
Zynovit shampoo. Reviews, instructions for use for dandruff, price

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  1. Features of the sale, price
  2. Composition, release form
  3. Operating principle
  4. Indications for use
  5. Contraindications and adverse reactions
  6. Precautionary measures
  7. Instructions for use for dandruff
  8. Analogues, prices
  9. Video about shampoo Cynovitis

Cynovitis is a shampoo, which is often used to get rid of patients from dandruff of various origins. Reviews about the action of the remedy differ, which is associated with the patient's individual reaction to its components. Some confirm the effectiveness, others cancel the lack of a therapeutic result. That is why the remedy for each patient is selected individually, depending on the symptoms and the presence of concomitant deviations.

Features of the sale, price

The pharmacological agent can be purchased at different pharmacies and regions. Shampoo is not sold in ordinary household chemical stores.

The cost of dandruff remedies ranges from 260-300 rubles. Vacation in pharmacies is free, despite the fact that the remedy is considered curative.

Composition, release form

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The dermatological agent is available for purchase by patients in the form of a topical shampoo to be applied to the scalp. The shampoo is packaged in small plastic bottles of 150 ml. It is a standard consistency composition with a light aroma.

Each bottle of the product is placed in a small cardboard box. A description is attached to it, thanks to which the patient can use the tool in accordance with all the rules. The main active ingredient in the shampoo is zinc pyrithione, which has a therapeutic effect. Other basic substances include climbazole and panthenol, which enhance the action of zinc, and urea.Zynovit shampoo. Instructions for use for dandruff, reviews

Present in the composition and auxiliary ingredients:

  • Prepared water.
  • Sodium laureth sulfate.
  • Acrylic polymer.
  • Peppermint oil.

These substances have no medicinal properties. Peppermint oil provides a pleasant aroma of the product, which is considered important for long-term use.

Operating principle

Zinovit is a shampoo, reviews of which are mostly positive, with various pharmacological properties. The tool is considered effective and relatively safe for patients, since it is applied externally and helps to eliminate the symptoms of dermatological diseases.

Zinc in the composition of the drug has an antifungal effect. The component helps to suppress the activity of various types of fungi that provoke dandruff in the patient. The anti-inflammatory effect of the ingredient is noted, which enhances its effectiveness and reduces the likelihood of the progression of the disorder.

Experts talk about other properties of the shampoo:

  • Helps to destroy staphylococci and streptococci, which, under certain circumstances, provoke an aggravation of the symptoms of the underlying disease.
  • The carbamide or urea present in the product helps soften the scalp and prevents irritation. Often this symptom is present in patients who have been using various dandruff remedies for a long period of time.
  • Climbazole is a potent antifungal ingredient that is as effective as ketoconazole. In combination with zinc pyrithione, an increase in the action is noted several times. As a result, you can get rid of dandruff and associated symptoms in a short period of time.
  • Additionally, the urea in the shampoo stimulates the exfoliation of dead cells that prevent the restoration of the skin.
  • Panthenol has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, if they have been damaged when combing the affected areas.

When applied to the scalp, all components are activated. The ingredients help to destroy microorganisms and fungi, stimulate the restoration of the skin. Local application according to the instructions ensures minimal absorption of the ingredients of the composition into the systemic circulation, which reduces the likelihood of complications.

Despite this, with prolonged use, the ingredients are found in small quantities in the blood. Their concentration is low, processing is carried out in the liver, after which the decay products are evacuated by the kidneys within a short period of time. The processing and withdrawal of ingredients takes up to 1 day.

The accumulation of ingredients in the skin or the patient's body does not occur, which is considered an advantage and helps to avoid various complications. The presence of lesions in the patient on the scalp increases the concentration of the ingredients in the blood, but this does not lead to a deterioration in the therapeutic effect or the development of any complications.

In patients with a chronic course of a dermatological disease, the therapeutic effect occurs somewhat later, therefore, longer courses are required.

Indications for use

Cynovite is prescribed to patients with different forms of the disease, if you study the numerous reviews on its use.

Zynovit shampoo. Instructions for use for dandruff, reviews
Zynovit shampoo.

The shampoo has the following indications for use:

  • Diagnosis of lesions of the scalp with fungi of various types. With such a lesion, the patient develops dandruff, which cannot be eliminated with conventional remedies.
  • Atopic dermatitis, foci of which appear on the scalp. In this case, the patient usually has other foci on the body, therefore, the shampoo is used as part of a complex treatment.
  • Psoriasis, accompanied by damage to the patient's scalp, as well as complications from the skin.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis at various stages
  • Oily and dry type of seborrhea. Such a violation most often worries patients.

Zynovit shampoo. Instructions for use for dandruff, reviewsThe tool can be used as part of a complex treatment when the patient develops itching of the scalp, but there are no external signs of the disease. In each case, the doctor individually decides on the appointment of an effective shampoo.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Despite the high efficiency and minimal risk of complications, the drug has contraindications. The most important is considered intolerance to any ingredient in the composition or a tendency to such manifestations.

Other barriers to treatment include:

  • The presence in the area of ​​the alleged application of purulent foci. Despite the ability of the agent to destroy microbes of some species, use with advanced purulent infection does not bring results, but can provoke negative reactions.
  • Diagnosis of diseases that are provoked by microorganisms insensitive to active ingredients. Before starting the application, the doctor identifies the cause of the pathology, which allows you to choose the most effective medicine.
  • Scalp wounds. After the healing of the tissues, the use of the agent is allowed.
  • Viral scalp lesions. If there are visible lesions on the tissues, shampoo can aggravate the condition, therefore, its use is allowed after the acute symptoms have been eliminated.

