
Ascariasis: symptoms and treatment regimen in adults

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Ascariasis disease called Nematode worms, it is accompanied by the migration of the larvae of the human body with the further development of adults already in the intestine. Every year they become ill about one hundred million. man, they often infected children because of violations of the rules of hygiene. The most susceptible people living in warm, humid climates.

Ova after penetration into the human body and to the occurrence of first signs ascariasis runs an average of 1-2 months. Migration larvae begins to flow through the two weeks after infection and the body may be imperceptible to the patient. At this time, the external symptoms of ascariasis similar to the symptoms of allergic reactions, pneumonia, or asthma.

The patient may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, the appearance of weakness, mild fever, similar to hives, rash. Also ascariasis can cause enlargement of the spleen, liver and lymph nodes.

What it is?

Ascariasis - a contamination of roundworms, are in the form of larvae on the surface. What is the roundworm? This round, smooth worms, reaching a length of 30 cm, which are parasitic in the human gut. With larger dimensions, roundworm difficult passage of stool and humans. As a result, there is an obstruction, constipation, abdominal discomfort.

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How can a person become infected with ascariasis?

Infection occurs when human Ascaris roundworm eggs swallowed, which may be contaminated soil, water from public sources, animal dander. Eggs can get on the power and reach of children products. Worms do not live in nature, and their eggs may be in the soil for years.

  1. Dangerous in terms of the infection only activated eggs surviving larvae to the stage of the embryo. They are activated in warm moist soil, animal body or on fruits and vegetables. Most often, infection occurs from mid-spring to early autumn - when hygiene violations, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables with beds, swallowed water from ponds, wells, with games in the sandbox, contaminated secretions animals.
  2. Eggs in the human body go through several stages of development. From mature larvae microscopic fall into the portal vein system, the circulation in the bloodstream to the liver, right heart, and from there into the bronchi and lungs. During cough occurring ascariasis, as one of the symptoms from mucous bronchial secret they ingested into the digestive system and re-enter the cavity of the small intestine, which already grow to full worms.
  3. The life cycle from egg to adult lasts up to 3 months, the early stage of the migration takes place in the lungs, late and final - in the small intestine. There is a female to mate with males and the female gives eggs. During the day, a female can be allocated to 200 thousand eggs which are immature fall into the waste water.

The average adult body roundworm live up to a year and are ejected. New Ascaris in the intestine does not appear without re-infection, which leads to self-healing by ascariasis on average per year.

The symptoms of ascariasis

Development of roundworms in humans takes place in several stages. Early (migration) is connected with the phase displacement and the process of metabolism of larvae. waste products of worms irritating to the system, causing an allergic reaction.

In adults, the first clinical signs of the disease are skin rashes, hepatitis (granulomatous), hemorrhage (due to the movement of parasites), dry cough, wheezing. Note that the initial phase may be asymptomatic or, conversely, cause severe pulmonary pathology. Complete the picture of irregularities in the liver, heart.

Intestinal stage Bole has severe symptoms. Children and adults infected with ascariasis, suffer from the following symptoms:

  1. Fatigue (mental and physical);
  2. convulsions;
  3. Migraine;
  4. Reducing health;
  5. Photophobia;
  6. Restless sleep;
  7. Nausea;
  8. Abdominal pain for no apparent reason;
  9. Constipation, diarrhea;
  10. Dizziness;
  11. Bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  12. eating disorders (complete absence of sharply replaced by a feeling of hunger);
  13. pressure.

Similar symptoms noticeable after 4-6 weeks after being hit roundworm eggs into the system. In some cases, symptoms may be entirely absent.

Worms affect the immune system, exposing the body to cold frequent ailments and intestinal infections. Often fever, increase lymph nodes, there is a rapid weight loss. Ingestion of eggs roundworms (parasites) causes a variety of symptoms, depending on the disease phase.

photo ascariasis

The photo below shows how to look roundworm.


