
External hemorrhoids, symptoms and treatment at home

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Outdoor (outside) hemorrhoids is considered a very common disease, which is an inflammation of the veins of the rectum. As a result, a constant blood stagnation outer cone is formed, which gives a serious inconvenience to the patient.

During remission man leading an ordinary life, but when it comes to the aggravation, many patients complain of a general deterioration in health. In this pathology often found in adult men and women, while in children such problems are rare.

Why do I get hemorrhoids?

To this pathology has appeared, it must have a certain predisposition, which is weak vein walls. Incidentally, a very common phenomenon - from external hemorrhoids, according to rough estimates, suffer more than half the world's population.

Exact figures are difficult to call statistics - assuming this problem quite intimate, many people do not go to the doctor, trying to cope on their own, with the help of folk remedies or "neighborhood" recommendations. In this case, the disease may temporarily abate, creating a deceptive illusion of well-being that when the opportunity to resume with renewed vigor.

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As provocative factors for the appearance (exacerbation) external hemorrhoids generally are the following reason.

  1. Lack of locomotor activity (long sitting or standing).
  2. Problems with defecation (constipation, straining, or long waiting).
  3. Weightlifting.
  4. Violations of the diet (spicy food, alcohol, inadequate intake of dairy products, fruits and vegetables).
  5. Very often worried about hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after childbirth.

Under the influence of these factors there is an overflow of blood veins of small pelvis and perineum. Vienna stretched protrude, and the formation of hemorrhoids.


External hemorrhoids (see. photo) is shown as follows:

  • in the area around the sphincter edema;
  • discomfort, burning and itching in the area of ​​the sphincter;
  • anal fissure;
  • hemorrhoids different sizes, easily defined by palpation;
  • bleeding after a bowel movement often not observed. External hemorrhoids bleeds only when the hemorrhoids are too big and damaged stool.

What is the external hemorrhoids, photos

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself in humans.

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The most frequent and serious complication of external hemorrhoids are:

  1. Haemorrhoid thrombosis - blood clot formation in an expanded vessel that prevents normal blood circulation, causing stagnation leads to edema and increased pain and eventually - necrosis tissues.
  2. The occurrence of anal fissures as a result of irregular and labored chair.
  3. Purulent abscess - an inflammation and tissue necrosis perianal area, which can lead to sepsis and death of the patient.

It is important to note that the symptoms of external hemorrhoids in men and women are exactly the same, regardless of age. But the causes of the disease are different - women often develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy (see. symptoms), while for men - because of poor lifestyle, or work (Driver, office worker, etc.)...

How to treat external hemorrhoids

Clinical management of external hemorrhoids is determined proctologist doctor depending on the clinical features of the disease in a particular patient.

conservative therapies may be used in the initial stages, preferably at advanced stage surgery. Widely used popular ways of getting rid of the disease, but their application have to be agreed with the attending physician.

Conservative treatment

Ointment for external hemorrhoids convenient to use and has a rapid therapeutic effect. the most popular are:

  • Gepatrombin F (ointment, suppository). The structure of this combined means include heparin, dexpanthenol and allantoin. Heparin prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces puffiness, normalizes the local blood flow in the rectum. Dexpanthenol tissue heals, allantoin fights inflammation and enhances cellular metabolism.
  • Aurobin (ointment). The preparation includes a hormonal agent prednisolone, so it can be used only on prescription. Another component is lidocaine, it quickly relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Triclosan, a part of the ointment, provides a powerful antimicrobial effect, while dexpanthenol has a healing effect.
  • Posterisan - Combined drug that stimulates local immunity at the cellular level, increases the tone of blood vessels and their permeability reduces;
  • Relief, Relief Advanced, Ultra Relief. Their basis - shark liver oil. Relief series of drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, decongestant, regenerating action;
  • Heparin ointment. The preparation includes heparin, which relieves the inflammatory process and exerts antithrombotic action benzocaine, which relieves pain and nicotinic acid ester, promotes better absorption heparin.
  • Proctosedyl - ointment based on heparin, an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid, which has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-thrombotic activities.

Selecting the drug doctor performs diagnostic results based on the individual characteristics and disease. In addition to topical preparations, in the therapy of external nodes have performed well capsules and tablets:

  • Detraleks (Venarus, Venodiol, Phlebodia). These agents have venoprotektornym and venotonic effects. They reduce the extensibility of the veins, help to reduce stagnation and consolidation of small blood vessels (capillaries).
  • Ginkor Fort - venous pills, restoring blood circulation, strengthens capillaries and facilitate the painful symptoms of an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Payleks - combination drug, the use of which reduces congestion, edema, and relieves skin flushing, exerts anti-inflammatory and wound-healing action.
  • Asklezan A (tablet). The preparation plant, normalizes blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Also, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents may be used in the treatment of external haemorrhoids, such as sodium Diclofenac, Indomethacin. They help to eliminate painful symptoms and inflammation.

Drug treatment of external haemorrhoids will be effective only if the lifestyle changes. Healthy activity combined with a healthy diet will ensure effective treatment and increase the duration of disease remission. Of course, you must choose a vitamin complex to fill in the body of vitamins and minerals.