The period of gestation and breastfeeding is not considered an obstacle to therapy, but you should first consult with your doctor, who will determine the appropriateness of the appointment in specific case. Children are usually not prescribed shampoo. The official instruction does not indicate children's age as a contraindication, but usually dermatologists and trichologists prescribe it only to patients over 14 years old.Zynovit shampoo. Instructions for use for dandruff, reviews

For elderly patients, shampoo is prescribed with caution and in the absence of damage to the scalp.

Zinovit is a shampoo (reviews of a local remedy help to assess its effectiveness before the start of the course), which can provoke complications if the recommendations for use are violated. Compliance with all the rules does not guarantee the absence of complications.

Usually, negative reactions manifest themselves on the part of the scalp and face, accompanied by a rash, severe itching and burning. Peeling of the skin in this case is aggravated, when scratching, inflamed foci appear, which only worsen the general condition. In this case, there is a risk of infection, its penetration into the patient's blood.

Adverse reactions can affect the mucous membranes of the eyes, manifested in the form of swelling and pain, lacrimation and redness. Patients develop allergic conjunctivitis that is difficult to treat with conventional antihistamines. Some talk about severe itching, which interferes with the patient's normal sleep, leading to the appearance of systemic disorders.

Systemic complications arise only against the background of aggravation of local negative reactions. They manifest themselves in the form of weakness and fatigue, sleep disturbances and impaired appetite. With prolonged preservation of symptoms, it is possible to aggravate the general condition, develop disorders from the digestive system.

In case of negative reactions, doctors recommend refusing to use the product and visiting a doctor. You should not ignore the symptoms. Many patients notice their disappearance a few days after refusing to use shampoo. But sometimes special therapy is required to normalize the condition.

It is not worth using the drugs on your own, since it is important to determine the severity of the violations.

Precautionary measures

Cynovitis is a shampoo (reviews of the product can be negative if negative reactions appear during application), intended only for external topical use. If it accidentally gets into the digestive tract, it is important to call a doctor immediately. Before the arrival of an ambulance, it is not allowed to give the patient any medication, but vomiting can be induced.

Emptying the stomach will slightly improve the condition and prevent further absorption of the ingredients of the composition into the blood. Often, when the shampoo enters the digestive tract, it is required to place the patient in a hospital, which makes it possible to exert a complex effect and prevent the development of severe complications.Zynovit shampoo. Instructions for use for dandruff, reviews

In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water. Usually, negative symptoms disappear after 1-2 hours. If during this period the symptoms persist or worsen, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps the patient needs the appointment of drops with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties, as well as other medications that will improve the condition.

If there is no therapeutic effect within 7 days, it is worth re-visiting the doctor. Perhaps the patient needs the appointment of another drug with similar properties.

Instructions for use for dandruff

Most often, the remedy is used to get rid of dandruff. When such a disease occurs, the patient visits a dermatologist and trichologist. Only a specialist can select an effective medicine in each case individually.

Instructions for the use of shampoo involves applying it to damp hair using a standard method, followed by massaging the scalp for better distribution of the composition. For 2-3 minutes it is worth keeping the shampoo on your hair, then rinse it off with warm water.Zynovit shampoo. Instructions for use for dandruff, reviews

It is necessary to repeat the manipulation 2-3 times a week, depending on the initial condition of the scalp and the presence of concomitant dermatological diseases.

The long-term full course is 1 month. If necessary, it can be repeated after 3-6 months if the patient develops symptoms again. When applying, it is important to avoid contact with the eyes.

The tool is used not only to treat dandruff, but also to prevent its appearance. Prophylactic use is repeated once a week, if necessary, it can be applied 2 times.

Some doctors may prescribe a remedy for continuous prophylactic use, but prior consultation is imperative. It is not recommended to independently prolong the therapeutic course or increase the frequency of applications per week.

Preventive courses should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-use can provoke negative reactions.

Analogues, prices

Zynovit is a shampoo (reviews of the tool help patients to preliminarily assess the effectiveness), which has analogs with other components, but similar properties. There are also products that contain the same ingredient in the composition.

Product name Features and cost
Zinocap A topical product that is available as a cream and aerosol. The preparation contains zinc pyrithione, which has the main therapeutic effect, helps get rid of dandruff and symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and some other dermatological diseases. An aerosol and cream are applied to the affected areas when symptoms appear, the drugs quickly help stop the manifestations, usually well tolerated by patients. The main difference between the analog and the original is the high cost, which is approximately 450-500 rubles.
Nizoral A product based on ketoconazole, which comes in the form of a shampoo and helps to get rid of dandruff at different stages. The shampoo is effective for dry and oily seborrhea, eliminates the symptoms of the disease for a short period of time, and helps prevent the recurrence of dandruff. The shampoo has pronounced antifungal properties, destroys most types of fungi. The tool is used in short and long courses, depending on the severity of the manifestations. The cost of the funds is approximately 470-540 rubles.
Sebozol Shampoo based on ketoconazole, which is often used to treat patients with dandruff, oily and dry seborrhea. The tool helps to destroy most types of fungi, prevents the development of complications and the spread of lesions over large areas. The drug is considered as effective, but more often provokes complications than the original drug. The cost of the substitute is 150-230 rubles.

Many substitutes based on other components provoke complications and have other contraindications. That is why it is forbidden to independently select an analogue. It is important to visit a doctor who will determine the type of pathology, the severity of manifestations and the presence of complications.

Cynovitis is an effective anti-dandruff shampoo that is often prescribed to patients of all ages to eliminate symptoms and prevent recurrence. Reviews about the action of the remedy may be different, depending on the reaction of the body to the components. Self-administration can provoke complications, so it is important to visit a doctor first, who will determine the appropriateness of the appointment.

Video about shampoo Cynovitis

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