For effective diagnosis ascariasis following methods are used at different stages of the disease:

  • feces analysis on helminth eggs - performed stool microscopic examination in the laboratory. If a person is parasitic roundworm adult specimen, found around the egg. To obtain reliable results, experts recommend research required to carry out a few times;
  • CBC - detects the presence of an allergic reaction, in which an increase in eosinophils is observed. It turns out the presence of anemia on decline in red blood cells, as well as hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Special laboratory examination of sputum - is necessary to identify the larvae of worms in the sputum during their migration in the upper respiratory tract;
  • X-ray of lungs - is assigned as additional research;
  • bowel fluoroscopy with the introduction to the body a contrast agent - can detect roundworm in intestinal stages of the disease;
  • immunoassay ie blood plasma - defines specific antibodies to the larvae of the parasite.

Find ascarids in the body can be difficult due to the fact that the parasite may be at different stages of development. For each of the stages are characterized by the changes, but to find them is not so easy. The doctor has to observe the patient for some time (usually 2 - 3 weeks), to make sure that no parasites in his body. In addition, it is important to detect the complications that could be caused by the presence of Ascaris in a weakened body.

How to treat ascariasis at adults?

ascariasis treatment for adults aimed at the destruction of worms and their larvae in the human body (causal therapy).

For this purpose worming drugs broad spectrum, which effectively destroy and roundworm larvae.

After treatment, monitoring studies to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. Additionally used pathogenetic therapy - recovery of hemoglobin levels and red blood cells (iron preparations), reduction allergic reactions (antihistamines), restoration of the functional activity of the digestive system (enzyme drugs).


For the treatment of roundworm in adults used antiparasitic drugs that are appointed on the basis of Ascaris localization and stage of disease. Ascariasis can be diagnosed as acute and chronic stages of infestation. Physician captured individual patient and possible contraindications for the use of the highly toxic drug.

Effective drugs for the treatment of roundworm in adults in the home:

  • Mebendazole (Vermoxum). Is the drug of choice while ascariasis and trihotsefaleze. Accepted 100 mg 2 times a day for 3 - 4 days. Is contraindicated in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, liver failure. Not administered to children under 2 years, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Mintezol (thiabendazole). 50 mg / kg body weight twice a day for a week. The drug is effective in the early stages of the disease. Is contraindicated in children under 2 years, pregnant women, nursing mothers.
  • Dekaris (levamisole). It is used for massive invasions. Adult once 120 - 150 mg, for children - 2.5 mg per 1 kg weight. Not given to pregnant and lactating women and children under 14 years.
  • Piperazine citrate. Highly effective for the treatment and ascariasis Enterobiasis, used in the form of tablets or solution. Chemical compound (Piperazine adipate) not hygroscopic, crystalline form takes. Dosage - 3 times a day an hour after a meal, a course of treatment - 3 days. Prohibited concomitant administration of chlorpromazine.
  • Albendazole. The adult dose of 100 mg is divided into 2 times a day. Take three days. For children the dose of 25 - 50 mg / day (age 2 to 10 years). Is contraindicated in children under 2 years, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

The intestinal phase of ascariasis docked following tablets:

  • Pyrantel pamoate - Geltmintoks (90 to 120 rubles.), Pyrantel (30 to 50 rubles.) Kombantrin, Nemotsid, all preparations designed for single use;
  • Dekaris - taken in accordance with the instructions, focusing on the patient's age and weight.
  • Mebendazole - Vormin, Mebeks, Vermoxum, Termoks, Vero mebendazole, Vermakar;

When ascariasis in adults is the migration phase, for the treatment of infestations of nematodes using drugs generic steps:

  • Mebendazole - Vormin, Mebeks, Vermoxum (90 to 130 rubles). Termoks, Vero mebendazole, Vermakar;
  • Levamisole - Dekaris (from 70 to 90 RUR.);
  • Thiabendazole - Mintezol, Mertekt, Arbotekt, Trezaderm, Mintezol, Tektite.

