Mental Disorders

Psychosomatics overweight women, men in the abdomen, hips, back. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky

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Psychosomatics - experts call the scientific and medical industryThat studies influence of psychological and neurological problems in the physical human disease.

According to scientists more than 87% of various dysfunctions in the body, including the emergence of excess weight, are without psychological problemsProvoked a nervous breakdown prolonged stressful situations, fear or complexes.

Obesity caused by unstable psychological state most prone women, due to their greater sensitivity and vulnerability. Under the influence of the upset man tends to absorb large portions of food, trying to "seize the problem", thereby finding the only available, according to him, a way out of the situation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 theory
  • 2 symptoms
  • 3 Causes of
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 prevention
  • 6 treatments
    • 6.1 Method Louise Hay
    • 6.2 Method Liked?
    • 6.3 Method Alexander Astrogora
    • 6.4 Methodology Dmitry Trotsky
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Forecast
  • 9 Video: Psychosomatics overweight


Psychosomatics overweight women - has long been a common science-based phenomenon, the study of the subject from leading psychology and spirituality of our time. Louise Hay says that the fullness - one of the manifestations of the fear caused by the reluctance to accept yourself and denying the negative opinions of others.

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Overweight, according to the American doctor, it is a means of psychological protection, as well as a sign of increased sensitivity of the person.

So the fat layer is viewed as a kind of shield. While eliminating the fear will disappear and the very problem of obesity.

Liz Bourbeau believes that the fullness - is the care of children's fears, directed against those who are severely abused man in his childhood and adolescence. Just overweight, according to the psychologist opinion, it is caused by the mental block and people trying to take a leading position in society, but does not consider himself worthy of this.

Liz said that fat people are unable to adequately assess their actions and their psycho-emotional state, as a result they need on a daily basis to carry out a detailed analysis of the day, with the identification of unpleasant or causes shame moments.

According to Valery Sinelnikov body fat - is the protection that occurs in people under the influence of fear or inability to cope with their feelings and problems.

Palmist Dmitry Trotsky notes that the psychosomatic excess weight is associated with psychological suppression resentment. According to Trotsky, fat cells by 80% consists of water, storage information. In the case of the offender, which is difficult and scary to express their discontent, the cell begins to grow in size "to save the offense" causing weight gain.

Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky
Psychosomatics overweight women

Luule Wilma describes obesity as a desire to impose its will on others, linking with the fullness and suppress the desire to intimidate the enemy. According to Sergey Lazarev, excess weight, as well as other illnesses provoked by lack of love.

Alexander Astrogor in his book shares on obesity:

  • alimentary;
  • endocrine;
  • cerebral.

Alimentary obesity, according to the spirituality associated with conventional oral reflex person to receive pleasure through food. Like drug addicts and smokers people suffering from psychosomatic obesity is associated with positive emotions only a delicious meal.

According to the author, in an enthusiastic person is much more joy and less hunger as the body gets emotions due contemplation and creation of beauty.

And here endocrine obesity, according Astrogora, due to the strong pressure and the weight of a person close people, so on their own, unfortunately, can not be cured. This problem needs to be corrected individual and family psychotherapy.

According to the theory developed by experts to concentrations of excess fat can give a complete picture of the psychological problems that concern people:

Pronounced chin Characterized by the patient, who can not, and afraid to express their thoughts
Excess weight on the shoulders and arms
  • unhappy love;
  • rejection of high quality and control on the part of the parents;
  • dislike and unwillingness to accept yourself as you are;
  • fear of other people's convictions
At the back, shoulders and neck It occurs in people, which gnaws at the strong feeling of long-standing guilt
Waist and abdomen
  • rejection of his feminine;
  • the fear inherent in the female sex show helplessness and tenderness;
  • way to ease the pain, fear and anxiety (accumulation of fat in the abdominal area)
Legs and buttocks Rejection of parental overprotection
riding-breeches A large number of meaningless experience


Psychosomatics excess weight in women is most often seen in the constant desire to eat a variety of sweets. Very often this quality can be observed in people suffering from lack of love and attention. So the child tends to get a piece of candy, because it seems to him, his parents a little love.

In adulthood, the constant presence of hunger is not due to the physiological needs of the body, and with a lack of emotional eating and positive emotions.

Quite often, increased appetite occurs in women during stressful situations. Doctors note that in the normal psychological state of people easily lose weight, because the emotional side replaces the need for power.

During the period of separation, severe psychological stress, troubles in those suffering from psychosomatic disorders in the body occurs emotional emptiness that they are trying to fill at the physical level through diet, considering it the only possible one, as it seems, way.

