to its ingredients, uncontrolled hypertension, purulent inflammation of the joints.

Chondroprotectors and hyaluron

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint accompanied by destruction of cartilage, particularly in the transition disease in 3 degree. Treatment with chondroprotective, and hyaluronic acid stimulate cartilage allows recovery and normal amounts of synovial fluid.

The most popular drugs are:Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation

  • Teraflex - chondroprotector based on glucosamine and chondroitin, which helps to improve blood circulation and nutrition to the articular joint. The tablets administered at varying form and degree of gonarthrosis. They need to take at least 3 months in a row of 2 pieces per day. The tool does not prescribe allergy to its components, the propensity to bleeding, diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage.
  • Alflutop - natural chondroprotector that contains bioconcentrates of marine fish. Tool helps to restore cartilage and facilitate movement in the joint. The course consists of 30-35 injections, which are administered on a daily basis. A single dose of 1 ml. The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its composition, as well as in acute diseases of the digestive system.
  • hyaluronic acid in liquid form is used for treatment of gonarthrosis at an advanced stage. The solution was injected directly into the joint compound helps stimulate circulation and metabolism. The course consists of 4-6 injections that make 1 time in 7 days. Repeated courses are held not earlier than 6 months. The drug has almost no contraindications, except intolerance of its composition.

These drugs are not as effective in gonarthrosis step 3, but using the initial stages of bringing a good effect.

Vascular and muscle relaxants

Preparations for the enlargement of blood vessels and muscle relaxant medications from the group allow to remove muscle spasms, as well as to normalize the blood circulation in the affected area.

  • trental - an effective vasodilator drug on the basis of pentoxifylline. It helps to normalize the blood flow to the joint and improve the nutrition of tissues. Is assigned to the different stages of gonarthrosis. To achieve a result the patient is administered drugs 5ml, pre-dissolving it in 200 ml of sodium chloride solution with a dropper. The course consists of 10 daily injections. The drug is contraindicated in persistent hypotension, tendency to bleeding, intolerance composition.
  • Mydocalm - muscle relaxant tolperisone based. Means relaxes the smooth muscle spasm which is observed on 2 and 3 stages of osteoarthritis. The patient is prescribed 1 tablet per day or is administered intramuscularly 1 ml of a solution. The course lasts 10 days. Medication is contraindicated in case of intolerance to its composition, congenital disorders of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by muscle weakness.
  • sirdalud - muscle relaxant which contains tizanidine as an active component. Has a relaxing effect and helps to prevent complications of the muscular system, is indicated for advanced forms of gonarthrosis. The patient was prescribed 1-2 tablets daily for 1-2 weeks. Means is contraindicated in renal disease, allergy composition in the elderly.

PRP-therapyOsteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation

One of the newer methods of treatment of diseases in which the joint cavity injected autologous plasma with a high concentration of platelets.

It contains a growth factor which stimulates blood circulation, tissue nutrition, and starts regeneration.

The procedure is performed in a hospital, injections made 1 time in 4-5 days, and the course consists of 5-7 injections.

Laser therapy

physiotherapy method in which at the joint area affected by the laser beams. This starts the natural processes of recovery of cartilage and connective tissue. And also the number of recovered synovial fluid.

Therapy is conducted after the relief of acute symptoms, the course consists of 10-15 procedures lasting 20 minutes. Repeated manipulation of 1 every 2-3 days.


Osteoarthritis knee 3 degrees, which treatment is carried out after the test, can not be cured by physiotherapy, but doctors use a technique to facilitate the patient's condition.

The technique is a method in which the therapeutic effect sought by special exercises on professional equipment under the supervision of a specialist. Patient 1 time in 2 days visiting the training on which specific exercises to perform better thanks to the equipment.

For each person the complex is made individually depending on the degree of tissue damage, the training lasts for 15-30 minutes. Adaptations easier load on the spine. The course consists of 20 lessons. As a result, improves the nutrition of tissues in the joints, muscles are strengthened. It reduces the load on the affected cartilage.

Therapy according to the procedure Bubnovskogo

MD Bubnovsky created his own method of therapy of gonarthrosis without the use of drugs or surgery. She is a regular performing simple exercises to strengthen the joints, muscles and ligaments.Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation

The basic package includes a lightweight few simple exercises:

  • Bending and straightening the knees in a sitting position on a chair.
  • The rise of the trunk from a prone position on his back, in which the shoulders and feet do not come off the floor.
  • Squat from a standing position in which the heel is not off the floor, and the back does not bend.
  • Mahi feet back and forth with an emphasis hands in a chair or wall.
  • Bending and straightening the knees, while in the prone position.

