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Elimination diet. What is it, an approximate menu with recipes for allergies, atopic dermatitis, breastfeeding

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In the treatment of food allergies, elimination is used food-free dietthat provoke anaphylactic reactions. This is a diet that is effective in the treatment of celiac disease, chronic gastrointestinal diseases and other pathologies associated with food insensitivity.

Record content:

  • 1 What is an elimination diet?
  • 2 Indications
  • 3 Basic nutritional principles
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 5 Diet stages
    • 5.1 Training
    • 5.2 Elimination
    • 5.3 Reintroduction
  • 6 Do's and Don'ts?
  • 7 Sample elimination diet menu
    • 7.1 For allergies
    • 7.2 With atopic dermatitis
    • 7.3 For pregnant and lactating women
  • 8 Nutritionist recommendations
  • 9 Elimination Diet Videos

What is an elimination diet?

Such a nutritional regimen, in combination with drug treatment, provides long-term remission by elimination of chemical irritants that cause allergic reactions, provoking the development of edema and inflammation.

The elimination diet is a special therapeutic diet of relatively short duration. It does not contain food ingredients that cause unwanted immune system and gastrointestinal reactions.

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At the final stage of the diet, the excluded foods are added to the menu one by one to find out their tolerance by the body. During the elimination period, the diet contains only chemically neutral food.

A comprehensive nutritional program helps you quickly identify susceptible chemical irritants. The rationale behind this diet is to facilitate and accelerate natural detoxification mechanisms.

In case of allergic diseases, they are in a depressed state, and the elimination of toxins is greatly slowed down. The elimination nutrition program is usually designed for 2-3 weeks. During this time, allergic and inflammatory symptoms are significantly weakened.


The elimination nutrition program is prescribed for therapeutic purposes for celiac disease and impaired intestinal motility. It is effective in chronic inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys and urinary system.

The elimination diet is indicated for patients with impaired intestinal motility. It is used to suppress the symptoms of seasonal exacerbations of chronic inflammatory pathologies.

Clinical indications for the elimination diet:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • cross food allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hives;Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes
  • hay fever;
  • celiac disease;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • a high degree of intoxication of the body;
  • liver dysfunction;

It is prescribed for the clinically proven role of a certain food product in increasing blood pressure, increasing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and the development of urinary or cholelithiasis.

A nutritional therapy program is often diagnostic. It is prescribed to clarify the list of products and chemical compounds that provoke anaphylactic reactions with low information content of standard laboratory allergy tests.

Basic nutritional principles

Treatment of chronic pathologies of allergic genesis requires correction of the diet with the elimination of chemical stimuli provoking anaphylactic reactions. Without this, drug treatment does not give the expected effect.

This approach is especially effective for drug, food and inhalation anaphylaxis. The main principle of diet correction is to exclude food with etiologically significant allergenic substances.

It is replaced with a chemically neutral and well-tolerated product with the same protein content and identical energy value. Such a diet is focused on reducing immune hyperactivity and getting the body of the necessary nutrients.

The elimination diet is a nutritional system that contains only fresh, natural products.

It does not use:

  • long-term storage dishes;
  • chemical flavor enhancers;
  • preservatives;
  • synthetic dyes.

When forming the menu, cross-influences and product compatibility are taken into account. The biogenic properties of food during heat treatment and freezing change significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages

The diagnostic value of such a diet lies in the detection of previously unknown allergens. The elimination dietary regimen reduces or completely eliminates intestinal irritation and dyspeptic symptoms. They can occur even when natural foods are consumed in moderation.

Other benefits of the elimination diet:

  • financial availability;
  • simplicity and speed of cooking;
  • physiologically complete diet;
  • an individual approach to the determination of allergens;
  • an increase in the duration of remission in chronic inflammatory and anaphylactic pathologies;
  • universality and independence from gender, age of the patient's history;
  • reduction of intoxication of the body;
  • Nutrient-rich balanced nutrition.

The disadvantages of such a food system are minimal. These include a limited diet, the need for constant coordination of the menu with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

Diet stages

Elimination nutrition can be strict or liberal.

Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes
Stages of the elimination diet

It depends on the:

  • the orientation of the diet - therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive;
  • the severity of clinical symptoms;
  • the nature of the pathological disorder;
  • frequency of exacerbations;

The therapeutic and diagnostic diet consists of 3 consecutive stages - preparation, excluding diet, reintroduction. An important factor in menu design is cross-reactivity.

It is based on the antigenic similarity of the properties of the consumed products. The cross-reacting effect occurs at 70% sequence identity of amino acid compounds in protein fractions of allergenic substances.

With an established anaphylactic irritant, products containing ingredients that enter into a chemical interaction of a pathogenic nature with it are excluded from the elimination diet.


This stage begins with 3 fasting days to remove toxins and toxins from the body. Plentiful drink is shown. Pure water or green tea is suitable. It is necessary to free the body from the maximum possible amount of glucose.