Additionally appointed bronchodilators in obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as corticosteroids.

Generic drugs for specific treatment of ascariasis:

  • Sankafen - highly effective, acts like Nemazolu. Before treatment, the patient Sankafenom held on the eve of enema, it takes a laxative. Dosage - 2 times a day, a course of treatment - 2 days. The drug is taken the next day after a light breakfast, in 2 doses with an interval of an hour the entire daily dose. 2-2,5 hours allowed eating, evening prescribe a laxative. The second day of treatment ascariasis runs similarly, with the difference that in the evening take a saline laxative. Diet during treatment prescribed with reduced fat and spicy food.
  • Santonin - taken over 2 days, means the dosage is adjusted depending on the age. Preparations for the treatment of adult Santonin - cleaning the bowel with laxatives. Dosage -. 3 p / day, one hour before meals. At night, it is sure to take laxatives, use easily digestible food. Second course of treatment - a month. Contraindications - gastroenteritis, nephrosonephritis.

Ascariasis forbidden self-treatment at home, since incorrectly calculated dose may lead to intoxication. Short-term side effects of drugs are so diverse that it may lead to negative consequences for the patient.


Throughout the treatment and recovery of the patient is assigned to a special diet, which does not recommend the use of some products, such as fresh bread, fatty meat and fish soups, sausages, salted fish, milk fat, wheat, barley, pasta, beans and chocolate containing products fiber.

Of the recommended dishes: low-fat broth of meat and fish, cheese and low-fat dairy products, cereal and semolina from rice, potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, soft fruits, berries, marmalade, honey. Meals should be small meals 5 times a day, excluding the long intervals between meals.


Prevention of ascariasis includes the following activities:

  1. Wash hands before eating. Most often, the parasites enter the body with dirty hands. This is especially true for the agricultural sector workers, who often have direct contact with the ground. It should be remembered that this earth is a necessary element for the initial development of the larvae in the eggs.
  2. Early identification of patients. Patients with suspected ascariasis must pass feces analysis for the presence of eggs, blood for detection of antibodies or other analyzes specified in this state. The patient is prescribed the appropriate treatment and explain the rules of hygiene. Some experts prescribe mandatory annual inspection of the entire population, if the country allegedly infected more than 10% of the population. If infected with more than 40%, the recommended total preventive treatment (Vermoxum, dekaris or other drugs).
  3. Health education. Workers of sanitary-epidemiological services have to lecture and do coaching in populations that are most at risk. This vacuum trucks, agricultural workers, construction (in the countryside), catering establishments, as well as kindergartens. The latter is very important since it is teachers and parents need to instill in children the habit to comply with hygiene standards. This will protect them, including by infection of ascariasis.
  4. Washing products. Should be thoroughly washed before eating raw vegetables, fruits, eggs, and other foods that may have been in contact with contaminated soil, but do not undergo heat treatment. Products that are subjected to heat during cooking than 50 degrees (for at least several minutes) does not pose a risk of infection.
  5. Check the water drain and water supply networks. Damage or destruction of the old sewer pipe leads to the direct faecal contamination of soil. Damage to the water pipes leading to the ingress of soil (possibly containing ascarid eggs) in drinking water.
  6. Sanitary protection of soil. This area includes a wide list of measures for the protection of soil from fecal contamination. This includes, for example, cementing toilets not connected to the sewerage network (which is often found in rural areas and in developing countries), analysis of soil prior to construction, the analysis before issuing health authorization. Especially important are the measures in the construction of kindergartens and organization of agricultural land. Also the problem of sanitary protection of soil includes the development of appropriate legislation.

Ascariasis is a very dangerous disease, which can lead to serious complications. It is important to observe all preventive measures so as not to get worms. If any doubt about the presence of parasites in the body need to see a doctor, who will tell you how to treat ascariasis in adults. If the doctor will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests to make an accurate diagnosis, it is mandatory to pass all the tests. Only then you can begin receiving effective drugs against helminths.

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