2 differ main feature of psychosomatic excess weight:

  1. night eating syndrome. Characterized by a period of active food intake during night and evening hours, with subsequent difficulties in falling asleep and early morning lack of appetite.Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky
  2. Syndrome of overeating attacks in the event of conflict or any other difficult situations. In this case, the desire to snack patient visits only in moments of psychological instability and most often occurs in people who are prone to conflict situations and nervous disorders.

The initial stage of obesity is diagnosed in excess of normal values ​​is not 15-20% of body weight. But to psychosomatic patients are only those persons whose food intake and weight gain occurs impulsively, often under the influence of critical and stressful situations.

Causes of

Psychosomatics excess weight in women occurs more often than men by 30-40% since the female sex because of their physiological characteristics is more emotional.

In life, the girls increasingly dominated by feelings and emotions. Quickly tired of the monotony of a woman in need of constant attention, why they are always in the search for new sensations, which makes them more prone to weight gain of psychosomatic reasons.

Psychologists have established several bases, which under the influence of increased mental activity, provoking emission of organism large amount of adrenaline and stress hormone affecting the metabolic stability and provoking increase cellular fat reserves and gluten:

  1. Zazhita kind of opinion of the world. Diffident man uses body fat as a shell that allows it to be immune from the people's opinion.
  2. Permanent lack of attention. In young children, the need for sweet arises when a lack of love. Unstable psyche is able to project the needs of children at a later age, which resulted in oral reflex is activated with the advent of the impossibility of realizing the thirst of attention from the opposite floor.
  3. Trying to cope with anxiety and stress by means of a delicious meal. Sweets here act as a means of comfort.
  4. Low self-esteem and a desire to please your partner. In some men, curvy women are symbolized with gentleness and kindness. This is typical for those who preach the Muslim religion, which fullness is associated with wealth and beauty of women.
  5. Mental or physical abuse experienced in childhood. Gaining weight, she instinctively seeks to protect itself from the "dangerous" the attention of the opposite sex for fear of repetition of the traumatic situation.
  6. Receipt of joy and pleasure in the absence of other ways to satisfy emotional needs.Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky
  7. Constant desire to lose weight. Strict diet can easily disrupt the normal metabolism, triggering a constant weight gain.
  8. Non-traditional sexual orientation. In this case, the woman leads a desire volumes show their manly qualities, at the same time protect from the attention of the opposite sex for a mask unattractive.
  9. Absorption care of other family members. Quite often, women are gaining excess weight after childbirth, under the influence of fatigue and depressive state. Absorbed care of the baby mother ceases to pay attention to yourself, seizing dissatisfaction with their appearance chocolates or confectionery.


Psychosomatics overweight (women, men or children) diagnosed during psychological counseling.

Specialist, talking to a woman suffering from illness and finds:

  • causes provoking the appearance of overweight;
  • factors that prevent weight loss.

During the session being studied:

  • general internal psychological state of women;
  • climate in the patient's home and at her workplace;
  • relationships with parents, spouse, children, other relatives;
  • the presence of the patient's childhood trauma caused by physical or mental violence;
  • especially established relationships with the opposite sex (particularly studied causes of separation with a partner).

Particular attention is drawn to the expert, as the patient describes itself in its relations with the surrounding people. Whether suffering from any complexes and mental dependency that may lead to the development of pathology.

In addition to holding talks specialist MMPI test to determine:

  • patient traits of character;
  • particular perception of reality;
  • common human needs;
  • the emotional state of the patient;
  • the level of severity of stress;
  • the presence of protective mechanisms and psychological abnormalities.

The test is conducted orally or in writing. For some time the patient responds to 567 questions or doctor fills manual (computer-based) form. According to the results of consultations shall be made the diagnosis and detection of psychosomatic dependence following treatment.


Prevention of psychosomatic excess weight is the adoption of the women themselves, the elimination of long-standing fears and control hunger. Proper psychological assistance, based on the harmonization of the human soul, will help eradicate feelings of fear, uncertainty, and to teach the patient to seek pleasure in other non-food things.


psychosomatic therapies are based on individually selected psychological care of the patient. The purpose of the doctor during the treatment is to determine the causes of weight gain and help in the formation of "bad" image, helping to eliminate obstacles blocking weight loss.Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky

Objectives of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  • cause the patient to feel and hear the needs of the organism;
  • to work to eliminate the factors that prevent weight loss;
  • normalize the patient's eating behavior;
  • form of a woman a new life;
  • record the result.