It promotes the development of fungal microflora, the waste products of which are potent provocateurs of allergic reactions. High-protein foods are excluded from the diet.Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

They are loaded with known etiologically significant food allergens. Cereals and legumes, nuts are saturated with such substances. Cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances aims to create a fertile ground for the transition to the next stage of the diagnostic and treatment diet.


This stage is aimed at identifying an unidentified provocateur of allergic reactions, exacerbations of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes. All foods containing chemical compounds with known and clinically proven allergenic properties are removed from the diet.

The elimination diet at this stage is gentle in nature and involves the rejection of potentially allergenic foods and food additives. At this time, the methods of culinary processing of ingredients are of particular importance.

Acceptable cooking methods:

  • extinguishing;
  • cooking;
  • steam bath;
  • baking;
  • grill.

Dishes are consumed unsalted. Sodium chloride disrupts blood circulation, increases the fragility of the vascular walls and blood pressure. It weakens bone fibers by flushing calcium out of them.

Table salt is especially dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal tract pathologies, neurological disorders. Therefore, it is excluded from the elimination diet.

Food seasonings are a known allergenic factor. Spices and herbs are not used in medical and diagnostic nutrition. Food in the elimination phase should be taken in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day.

The menu is formed in agreement with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist. If allergic manifestations do not disappear, one product is consistently excluded from the diet every other day.

Even with a slight improvement in the clinical picture, a conclusion suggests itself about the anaphylactic properties of the product. The elimination stage lasts 21 days. It is not recommended to prolong it, since a deficiency of biologically significant substances will begin to be felt.


The final stage of the diagnostic and treatment diet is needed to add excluded food ingredients to the basic menu. This is the stage of tracking individual allergic triggers and testing food biocompatibility.

Potentially dangerous ingredients are introduced into the diet 1 every 3 days to assess the current clinical symptoms and their effect on the dynamics of the pathological condition. Products and food substances with known allergic properties previously excluded from the menu are added in large quantities.Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

This approach allows you to quickly and reliably identify the provocateur of anaphylactic reactions and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The body's response to the added product is monitored for 3 consecutive days. If the condition has not worsened, the food ingredient is stored in the basic menu.

The elimination stage lasts 2-4 weeks until a clear result is obtained. At the end of this period, you can try again to add a product with unclear allergic properties to the diet. It is administered in larger quantities. This makes it possible to track the effect of cross-reaction.

Do's and Don'ts?

Vegetable-based 1st meals without fried ingredients, seasonings and salt are considered allergic neutral. Fresh or dried garden herbs can be added to add a pleasant taste.

The list of foods allowed for the elimination diet:

  • boiled or stewed rabbit, turkey, veal meat;
  • buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal without salt;
  • mashed potatoes in water;
  • pasta;
  • cracker;
  • sunflower and olive oil;
  • cabbage - white cabbage, broccoli or Brussels sprouts;
  • eggplant and zucchini;
  • fruits - peaches, apples, pears;
  • berries - gooseberries and black currants;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and cheese;

The elimination diet is a special therapeutic and diagnostic nutrition system that includes freshly squeezed juices and berry fruit drinks. Other drinks include mineral water, weak tea, instant chicory.

Any cruciferous vegetables and nightshades are devoid of allergenic properties. Watercress and artichoke have the ability to quickly detoxify the liver.Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

Individual intolerance has not been recorded:

  • umbrella crops - fennel, dill, others;
  • cucumbers;
  • pumpkins;
  • mushrooms;
  • food algae;
  • some fish species - halibut, salmon, mackerel;

The elimination diet includes coconut oil, fruits and berries with a low glycemic index. Fermented foods are shown - sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.

Prohibited foods in the elimination diet:

  • carrot;
  • red and chilli peppers;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus;
  • bananas;
  • mango;
  • grape;
  • nuts;
  • raisin;
  • rice;
  • confectionery;
  • sauces and condiments;
  • condensed milk;
  • cream;
  • sour cream.

Do not include cheeses and high-fat cottage cheese, pork, smoked sausages in the medical and diagnostic diet.

Sample elimination diet menu

The diet is adjusted depending on the stage of the disease, the frequency of exacerbations, and the individual biological characteristics of the patient's body. The doctor draws up the menu in such a way as not to make it monotonous and not to provoke vitamin starvation.Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

An approximate 7-day meal plan:

Day of week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Oat flakes on the water, biscuit biscuits, green tea without sugar. Cauliflower soup, durum wheat pasta with boiled chicken breast, medium apple. Vegetable stew with steamed turkey cutlet, rosehip juice.
Tuesday Low fat cottage cheese casserole, fresh fruit juice. Sorrel soup without eggs, buckwheat porridge with butter, baked veal. Grilled chicken with broccoli stew.
Wednesday Cheesecakes, berry juice. Buckwheat soup, sauerkraut with turkey meat. Oatmeal with chicken meatballs.
Thursday Wheat porridge, berry smoothie. Green borscht, spaghetti with steamed chicken cutlet. Stew with boiled chicken breast, fresh apples and pears compote.
Friday Semolina casserole, fresh fruit, low-fat kefir. Fish soup, buckwheat porridge with rabbit cutlet. Noodles with mushrooms, broccoli and low fat grated cheese.
Saturday Buckwheat porridge in milk with vanilla sugar, instant chicory. Vegetable soup, stewed potatoes with veal. Baked mackerel, fresh apple, fruit compote.
Sunday Pancakes stuffed with boiled and ground chicken fillet. Buckwheat soup, baked salmon, drinking yogurt. Low-fat cottage cheese with vanilla sugar and berries, biscuit biscuits with butter.
Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

The approximate composition of the diet varies depending on:

  • the purpose of the diet;
  • medical prescription;
  • the current state of the patient;
  • taste preferences.

Each ingredient can be replaced with a safe analogue with known hypoallergenic properties.

For allergies

The body's predisposition to anaphylactic reactions to certain food irritants is included in the list of the main indications for prescribing an elimination diet. This nutritional system reduces the antigenic load and blocks the overactive immune system for certain chemical compounds.

The elimination diet is a therapeutic way to prolong remission and avoid severe flare-ups without the use of potent antihistamines.

In case of allergies, the following are excluded from the diet:

  • chicken eggs;
  • cow's milk;
  • nuts;
  • shellfish;
  • red fish;
  • legumes.Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

During an exacerbation, you should not consume alcoholic beverages, foods containing gluten, and products made from wheat flour. Traditional homemade baked goods are replaced with a sponge cake on quail eggs.

To prepare such a culinary product you will need:

  • quail eggs - 40 pcs.;
  • table salt - 5 g;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • rye flour - 200 g.

This modest list of products allows you to get an airy dessert with hypoallergenic properties.

The cooking method consists in the following sequence of actions:

  1. First you need to break 10 quail eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. They are distributed in separate containers.
  3. Then salt is added to the proteins and beat.
  4. Pour 75 g of sugar into the resulting soufflé.
  5. Whisk the yolks with the remaining half of the sweet ingredient and mix with the whites.
  6. Next, add the sifted flour.

The resulting mass is placed in a special baking dish. She is sent to the roasted oven. The biscuit is baked for 30 minutes. at a temperature of about 200 ° C.

With atopic dermatitis

With such a disease, it is important to formulate a hypoallergenic diet that will help maintain performance at the same level. Patients with atopic dermatitis should avoid foods that trigger the release of histamine into the bloodstream.

These include:

  • smoked sausages and sausages;
  • canned fish;
  • hard cheese;
  • chocolate;
  • candies.

Strict adherence to the diet is an important factor in the successful treatment of pathology, increasing the duration of remission and reducing the frequency of exacerbations.

Patients with atopic dermatitis are shown:

  • cereal cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled and steamed beef meat;
  • White cabbage;
  • apples of green varieties.

Ground beef patties are often included in the diet.

To prepare them using the steam method, you will need:

  • lean beef tenderloin - 300 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • green onions - 1 stem.Elimination diet. What is it, an example menu with recipes

If you are not allergic to dairy products, you can add 15 g of low-fat sour cream to the recipe.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to grind the meat to the state of minced meat.
  2. Onions are peeled and passed through a fine grater. It is mixed with minced meat.
  3. Finely chopped green onions are added to the culinary composition.
  4. The minced meat is combined with sour cream, kneaded thoroughly and sent to freeze in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. Next, cutlets are formed from minced meat.
  6. The potatoes are peeled and cut into small chunks. It can be mixed with carrots.
  7. Then water is poured into the pan, put it on the gas stove, a colander with vegetable slices is placed on top.
  8. After 5 min. beef cuts are spread on the potatoes. The colander is tightly covered with a lid and the cutlets are steamed for 20-25 minutes.

Cook over medium heat to keep the water boiling. It is added as it evaporates.

For pregnant and lactating women

The diet during gestation and lactation requires the use of nutrient-dense foods. At the same time, the diet should not harm the health of the woman and cause allergic reactions in the newborn.

In such a physiological state, it is necessary to exclude from the menu:

  • any conservation;
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • burning spices;
  • products with synthetic ingredients and artificial colors;
  • cow's milk;
  • smoked meat products;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • semi-finished products;

If a woman is prone to allergic reactions or has a history of chronic diseases, the doctor draws up a personal diet for her. There is no average and universal menu.

Nutritionist recommendations

You can cook meals for several days, but you must eat them fresh. Refrigeration changes the chemical composition and physical properties of food. Therefore, the temperature effect on the products is coordinated with the attending physician. It is advisable to take food at a certain interval, without missing sessions.

This approach is especially important when the elimination diet is for diagnostic purposes and is aimed at identifying an unidentified food allergen. It is recommended during the preparatory period to use natural enterosorbents - dietary fiber, green fruits and vegetables. This will speed up the cleansing of the body.

Elimination Diet Videos

About the elimination diet:

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