Each exercise should be performed up to 10 times, the intervals between repetitions should not exceed 30 seconds. Exercises should be performed in the morning, it does not bring serious discomfort or pain. methodology author draws attention to the patients that in order to achieve result requires a regular exercise routine.

orthopedic treatment

Orthopedic therapy involves the use of a cane while walking to ease the load on the affected joint. When this voltage is reduced by approximately 40%, allowing the tissues to recover much faster. Throughout the course of treatment and rehabilitation it is recommended to use a cane.

The use of knee pads

Knee, like a reed, and helps to reduce the load on the joint and fix it, it helps ease the pain. Pick his best on doctor's advice, he should not sit too loose or squeeze connection.

Depending on the severity of symptoms knee are from 2 to 5 hours per day. It can be combined with the wearing of physical activity. The period of use is determined by the doctor.

Folk remedies

Recipes of alternative medicine are often used to relieve pain and other manifestations:

  • Rubbing badger fat is considered to be an effective treatment. Means of natural origin relieves pain, eases movement. Rub the affected joint must be 2 times a day, repeat 14 days.
  • Poultice of burdock helps to relieve pain and inflammation. It is necessary to take a large sheet and gently discourage him until the juice is applied to the affected joint, fix the bandage and leave overnight. Repeat 10 consecutive days.Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation
  • Tincture on the basis of larkspur root is used for grinding knee. Prepare it can be from 50 g of crushed root and 100 ml of alcohol insist 2 weeks. Rub knees daily at bedtime for 2 weeks.
  • Tincture on the basis of color lilac is also often used for the treatment of osteoarthritis. It can receive by infusion 100 g of flowers of 500 ml of vodka for 10 days. The finished drug used for compresses, wetting a cloth and applying to the knee for 1-2 hours. Repeat manipulation should be 10 days.

Every recipe is allowed to use after consulting your doctor.

Surgical treatment of gonarthrosis

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint Grade 3, treatment is relatively long and difficult, it can be successfully treated by surgical methods.

Method Features
Arthroscopy A less invasive method, which are introduced into the joint cavity microscopic instruments, removes particles destroyed cartilage and bone processes. The doctor makes tightening tendons. The method helps in the short term to improve joint function.
osteotomy Artificial bone damage with a view to the proper matching and reduce the load on the joint. Thereafter, the metal frame used for fixing bones in one position. rehabilitation period after a long operation.
arthrodesis Artificial joint immobilization by crosslinking knee pads, thigh and tibia. Doctor fixes the bone in the desired position, and then carries out the crosslinking. Flexion and extension of the knee joint becomes impossible, but retained the ability to move independently with the help of a cane.
arthroplasty Operation of the cartilage is replaced by a lining of metal or own skin, the patient's fat. This involves osteophyte removal and recovery of the shape of the articular joint.
Endoprosthesis The most effective method of treatment in which is carried out on a complete replacement of the joint prosthesis. After the restoration of the patient can lead normal life.
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of 3 degrees. Treatment folk remedies, the laser, on Bubnovskogo, the operation

Any of the operations requires prior full survey.

Contraindications to total hip replacement

In some cases, joint replacement is contraindicated, as is mostly used for patients older than 50 years.

Main contraindications:

  • The presence of foci of inflammation in the body or directly into the joint, infection of the joint, purulent process.
  • Chronic purulent arthritis.
  • Osteomyelitis of the tibia and femur, namely their condyles.
  • Severe muscle pathology of the affected limb and the patient's inability to straighten the knee alone.
  • Thrombophlebitis in acute stage.
  • Acute psychiatric disorders.

In each case, the decision to have surgery is taken individually.

Diet therapy in gonarthrosis 3 degrees

In the treatment and rehabilitation period should exclude completely from the menu meats, pastries and sodas. It is not necessary to use sauces, marinades and dressings. It is important to limit the amount of fatty meat, fatty broth and milk products.

The diet should consist of low-fat broths and soups, vegetables, fresh or stewed. Besides. It is important to eat more fruits and berries, fresh juices. From dairy products should give preference to low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt and curdled milk. In addition, should eat dried fruit and nuts in a small amount.

Copyright and innovative treatments

Various own methods of Bubnovskaya, Yevdokimov and Gita are often used in the treatment of gonarthrosis. They usually involve a change in diet and exercises, but can not completely cure the disease.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, it is better to use them after consulting a doctor, because the possible complications.

Prognosis and complications

Prediction for a patient with a 3 degree gonarthrosis rarely beneficial, especially in the absence of timely treatment. Fully restore joint mobility will only operation. But medications, exercise, and folk remedies can significantly alleviate the condition.

The most dangerous complication is considered complete joint immobility and loss of limb below the knee as a result of impaired circulation in the lower leg. In addition, the possible atrophy of muscle spasms, neuritis. In many patients, changing gait, bent spine.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is a very dangerous disease, especially in the case of diagnosing disorders of 3 degrees. Treatment of the disease should be timely and comprehensive, thus reducing the risk of complications.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of gonarthrosis

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