Experts believe that under the influence of stress a person can not adequately assess hunger and satiety and, therefore, to control the processes of food intake.

During the treatment, the picked up specifically for each patient:

  • held pleasure replacement from eating other things that bring joy, but not conducive to weight gain (reading, dancing, hobby, sport, cinema);
  • woman learns to identify and control your 'true' and false hunger;
  • It is going to get rid of old grievances;
  • person learns to accept yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages;
  • normalize relations with loved ones and colleagues.

Method Louise Hay

The founder of the psychological self-help movement is Louise Hay, reasonably believe that the fear of the strongest triggers weight gain.

American doctor of psychology offers to base treatment on Psychosomatic "harmonizing thoughts "to help the method of self-hypnosis to convince the person to accept yourself and there are situations such as it is. In her ill person methodology is necessary to convince the full security and trust possible in the first place itself, and then people think.Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky

In support of his theory Ph.D. Hay notes that, although she was never fat, it is characterized by weight gain, while in an unjustified fear of any situation.

Method Liked?

According to the theory of obesity is caused by psychological care of children's fears, and is directed against those who mistreat people in the past. Just suralimentation provoke angry emotions, or feelings of guilt for any chronic misconduct.

Since, according to expert opinion, patients psychosomatics people are not able to properly evaluate their actions, treatment of the disease should be directed to serial analysis of each patient lived day, to search for, identify and parse the traumatic situation, and then to eliminate its negative consequences.

Method Alexander Astrogora

Astrologer advises to reduce the weight of the alimentary pleasure center switch to other occupations. In the case of the pleasure of other non-food items the weight will start to fade.

Endocrine completeness doctor advises treated only by means of individual and family psychotherapy, putting of doctors some negative depending on the patient from the oppressor of his person, acceptance and liquidation fear.

Methodology Dmitry Trotsky

The innovative technique of palmist Dmitry Trotsky, recommended the sick person to carry out research and to establish with some time it started the process of weight gain, and or rather negative utterances of a particular person is very hurt, but was not allowed to adequately respond to the insults caused by absorption and denying patients occurred resentment.

Negative feelings esoteric experts advise to remove the outside and do not hesitate to speak out, in advance asking for forgiveness from the close. Once an insult leave the human body, the weight will start to decrease continuously.Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky

Psychotherapy is only a first, basic step towards the normalization of the state, during which consultations, individual or group sessions, hypnosis and appointed tranquilizers, antidepressants, affecting sleep, emotional state and mood patient.

After conducting psychotherapy appointed 2nd stage of medical treatment, which consists in the appointment of:

  • drugs that break down fat cells;
  • low-calorie diet;
  • diuretic herbal teas;
  • sports loads.

To assist in the normalization of weight loss experts have developed several rules related to the clarification of the person that:

  • You need to eat in moderation;
  • pleasure can be obtained not only from the sweet;
  • weight loss is not possible without willpower;
  • weight loss is a long process and requires patience, as the fat is melted in a single day;
  • from thinking about food should be periodically distracted.
  • We need to build a scale model of a beautiful, slender woman.

possible complications

Women held at wrong treatment of psychosomatic or refusal relapse disease from him. Refusal of psychological assistance in favor of exclusively fat burning complex of measures and preparations at the beginning leads to weight loss, but 2-3 years later the patient again to ask for help, because the extra weight will come back in full volume.Psychosomatics overweight women, men. How to treat: Louise Hay, Dmitry Trotsky

In addition to obesity by repeated weight gain may occur concomitant illnesses, including:

  • endocrine abnormalities;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • violation of bone structure;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • rash;
  • shortness of breath and trouble breathing.


Unfortunately, the treatment can not be considered favorable prognosis. Only 5-20% of patients are able to fully trust the expert, open, overcome their fears, change diet and daily routine

The remainder of the patients have too many "skeletons" in your closet and not willing to help a specialist to get to the essence of the problem. These women come to the reception to a psychologist wanting to lose weight but do not want to learn the essence of the problem, as well as change the established diet and days, even knowing about the potential problems of internal organs, arising from the obesity.

According to studies, 30-35% of cases of obesity is associated not only with a genetic predisposition and a sedentary lifestyle, but also with psychological problems, based on the children's fears, complexes, lack of love and attention.

Timely psychological help enable women who are accustomed to "jam problem," learn how to deal with old resentments and fears and get pleasure from non-food items.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video: Psychosomatics overweight

Psychologist of psychosomatic excess weight:

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