Folk remedies

At home in the conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids can be used folk remedies. This should be done after consultation with a physician.

Using popular recipes quite effective measure to speed up recovery, but completely cured It can only be properly combining these techniques with therapy drugs and strict adherence to the recommendations specialists.

  1. One of the most popular means of sea buckthorn oil is considered. For treatment of external nodes buckthorn oil is applied to the gauze or cotton pad and applied to the affected site. Effective bath with alum or steam the onion and garlic treatments.
  2. Well strengthen the vascular wall and have venotoniziruyuschee action rosehip extracts, horse chestnut and hazel. For an infusion of 50 g of horse chestnut seed plants pour a bottle of vodka and insist in a dark place for two weeks. Take 30-35 drops three times a day.
  3. hips first ground in a coffee grinder, then tablespoon raw pour 500 ml hot water, was added 2 teaspoons of honey and insist under a closed lid 10 hours. The resulting infusion is filtered, and accept the entire volume for the day during a meal.
  4. Good relieve pain symptom bath with the addition of infusions of chamomile, sweet flag, sage, minced garlic, onion peel. Take a bath as long as the water cools. For the disappearance of symptoms is usually enough course of 10 treatments.

The main thing that should be remembered - home treatment can not be contrary to a doctor's appointment and have to be agreed with them!

operative intervention

Fast cure external hemorrhoids can only radical measures. Practiced following maloizvazivnogo intervention:

  1. Skletoterapiya - introduction into nodes sclerosing substance, leading to their zapustevaniyu and resorption. Contraindicated in complicating conditions: non-healing fracture, abscess, thrombosis.
  2. Infrared photocoagulation - is effective only in the initial stages of the disease.
  3. Liggirovanie latex - fixation of varicose veins of the anus latex rings (useful when it is impossible to surgery - old age, comorbidity).

It may also appoint - thrombectomy - excision of hemorrhoids. Is performed under local anesthesia in life-threatening condition of the patient (bleeding, thrombosis nodes and t. D.).

Diet and Nutrition rules

Dieting with hemorrhoids, especially when exacerbations, pledge rapid cure and prolong remission.

Should be excluded fastening products:

  • quince, pomegranate, pear, persimmon, mountain ash, raisins and grapes;
  • mashed potatoes, carrots, eggplant;
  • boiled meat, strong broths, raw and boiled eggs, cottage cheese;
  • semolina and rice porridge;
  • pasta;
  • jelly, jelly and jelly;
  • biscuits, white bread, bagels, crackers;
  • toffee, chocolate;
  • decoctions fixing plants - oak bark, chamomile, mint, wild cherry;
  • Black coffee, tea, stewed fruit.

Thus it is necessary to include in the diet of a maximum slabyaschih products:

  • beets, pumpkins, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower;
  • plum and apricot juice, vegetable juices with pulp;
  • prunes, dried apricots, apricots, apples, peaches, figs;
  • cereals or cereals;
  • White wine.

In order to replenish essential trace elements and vitamins in the diet is necessary to include the following products:

  • Vitamin K: green vegetables and plants, soybean oil, liver, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts;
  • Magnesium: nuts, plums, tomatoes, olives, green leaves, parsley, pumpkin, oats, bran, rye bread, bran;
  • vitamin P: buckwheat, wild rose, green tea, orange, black currant, aronia;
  • vitamin C and B: berries, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, sorrel, sweet pepper, black currant, strawberry, citrus, kiwifruit.

Heavy lifting, sedentary sedentary lifestyles, frequent constipation - the shortest way to the development of hemorrhoids. That cured the disease reappears necessary prevention of constipation. Care should be taken to defecate every day, delaying the chair.


Also very useful for external hemorrhoids gymnastics sphincter perform it should be every day, it is not difficult exercise 3:

  1. Exercise is done lying on your back, squeeze your buttocks, slowly counting to 5, it should be possible to involve themselves in the rectum. It should also relax the account to 5. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  2. Lie on your stomach, put his hands under his chin - alternately lift one leg straight, left 10 times, 10 times right.
  3. Lie on your right side, right arm bent at the elbow at the head and the left arm is also bent, but the front of the chest, right leg bent, too. On 4 accounts to raise your left leg and bend the knee, straighten, pull back, then lower. A similar exercise is done on the left side 10 times.

If you suffer from this disease, and you know any effective means and methods for the treatment of external hemorrhoids, your review will be interesting for our readers, you can leave it in the comments.


Successful treatment of hemorrhoids and prevent the emergence of new hemorrhoidal cones is not possible without proper prevention, which involves:

  • monitoring the regularity of bowel movements process that also depends on proper nutrition and the degree of physical activity;
  • exercise therapy;
  • daily washing of the area around the sphincter cool water;
  • decrease in physical activity, as a result of which there is an excessive filling of blood hemorrhoidal veins;
  • increase in motor activity, especially if your work involves long in a sitting position;
  • healthy eating - to minimize the consumption of spicy food, which contributes to excessive blood flow to the pelvic organs, causing blood clots. Diet for external hemorrhoids is very important;
  • applying on a continuous basis of various vitamins and drugs designed to toning vessels.

By following these simple rules, you can forget about the illness.

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