Types Of Diseases

Bleeding from the penis

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Contents of
  • Causes of bleeding
  • Presence of blood impurities in semen
  • What signs are pathology
  • Treatment of

disease Blood from a member in men may appear for various reasons. Any discharge from the genitals requires medical intervention. The specialist will identify the problem and prescribe the necessary treatment. A man should closely monitor changes in the genitourinary area. If there are changes, it is not necessary to sound an alarm and be nervous, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Frightening symptoms

Causes of bleeding

Blood from the genitals can appear under the influence of various diseases. Distinguish a number of pathological processes, which are accompanied by discharge from the penis:

  • Urolithiasis;Injuries of the urethral canal;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Prostatitis, urethritis or acute cystitis.

Urolithiasis is one of the most common factors of bleeding from the penis. A stone passing through the urinary tract can damage the mucous tissue. From the penis, small drops of blood appear during urination. If the stone is large, it can damage the soft tissues of the urethral canal. With this pathology, the man notes the problem with bladder emptying and the presence of severe bleeding. The patient should immediately call for an ambulance and take a recumbent position.

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Injuries to the urethral canal are caused by external and internal factors. External factors are associated with bruises, cuts of the external genital organs or internal organs of the small pelvis. Sometimes such problems appear after surgical intervention. If any objects remain in the patient's body after the operation, inflammation and bleeding may occur. Injuries to internal organs can occur due to strong physical exertion. Lifting heavy objects and sudden movements of the body lead to ruptures of ligaments and small blood vessels.

Kidney problems affect the overall urinary system. Under the influence of various factors, the kidneys are displaced from their place, their descent occurs. The process is accompanied by a slight withdrawal of liquid droplets from the penis. The man finds small impurities in the urine. This indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys. With such pathology, the patient should seek help from a urologist.

Various diseases of the genitourinary system lead to the formation of secretions from the penis. Acute prostatitis leads to the squeezing of the vessels of the pelvic organs. With various shifts in the edema of the prostate, the blood vessels are ejected into the urinary tract. There is a slight bleeding. Prostatitis should be treated under the supervision of a urologist. The cure is long and requires periodic prophylaxis.

Blood in the urine Urethritis is a common cause of bleeding from the urinary tract. With this disease, the tissue of the penis becomes porous and loose, the fluid accumulates in the cavities. A person discovers small amounts of blood in the urine, urination is accompanied by burning and pain. Treatment is appointed after careful examination of bacterial culture of the smear from the urethral canal.
Cystitis is chronic or acute. The acute form is sharp and has pronounced symptoms, one of which is the discharge of blood from their urethral canal.

The man notes frequent urge to visit the toilet, pain in the urethra and small drops of fluid before emptying the bladder. Therapy is performed with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Presence of blood impurities in the seminal fluid

Some men notice the impurity of blood in the semen. Do not ignore the dangerous symptom. Patients believe that the blood goes not from the urethral canal, but from the vagina. To identify the reasons, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse in a condom. If blood contaminants are inside the condom, then the health problems of the man.

The discharge of blood with ejaculate is called hematospermia. The process has two main forms:

  1. True hematospermia;
  2. False pathology.

True hematospermia has distinctive features. A man discovers the presence of dark blood in the semen. In the morning, the patient notices small drops on the laundry. The cause of true hematospermia is urethritis or prostatitis. Pathologies that occur in a latent chronic form affect the health of the testes, the seminal tract and the prostate gland. If the inflammation proceeds for a long time, the discharge of blood occurs in the vas deferens. The illness must be treated under the supervision of specialists, since there may be problems with conception. Infertility is a dangerous side effect.

False hematospermia is caused by trauma to the internal organs of the small pelvis. Blood with such pathologies does not have a dark color. It is bright red.

Health problems A person can independently identify the relationship between various injuries and the appearance of secretions from the urethral canal. Lesions must be studied with an ultrasound device. The screen shows the damaged area. If the area of ​​the injury is large, the patient will need surgical intervention.

Hematospermia is given only with the periodic appearance of blood from the urethral canal. Impurities of fluid appear in a man once. This pathology occurs under the influence of hormonal background or minor damage to the vessels of the pelvic organs. If the secretion of fluid occurs periodically more than 10 times, then talk about this diagnosis. A person should consult a specialist for reasons.

Hematuria and its causes

A person observes the excretion of urine with blood inclusions. This disease is called hematuria. The process develops in the urinary system. The ailment is classified into two types:

  • Macrohematum;
  • Microhematuria.

Macrogematuria is detected when there is a large amount of blood in the urine. The liquid has a red color. A person suffering from this ailment feels pain in the lower back, experiences problems with emptying the bladder. Microhematuria is diagnosed in laboratory urinalysis. Specialists note the admixture of erythrocytes in the liquid. Urine has a normal color. The patient does not notice changes in the body.

Hematuria has a different flow pattern: extrarenal, renal and postrenal.

The extrarenal hematuria does not have obvious causes. It is not affected by kidney disease or urogenital pathology. Renal form occurs with problems with the kidneys. Inflammatory process causes microtraumas of the vascular system of the kidneys. I get impurities in the urine. The postural form depends on the state of the urinary tract or bladder.

The problem occurs when the bladder is emptied. Blood can appear at the beginning of urination, at the end or last during the whole process. On these grounds, pathology is divided into total, initial and final hematuria. Experts believe that the appearance of an impurity depends on the depth of the source of the disease. The lower the pathogenic process, the earlier bleeding occurs.

What are the signs of the pathology of

Medical consultation? Patients suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system experience various symptoms. Specialists note a number of common signs of hematuria:

  • Presence of blood inclusions;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • Unpleasant sensation in the lower back;
  • Decreased physical activity of a person.

A man experiences pain when emptying his bladder. The syndrome radiates into the lumbar region. Sometimes the pain becomes worse with the act of defecation. The patient observes small blood inclusions in a different period of urination. In rare cases, the impurity is invisible. The patient experiences a constant desire to visit the toilet, since the bladder is not fully emptied.

All these signs are a reason for contacting a specialist. If you do not undergo treatment on time, complications occur.

Treatment of


The purpose of therapy depends on the process that caused the bleeding. If the cause is prostatitis, then a combined treatment is necessary. The patient needs to take antibiotic medications, anti-inflammatory substances and drugs that help to quickly empty the bladder. Antibiotic is selected in the laboratory. The bacterium that caused the prostatitis is seeded in a special container. Laboratory assistants reveal the sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganism to various antibiotic drugs. A substance that has shown efficacy greater than 70% is used as the main treatment.

If the cause of the appearance of fluid is trauma, the patient should undergo a series of hardware studies. Ultrasound diagnosis is an effective method of detecting the focus of bleeding. If this method does not help, the patient is sent to a magnetic resonance tomogram. Treatment is carried out with the help of hemostatic drugs or surgically. The choice of therapy depends on the area of ​​the lesion.

If a man suffers from varicose veins of the prostate gland, he is given coagulation. This method is carried out by surgical excision of the pathogenic portion of the vessel. Widely used laser technology. The laser helps to avoid additional loss of blood. The patient is quickly restored.

The presence of bleeding from the urethral canal is the reason for contacting a specialist. Timely medical intervention allows to exclude the development of complications.

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